Chapter 16: Trials and Death
Jina didn't hear him right. She couldn't have heard him right.
"What...?" She stammered.
"I said, I love you Jina." Thomas repeated. "Not how I imagined telling you...but, ya. I do. I think-" he paused pulling his eyebrows together, making his thinking face. "I mean ..I don't exactly have the greatest examples in my life... growing up in WICKED...but I really like you Jina, and I trust you. And I wanna be with you all the time, and I wanna know you're safe and happy. I wanna hear about your day and dreams, and hear you laugh...and ya...I'm rambling again..." Thomas voice was quiet and shy, and his cheeks and ears were pink but his eyes and voice were steady. His warm brown eyes held her dark ones. "I wouldn't leave you behind. Not ever."
Jina's lip quivered slightly. And her heart was racing. Her mouth went dry, she didn't know what to say.
"Tommy.." she squeaked.
"You don't need to say it back. I-I just want you to know."
How did she feel? Of course she liked him. She trusted him. With her life. He had shown her gentle care and what it means to be a partner. He had been loyal and trustworthy. He was respectful and responsible and kind. He made her feel safe and secure. He made her laugh and held her when she cried. They had worked together for four years and been together for over a year. Even though they hadn't put an official label on their relationship.
"Time to go!" Ramirez yelled.
Jina panicked. She hadn't said anything. Thomas turned to follow. She needed Thomas to know. As the WICKED works started to follow and file around her, behind the armed guards, Jina grabbed Thomas's arm.
"Wait!" She cried. Thomas turned. "Tommy, I love you too!"
His face broke into a wide smile and his eyes sparkled in the bright sun. " need to know too." She said, sounding out of breath.
"Come on you two! Move your ass!" Ramirez yelled from the front. Jina and Thomas hurried to catch up.
It was hot, dry and miserable in the Scorch. The sun beat down on them as they trekked through the sand, slowly getting closer to the huge hills of sand.
"Why didn't we land closer?" Rachel whined. "It's so finchen' hot!"
"Because that would rouse the Cranks. And we don't want that." One of the Scientists said. He looked a little ridiculous with his big wide brimmed hat, cargo shorts and knee high white socks, huge backpack and a nose so full of sunscreen it was white. He looked like he was ready to go exploring and bug catching. Jina caught Aris's eye and they had to turn away and she had to turn her laugh into a cough.
"Well...why are we out here if there are cranks?" Thomas asked.
"Because were trying to get to the Underneath." The scientist replied.
"You're going to make us ask, aren't you." Jina rolled her eyes.
The scientist just smiled, like he had no idea what she was talking about. The four of them groaned.
"Fine." Thomas said for them, "What is the Underneath?"
"I'm so glad you asked!" The Scientist beamed at them. "The Underneath is a network of tunnels, originally built a long time ago, when alcohol was prohibited- way back in the 1920's, and the Rum Runners and some other...groups got together and made tunnels to sneak their illegal products to and from places. Over time it was developed into a network of underground cement tunnels during World war two and other wars. It was then abandoned for some time, only to be picked up by the Military base close by-"
"Let me guess the base is now occupied by WICKED?" Jina asked.
"Yes." Ramirez said.
"Indeed," The Scientist agreed, nodding, "However, the tunnels don't connect to the base. Cranks have overrun most of the tunnels since then. But over the years, WICKED has barricaded off some of the tunnels used by cranks- mainly the ones that go across this stretch of land into Crank City behind us, leaving a few open and Crank free, just in case there is ever a need to evacuate the Doctors and personnel at the Bio labs. It leads them from the base, under the city and out into the scorch."
"Okay...that history is kinda cool." Thomas nodded.
"So this stretch of baren dessert?" Aris asked, looking back and forth, "What did it used to be?"
"A huge lake. There were two cities, one on each side, and a big ol' bridge in the middle. The Solar Flares destroyed it."
"It must have been a pretty place." Rachel said sadly.
"Indeed." The scientist nodded sadly. "Anyways!" He added, with a smile. "Time to find the hatch! Should be close by."
The guards led them up yet another dune. Slowly the broken city started forming around them, at first it was an abandoned car then part of a broken wall. A shack or building of some sort. There was an old destroyed gas station.
"Stay sharp. And stay quiet!" Ramirez barked suddenly. The guards spread out around them, forming a circle. "Cranks don't usually come out during the day, the sun hurts their eyes- but sometimes you get a few of the really past Goners who are brave."
"Good to know." Jina muttered, and slid closer to Thomas. Rachel slid closer to Aris and the four of them walked closely together. Ramirez led them up to a shak at the top of a hill. There was nothing around it, just an old small building at the top of a sand hill. He opened the door and ushered their group in. It was a tight fit with all the Scientists and techies and guards. Someone yanked a trap door open in the corner of the room. A few guards went first, down the ladder. Jina could see a dark hole with rusty old ladder rungs. A flash light swung back and forth as the person descended into the darkness. It was a stark contrast to the brightness outside. She got a cold creepy feeling looking down into the darkness.
Thomas went first and then Jina followed. He reached for her waist and helped her hop down, not that she couldn't, but she appreciated the gesture. It was cold and dark down in the tunnels, and smelt stale. Rachel and Aris showed up and then a few more guards.
"Everyone here? Good. Come on. It's about an hour walk." Ramirez instructed.
The walk wasn't bad, it definitely was cooler in the dark. But it gave her a chance to think and talk with Thomas.
So...this is phase two... show up in a tunnel and figure out how to survive in the Scorch with Cranks.
Is it? Thomas looked at her with big eyes, they sparkled in the darkness and small beams of light. He reached for her hand and wrapped his fingers into hers; as much for his comfort as hers. The halls were creepy. She felt like they were being followed, but there were guards behind them too, and they hadn't past a door or connecting tunnels.
From what I gathered. If they don't give their memories back- its gonna be a klank show! They aren't gonna know what those monsters are or where they are. First they are shoved into a jail and given everything to survive. Then next thing, they are in wide open freedom, but knowing WICKED, given nothing to survive.
Jina shivered again, whether from the realization or the creepy feeling again. There were a few doors that they past now- they all seemed to be locked and sealed, but it made Jina nervous.
Well I'll be dammed.
Not sure how they are gonna get everyone from the Alaska compound to the Scorch one...but I'm sure they have that all worked out.
Would make scenes why they wanted to send us here first. See if their stupid chips work, see if it's possible to track us and whatever. Jina felt Thomas tense up, he gripped her hand tighter. I hate them so much. I feel so...violated and...
Jina could feel his emotions even if he couldn't put words to them. I know Tommy. I get it.
They finally came to a spot in the tunnel, it looked like a dead end, but there was something metal sitting on the floor, right by the wall.
"Here we are." One of the Techs said, his voice bounced back off the wall, spooking Jina, making her jump. She had gotten used to the quiet. The slapping of their feet the only thing, an odd cough or sniffle. The techs and scientists set down their bags, and all set to work. Jina wasn't sure what to do, so she leaned against the wall, out of the way. The others did the same. They were quiet as they watched. They were building something.
"What is that?" Thomas asked.
"Flat trans." someone said over their shoulder. "We set it up last time we were here, it's now ready to be activated. And then from command center we can turn it off and on- don't want any Cranks to be wandering through."
"A Flat Trans?" Rachel asked.
"Yep." The scientist from earlier said - he had taken off his hat, revealing horrible hat hair.
"Lets hope it works, because that's how were getting back tonight!" Someone chuckled. Jina didn't find it very funny. "You aint got no idea how expensive these things are!" the tech continued, "Before the Flares, only billionaires could afford 'em. There were a few in the military hands and a few here and there with the governments- but not many."
"WICKED's that rich?" Aris asked
The people working all chuckled. "They don't need to buy this stuff. They just steal it from billionaires who are too dead to care any more. Or too Cranked past Gone. Anyways, don't worry, once it's up and running, there's nothing to be scared of. It's a cool way to travel."
"Now...Jina, go grab the remote." One of the Tech's who was kneeling by the base of it demanded.
"Umm...where?" She asked, pushing off the wall.
"Back down the hall- were almost done, Conway can go with you. There's a door that's marked with a red X. We had our gear locked inside last time instead of hauling it all back."
"Oh...okay." Jina said, her voice was rather shaky.
"I can go with her." Thomas volunteered.
"No." The tech snapped. Jina and Thomas looked at the tech and then glanced at each other. The tech cleared his throat. "Sorry. Thomas, Aris and Rachel, we need your help here, please." He said, "I'm sure grabbing a remote is a one person job."
Jina frowned, couldn't Conway go alone? She was sure something else was up. "What about-"
"No. You're wasting time."
"Be safe." Thomas whispered.
"Ya...what could possibly go wrong?" Jina said with as much sarcasm she could muster. But she swallowed her fear and squared her shoulders. One of the guards followed behind with a flash light and his launcher strapped to his back. She walked back down the hall. The guard walked behind her.
"Just keep moving, this way I can see what's coming and shoot if I need."
Jina didn't say anything. She just walked trying to find this door with a red x. She felt like she was walking forever. But there was no door with an x. She was about to turn back when there was a quiet rumbling, like stone on stone. Jina froze. A shiver went down her spine. Something was happening and she didn't like it. She froze and stepped back. A small beam of light was not enough in the dark. Conway and her stood frozen.
"What was that?" Jina whispered.
"Not a hot clue." Her guard whispered back.
"Well that's great."
"Come on. Let's head back. I'm getting a bad feeling." Conway reached out an arm in front of her.
From somewhere down the hall a quiet manic cackle was heard. Jina's stomach turned to ice. She recognized that cackle. Conway's heavy flashlight swept back and forth, picking up nothing. He grabbed her arm and yanked her back behind himself, he had his flashlight in one hand and he was desperately trying to swing the launcher around.
The hall was empty. Cement walls, cement floors, water dripped down in one section. Jina was holding her breath now, scared to make a noise.
"Come on, I think its time-"
He was cut off when something leapt out at them from the dark. It snarled like an animal. It leapt at them like an animal. It sunk its teething into Conway's throat like an animal. Jina screamed and was knocked backwards onto the ground. She smacked her head on the cement floor. The flashlight rolled away as Conway dropped it. But before it hit the wall, Jina saw. She saw it all. The crank had ripped her guards throat out with his bare teeth. Conway collapsed to the floor. His pain filled eyes found her's.
"Run." He chocked, as the life left his eyes. "It's...them. It's Wic..."
Jina shook her head, trying to make the spinning stop. She heard the Crank.
"Tasty treats." It cackled.
Jina scrambled to the flash light. She grabbed it and swung it back and forth, trying to find where this Crank was. Panic rose inside her, boiling up. The beam of light hit bloody bare feet. Slowly, like in a horror movie, she lifted the thin beam of light up, revealing dirty ripped clothing, big bloody infected wounds, the right side of its body trembled.
What she saw scared her more then anything had in her whole life.
Randell stood in front of her.
How had Randell gotten from Alaska to the Scorch? How had he shown up in the secured tunnel WICKED supposedly had locked down. And then, the truth hit her like a Berg. WICKED set this up.
Randell never went missing in the forest- he was probably held in the crank pits, until he was needed. Like now. The stone on stone... they sent him here, opened some section of the wall. Conway was right. She needed to run. It was WICKED. And they were trying to kill her.
"Hello tasty treat."
Randell looked worse then any crank she had seen. Black veins covered his whole body, his eyes were blood shot around the edge but his pupils were dilated to pitch black empty holes. He had blood dripping down his chin from the guards throat. He was missing hair and he was missing a few fingers, he was more wild and terrifying then anyone else she had seen- and he was scary before he cranked.
Jina scrambled up off the ground and ran. Randell cackled and took off after her.
THOMAS! Jina screamed in her head.
Jina? Jina, what's wrong?! She could feel his panic and worry instantly.
THOMAS! WICKED sent Randell! It was a trap! He killed the guard. AHHHH-
She was tackled from behind, cutting her connection with Thomas. The flash light was knocked from her hand and rolled away, sending wild beams of thin light all over the wall. He shrieked like a wild animal. He tried to grab her throat and cut her air way off. But she tucked her chin and squirmed, fighting for her life. She knew Thomas would be coming, but he was too far away. She was alone.
She twisted again, trying to get out from under him. He grabbed hold of her shirt and pulled her up and then slammed her back down, making her head crack on the ground.
"Mmmm. Tasty treats. I haven't had a tasty treat. Wonder what this treat tastes like!"
She reached out and grabbed whatever she could. She latched onto his ear and pulled, twisting his head down and around. He shrieked and snarled. Jina kicked out, breaking his nose, and she managed to break free. He let another wild animal snarl out. Jina scrambled back to the heavy metal flash light and used it as a bat. It cracked into his face, sending him crashing into the wall. Jina felt the adrenalin pumping through her body. With a cry, she swung again, and she felt his skull shatter under the heavy weight of the metal flashlight. His animal screaming was cut off, he slid down the wall and was still.
She killed another one. Another human. A Crank. Teresa was right about one thing, humans and Cranks were different. There was no humanity left in the cranks who pushed past the Gone. There was no humanity left in WICKED.
They had set up a trap- to try kill her, but they only ended up killing another innocent life. Conway had died a horrible violent pointless death, all because WICKED.
< • >
Thomas and a few others found Jina kneeling beside Conway. The bloody flashlight held tight in her hand. She felt a hand on her shoulder but she couldn't move from beside the young guard.
"He tried...he tried to save me Tommy...he tried..." She whispered, she couldn't tear her eyes away from the ugly bloody wound in his neck.
Thomas knelt down and took the flash light from her hands and pulled her into a hug, forcing her to look away from the dead body. Ramirez swore and started barking orders to the guards who came.
There wont ever be a cure. They wont stop. They wont stop...
Shhh. Jina, Hun, I've got you now. I've got you.
Thomas sat and rocked Jina slowly, like he did back during the purge when Leavitt tried to kill her. Somehow Thomas got her up and moving away from the two dead bodies. Jina didn't really remember much; her head was fuzzy and her eyes were glossy. Thomas was practically carrying her at this point. He just stopped and swooped her up, an arm under he knees. He held her close to his chest, protectively.
It felt like a movie, like she wasn't really seeing what was going on- because how could her life be so horrible? It was one giant joke. Her hearing was muffled, her eyes were blank. She laid her head on Thomas's chest and stared at the blank cement wall. The steady thump of Thomas's heart soothed her. His breath fanned the top of her head. Thomas had her held close and protectively. He slowed down, just to give her a few more minutes to get herself back under control.
When they got back to the end of the tunnel, the rest of the WICKED workers were waiting.
"JINA!" Aris cried, running forwards, Rachel on his heels. "What happened?"
"Thomas started freaking out, and took off, Ramirez and a few guards went after him..."
"You've covered in blood!"
Thomas explained quickly what he walked in on.
It was a trap. I was set up. She told Aris and Rachel. They both looked shocked, and then paled. It was Randell.
"Well, come on, the Flat Trans is ready." The Tech said. "Who wants to test it first?"
He knew...he sent me... Jina whispered to Thomas in his head. Thomas stiffened and held Jina closer. There was never a door with geer...there was never a remote.
"Our Elites?" Someone joked, "How about one of you guys?"
Together? Thomas asked.
If you're with me. I wanna get out of here.
Thomas placed Jina down gently, her legs felt weak and shaky. But she felt defiant now. She hated WICKED with ever fiber of her being. She clenched her jaw, and lifted her chin. Hot angry tears burned her eyes, but she was more resolved then ever to take down WICKED.
"Ya know what? Ya." Thomas said straightening his shoulders. He held his hand out for Jina, which she took, and held it tightly.
Together they step forwards and through the Flat trans. It was cold and felt like water against her skin. She was floating through space for the briefest of seconds and then they were stepping into a brand new room.
Before Jina could register where they where or who was here, her hand was ripped from Thomas and she was forced onto her knees, something cold pressed into her back.
Thomas cried out in protest, he was being held against the wall by two guards. Jina looked around the bright room- armed guards where everywhere, their launchers charged and pointed at her. Ava Paige stood in front of her, Janson beside her and Teresa on her other side.
"Did you think we wouldn't find out?" Janson asked. He sounded almost excited, his eyes light up in a twisted way.
Jina glanced at Thomas who had stopped struggling and stood stiff, his jaw clamped shut, but his eyes were wide.
"Find out about what?" Jina asked.
< • >
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