Chapter 3: Escape Plans Gone Wrong
That was the last Jina and Thomas had heard about Minho's escape plans for a few months. During this time life was probably the best she had ever had. Aris and Rachel had started to join their group on a more regular basis, Harriet and Sonya also joined on a regular basis. Teresa seemed to be in a better mood and was coming with them again. Thomas had started to get a bit more friendly with her. Much to Teresa's annoyance.
Minho also started to notice too and he would make a point of throwing his arms around the pair and shoving between them. Or yelling loudly that there needed to be six inches of space between any boys and girls in the room. Thomas would get flustered and turn pink and make an excuse to go to the other side of the room. Jina would shoot daggers at Minho and he would just smirk at her. Teresa would look pleased, and then she would slide even closer to him, giving Jina a smug look.
One time Minho kept going on and on about it and wouldn't stop, it got to the point where Jina had got up quietly and left. After that time Minho had been a bit more considerate of her feelings, maybe someone reamed him out after she left. Though she noticed that Thomas kept his distance for a while.
They had started to smuggle food into their meet ups. And they ate while they hung out and talked. They eventually forgot to be scared. Forgetting the fear of consciousness. Fear of Randell and The Chair. Doctor Ava Paige had been singing Jina's praises, she had been going back and forth between a few different mazes now, not just Maze A and B. Jina felt like she was doing something, she felt needed and valued, and that she was making a difference. It was the best time in her 14 and a half years of life.
< • >
Jina and Thomas stood in the middle of the mountainous walls made of stone that the heavy construction crews had built. Teresa was up in the control room booth.
"Okay," Thomas said as they came to a halt, "Tess says to let her know when we see the red dot in the middle of the ceiling."
"She couldn't have told me?" Jina asked, feeling annoyed with the girl again. She refused to acknowledge Jina.
Thomas shrugged, "easier to relay one brain message than two at once, I guess. I dunno. Here!" he stopped and pointed up.
Jina just hummed. It was her day to work with Maze A and Tess was in a mood. She guessed it had something to do with last night. On their way back to their rooms from the Maintenance room, Thomas had grabbed her around the waist and pulled her back around the corner, and pulled Jina right to his chest and covered her mouth as a guard walked passed. It was a close call, Thomas held her a few extra seconds longer then probably nessesary and seemed slightly reluctant to let her go. So when he slowly peeled his hand from her mouth Jina was beat red with a blush.
"Thanks." She whispered, still held close to Thomas's chest. She could feel his heart beating as wildly as hers.
"Don't want you caught out of bed..." Thomas whispered into her ear, it made goose bumps appear on her skin and her stomach back flipped.
There was a loud throat clear behind them and Teresa's eyes were narrowed and glued to Jina. If Jina could die from a look...
So now here she was, standing in the middle of the maze walls with Tess in a mood while they tried to work on the biggest project of their young lives. More then half the maze was completed now. It was more the smaller finishing touches.
As they waited for Tess's signal, Jina tried to imagine what this would be like, the technology and optical illusions along side the incredible work of construction, (and the implants in each subjects brain to make everything seem bigger and more scary even though it already was huge!)
Even though they worked on the project and worked quite closely with the Maze overseers, she didn't get a lot of information. Doctor Paige, Leavitt and Randell didn't tell them much. She'd heard the words variables and killzones a lot- knowing the Psyches had spent years coming up with them- she did, however, get to see some of the research and how it worked. But without studying it, it didn't make much sense. She knew for sure there would be harshness, the group of five of them were far from stupid, and they all took the opportunity to find out as much as possible. One time Jina had come across one of Ava's papers and she scanned it quickly and the few things that stood out to her made her stomach twist.
Forced pain. Attack. Elimination of comforts. Fear. Monsters.
She didn't read all of it, just scanned the page most of it didn't make sense. It also didn't make her feel good. It made her feel guilty and anxious. But things in the mazes were moving forward, faster then anticipated actually. And it made Jina feel slightly better. Without the research there was no results to study for a cure. And without a cure there was no saving people like Newt. And she was at the epicenter of it all. Helping with each maze, she was part of something amazing. She was going to help save humanity. This is what she told her self. It was easy and it made her anxieties lesson.
< • >
They had gathered in the maintenance room again, Minho was passing around some kind of horrible tasting mixed concoction drink. Alby had a big bag of cookies. Jina was happy, she was exhausted- but she was happy. Minho had stopped talking about escaping, work was good, Aris had told her some good gossip, Teressa wasn't as cold this week, and Thomas was sitting so close to her she could feel his body heat and were sharing a bag of chips.
"I've got a new guy coming." Minho suddenly announced to the room.
Jina and Thomas's hands full of chips froze halfway to their mouths. Teresa leaned forwards. Newt raised his eyebrows and Alby just said, "come again?"
Minho looked at all of them and stood waving an arm, "ahh it's no big deal. You worry too much. He's a good enough guy!"
"Good enough?" Teresa repeated. "That's the criteria were going for now? Good enough to trust someone with our secret to someone new?"
"You guys brought that Aris kid." Minho pointed out.
"No. Your sister brought talhat Aris kid." Teresa pointed out, narrowing her eyes.
"And I've trusted that Stick with more secrets than you." Jina snapped, folding her arms. Teresa stood up, as if she was ready to start a fight. Thomas stepped between them, an arm out.
The confidence in Minho shifted drastically. He looked back and forth between everyone and shrugged. "His name is Gally. And he's uhh... Well you remember that plan I told you about? To you know.. escape?"
Jina whipped around and her mouth dropped, along with her heart. She had assumed- hoped- that Minho's idea of escape had died a quick and lasting death.
"Ya, we remember." Alby said. "We also remember the crank pits that time we got caught outside."
"Wait...crank pits? They sent you to the crank pits?" Jina asked, looking around at them. They all looked at the ground sheepishly.
"How do you know about them?" Minho asked, trying to change the subject.
"For my work, Minho! And it's terrifying. I hate going! I get nightmares for weeks and I've only been there twice!"
"And you didn't tell me?" Minho yelped.
"You didn't tell me you've been there as a punishment!" Jina yelled back. "I also remember the electrocution and mind de ja vue!"
"We also remember we have beds and the food we get and the walls that protect us from the insane asylum they call the world! Your point?" Alby interrupted the siblings.
"Gally's gonna help me." Minho said defiantly, looking around the room. "And he should be here right away."
And with perfect timing, there was a sharp knock on the door. The door opened to reveal a tall broad blond with icy blue eyes and the most weirdest eyebrows one could imagine. His blond hair was cut short. He looked around the room expectantly. Minho got up and swept an arm wide.
"Gally, this is everyone. Everyone...this is Gally."
The new kid gave a nice enough smile and a nod. Everyone returned the gesture. Then there was a long awkward silence.
"So how is Gally gonna help with this idiotic plan of escape?" Jina asked, folding her arms, glaring at her brother.
"I'll let him explain." Minho said and swept an arm wide.
"So umm ya...I work out in the yard doing like...maintenance work and stuff like shoving snow, cutting grass that sorta thing. But I also do electrical work, maintenance, whatever..."
"And this helps" Alby asked. "You gonna push Minho into the woods with a wheelbarrow?"
Newt sniggered. Gally grinned along with them, but it didn't fully reach his eyes. "If anyone gets to be pushed around, it's gonna be me. Minho owes me."
"" Teresa asked. For the first time she looked at Jina and they shared the same feeling. This guy was no good.
"'Cause, he's the only way this works!" Minho said.
Everyone looked to Gally for an explanation.
"I've been slowly setting things up as I work. Things to help us escape, get past their security measures. See...WICKED relays on the threat of cranks and the state of the world to keep us in here. It's a lot harder to get into WICKED then it is to leave."
"And what in the world do you plan on doing after you bust out?" Jina asked, rounding on Minho. "You got some Alaskan out door training?"
"Some nifty Boy Scouts classes? Teresa asked, "Rent a car, go find a nice apartment?'
"Have some real cranky neighbors over for tea?" Jina added.
" guys love your sarcasm." Gally said, he flicked his eyes over Jina, he looked her up and down and narrowed his eyes. She felt Thomas stiffen beside her. "You must be Minho's sister. He said he was hoping you'd be coming."
"Did he also tell you his sister doesn't think this idea is a good idea and you're all going to get yourself killed out there?" Jina snapped back.
"Wow. Do you think I'm stupid? Just because I don't sneak out and have little parties with the cleaning supplies?" Gally said, his voice had gone from friendly to hostile quite quickly.
"Hey...chill man." Minho warned.
Gally threw his arms up, "they're the ones who need to grow up!" He pointed at Jina, and looked at Minho. "Especially her. You know she works directly with those two doctors and Randell, and few of the other big wigs right?! You trust her? She doesn't even wanna come, she's got a squishy cushion job here and you let her come here, knowing our escape plan! How do we know she wont run and tell everyone?"
Thomas stepped forwards, pulling Jina behind him. Newt also stood up. Minho clenched his jaw.
"Hey!" Alby shouted. "Don't come in here all high and mighty- attacking us like this. We didn't invite you!"
Jina tried to lung forward, she didn't like this guy threatening her, trying to claim she was bad because of who she worked beside. She was hardly 15! This guy knew nothing about her. Sure she had a good job here but she would NEVER betray her brother (even if his idea was stupid)
"Come here you filthy coward!" Jina yelled, trying to break through Thomas's grip.
"That's it, I'm out," Gally said as he walked toward she exit. Minho jumped in front of him, put a hand on his chest. Gally stopped.
Minho looked around. "Come on, guys. Can you give him the benefit of the doubt, here? Why do you think I've waited months to pull the trigger? Because I'm patient and not stupid! Gally's figured out a way to communicate with his cousin in Canada. We'll have people waiting for us a few miles into the woods- they're ready on stand by!"
"Why?" Thomas asked. "Just tell us why, Minho. We know you're not stupid-"
"-I beg to differ!" Jina snarled, Thomas still had a hand out, blocking Jina from pouncing on Minho and Gally or throwing a fist or two.
Shush Jin! Thomas scolded in her head he turned to Minho, "We know your not stupid Minho. And I'm sure Gally's not either." Jina scoffed. Thomas threw her a shut up look and looked back at Minho. "But why do you want to leave?" He finished.
"Because we're prisoners!" Minho answered. "Because we're held here against our wills, because they hurt my little sister when she asked about me. And no one hurts my little sister. That's all the reason I need."
"And what do you think they're gonna do if they catch you? I just asked about you and they were that cruel. What do you think their gonna do if your caught Minho?"
Minho clenched his jaw and looked away.
"Answer me Minho! Mom and dad didn't even want us! I was hardly old enough for school and I was dumped here and they didn't even look back when I screamed and cried for my mama." She rounded on Gally next. "You're right, I work closely with Doctor Paige and Doctor Leavitt and Director Randell. No, they aren't the nicest people. But they aren't cranks. And I'll take my chances with them right now then go out there into fuck knows what! I've seen what the Flare does to people. I've seen it eat away at the brain tissues. I'm not going out there." She took a breath. "Minho I love you. You're the only family I have left. But I'm not going. I'm doing something meaningful here. I'm trying to find a way to save people like Newt. Please. Don't do this."
Minho looked at her for a long time. The room had gone silent. No one moved and no one said anything. Thomas still stood right beside Jina, his arm still at a weird height like he had forgotten he was trying to hold her back, but was still ready to grab her. Jina felt him stiffen again when Minho finally moved, and stepped over to Jina, and looked down at her, directly into her eyes. She glared back, he didn't intimidate her.
"You're right Gally." He spat at her. "She's been working to closely with the shucken Creators. She's changed sides."
"Minho! There are no sides!" Jina yelled at him, tears burnt her eyes.
"You're too cozy with the creators. You're a shucken traitor, Jina." He hissed.
Tears slid past her lashes and down her cheeks. " Don't! Please!" Her throat was tight and her knees felt weak. "Minho-" she pleaded weakly.
"No." He interrupted harshly. "Don't talk to me anymore."
Jina spun on her heel and fled the room. She ran down the hall. She turned the second corner and ran straight into Randell and Ramirez- the guard captain and some guards.
"Jina." Randell said, his voice was oily and he was clearly trying hard not to sound excited. "You're out late."
"I...." She faltered.
"Hmmm. Too much party time with friends and junk food, not enough sleep." His hand clamped around her arm. Dread flooded her system. He knew. He knew about their meetings and late nights in the maintenance room. He knew about them sneaking out and meeting with the other groups. And now, she realized as she looked up into the man's eyes, he knew about Minho's escape plan.
"Please no..." She whimpered.
"Jina. Jina, Jina." He said, like he actually was upset with her, he clicked his tongue, "You have been very naughty."
"Please no!" She whimpered again.
She knew what was next, and she tried to resist. He dragged her down the hall anyways. The guards in black faceless masks marched around her. Even if she thought of running, where would she go? There was no where to run. WICKED knew and WICKED would always find out. Minho was right, they were prisoners. With a sob trying to work its way out of her chest she hung her head, the tears slid down her face as she resigned herself to their worst.
< • >
Jina woke up again with a groan. She was covered in sweat. Her stomach was turning and she felt sick, ready to throw up. Again. Her hair was drenched in sweat, and plastered to her forehead and neck. Her head was throbbing, and her body ached. And tears were streaming down her face.
She sat in an strange chair. It's various built- in instruments pressing into her legs and back. Wireless sensors, each barley the size of a fingernail, were attached to her temples, neck, wrists, the crooks of her elbows and her chest.
She was in The Chair. This time she knew she would remember it all. They wanted her to remember this. Randell sat beside her and quite calmly explained why they were doing this to her, though he put on a show; sighing and claiming he was trying to keep her safe and secure.
"I'm sorry Jina, it has to come to this. need to learn. People like Minho and Gally- who think they are above the effort of helping us- have to be delt with, and you know this. I know this. Thomas and Teresa know this...Aris and Rachel know this."
"So then...why am I...strapped here and no one else...?" Jina panted. She lifted her head and glared at the man.
"Who says they aren't?" Randell gave her a look of superiority, raising his eyebrows.
She wouldn't put it passed him that he was going to go down the line and torture each and every one of them. But she clamped her jaw shut and glared.
"Let's be honest, my dear. You know we've been watching you and your friends get together at night, correct? You might be young and Ava's favorite, but your way to smart to think you were getting around us somehow."
She had at least hoped they had outsmarted them.
"I'm not here to beat you up over your brother's mistake. But I do need you to learn a valuable lesson. If you want to keep your place at the top, you need to start following the rules. Less night time sneaking and more working, more dedication to a cure and less socializing. Start standing up for yourself instead of following the crowds. Listen to the truth and speak up and less night time gossip."
He paused and let his words sunk in. She understood plenty. She was being tortured to scare her into obeying. Minho and Gally would also be taught a lesson. The others, she had no idea what would happen to them. But she was clearly getting a major lesson in pain today. Her body and mind screamed at her.
"Now. Do you have anything to say about this?"
Jina clamped her jaw and glared at Randell. She wouldn't say anything. She wouldn't fall into his trap, she wouldn't give away anything. Those were her friends, her family, those were the best times in her many miserable years here in this facility and she wasn't going to tell him anything.
" know their plan of escape wouldn't have worked. You said it yourself, they wouldn't make it in through the Alaskan wilderness, never mind the cranks. I know you tried talking Minho out of it...but we won't let an opportunity to teach a valuable lesson pass us by. You know this..."
Jina looked away, glaring at the wall, a few tears slid down her cheek. Randell sighed dramatically and waved a hand. "Very well. The lesson will begin again. Do it." He called to someone.
The fiery tempest of pain exploded throughout her body, yet again, when the agony erupted in her veins and muscles she had no words, she couldn't make a sound. Her body withered in pain. She threw her head back and a scream so loud it was almost silent. The pain was worse this time then the time before. Her mind shut down once more, letting her escape the pain of The Chair.
Little did she know, she was being watched by Thomas, Teresa, Alby, Gally Newt, Aris, Rachel and of course Minho.
< • >
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