Percy widened his eyes looking at Vale in both shock and absolute astonishment, his mind was all jumbled up, he couldn't seem to find any words. The Voice said there were no other Elementals other than them, but here was proof that it wasn't only the seven of them out there, it made Percy's head go all fuzzy.
"So you mean, that there is an Elemental of Magic?" Percy asked with wide eyed, Vale nodded slowly unsure of Percy's reaction.
"How come we never knew about this?" Percy asked.
"Correction, Aspen and I knew about this." Vale stated, this only made Percy's eyes go as wide as saucers.
"How does Aspen know about this?" Percy asked.
"Aspen, this Elemental of Magic, and I were one of the firsts, we became Elementals right around the same time." Vale explained, Percy just listened intently trying to keep his mind as open as possible.
"Wait, then why isn't this supposed Elemental not with us today?" Percy asked, the demigod could've sworn a look of sadness crossed his face.
"I, I can't tell you that, I'm still not ready to tell you what happened to her and I." Vale said.
"Then what do I do now?" Percy asked.
"You go east, take the book, find her, the book will provide you with a kind of map." Vale explained, Percy nodded.
"Also Delta, please, do stay safe." Vale said running of to find the other Elementals, Percy was still not fully wrapping his mind around this situation, but the demigod couldn't dwell on it for too long, he had a mission to complete. The demigod steeled his nerves and floated of towards the direction with a look of determination.
"God I hope this is east." Percy said, the book was beginning to glow a little every time Percy floated towards what he presumed was East, it was a sign. (Reference?)
Right on cue, the book suddenly opened, flipping through dozens of pages all on its own, as if by magic, it stopped on one particular page, a map. Percy raised his eyebrows looking at the book containing the map, the book itself was like Hydrosiphon, it seemed to be suspended mid air, as if it was floating, the demigod looked at the map, he could faintly see a small blue dot at the very middle of the map, Percy guessed that the blue dot was him.
Percy scanned the map trying to find what Vale was saying, indeed there was a location that seemed to glow brightly on the map. The demigod looked at the location, it was positioned near a mountain of some sorts, Percy sighed looking around him, everything was filled with trees and wild life, not one house or human in sight, the demigod treaded or more likely floated towards east in a more of a slow manner.
The demigod estimated that it would probably be a few days till he reached his location, Percy was excited at meeting this new elemental, but incredibly bored of the trip there, who wouldn't? It was days upon days worth of floating aimlessly a few feet above the ground hoping for the best, it was bound to get stale after a few hours of doing something so repetitive and bland, it was bound to get boring.
It wasn't that thick of a jungle, there were trees, yes, but it was a few, for the most part, the trees were randomly spaced, some were very close to each other, the rest were so far away from each other that you could've fit two trucks on the space between them. Percy also noted the wildlife, there would be some animals running around, pigs, cows, birds, squirrels, and other type of wildlife, there were plenty of fishes in the rivers Percy managed to cross.
The demigod looked up in the sky, Percy was half expecting a sudden caped hero in a tight red and blue suit flying but was only greeted with the sun, the sun itself was starting to set, Percy needed to find shelter before night came. The demigod searched for a good tree, and he eventually found it, after a few hours of searching, the demigod snapped his fingers, Hydrosihpon turning into a shield.
The demigod used Hydrosihpon as a pillow, a pillow that was nearly the size of the demigods body. Percy shut his eyes, filling the cool wind brush up against his skin, the constant chirp of the birds in the distance, the soothing sound of the trees billowing in the wind, it was a peaceful scenery that is in the very brink of a war. Percy shut those thoughts away and focused on sleeping, and eventually, after a few minutes, the comfort of the shield and the scenery instantly put the demigod to sleep.
Percy groaned, waking up as the sunlight shone against his face, birds suddenly flew from the trees from Percy's sudden noise. The demigod yawned stretching his arms, trying to wake his body up, the demigod could see the sun already up and running, Percy guessed it was around about nine in the morning. Percy yawned again, shaking his head from the grogginess of sleep, his eyes were a bit blurred but nonetheless awake.
Percy sighed and rubbed the sleep from his eyes, the demigod floated down from the branch, checking what was new, there were a few animals there, the demigod decided he would settle with chicken. Percy snapped his fingers, Hydrosihpon in shield for, suddenly turning into an army of knives, the demigod flicked his wrist, the knives instantly surging towards a poor lonely chicken.
The demigod used his other hand to control the sticks and stones in his sorrounding said, he used the water molecules in the air to make the stones float. Percy flicked his wrists, the stones creating a small circle, the sticks suddenly followed suit, floating inside the circle and making a sort of camprfire. The demigod willed another stick and snapped his fingers, the stick instantly twisting and turning, creating friction which eventually made a fire.
The demigod yawned, snapping his fingers, Hydrosiphon turned into a trident, with a now hairless chicken skewered in the prongs. Percy swiped his fingers through the air, the chicken and Hydrosiphon floating above the fire, roasting the chicken to a nice crips. Percy watched the scenery around him as the chicken began to cook from the fire.
Percy tuned back to the food, it was already cooked, the demigod smirked and instantly dug in, using Hydrosiphon as a kind of fork and eating the chicken instantly. Percy instantly dug in, and in the span of a few minutes, nothing was left but bones. Percy sighed and went back to traveling east, it was a pretty boring journey, Percy must admit, but it was necessary, it was to save his friends, Percy could only hope that Vale was doing a far better job than him.
A small rustle of leaves suddenly reached Percy's hearing, the demigod raised his eyebrows and looked behind him, there was a small bush, the demigod had a look of skepticism and approached the bush with a look of caution, Hydrosiphon floating beside him in trident form. The demigod peaked into the bush, nothing was there, odd. Percy raised his eyebrows at the bush but nonetheless gave off a shrug.
"What are you looking for?" A voice asked, Percy yelped in surprise, floating back in shock.
"Oh sorry I didn't mean to startle you." The voice said again. Percy raised his eyebrows, looking around the vicinity in confusion, there was no one there.
"Up here silly." The voice said again, Percy turned his head and indeed, he saw a girl around about his age, sitting at a branch, she wore glasses and wore a simple violet shirt with jeans.
"What are you doing here?" Percy managed to blurt out without stuttering.
"Just walking around, I live quite near here, in the city over there." The girl said pointing towards west.
"Oh okay." Percy said, the demigod instantly walked towards East, he didn't want a mortal to randomly see some dude floating.
"Where are you going?" The girl asked.
"East." Percy replied simply.
"Why though?" The girl asked.
"Do you normally ask this many questions?" Percy asked.
"I dunno, just a habit I guess." She said jumping down from the tree branch.
"So, which one is your parent?" She asked.
"What do you mean?" Percy replied.
"I can tell you're not mortal, then most likely you're a demigod, so, back to the question, which one is your parent?" The girl asked raising her eyebrows.
"I'm not a demigod." Percy said, it wasn't a lie, it wasn't the truth either, since Percy became an elemental, his scent was way off for a demigod.
"Oh, okay then, which pantheon are you?" She asked.
"I'm leaving." Percy said simply, he didn't want his privacy to be ruined by some stranger.
"Where are you going anyway?" She asked
"I can't tell you." Percy said.
"Why not?" She asked, Percy was really starting to get annoyed with the questions, even though she was around nineteen, she seemed to ask a lot and the demigod means a lot of questions. Percy sighed.
"Just go to your home." Percy said.
"Can't, I was supposed to go to a friends house, turns out, my friend wasn't there, my father is out on a business trip and locked the door, no way to get in." She said.
"Then don't bother me please." Percy said and walked away.
"Maybe I can help you?" She asked.
"Doubt it." Percy said.
"Also, I know where you are trying to go." She said.
"I just wanted to see you get annoyed." She said, Percy instantly stared at the nineteen year old with a look of confusion.
"I'm not mortal, I'm a demigod, and I know where you are trying to go." She said.
"Wait really?" Percy asked.
"If you want I can show you." She said.
"Please, by all means, lead the way, it's starting to get really boring." Percy said. The demigod held out his book and checked the map, there were now two dots on the map, one was blue, the other was violet, Percy guessed the violet one was this girl., the violet for shone with a semi faint light.
"So, if we are going to be travel buddies, I need to know your name." She said.
"Oh, I'm Delta." Percy said.
"Asteria." She said holding out her hand, Percy gladly took it, maybe this trip wasn't so bad after all.
Vale instantly ran at the shore of the beach seeing something falling from the sky, there was a trail of electricity following the descend of the boy. Vale clapped his hands, a sudden pillar of earth rising from the ground and catching the unconscious elemental. Vale snapped his fingers, the pillar suddenly retesting back to the ground, revealing a slightly bruised and mostly electectricuted Blitz.
Blitz sat up groggily, a bit of electricity sparking from his body.
"How long was I out for?" Blitz said rubbing his temples.
"Dunno, you were just falling from the sky, good thing I catched you." Vale said explaining the details.
"Damn, I think I fought this type of bird that always sparked with electricity, I thought it was Zapdos from Pokemon, turns out I was wrong." Blitz said rubbing his temples.
"After I defeated it, I got this type of orb, same as the bird, it sparks with electricity, when I touched it, I suddenly was launched into orbit, not really, but I was launched really high until I ended up here." Blitz explained.
"Where is here actually?" Blitz asked.
"Somewhere around New York." Vale said with a small shrug.
"Are we the only alive after the incident?" Blitz said with a fearful look. Vale shook his head.
"I doubt our friends can get killed that easily, they are probably fighting these kinds of monsters." Vale explained.
"Cool, also are we the first to defeat this monsters?" Blitz asked.
"Actually you're the third to do so." Vale stated.
"Who's the other one?" Blitz asked.
"Where is he now?" He asked.
"I sent him off on a journey, I fear if we don't get this help soon, we might not last even a minute." Vale said.
"But I feel more powerful now, I think I improved my power ten fold." Blitz said.
"If all of us Elementals had a power up, we may be able to last of put up quite a good battle, but in the end, we will most likely lose." Vale said.
"So what's the plan?" Blitz asked.
"For now, gather all of the Elementals whilst Delta is out finding our ally." Vale said.
"Who is this ally?" Blitz asked.
"You'll know it when you see it." Vale said, leaving a very vague description of the ally.
"But where will we meet Delta after he does find this ally?" Blitz asked.
"I'm afraid I haven't talked to him about that yet, however I will just send a message over to him, for now we must focus on finding the other Elementals." Vale said a look of determination in his eyes. Right on cue, a sudden meteor like being started to plummet from the sky at increasingly fast speeds, a trail of smoke in its wake.
"We better take cover." Vale said, planting his fists onto the ground, a dome like barrier made out of stone sorrounding them.
"My power is slowly rising and replenishing, that fight took a lot out of me, thanks to the orb I'm managing to get energy." Blitz said clutching his stomach.
"That's fine, you can take a breather, I will handle it for now." Vale said, the barrier of stone suddenly shattering. Vale exited the dome and approached a sudden crater on the ground, it was as if a small meteor struck the earth, though it didn't do that much damage as expected. Vale took a small peak inside the crater, luckily enough Aidan was inside the crated, eyes closed and shirt burning in some places.
"Oh damn." Blitz said, rushing down the crater and checking if his friend was still alive, luckily for him, Aidan was still breathing.
"Dude, you okay?" Blitz said out of the blue, Vale turned to the sound seeing Blitz at the top of the crater with a look of worry in his face.
"He's just passed out, probably from the fighting." Vale stated, as if to prove the elemental wrong, Aidan sat up groggily rubbing his temples.
"No I'm not." Aidan said in a raspy voice.
"You look worse for wear." Blitz said.
"I could use some rest or two." Aidan said with a small chuckle followed by a cough.
"Let me guess, you fought some kind of monster which has strong relation to fire?" Vale said with a humerus smirk.
"How did you know?" Aidan said.
"I'm tired of explaining this, so I won't." Vale said.
"So what was the monster?" Blitz asked from the top of the crater.
"A dragon, it seemed to be burning and lighting itself on fire all the time, the worst part is it didn't seem to affect him, to make it worse I was blasted from the floating island onto a volcano." Aidan said with a sigh.
"Oh wow." Blitz said.
"Now let's get you up, don't want you to sit on a crater for too long." Vale said extending a hand, Aidan gladly took it and stood up, dusting the debris from his now charred shirt.
"Guys my power is now restored." Blitz said lying on his back lazily.
"Good for you." Aidan said climbing up the crater, Vale merely made a column rise up and carry him up the crater like an elevator. Aidan huffed, pushing himself up and out of the crater after a few minutes with Aidan and Vale laughing at how their friend was climbing and failing.
"I never want to go rock climbing ever again." Aidan said sitting down next to his two friends.
"Probably a good idea." Blitz said with a small nod and chuckle.
"What do we do about this weird being?" Aidan asked.
"Try and hold it back as long as possible until help arrives." Blitz said.
"And who will be this helping hand?" Aidan asked.
"Delta and some ally I don't know of, Vale won't tell me." Blitz replied nonchalantly.
"Oh okay." Aidan said.
"So what do we do now?" Aidan asked.
"We wait for any other Elementals to come washing up the shore, falling from the sky, or anything out of the ordinary." Vale explained.
"That's a pretty solid plan, what I said is a lie." Aidan said with a small sigh.
"Maybe, but that's all we can hope for right now." Vale said.
"I guess." Aidan said with a shrug. The three sat down in pure silence after that, watching the sun set on the horizon.
"You know, we should really find a place to stay, the sky is getting dark." Blitz added.
"Maybe, but where exactly." Aidan said. A sudden green light exploded in the sky above like fireworks, the three Elementals turned their head with looks of confusion.
"We better get going, fast." Vale said, running of towards the direction of the light. The three ran towards the forest with looks of anticipation. Vale instantly dodge some branches and jumped over a small log, a sudden green arrow ascended up into the night sky and exploded in green light. Vale instantly knew who this was, the elemental of earth arrived just in time to see Aspen suddenly collapse into the ground from pure exhaustion.
"Vale wait up, you're going to fast." Aidan said and suddenly stopped, seeing an Aspen falling to the ground.
"Wait is that Aspen?" Blitz asked.
"Yes it is." Vale said, looking at the barely awake elemental of nature.
"Don't just stand there, I don't have the energy to even walk." Aspen stated, Blitz instantly walked towards the elemental and helped her up.
"Aspen, once your energy is recharged I need you to do something for us." Vale said.
"And what might that be?" Aspen asked, leaning into Blitz for support.
"We need you to slip one of your arrows into a hotel clerk and convince him or her to give us a room." Vale said with a small smirk.
Word Count
More of a filler chapter than an actual chapter to be honest.
This chapter and probably the next few chapters are going to be mostly filler, I'm still thinking of what story arc I should do after this, so this is basically a calm before the storm type of ordeal, hype things up you know what I'm saying. So here Percy is treading off into who knows where, also I introduced this new character Asteria, she will probably help Percy find this elemental of magic, Asteria is very well acquainted with this East and whatever Percy will go to.
She will probably only last around about three chapters until I cut her out from the storyline, as a travel buddy she will only be around three to four chapters, yeah, such little time, most of the chapters are basically world building and character development, I think I divided it quite good for you readers not to get that bored and repetitive, 2K words of ever chapter for the next five or so chapters, then the next 1K chapter is about Vale and the other Elementals.
Whilst Percy is finding this Elemental of Magic, Vale and co are fending off or trying to hold off this new threat, more information will be placed on the chapters after this, which is probably next week, so yeah, I think a chapter after this and another chapter after that is filler, probably, after that will be the more action packed stuff, more shade and foreshadowing at the next few chapters, also I'm going to shed some light on the more outside world, I also plan on Percy encountering some gods and such, which he will probably hate.
Anyways I hope you guys enjoy this chapter even though I don't have time to edit, damn exam, hehe, so guys I will most likely see you next week.
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