Brooke walked into Bill's house unannounced. "Hey, Pops. I'm home." She dropped her bags. "Dad?"
"Brooke, what are you doing here? Did you quit already?" Bill walked into the room trying to calm his panic.
Brooke rolled her eyes and looked offended. "No. I got a four day weekend and figured I would come for a visit. What's new?"
Bill almost choked. He couldn't say your brother is fucking your ex. Nope. Well, they were dating so it wasn't as cheap as just fucking but nonetheless... "Uh, things are the same here. Sit, what's new with you?"
Brook sat. "Well, I have been trying to reach Slade! I know we broke up but I realized that was a mistake. I wanted to fix things with him. Do you think I still stand a chance?"
Bill inhaled. "I don't know, Sweetheart." Uh, no way in hell! That was what he wanted to say but he was staying away from this.
Brooke stared. "You only call me Sweetheart when you have bad news. What do you know?" She watched her dad close." Pops?"
Bill shook his head. "I don't know anything. I'm going out. I have an appointment." He rushed out with just his keys. He was avoiding this conversation and warning his sons. His sons? That was just there!
Slade got his room settled last week and was enjoying his new drum kit when Bill rushed in. "We have a problem!"
Slade stared. "What?" He twirled a stick in his hand.
"Brooke's here all weekend and wanted to find you to get back together!" Bill was out of breath.
"Well, shit! I'm taken!" Slade smiled up at Bill and then cleared his throat. "I don't have a problem telling her that, Bill. But Max will." He set his sticks down. "What time is it?"
"He should be here." They heard the door open.
"Hey, Max?" Brooke was downstairs.
Slade covered his mouth. Bill made a face. Shit!
Max walked in from the garage. "Brooke? What are you doing here?"
Brooke glared. "Good to see you too! I wanted some advice."
"From me?" Max stared.
"Well, yes. I need guy advice." Brooke watched Max. "It's great to see you." She stared some more. He looked lighter and happy. "You look different." He always had this shadow on him and she had no idea how to describe it but it was gone.
Max glared. "I was free of you. That is the only difference." He could keep this up. He didn't hate her. He softened his voice and inhaled. "Brooke. I'm sorry. I didn't mean that. What advice?"
"Slade. I don't know why but I can't get him out of my head. Have you seen him lately? I know you guys didn't get along but he isn't answering my calls." Brooke sighed.
Max was stumped. What in the fuck was he supposed to say? Sorry, I have been fucking him over the stool you are sitting on? No, not that. Pretty much anything but that! What was he supposed to say? He had no idea. Nothing good came to mind. Fuck!
"Max?" Brooke stared at Max who looked like he was going to throw up.
"Uh, Slade, right." Max sighed. "Brooke... while you were gone...: He didn't know how to say it or where to start. He wasn't ready for this.
"I heard he broke things off with you?" He looked up to the second floor. He knew Slade was here. How did he tell his sister that he was dating her ex, living with and in love with her ex?
Brooke sighed. "He did and I was happy about that at first. I agreed with him. We just weren't working out. I mean let's face it, he really isn't my type."
Max nodded. "No, not really. I see you with an accountant or radio personality." He was feeling relieved.
Brooke glared. "I was thinking more along the lines of a skateboarder or the lead singer of a band, not the drummer!"
Max glared. "What's wrong with the drummer?" He was going to get pissed if she insulted his boyfriend.
Brooke smiled. "Well, they're not up front. They're not the one that everyone knows! They are in the back. The lead singer is the face of the band. More famous!"
Max glared more. "More famous? Then what is the point of finding Slade and asking him out, Brooke?"
"Because he has a brother that is the lead singer!" Brooke smiled.
"Yes but Solis is married with child number two on the way! I doubt that Alayna will tolerate you trying to break up her family!" Max stopped. He may have just screwed himself.
Brooke stared. "Uh, how do you know the lead singer or his wife's name? Or how many kids they have?" Max was never into music or the behind the band stuff. What was this?
He could even name two bands let alone the lead singer and now he knows the lead singer and his wife and all of their kids?
Max sighed as he felt the frustration building. "Because I actually care about people, Brooke."
"What does that mean?" Brooke was stumped as to why Max was acting so strange all of a sudden.
"Well, I knew Slade for less than two weeks and learned about his family! Maybe if you put more time into them instead of worrying about your next step, you would keep someone."
"I can't help you with Slade, Brooke and I wouldn't if I could! That was your fault. He's perfect and sexy and wonderful and you fucked up! I can't help that. And I won't let you take advantage of a really great guy!" Max inhaled.
Brooke was stunned. "Well, what in the fuck is your problem!"
Max was irritated with his stupid sister. "You! You treat people like they are under you. Like they are shit! Grow a heart, Brooke! Something has to change."
"I'm sorry. You can't have Slade because I'm in love with him!" Max stopped and caught his breath. He froze. What in the fuck did he just say? Out loud!
Brooke started laughing at how ridiculous Max was being about a guy he met twice. "What?" She held the counter and laughed.
"What?" Slade was there.
Max looked terrified. "Slade! I...didn't mean to say that!"
Slade marched up to him. "Say that again, to my face." He glared.
Max looked at the floor and took a breath. He looked up and it was almost painful. "I'm in love with you." It came out in a whisper.
Slade smiled. He touched Max's face. "I'm in love with you." He kissed Max slowly and they forgot about Brooke and her problems. They wrapped their limbs around each other and Max relaxed in Slade's arms.
Brook stopped laughing and stared. "Uh, what in the fuck is this?" She looked around for hidden cameras. "Am I being pranked? What is this? Is this a joke? Are you just fucking with me?"
Bill walked in. "Hey." He smiled at the couple. "This isn't a joke, Brooke." He was worried about how she would take this.
"Dad? What's going on?" Brooke stared at the men. Her brother and her ex were kissing each other. She had no idea what was happening.
She watched Slade holding Max's face in his hands and they were kissing. Max wrapped his arms around Slade's waist and pulled him closer.
"Well, I think they are in love." Bill smiled. "Sorry, honey."
Slade stared at Max and those blue eyes. "Are you okay?"
Max started laughing. "No! Did I just say I was in love with you!"
Slade smiled. "I believe so. It was the best argument. Are you taking it back?"
Max smiled. "Hell no. I meant it. I love you, Slade and that wasn't an argument."
"I know but I want to make up with you." Slade smiled.
Brooke crossed her arms and interrupted their moment. "I bet you don't know a thing about him!"
Max glared at his sister that was interrupting their moment. "I know a lot but not everything."
Brooke laughed. "Right." She glared. "I can read magazines too. I know a lot about him too!"
Max glared at her as he wrapped around Slade. "Fine. His real first name is James but he switched it to Slade when he was fifteen because no one called him James."
"His name is James Slade Press. His twin brother, Solis, did the same. His middle name is Robert. They are five minutes apart, Solis is older. Slade's birthday is March twenty-first and he will be twenty-four. He's vegetarian. He hardly drinks."
"Titus, Solis, Slade, Kennedy, Vance, Kenyon and Grace, in that order. His parents are Selena and Baird. Baird has his green eyes and black hair. Selena looks more fair like Kennedy and I haven't met the others."
"The other guys in the band, Terry, Hurley and Graham are great. Graham is Slade's brother-in-law. He married Kennedy two years ago. No kids yet but she owns a diner in town and makes amazing food." Max glared at his sister. "Do you need more?"
"I might!" She glared back.
"He lives on six hundred acres with his family, Solis lives close. They have a great sense of humor. I never felt more comfortable around anyone. The walls in his bedroom are a tan and white and his ceiling fan has a remote control and it smells like vanilla all the time!" Max took a breath.
"Slade has a drum set upstairs, he plays piano beautifully and writes a majority of the songs for the band. Don't get me started on how sexy he looks on his motorcycle. It's a BMW but that's all I know!"
"He has been living with me here for a month. And he doesn't have any fetishes but he loves it when I bite his right ear. It's more sensitive than his left." Max inhaled.
Slade laughed. "Holy shit! Is that true?"
Max smiled as he looked at Slade. "Yes. You moan more when I nibble your right ear." He leaned in to demonstrate. Max was right. "See."
Slade melted into Max.
"Brooke, I love Slade." Max shrugged. "I'm the reason that you can't have him and I'm sorry about that."
"But you hate music and tattoos and..." She gestured to Slade. "That! And he is a guy!"
"I know. I'm not straight." Max sighed. Slade jabbed him with an elbow. "I'm gay."
Slade smiled. "There you go."
Max laughed. "Brooke, I don't hate music, I just didn't take time to appreciate it. I never took time for myself. I was afraid. Stay for dinner because we have a lot to talk about. Please?"
"You want me to stay?" Brooke glared. "You stole my boyfriend and you want me to stay?"
Slade stopped her. "Brooke. We broke up and you were the one that said you didn't want to date me! He didn't steal me. We started as friends and I got to know him. Things progressed."
Max sighed.
"Brooke. Stay and we will all talk. Mistakes were made but none of it was out of malice." Bill had things to tell her too. Confessions. It was time.
"Fine. But I reserve the right to leave if things get stupid." Brooke glared at everyone.
The men agreed.
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