Drayven had black spots forming, he barely registered Kiran was already there. She slowly kneeled before Drayven with a look of confusion. The figure shook his head and looked at the four Elementals with a sudden distaste and hatred in his attitude. He suddenly zoomed forward, making a large slash with his hands. Kiran turned towards the figure and held up a hand, a sudden boom of light was seen, the figure blasting back a few feet from the blow back.
Kiran held up a hand, a pure white sword forming in her hands, the figure turned towards Kiran with a look of malice. The figure zoomed forward, making dozens of slashes towards the elemental of light, she retaliated, blocking all the strikes, light meeting shadow in an overwhelming display of power. The figure back flipped out of the way, avoiding a sudden slash of white.
Percy woke up groggily, the sounds of battle and the clash of multiple powers was felt. Percy widened his eyes, ignoring the flaring pain that was coursing through his body, Percy could see two presences, one was the figure, the other was a girl that radiated a white light. Percy slowly turned towards Drayven who was trying his best not to pass out. Percy dragged his body over to the elemental of darkness.
"Who is that?" Percy asked.
"Kiran, elemental of light." Drayven said, mumbling out the words. Percy nodded turning towards the sound of battle, the fight taking place. Kiran made multiple slashes, white light filling the area. The figure barely had enough time to react, dodging the slashes by mere millimeters. The figure disappeared in a puff of black smoke, Kiran smirked, extending a hand, the whole figure suddenly lighting up in white light.
The figure dropped to the ground with a thud, the whole area filling with light, the figure glared, shadows suddenly taking up twenty five percent of the battle ground. Kiran turned towards the figure who was currently approaching her in a very fast speed. She made a large slash with her sword, the figure suddenly disappeared in smoke, reappearing behind the light elemental in almost an instant.
Kiran turned, a look of horror in her face, the figure smirked, raising its fist for a slash. Kiran smirked, her trap worked, she snapped her fingers, white orbs forming behind her. The orbs suddenly exploded in light, blasting the figure back into dozens of trees, breaking multiple trees on the way. Kiran raised her sword, light filling the area, she made a large slash, the light following the swords movement.
The figure shook his head, turning towards the bright light, the figure widened its eyes, a large slash of white approaching him at a fast space, he raised his hands, a blur of shadows forming a sort of barrier, blocking the large slash. The figure widened its eyes, struggling against the sudden force of the attack. He eventually had to dodge, avoiding the slash barely, the shadows protecting him from instant death.
The figure turned towards Kiran who was holding her sword in a defensive manner. The figure jumped skywards, making a large slash towards the three injured Elementals, the figure suddenly appeared behind Kiran, coiling his fists and launching it words the elemental. The figure made an ultimatum for the elements of light, save herself, or save the trio. Kiran contemplated until she made a large slash.
The slash suddenly zoomed at high speeds, blocking the figures attacks to Kiran, the bright slash traveled faster, hitting the slash that was directed towards the trio. Kiran turned towards the figure, raising an eyebrow as if mocking the figure if that was the best it could do. The figure clenched its fist and made dozens upon dozens of slashes towards the elemental of light, she raised her sword, the weapon glowing in a bright light, all of the shadows suddenly disappeared from the light, a sudden glow resonating throughout the whole area.
The figure clenched its fist, this was a losing battle for the figure. The figure disappeared in a puff of smoke and shadow, leaving nothing in its wake, saving himself from total annihilation. Kiran slowly placed her sword down, the light fading from existence, the light elemental turned towards the three Elementals, the three of them were all wide eyed, they were littered with cuts and scratches all over their body.
She slowly walked towards them, looking at the three, giving a small sigh. She kneeled down beside them, extending a palm, her hand glowing in a white light. All of their wounds suddenly healing, not even leaving scratches, Kiran had a look of pain in her face, until she finally settled down, giving a small sigh in relief.
"Thank you very much Kiran." Drayven said.
"Don't mention it." Kiran said with a small smile.
"Now that my job is done, I better go now." Kiran said, flashing out, before she could do that, Percy instantly intervened.
"Wait." Percy said, Kiran stopped glowing, looking at Percy with a look of confusion.
"There is a war currently ongoing with that thing, that person." Percy said, unsure of the name.
"We need all the help we can get, I was sent here to recruit backup, but I managed to stumble upon all three of you, so would you mind helping us in a war, we can't fight this alone." Percy said, surprising himself for not stuttering. Drayven and Kiran shared a look, as if contemplating whether or not to accept the request.
"I suppose I should help, it is after all my counterpart." Drayven said with a small sigh, giving a thumbs up. The three Elementals turned towards the light elemental, water, magic, darkness, all waiting for the answer of light.
"I don't want to be dragged into another war." Kiran said shaking her had in disapproval.
"But it would be a shame to see earth in ruins, with Drayven's power and his power combined, it can be enough to destroy the whole earth if need be, even I, an elemental of light, the anti-darkness can't stand off against that." Kiran said.
"I will help." She stated, accepting the request.
"But how did this figure come to be, how did it actually become a person?" Asteria asked out of the blue, the elemental of light and darkness shared a look, as if having a conversation to tell the story, they nodded with each other and turned towards the two.
"A very long time ago, ten thousand years give or take, there were two very abundant elements on earth, Light, and Darkness, from that The Voice decided to make us, Elemental of light, and elemental of darkness." She explained, Drayven continued on the story.
"From being the first two Elementals, we were the most powerful out of all the other elementals, but, the earth by that time was at discord, my body or power essentially split into two beings, one of evil, and one of goods." Drayven explained.
"A war broke out between the darkness of good and the darkness of evil, it was a century long war until Kiran here decided to help, it took every last bit of our power to seal him off." Drayven explained.
"But then he returned, he captured me and took away most of my power, the power that he got still hasn't fully manifested yet, but I think, no, I know it will manifest in the next few hours, he will become more powerful as night time comes, then the combined powers of darkness will wreck havoc upon the land, I fear if he manages to drain me of every last ounce of my energy, there won't be any future for earth." Drayven said.
"Then we better regroup with the rest of the Elementals." Kiran said, Percy raised an eyebrow.
"Wait, you know about the other Elementals." Percy said his voice cracking a little, he was back to his old awkward self again.
"Yes, we know of every other Elementals to date, as my knowledge serves, you are the very last of the Elementals." Kiran said pointing at Percy.
"Unless of course The Voice decides to base the Elementals out of the periodic table of elements, I mean that would just be too low standards, imagine an elemental of oxygen." Kiran said with a small chuckle, the trio laughed a little, the tension in the air slowly starting to dissipate.
"So what are we waiting for, we better regroup with the others, besides, I'm excited to meet the other Elementals, as far as I know, I have only known Vale and Aspen, the rest I still haven't encountered." Asteria said straightening her glasses. The two nodded, disappearing in both shadows and light. Percy turned towards Asteria, the elemental of magic placed a hand on the elemental of water's shoulder.
"You ready?" Asteria asked, Percy shrugged.
"Where are we going anyway?" Percy asked with a raised eyebrow.
"To Camp Half-Blood." Asteria stated simply, disappearing into a puff of purple smoke. Percy widened his eyes, he barely had any time to react, in fact he almost had no time to react, his body instantly disappearing and reappearing in an instant.
-------------------( :P)
Vale turned towards the rest of the Elementals who were currently sitting on the grass resting their ener, it has been a few hours since they have learned about the information of the mysterious figure, they decided it was best to let it be for the time being. Vale sighed, sitting down onto the grass, the fresh wind flying by providing a nice sense of relief and comfort like never before, Vale sighed turning towards his friends who were now talking about a new topic.
"It seems like this Percy Jackson is a pretty huge deal." Aspen said sparking a new thread or coversation.
"Yeah, he's some sort of idol, but whoever I bring up the topic, they seem to suddenly slump their shoulders and refuse to talk about it." Aidan said, a bit of confusion in his voice.
"Well then? Let's find out who this Percy Jackson is." Blitz said standing up, wiping the dirt from his clothes.
"Are you sure? I mean, I'm all in for finding out who this Percy Jackson is, but do you really want to pry?" Azure asked, raising an eyebrow.
"Of course I do, besides, it's a mystery, and everyone likes mysteries." Blitz smirked, the rest of the Elementals standing.
"What you just said faintly reminded me of scooby doo." Vale added.
"And look what that got them, Shaggy, one of the most powerful beings in the universe." Blitz said with a small smirk, walking to the direction of Camp Half-Blood, the Elementals shared a look but ultimately followed. Blitz suddenly stopped, turning towards the Elementals.
"Actually, I'm bored, I'm just going to do whatever I want, let's meet here in about three hours?" Blitz asked with a raised eyebrow, Vale sighed giving a nod.
"Everyone, go do whatever you want, just meet here at exactly three hours." Vale commanded, the rest nodded going off into their respective stuff.
Aidan walked around the camp, whistling, not knowing what to do for the next few hours. Though the rest were probably out doing nothing wort productive, Aidan had an idea in mind, and that was finding out who this Percy Jackson is. Aidan slowly stopped, arriving at a certain cliff, a tombstone visibly seen, the words Percy Jackson inscripted onto the tombstone. Aidan was confused, this Percy Jackson must have earned their respect to get a tombstone, as far as the elemental of fire knew, tombstones weren't a thing in the Greek world, it was shrouds for the dead.
Aidan shrugged it off and continued walking, not paying the tombstone much attention and wandered Camp Half-Blood until he could find any sufficient information about Percy Jackson, Aidan was really curious about this. Aidan slowly stopped to a halt, stopping at the big house, Aidan sighed, entering the house, looking around if people were there, as expected, the only one there was the centaur.
"Do you need anything?" Chiron asked with a raised eyebrow.
"I was hoping to know more about Percy Jackson?" Aidan asked. Chiron instantly stiffened, his face paling a little, he looked like he had a look of contemplation, as if deciding whether or not to tell this man the truth about Percy Jackson.
"He is a hero, one of the best, surpassing those of Heracles, though I'm afraid the subject is too sore to talk about." Chiron said, his voice starting to go silent.
"What did he look like?" Aidan asked.
"He has jet black hair and sea green eyes, a pretty tan complexion, and a sarcastic and brave attitude." Chiron said with a sigh, Aidan raised an eyebrow but still remained silent.
"Do you know anyone that has anything related to Percy Jackson?" Aidan asked, Chiron nodded.
"Ask Annabeth or one of the seven, you need to convince them though to tell you what happened, though that's a very sore subject for them." Chiron said, Aidan nodded, leaving the old centaur to his musings. Now to find the seven, that's the thing, Aidan didn't know what the seven looked like. Aidan stopped, seeing a few demigods pass by, the elemental of fire turned towards them.
"Do you know who the seven are?" Aidan asked.
"They're not really the seven anymore, they are more like the six." The demigod said in a whisper.
"But do you know where they are?" Aidan asked.
"Last time I saw them saw them was around the arena, they look like this accordingly, tall guy, blonde, electric eyes, seems like a son of Zeus. Cherokee skin, brown hair, looks like a child of Aphrodite. Latino elf, curly hair, looks like he is very slim. Dark complexion, hazelnut eyes, seems like an able bodied fighter. Baby man, looks like he's an archer. Blonde hair, grey eyes, looks like she could beat you in a fight." The demigod explained, Aidan nodded and went off to the arena to talk to the seven.
Aidan walked to the arena, their words echoing throughout his head, the description of the seven, and the description of Percy Jackson. The fire elemental turned towards the arena, low and behold, there were five people, they fit the description perfectly. Though there was something off, they all sat down on a bench in the arena, silent, only speaking in a low whisper, as if a tragic event happened.
Aidan walked towards them, the five turning towards he elemental of fire. Aidan walked towards them, standing in front of them with a look of confusion in his face.
"I want to know more about Percy Jackson." Aidan said, the five stiffened. They were silent, they didn't reply, no, they couldn't reply. The seven, or what remained of it looked at each other, as if contemplating a silent decision, Aidan however was wait for an answer, anxious if he will receive it or not.
"He was the hero of two wars." Jason explained.
"A true hero indeed, he saved Camp Half-Blood ever since he was twelve, or so I was told." Leo added.
"He helped stop Gaea from destroying the Olympians, Camp Half-Blood and Camp Jupiter." Piper said.
"Camp Jupiter?" Aidan asked.
"It's a camp for roman demigods, this camp is for greek, though after the giant war, the two camps are now united as one, thank god, Percy was one of the people who helped unite the camps together." Hazel added, looking down on the ground.
"If you want to know more about Percy Jackson, go ask Annabeth, she usually sits on the Athena Cabin, ever since Percy, best not talk about it, she only goes out of the Athena cabin to pay patronage to his grave." Frank said lowly. Aidan nodded, walking away, leaving the seven or what remained of it. The elemental of fire walked through dozens upon dozens of cabins until arriving at a certain cabin, the Athena Cabin, the cabin of wisdom.
Aidan sighed knocking on the door three times, Aidan even considered singing do you want to build a snowman, he surpressed the feeling and focused on the task at hand. Luckily the door opened revealing a very sleep deprived Annabeth, her hair was on a bun, her eyes had dark purple bags under it, her eyes were bloodshot, probably from crying too much. Aidan didn't judge and merely asked the question, the one million pound question.
"Who's Percy Jackson?" Aidan asked, Annabeth stiffened, like everyone.
"I-He's-I can't talk about it." Annabeth said, shutting the door, Aidan was not taking no for an answer, he placed his foot at the door, preventing it from closing.
"I want to know more about him, he seems like a nice guy, what happened to him?" Aidan asked, Annabeth looked down on the ground biting her lips. She sighed, opening the door, Aidan took this as the time to come in. The elemental of fire entered the cabin, looking around, there were multiple bunks, but there was one that stood out, Annabeth's bunk.
There were multiple files of paper littered around lazily, multiple stains on the floor, pictures hung over the wall by thump tacks. Aidan examined the picture, there were multiple pictures of the seven where two people were blurred out, scribbled with crayon, one picture was even ripped clean in half, as if a tremendous sadness was overcome, eventually resulting in the paper being torn.
"He was my boyfriend, he was a the most loyal person I ever met, heck even the most loyal person in the whole world." Annabeth said rummaging through her trunk.
"Even though he did everything for us, a feeling of hate and resentment resided in every last one of us, something or someone managed to slip in a potion that brings the effects out." Annabeth sniffed.
"He was betrayed by the people he once called family, by the people he called his friends, he never deserved it, no one deserved his fate, he protected everyone in this camp, and we repay him by betraying him." Annabeth said, grabbing a certain piece of paper from her trunk, she slowly examined the paper, handing it over to Aidan.
Aidan anxiously grabbed the paper, looking at it, the picture was Percy and Annabeth, standing by each other, happy and smiling. Aidan literally fell to the ground almost choking on the air, Percy Jackson, the one who defended camp, the sarcastic, tan, jet black haired, sea green eyed hero. Was actually the shy, awkward, easily startled, lazy Delta, the similarities were there, and there as no mistaking it.
"I-I need this for a few minutes." Aidan said with wide eyes.
"Take it, but make sure to return it, that's the only thing I have left of Percy." Annabeth said, Aidan instantly ran out of the cabin, multiple thoughts circling his head, Delta was Percy, Percy was Delta, he couldn't believe it, those two seemed like the complete polar opposite to each other, Aidan couldn't believe it. Aidan ran at the meeting place where the Elementals were supposed to meet, unbeknownst to the elemental of fire, three hours has already passed.
"Guys, Percy Jackson." Aidan said waving a piece of paper in the air, the Elementals turned towards Aidan with a raised eyebrow. Aidan panted turning to the Elementals about to explain the situation until a flash of black and white was seen, bright white light, and dark black shadows suddenly appeared, a boy and a girl materializing out of nowhere, outside the camp border.
A sudden flash of purple was seen, the smoke clearing, revealing Delta, floating in the air, his mouth open, his eyes wide, as if he saw a ghost, his skin sickly pale.
Word Count
So Chapter Twenty is out, it feels good to say that, Chapter Twenty, a new era of chapters, twenty one, twenty etcetera, a milestone has been achieved, yay. But that also means, the end is near, literally in the plot line, and the book itself. Sad. So I don't have that much to talk about in this author's note, mainly because I'm quite tired, but I'm not too bugged about it, I slept I think, or took a nap for two hours.
But I do not classes and school for around the time of next week, for the whole week, which means more time to write and edit, and also more time to sleep, hallelujah, I was like so hyped when I heard that we had no classes next week. I mean, I'm always sleep deprived if you guys don't already know.
But this time, I'm still sleeping late, but I'm going to wake up late tomorrow, which feels very good, now onto the plot itself. It's now moving itself forward, we're going full throttle on here now, the two stories have finally combined. Now this is starting to get very and I mean very interesting, I have many plans, lol that's a joke, but I have an idea on what is going to happen next.
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