chapter 4 Memory
im going to start editing my chapters so enjoy the show!! That is Hijinx ^
Dismor made waffles as he heard a mare say ,"what are you?" He turned around to see a changeling filly with brown eyes get off the couch. "I am a very rare species but not so rare anymore. I am a dracoquenes . My name is Dismor who are you and what are you?" Dismor asked in a confused tone "I'm Cali and im a changelin-ahh please don't hurt me!!!",the filly replied as Dismor threatened to hit her with a frying pan as soon as she said changeling. Caramel galloped into the room as he heard her screams. Caramel quickly went in front of his changeling friend "why do you want too hurt her?!",caramel yelled at the beast threatening her "she's a changeling they are evil!!!",yelled Dismor at Caramel with a angry look"I wish people would stop trying to kill me!![error for the story's sake and for better character building Cali is now a Filly because my story needs it and it lets me have a bit more control therefore less writers block sorry but she's a filly now]",cried the little filly while she started to wrap herself in the blanket and cried more. "Don't worry your okay.",said Caramel as he scooped her up in his forearms . "I can't believe you care for this abomination!!",yelled the furious Dismor with a look of confusion on his face. "She's only a Filly stop being so mean to her she has done nothing wrong to you!!",yelled Caramel as he still held the crying filly. "You do have a point but, aren't changelings evil right?"asked Dismor.Cali wiped some tears away. "I ran away from the hive they treated me horrible!" ,Exclaimed the young about 8 year old filly. "But doesn't chrysalis treat you fairly?",asked the dracoquenes. "Used too long time ago. The elders tell stories about how nice she once was but, now she is a ruthless tyrant!!", answered Cali
"Monthly population report has arrived ,my queen",said the changeling kneeling before Chrysalis in the throne room(more like a huge hall ). A huge chart and a scroll came through the huge jungle log doors. "My Queen we have important news!!",Exclaimed the changeling that flew in with the chart. "Yess?", the queen hissed as she looked at the chart and saw a one millimeter dip on the chart. "The Young changeling with the name of Cali has left the hive!", yelled the changeling in response. "WHAT!!!! HOW COULD YOU LET HER LEAVE?!?!? DO YOU KNOW HOW VALUABLE SHE IS?!?!?!", yelled the queen at the changeling trembling with fear. "S-s-sh-she l-l-left d-d-during t-the c-cover of n-night ", stuttered the very scared changeling."ho-how v-v-valuable is s-she??",he asked as he felt chrysalis staring into his soul. "SHE ISN'T BLACK SHE IS A DARK SHADE OF GREY!!SHE IS VERY SPECIAL!!!WHY DID SHE LEAVE THE HIVE?!?!?", demanded the queen that picked up the stuttering changeling "She is different everyone bullied her and you have been starving and hurting the hive", he managed to say without stuttering. Chrysalis' eyes shrunk in fear as she realized what she had done. She had Oppressed her changelings and became a tyant. She muttered," I have become mother" as she remembered: "GET IN THERE!! YOU ARE THE SADDEST EXCUSE FOR A FUTURE QUEEN I HAVE EVERY SEEN!!",yelled Chrysalis' mom as she pointed furiously at the closet. "All I did was accidentally trip mom!!",Chrysalis pleaded not wanting to go in the closet. The mother of the future queen picked up chrysalis with her magic and threw her In the closet hurting her in the process. "YOU ARE THE HORRIBLEST THING TO EVER HAPPEN!!",yelled the raging tyrant. The mother used her magic to close and lock the door. The Young filly changeling known as chrysalis sobbed mom why? Why me? What is so bad about tripping while on a carpet? Am I really that horrible? Chrysalis cried harder as she thought these horrible things. She looked out of her tiny window to see the oppressed and starving changeling hive.
Chrysalis looked back at the changeling that looked scared. "I am sorry.",she said looking down at floor of the hall. "Back to more important matters. Cali is a power more powerful than me or Celestia combined. It's best no-one knows her potential.",she said as she gestured for him to leave the throne room.
"Those pesky creepers killed me again!", complained Cali as she tried to regain her items in the game called minecraft. "You'll get used to it!!",said Dismor from his room while he was watching YouTube. If you couldn't tell they made up and time to refocus on Hijinx!!
"Welcome to the grand opening of The Hard Survival server!! ",announced the user with the name of Cruuper with a king skin (a button mash decendant). Entering game dialogue mode:
All users went in separate directions with a another user with them(they all knew it would take 2 to survive)
KINGOFBINARY(Hijinx): time to get some wood before sundown!
Whydiditrythis(color code):ill go mining. Tell me when it starts to get dark!
3 hours later
Game dialogue mode deactivated
Hijinx and Color built a underground base that was well lit and is used as a stripmine.
After many many hours of on end gaming Hijinx fell asleep on the couch. Color Code saved their progress and turned of the console. Hijinx dreamt of somepony else's memory "chrysalis is back!!", yelled a yellow Pegasus with pink hair and butterflies for a cutie mark as she bumped into Hijinx. Hijinx got up and felt wings and a horn. He looked at his wings they were purple. He was purple!!. He was a female Alicorn."uh, earth to twilight?",said another Pegasus with a rainbow mane and blue fur obviously a mare as she saw the confusion in the purple Alicorns face.
Hijinx woke on the couch with color code next to him with a blanket over them."excuse me I know you might be enjoying your position and my warmth but, im starving and I would like to make breakfast and I don't want to push you off rudely.", said Hijinx as he woke up Color. Color yawned and looked up at Hijinx with a expression as if to say really. Finally she rolled her eyes and said,"fine!!" She got off the couch and muttered,"I was enjoying that". Hijinx whent into the kitchen and made srambled eggs and syrup.(it tastes good don't judge me I love the taste)
And that closes this chapter now I will start editing the chapters. I hope you enjoyed this chapter that focuses on backstory and character development. Sorry for the wait! Have a great day!! 1162 words!!
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