Chapter 28: Welcome Wagon
Jina hardly slept the night before, going over everything she had seen and heard over the last week. Her mind was buzzing with everything. It was an information overload. And she was stressing about Flossie. She had been up and ready when 8am hit. Their door squeaked open, but David wasn't there. It was some other guy.
"Where's David?" Jina demanded immediate.
The guy scowled. "Out. The lucky bastard. I get to babysit."
"Well you can let us walk down the hall. What am I gonna do? Walk on the wrong side?"
"Watch it kid." He snapped, "I ain't in the mood."
"Ha. And you think I am?" Jina challenged, folding her arms and glaring at the new guard.
He narrowed his eyes and stepped closer, "the things I could tell you, would make you curl up and cry."
"Try me." She lifted her chin and glared right back. She may be short, but her attitude added an extra two feet. She wouldn't let this guard push her around.
The guard clenched his jaw and then rolled his eyes and spun on his heel. Jina knew he would never spill the Waystation secrets, but it was worth a try. He left the door open and stormed down the hall. Jina felt slightly better, letting out some frustration.
"Way to go. Piss off the guards." Aris hissed in her ear.
She shrugged with a smirk. And followed behind the guard and Aris.
"So...where is out, exactly?" Jina asked hurrying to catch up.
"Out on mission."
"ooh. So secretive. Is he picking up more kids?"
"Who says we get more?"
Jina actually stopped walking, and Aris walked into her. "The hell? You guys think we're THAT stupid? Every day there's new faces in the cafeteria! You guys call five to six kids each night...and instead of the numbers depleting they stay about the same because new kids show up every day. Try again."
The guard raised an eyebrow at her. "They said you were smart..."
"Who's they?" Jina asked immediately.
"Shut up kid." The guard snapped.
"Where's Doctor Crawford? I have a health question for her." Jina tried a different tactic.
"Busy prepping the Medwing." He said. "If you need something, I'll get a nurse."
"No. I want my Doctor. It's personal."
"Tough luck kid." He stopped at the door and leaned against the wall as Jina and Aris walked through into the noise.
What are you doing? Aris hissed.
Digging for answers. And that idiot confirmed a few things. She answered smugly.
Which was? Aris asked. They had joined the line for breakfast.
David told the truth about taking this mysterious shipment to this place called a Wearhouse and he's still not back, so he's apparently picking up this A group, like he said. And Doctor Crawford is busy preparing the Medwing. So that means a new group of kids. Presumably the kids from A.
Okay...and this benefits us how?
Dude! Jina mentally rolled her eyes. Work with me here, Blondie! What do we know about the kids around here.
Jina and Aris had grabbed their food and sat at their regular table at the back of the room in the corner. Aris leaned over his food towards Jina.
"Each group is from a different Maze. Ours was apparently called B."
Jina nodded. "Right. And from that paper in my file Janson let me read, I'm subject B3. I apparently have a brother, A7...I remembered two names from A-"
"Thomas and Minho. Ya...and?"
"And David is going to pick up A. There are kids from A...Crawford is prepping the Medwing. The first whispered conversation I overheard...Janson wants us two and these kids from A together in the same spot. Don't you think it's weird that you and I have been here for over a week and we haven't been called, yet kids show up and that evening are called to the misterous farm?"
"Okay...and you think maybe your brother and this Thomas are with them... When it's laid out like that..."
"Exactly. Janson is waiting for something."
The rest of the morning Jina and Aris whispered over the possible theories and trying to work everything out. By mid morning Jina could hardly sit still. She got up from the table to the line, waiting for the coffee, just to give her something to do.
She was off in her own world of swirling thoughts. She felt a hand on her arm, and she flinched and spun around, yanking her arm free. Some other guy was behind her.
"What?" She snapped.
"Just wanted to come over and say hi." The guy said. He looked embarrassed for coming over. He was kind of cute, shaggy curly hair, tall, bright blue eyes, but he was standing too close and she didn't like how he grabbed her.
"Well..hi." Jina snapped and turned back to the line. Sliding a little bit more. He followed at an uncomfortable distance. "Can you back up."
"I wanted to talk to you...we were stuck with no good looking girls for like a year."
Jina clenched her empty cup tight in her hand as her jaw clenched.
"Come sit at our table, and get to know us a bit." The guy kept talking, he had grabbed her arm again.
"Stop." Jina said loudly, pulling her arm free.
"Aww come on. We don't see a lot of pretty girls. They all look..."
"I'm not here to appease your very basic masculine entertainment. I asked you once to stop. Don't make me get mean." Jina snapped.
Jina noticed he kept glancing at a table full of guys. They all were looking expectantly at him and Jina. A few whooped and one guy was laughing, almost rolling around the table top. The guy kept going, but his cheeks were pink.
"You? Mean? You're so cute how could you be mean?"
Jina frowned. Clearly this guy was put up by his friends from the other table.
"Look. Those idiots you call friends? Their nasty and are just doing this to laugh at you. Advice? You want to win a girl treat her with respect and kindness. Not like she's some meal or entertainment. Grow up and get some new friends. Now leave me alone and go back to your neanderthal idiots."
"You're right. They did put me up to it. And I feel super awkward and uncomfortable..."
"Then stop. And go away!"
"Oh come on! Can't you just like, give me a hug or even a kiss on the cheek? Just me out?"
"Why not?"
"It's not my job nor is it my responsibility to appease your disgusting friends or your very fragile ego."
Jina took her coffee and matched across the cafeteria, leaving the guy at a loss for words. Jina stomped over to the table and threw herself down.
"What was that all about?" Aris asked.
"Guys are stupid."
"Well ya. I could have told you that." Aris shrugged.
"But you're not stupid. You don't hit on don't try and use the fact you're
a guy and lord over us females."
"Uh Ji..? As pretty as you are. You...umm... you're not really...umm my type."
"Ya..I know. But still." Jina shrugged.
"" He asked, his question slowly fading.
"You were in a maze of all girls for like a month. When girls were changing or just in sports bras or walking around the Glenn in towels, you averted your eyes and were always respectful. Never once did you flirt or try anything on anyone. Even girls who flirted with you, you were kind and respectful. And." She shrugged. "I just knew."
His face was bright red and he shrunk slightly.
"Dude, stuff it. I'm not weirded out or upset or whatever you're thinking." Jina waves a hand. "Don't shy away from being you. Girls ain't your thing, so what?"
"Oh...okay...well...thanks? I guess." Aris stuttered.
"No problem. Now...David is back. I'm going to go talk to him." Jina said staring at the doors to the restricted section. David had just walked in, he looked tired, but he was back. Which ment that these mysterious group A kids were here. Jina got up and walked with deliberate steps over to David who was chatting with a tall slim guard.
"You're back." Jina stated, as she walked up.
"Good afternoon Jina." David smiled at her. "Have you met Tim?"
Jina gave a start. The name made her feel like the ground shifted. The guard nodded. "I usually work in the surveillance room, but every once in a while I get to leave and interact with you kids."
Jina felt her heart slamming hard into her ribs. Her mouth felt strangely dry. She tried to swallow.
"Why...why do they need surveillance here?" Jina managed to ask.
"To keep you kids safe. Don't want anything...nefarious to happen to you..."
"No...we wouldn't want that." Jina muttered with an eye roll. "So..." She turned to David. "Where were you this morning? Your replacement was a jackass."
David smirked slightly.
"As much as I love walking you to the cafeteria every morning, I do have other duties."
"Ya? Bringing in more kids?"
"Indeed." He smirked even more. "And they should be cleared right away. Would be nice if you were the welcome wagon. You've been here long enough to know the workings of this place."
Jina hummed, her suspicion of the deliberate conversations right under the hall vents increased. "Ya... because I'm so finchen' welcoming. This resting bitch face just screams welcome-"
The door slid open just then and a few huge guys walked in. Eyes wide and mouths dropped open. Jina's eyes went wide. Leading the group was a tall Asian who was about nineteen. He was broad with huge arm muscles, he wore a harsh hard look; jaw clamped, eyes narrowed, every muscle tense and a look of suspicion written all over his face. The guy behind him was just as tall, but definitely not as muscular. He had darker skin and an easy smile, his eyes looked kind despite the haunted look. The third guy at the front was taller than everyone, slim but definitely had muscle, his shaggy blond hair flopped in his eyes, as his warm brown eyes took in the scene in front of him.
There was another few guys, just as tall and just as huge.
Jina's jaw dropped for a second. The Asian's eyes swept the room. His head swiveled and came to rest on Jina for a second. She was standing by the door beside two guards. She stared back at him. His dark eyes held her stuck.
She felt a wild tingle down her spine. She felt like she missed a step. Pain sliced through her mind. Starting at the base of her skull and sliced right through her brain to the front. She winced. There was something about this guy. His eyes already left her and took on David and Tim. A look of disgust passed across his face.
The tall blond who looked vaguely familiar leaned forward and whispered something to the huge Asian guy. He nodded and they walked forwards like they owned the place.
Jina looked at David and she raised an eyebrow. He chuckled and gave her a nod and quite possibly a wink. And turned to Tim and struck up a conversation, clearly Jina was dismissed. Jina slowly walked back to her table, keeping an eye on the guys. She slowly sat down opposite Aris. And leaned forward and whispered everything that happened.
"Really? You think this is A?" He hissed.
Jina nodded. She had watched them go to the cafeteria line. They all looked around, eyes narrowed and muscles tense, backs straight. Jina sat just as tense, straight backed and eyes glued to the guys. They eventually all got food and then stood looking around. To Jina's shock the tall blond pointed in their direction and the lead guy, the Asian kid; he looked to be the oldest in the group started walking towards them. Jina became even more tense. The weird tingle in her body became worse, like an uncomfortable itch she couldn't reach- the pain in her head built, pressing behind her eyes.
They veered away and went to the table beside them, talking to the two guys there. The two nodded and the new group sat down. They kept close to each other. Three of the guys started laughing and talking. One guy kept his head down, shifting the food around his plate, he was short and stocky, short brown hair, he sat hunched and closed off. Jina recognized a mourning person, even from where she sat. His full demeanour just exuded loss and sorrow. There were three that leaned in and whispered to each other. The Asian kid and the blond kid kept glancing around, like they were looking for someone. A few times the Asian guy's eyes landed on Jina. Only once did he do a double take. There was nothing on his face that gave away anything. It was cold, hard and blank- much like Jina's.
Jina slid to the end of the bench to try and hear what they were saying.
Can you hear what they are saying? Jina asked Aris.
Nope. Aris replied, eyeing up the empty plate on the table. "I need some more food though."
"Ya...yep uh huh." Jina nodded not actually paying attention. She was watching the guys, two of the kept looking around. Jina looked down and pushed the food around her plate. Aris got up to go grab some food. Jina pushed her tray away. She couldn't hear what the new guys were saying, but she thought maybe some of the other kids would know anything. So with a sigh, she got up to go stand in the lunch line, not that she was hungry.
She wasn't disappointed- the girls around the Waystation definitely liked to gossip.
"Have you seen those new guys?" One girl whispered to her friend.
"Yes! That one the things I'd let him do to me!" Her friend giggled back.
Jina leaned forwards, "do you know anything about them?" She whispered, plastering a fake smile on, she hated gossip.
"Yes! I heard from the guys from F that they came like middle of the night and there was a lock down. They couldn't land properly, there was a swarm so they were like locked in a room for a while while the guards took care of the swarm. Apparently it was pretty intense!"
"A swarm? Of what?" Jina asked, though the way the girls face paled Jina had her suspicion.
"Cranks. Rumor has it," the girl whispered, leaning even closer, "one guard was killed. One boy is still being questioned by Janson and the girl with them is still in the Medical bay."
"A girl?" Jina asked.
"Ya, the lucky bitch. She was in a maze of all those delicious boys. Damn she was lucky."
Jina straightened up, she stopped listening. They went back to whispering about what they would let the new guys do them them. Something in the pit of Jina's stomach felt sick. Sure the Asian guy they were whispering about was good looking, but thinking about that made her want to throw up and shutter. She turned around to try and see them again, but she came face to face with a huge guy leering down at her.
"Fuck sakes, what now?" Jina muttered.
"Are you finally done with that scrawny blond kid?" He asked. His voice graded on Jina's nerves.
"Excuse me?"
"That scrawny blond boy your always with. Finally ditch him and are you ready for a really man?"
"You better not be implying yourself. Because no. No way in hell. Back up and do not talk to me again."
A few of the girls around her in line were glancing nervously at the hug guy. He was easily twice Jina's size, but that didn't stop her attitude.
"You better watch that mouth, sweetheart."
"What is with you sick bastards and your greatly misguided entitlement to the females in your vicinity?"
The guys face went blank for a second and he blinked. "What?"
"And it's always the stupid ones." Jina grumbled. She ran a hand down her face and straightened up. "It means back up. Back off. I owe you nothing."
The huge guy took a menacing step forward, Jina didn't move, but her fear spiked. The guy went to either grab her or hit her but there was someone else who grabbed the guys wrist and yanked him backwards.
"I believe she asked you to leave her alone."
The huge Asian kid from the new group stood gripping the guys arm. His face was so cold and angry, every muscle in his arm and chest strained holding the guy back with just one hand.
"Who the hell are you?" The creepy guy demanded.
"Doesn't matter. She was quite clear. Now back the shuck up before this turns ugly." His voice was dangerous and quiet.
Jina felt a prickle of annoyance, she could handle herself, especially with idiots like this guy. She had been dealing with them all week.
He made some kind of growling sound from the back of his throat. The creepy guy gulped. The Asian kid squeezed a little more and stepped closer, narrowing his eyes.
"Fine." He finally caved. "Whatever. Just let me go."
The Asian guy gave him a slight shove and he stumbled. But he rushed away, Jina noticed, back to the table of idiots from earlier that morning.
"Thanks. I guess." Jina finally said to the guy.
"You guess." He said flatly.
Jina shrugged and folded her arms, "I've dealt with it the entire time I've been here."
"Still. Not how a guy should be acting around SheBeans. How long you been here?" He asked, folding his huge arms.
"Over a week." Jina answered.
"All these kids are from mazes?"
"Most of them, ya. As far as I can tell, some are from the Scorch, but most are from mazes."
"No shit." He said, his eyes went wide as he scanned the room again. He looked back down at Jina. He was crazy tall compared to her. "Sorry, didn't catch your name, Shanket."
"Wh-what? Wait. Shut up, seriously?"
"Uhh ya? Why?"
The guy's eyes, if possible, went even wider and his jaw hinged wide. Jina felt another slice cutting through her brain. A sharp white hot stab of pain in her head. She gasped from the pain and winced, slapping a hand over her forehead.
"Hey..hey, whoa you okay?" The guy asked, sudden concerned. He threw a hand out as Jina groaned and bent forward slightly.
"Yeah...yeah.." Jina waved him off. "Headache. Sorry I...I-" Jina stuttered looking back up at him. She studied his face. "Holy shit!" She felt the stab of pain as the name trickled from the cracks in her memories. "Y-you're-"
"Hold that though, SheBean." He turned towards the door to the restricted section. It has just opened and slid shut. The huge muscular Asian kid held a hand up and turned fully to the door. "Thomas just got here."
He turned and walked swiftly towards the boy who had just walked in.
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