Percy opened his eyes looking around to see what was happening, as far as the eye could see was the color blue, Percy raised his eyebrow until he made sense of his sorroundings, it was the ocean. It was nothing but a vast sea, and Percy was swimming underwater, Percy suddenly widened his eyes his senses going overdrive, he was underwater. Percy swam to the surface, to no avail, the currents kept pushing back to where he started, the demigod clawed at his throat trying to breath, the demigod lost control to breath underwater when Poseidon disowned him.
Percy kept clawing at his throat trying to breath, the demigod was about to die from the lack of oxygen until his lungs suddenly started to work. Percy made a deep breath trying to intake as much oxygen as possible, the only thing that was swirling in the demigods mind was how was he still able to breath, he was disowned, he should've lost the control of water and breathing in it.
Percy looked around the vast watery ocean trying to make sense of what was happening, there were no signs of life, not even fishes were there. Percy was curious so he swam down, he managed to swim at the very bottom of the ocean, still able to breath, though it wasn't the size of the Mariana Trench, it was still pretty deep, Percy could still see clearly, the light was barely managing to break through from the oceans surface, the bottom of the ocean was pure darkness.
Percy walked from the sea floor trying to find any means of getting out, every time the demigod would try to swim back to the surface, the currents would just pull him back down. Percy sighed the memories suddenly flowing back, the scarring insults and the hurtful words that his so called friends threw at him, every single word was like a knife to the heart, it was something Percy didn't expect. The demigod though that the worst thing that could possibly happen was seeing Annabeth die, now, Percy knew that there was something much more painful than that.
Percy suddenly came to a halt sensing a sudden magic prescence nearby, it wasn't anything like a monster, more of an alluring prescence. Percy walked towards the magic trail curious as the source began to grow much more stronger than before. The demigod stopped dead in his tracks, through the darkness of the deep blue sea stood a bright light emanating through the darkness. Percy's curiosity peaked and approached the magical glow.
The light started to die down revealing a trident planted onto the ground. Percy looked at the trident, it wasn't like Poseidon's trident, Percy didn't know how to describe it, so the demigod did the only logical thing to do. He grabbed the trident with his bare hands and tugged on it, surprisingly the trident came out of the sand quite easily. Percy looked at the trident as the weapon suddenly started glowing, the deep dark seas suddenly filled with light revealing various beautiful corals and sea life, Percy stood in awe, he had never seen anything like this.
Suddenly Percy felt himself being dragged a hundred miles an hour, Percy yelped in surprise, he felt like he was being launched into space, times a hundred. Percy felt his actual body get dismembered limb by limb then reassembled with glue. A voice suddenly started to appear in his head speaking in a resonating voice.
"Percy Jackson, you have been betrayed by those you love, for that I am deeply sorry, I have come to give you a second life, for that to happen you must disregard anything from the past" The voice said in his mind, Percy widened his eyes at the sudden voice, looking around as he was being transported somewhere.
"Your sword Percy, it holds memories of the past, you must disregard it for me to fully start anew" The voice said. Percy widened his eyes grabbing Riptide in his pocket and staring at it. Percy was having internal conflict with himself, Riptide was something so fond that held many memories for the demigod, Percy just couldn't simply let it go, but the demigod knew what had to be done, if he kept the sword, it would've only reminded him of Annabeth and his friends. Percy sighed in defeat, the sword in his palms suddenly dissapearing in a sea mist. The voice suddenly stopped as the transporting came to a halt.
Percy dropped to the ground with a thud, his feet landing on solid ground. Percy stood up dusting himself from the dirt on his shirt, Percy instantly felt a pang of hurt, he still wore his CHB shirt, it reminded him so much of Camp Half Blood. Percy felt hot tears spike his eyes, the demigod couldn't believe what just happened, his friends that he spent so much time with, would all simply betray him just like that, it was something Percy definitely didn't want to happen again.
Percy felt something attached to his back, the demigod looked behind him seeing a trident attached to his back. Percy grabbed the handle and examined it, pulling it away from his back and into his palms. The trident was simple fishing trident, the demigod sighed, he gave up Riptide, for just a simple trident, that didn't even seem that cool, there was a small orb at the middle prong, it was a blue orb that seemed to glow a faint blue light, though it didn't seem that important, the trident was very simple and useless, Percy sighed returning the trident to his back.
As if on cue, the trident suddenly glowed a magical blue, Percy widened his eyes grabbing the trident and examining it. The trident was covered in blue light that engulfed the whole weapon. Suddenly the blue light expanded covering Percy's whole body, the demigod stepped back as the light suddenly started fading. Percy felt like he was a new person, he wore a nice blue hoodie that reached up to his fingers, it was a tad too long for the demigod, he wore a pair of shorts that reached only up to his knees. But the most significant difference was the trident, before it seemed like a fishing trident, now it looked more of a fighting trident, not much had changed, the orb became more visible than before.
Percy was amazed at how this was all happening, his CHB shirt seemed to suddenly disappear and get replaced by a cooler more different type of clothing, though it was maybe a size too big, it was still a nice change, behind the hoodie was just a simple plain white shirt. Percy sighed looking around to see where he was, there were a bunch of trees scattered around the area, the demigod himself was at the very edge of a beach, though it wasn't a beach the demigod recognized. Percy's ears suddenly perked up as he heard a few voiced overhead.
"Why are we here" Someone said clearly annoyed.
"Because the voice said so" Another voice answered.
"I know that, but why, there's clearly nothing here" The other voice said. Percy hid behind a bush taking a small peak, there were four individuals, three of them are boys, and one of them was a girl. One of the boys wore a simple yellow t shirt and a pair of skinny jeans, the other one had a red long sleeved shirt and baggy jeans, the other one wore a simple yet cool brown shirt that seemed to represent authority, the girl wore a plain white T Shirt topped off with a light blue blazer that was rolled up to her elbow and skinny jeans, she had startling ice blue eyes that seemed to captivate the demigod if not for said people to start yelling.
"Hey you, what are you doing here" The one with the brown shirt said. Percy instantly reeled back not looking them in the eye, Annabeth and all the other demigods that betrayed him had a real affect on Percy, even though the demigod wanted to forget what happened, he just couldn't look at anyone in the eye anymore.
"Um-um, nothing, forget you s-saw me" Percy said running from the four people, the individuals suddenly leaped from the clearing chasing after the former demigod son of Poseidon, Percy leaped up into the air dodging a rock. Percy dared look behind and saw nothing, the demigod sighed in relief until he accidentally bumped into something. Percy fell on the ground shaking his head from the dizziness. The four individuals were circling him all of them with curious faces.
"Why were you spying on us" the one with the brown shirt said raising his eyebrow.
"I don't know, I was ju-just around the neighborhood and ma-managed to overhear you guys talking" Percy said stuttering, if it weren't for Annabeth, Percy would still be his old self, unfortunately, Percy was a stuttering mess. The girl suddenly widened her eyes approaching the yellow shirted boy, they were all around the same age as Percy, probably late teens, the girl whispered something in his ear. The yellow shirted boy suddenly widened his eyes.
"No way, oh man, can't believe there would be another one, this is so exciting" the boy said with too much enthusiasm.
"Why?" The red one said.
"Dude, look at the trident in his back" The yellow boy said with excitement, the two suddenly widened their eyes.
"This puny thing is an Elemental, no way am I believing that" The red boy said, the girl shook her head in disappointment towards the red shirted boy.
"Look at the Trident in his back, it's a sign" She stated. Sure enough the boy widened his eyes.
"That can't be, he's not worthy" He said.
"You" He said pointing at Percy.
"I challenge you to a duel" The boy said.
"You don't have to do this man, he's already chosen" The brown boy in the brown shirt said.
"No I refuse to believe this" He said looking at the demigod son of Poseidon.
"Get up and fight" The boy said looking at Percy as if he was an alien.
"Oh man, here goes" the yellow shirted boy said sighing, the three suddenly stepped out of the way watching the two. The girl sighed shaking her head in disbelief.
"He's always like that" She said with a sigh.
Percy was still at a loss for words, this was all happening a little too fast, this was all going at a far too fast three thousand miles per second, Percy still hadn't had enough time to process what they said. The boy suddenly grabbed a battle axe that was slung his back, there was the same orb attached to the axe, it was red rather than blue. The boy suddenly launched himself forward bringing the axe down in one heavy swing.
Percy widened his eyes dodging the attack, the demigod reeled back looking at the boy with wide eyes.
"Don't do this, please" Percy pleaded, the boy shook his head clutching his battle axe.
"Stop playing around, use your weapon for Chaos' sake" The boy said walking up to the demigod making a large swing. Percy widened his eyes launching himself away from the slice, the axe was very deadly. Percy grabbed his trident clutching it in his palms, the boy sent another heavy strike from his axe, Percy blocked the axe with his trident, kicking the boy in the chest.
He was sent stumbling back and onto a tree. Dust started to gather as Percy looked around wary of the red shirted boy. Suddenly the whole area started to heat up, Pecy backed away as sweat started to gather on his forehead. The boy stepped out with a small smirk in his features.
"Now we're talking" the boy said his axe suddenly lighting itself ablaze, Percy widened his eyes stepping back from the battle. The boy launched himself forward delivering a large swing with his fiery battle axe, Percy widened his eyes blocking the axe with his trident, unfortunately, the force of the hit sent the demigod flying to a tree. His vision started to get blurry from the hit, the boy approached Percy growing stronger and stronger by the second.
"You can't win against me, every time I get angrier, I get stronger" The boy said swinging his axe, Percy barely had enough time to dodge the attack.
"Don't add fuel to the flame" the boy said his eyes lightning ablaze. Percy yelped and dodged another attack from him, Percy didn't manage to block the punch and was sent flying to a nearby tree.
"You aren't made to be an Elemental, why would the voice choose you, I have no idea why" The boy said with a sigh. Percy was getting weaker and weaker by the second.
"I'm gonna send you on your way now, I'm not going to kill you, but you will never see us ever again" the boy said getting ready to swing his axe. The three that were watching sighed. The boy swung his axe creating flames along the way in a fiery strike aimed towards Percy. The demigod suddenly glowed blue with power, the axe still came barreling towards the demigod, suddenly the axe was stopped mid way by a trident. The boy widened his eyes looking at the trident in shock, the trident completely changed, it now had more dangerous aspects to it with pinches of gold for the prongs.
But that wasn't what made the boy widen his eyes, the trident seemed to be floating on its own it was floating mid air. Percy suddenly stepped out of the smoke looking at the trident with a smile, the demigod suddenly swiped his hands as the trident followed suit flying through the air and straight towards the fiery boy, the boy grabbed his axe and blocked the trident that came inches close to his face. Percy smiled like a boy getting candy, the demigod was still glowing blue as if receiving power and knowledge as it goes on.
The boy in red rolled out of the way making a large heavy swing towards the demigod, Percy swiped his hands the trident floating quickly and blocking the strike mid way. Percy made a series of gestures occasionally flicking his wrist, the trident suddenly zoomed forward making multiple slashes towards the boy, he had barely enough time to dodge any attacks, the trident managed to make a cut on his shoulder.
"Stop being Yondu from Guardians of the Galaxy, that's not an arrow" the boy said suddenly turning angry sending a large strike. Percy dodged flicking his wrist as the trident followed suit floating in mid air flying towards the boy. The boy widened his eyes as the trident pierced his skin impaling him in the stomach. The three individuals widened their eyes looking at the boy wide eyed. The three suddenly took action rushing towards their friend in shock.
"We need help, Aidan is injured" said the boy with the brown shirt. Percy flicked his wrist as the trident suddenly popped out of the boy's chest, the demigod backed up as the trident flew back to its owner. Percy grabbed the trident from the air pointing it at them defensively.
"Who are you and why are you guys trying to kill me" Percy managed to say without stuttering.
"We are not here to kill you, the voice told us to come here" The guy in the yellow shirt said. Percy dropped the trident to the ground, the trident suddenly levitated around him forming a defensive like stance in mid air. Percy looked at the four with a confused face.
"You heard a voice right, when you go the trident, did a voice tell you what to do" the girl asked, Percy nodded in response.
"Then that confirms it, he is an Elemental" The girl said with a smirk. Percy was still confused as heck.
"I-I'm still confused as to what to-your trying to say, you're all sp-speaking gibberish" Percy said, the three sighed as two magical prescenses suddenly popped out of nowhere.
"Hey guys we heard your call, and WOAH, Aidan really is injured" a girl said rushing towards her friend, the girl wore a green tank top and a skirt, another girl entered the mix with a white long sleeved shirt with shorts.
"Aidan that's a pretty bad injury" the girl in green said touching the wound, as if on cue, her hand sparked with green light, his wound was instantly wrapped with a green light, his wounds healed from the magic.
"What happened?" the girl in white asked.
"We found an Elemental" the boy in brown said.
"And he's a dangerous one" the three said in unison. Percy took this as his cue to leave, the demigod ran at a quick pace trying to get as far away from those people as possible. Suddenly roots and vines started to engulf his foot rooting him to the spot, pun intended. Percy flicked his wrists as the trident made work of the vines cutting them to shreds, it was too late, the six able bodied magical teens sorrunded the demigod.
"Stop running, this is the end of the line" the boy in red said. Percy looked around trying to find an exit, unfortunately, there was not.
"Don't g-get any c-closer" Percy said stuttering as the six suddenly approached him slowly. Percy flicked his wrist as the trident suddenly zoomed up towards the sky in a defensive type position.
"That is cool" the girl in white said.
"Please, d-don't come an-any closer" Percy pleaded, the six kept inching closer. Percy had no choice, the demigod snapped his fingers, the trident suddenly glowed a faint blue light. The trident dissapeared into dozens upon dozens of arrows, al of them floating mid air, every few dozen aimed at a single individual, the six individuals suddenly stopped dead in their tracks.
"If you move one more inch, I w-will send these arrows to y-you" Percy said raising his hand, one flick or swish of his hands, and the arrows would fly towards their target.
"Stop, we're not here to hurt you" the girl that wore the blazer said.
"He was trying to k-kill me" Percy said pointing at the guy in red.
"That's just how he is" the girl reasoned, the boy in red protested. Percy had mixed feelings about the situation, he didn't know what to do anymore, the demigod sighed snapping his fingers again. The arrows suddenly dissapeared forming into one single trident.
"I deserve an explanation" Percy said. The six sighed in relief.
"We are the elementals" the girl explained.
"Each of us embodying a specific element" The girl stated.
"Earth" she explained, the boy in brown suddenly stomped as a miniature earthquake occurred in the spot.
"Air" she said, the girl in white suddenly levitated a few feet creating a gust of wind in her path.
"Fire" She said, the boy in red smiled sheepishly as he held out his palm which sparked a small fire.
"Lightning" She said, the boy in yellow smiled as his body sparked with yellow electricity.
"Nature" she said, the girl in a green tan top motioned her hand, as if on cue, the trees suddenly started to move on their own uprooting themselves as if they had a mind of their own.
"Ice" She said stomping her foot, the entire area around her suddenly froze on the spot. She smirked pointing at Percy.
"And Water"
Word Count
So yeah the second chapter is out.
What do you guys think, it is erm quite, um, so so. My intent on Percy is making him, how do you call it, I'm trying to make Percy get affected by the betrayal much more than other betrayed stories, like changing his attitude forever, as far as I know, I've only seen Percy that are either insane, don't care, and all of those monotone things. But this Percy, is more like a, Hey I'm Awkward, easily scared, also stuttering a lot, but I'm cool and very powerful, kind of way, like the weak at first glance, but very strong and independent when you meet him.
So this is officially the start of the Elementals Arc, which will last until Percy is fully acquainted with the Elementals, which is the group that he will be part of, so what do you guys think of the story, is it cool, any suggestions. Also I'm pretty sure this is one of the stories that Percy's main weapon is a trident, which is a plus, also next chapter will explain why Percy can manage to control the trident mid air and just the flick of the wrist, the trident would follow all of those technical stuff.
Props to the creators of the pictures, they aren't mine.
What do you think of Percy's Trident powers?
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