Percy shook his head, squirming his way inside the tentacle trying to free himself from its grip, to his dismay, the tentacle only pulled him down faster and stronger, dragging him to the deep depths of the sea like a fishing rod. The demigod screamed but only bubbles came out, the scream itself was barely audible, the demigod tried swiping his fingers, again to his dismay the tentacles were wrapped around him so tight he couldn't move at all.
The demigod's vision adjusted until the dark ocean was semi lighter, it wasn't as dark as before, but it was still dark as heck. Percy looked around trying to see any signs of life, not even a single fish was there, the only one that seemed to be living in these conditions were the giant tentacle. Percy turned his head and looked at the bottom of the ocean, seeing a pair of red eyes staring the demigod down.
Percy squirmed, eventually freeing his hand just for a tiny bit, that was all that the demigod needed, Percy flicked his fingers, Hydrosiphon suddenly turning active again and zooming towards Percy like a jet plane, the trident made a sickening slice, inflicting a medium sized wound into the tentacle, a large resonating growl was heard, the tentacle instantly releasing the demigod.
Percy shook his head, looking around cautiously, trying to find a way out, the demigod swam to the surface going as fast as he can, Percy felt a sudden tug at his feet and was pulled back down to the abyss like last time. Percy clenched his teeth, he couldn't get out of here if he didn't defeat the monster.
Percy stared back down at the abyss, a pair of red eyes still staring him down, the monster itself still hasn't shown its full body, only its tentacles were seen. The demigod turned to his leg and flicked his wrist, Hydrosiphon bolting towards the tentacle that was pulling the demigod downwards and made a slash. Another bellowing growl or scream was heard, it was very high pitched, it was like a Godzilla scream.
The demigod swam upwards, still staring at the abyss, right on cue, a tentacle shot out of the bottom of the sea and was zooming towards the demigod. Percy instantly avoided and flicked his fingers, Hydrosiphon turning into a magic circle and firing a straight jet of blue light. The blue light suddenly collided with the monster, lightning up the huge dark abyss, the monster had an octopus like body, with a pair of red eyes, dozens upon dozens of tentacles that seemed to be the size of a pine tree in width, and the size of a plane times ten in height.
Percy widened his eyes, it wasn't the kraken, no the demigod knew what the kraken looked like, this, well this looked like something more, it was something far worse than the kraken. It was kraken like in terms of looks, but like hell it was way way way bigger in size. The demigod was at a loss for words, Hydro Beam barely left any damage, there was a small black spot on the beast, but it still had no effect on the monster.
Another tentacle was shot towards Percy trying to grab a hold of the demigod, Percy instantly took action and evaded, occasionally flicking his wrists so that the tentacle would retreat every now and again, even though the demigod was already powerful, even though Percy was already an elemental of water, this beast was on a whole other level. The demigod was pretty sure if Poseidon were to face off against this, beast, he would pee his pants.
Percy suddenly stopped dead in his tracks, more tentacles sprang out sorrounding the demigod. The tentacles suddenly surged forward, Percy yelped a little and snapped his hands, Hydrosiphon turning into an array of throwing knives, the throwing knives made a protective barrier around the demigod, every time a tentacle would come close, a dozen or so knives would suddenly surge forward and deliver small cuts and slashes.
The demigod instantly went into overdrive trying to think of any possible ways to defeat this monster, he was a little bit weakened from the attack on the island, but he still has got some fight left in him. Percy yelped as a tentacle manage to pierce its way through Percy's defense of throwing knives and grab a hold off him, the demigod instantly flicked his wrists, the throwing knives surging forward and impaling the tentacle in every spot possible.
The tentacle released the demigod as Percy was given free will again, everything seemed to be on the monsters favor, it was definitely bigger in size, bigger in weight, and obviously more powerful, Percy couldn't think of any other way to defeat the monster, so he didn't. The demigod swam to the surface, snapping his fingers Hydrosiphon turning into a circle of magic.
Every time a tentacle would come close to him the demigod would shoot out a small beam of light that kept the tentacles at bay. Percy turned his head upwards, the surface was getting closer and closer. The demigod turned back to the tentacles a look of concentration in his face, trying his best to accurately shoot down the tentacles with his death lasers.
A sudden roar echoed throughout the sea, the tentacles suddenly stopped in their tracks. The demigod looked around trying to locate what it was. The tentacles were all frozen in time, as if shocked by the presence, the demigod was shocked too, what was the roar, it was one of the most prominent questions on the demigod's mind, it was almost ear splitting, it almost made the demigod deaf, and being deaf isn't something in Percy's to do list, definitely isn't.
A sudden black looming figure was seen in the distance, a giant shark like monster appeared, with blood red eyes, and dozens upon dozens of teeth the size of a human. Percy yelped in surprise and instantly dodged right before the monster was about to eat him. The demigod was straight up scared, there were now two monsters that he had to deal with, this shark like monster was a Megalodon.
The demigod heard stories about this monster, there was only every a few in existence, the demigod once had an upclose and personal look on a Megalodon in Poseidon's palace, but that Megalodon was way way way smaller than this one here, it was almost as if he was the biggest and baddest of all. Percy didn't get any time to think, the shark like beast turned around and got ready to take another bite.
A tentacle suddenly rose from the ground and pulled the demigod and dragged him back to the depths, the Megalodon missed him by inches. The demigod squirmed under the tentacles grasp, he was once again in a position where he couldn't move his fingers. It was easier to control elements when you have the help of gestures and hands, now was quite a bad dilemma, turning worse and worse by the second.
Percy clenched his teeth and controlled Hydrosipn without the help of his hands, Hydrosiphon managed to obey and make a slash at the tentacle. Percy was freed once again, it wasn't time for celebrating though as the Megalodon suddenly looped back around and swam down ready to take another bite.
The demigod snapped his fingers, Hydrosiphon turning into a shield, the shield was like an ant compared to the king of the sharks. Percy flicked his wrist, the shield suddenly getting larger and larger until it was roughly the size of the Megalodon. The monster suddenly bumped into the shield preventing it from reaching the demigod. Percy flicked his fingers, Hydrosiphon turning back to a small trident.
"Enlarge." Percy shouted flicking his wrist.
The demigod snapped his fingers again in conjunction, the trident suddenly growing larger and larger until it was roughly the size of an airplane. It was thanks to Percy's trait, it unlocks the inner power of Hydrosiphon, the elemental weapon had several forms, Trident, Shield, Hydro Beam, Knives, and a more recent one, it was able to change and manipulate the size of Hydrosiphon's trident form.
The demigod thrusted his hand, the now large trident obeying his commands and zooming towards the Megalodon. The Shark seemed to have an intelligence and dodged, barely missing the trident, Percy flicked his wrist again, the trident suddenly veering a sharp right and descending down, planning to impale the octopus like monster. The beast again had a mind and dodged quickly.
Percy suddenly swiped his hand through the water, the enlarged trident suddenly targeting onto the Megalodon and making a medium sized slash across its chest, a few drops of blood were spilled, though because of its thick skin, it managed to save the monsters life, though it stunned the monster and gave it a good daze. The octopus like monster suddenly shot its tentacles out, each one of them fully engulfing the demigod's body.
Percy squirmed, feeling his body being crushed a little, some of his bones breaking, thanks to the water, it was instantly healed, though the demigod was instantly pulled to the depths. The kraken like monster showed its mouth, it had thousands of sharp teeth that seemed to be as sharp as knives. Percy kept squirming trying to get out, the demigod yelped as bubbles came out of his mouth. The tentacled suddenly dragged Percy, brining the demigod close to the monster's mouth ready to eat him.
Percy freed his hands and flicked his wrist, Huyrosiphon suddenly zooming towards the demigod, but it was too late, Percy yelped raising his hands, closing his eyes anticipating the pain, the tentacles suddenly stopped, inches close to its razor sharp mouth. Percy slowly opened his eyes, seeing the monster stare down at him, specifically the emblem on the back of his hand. The symbol of water glowed a faint blue, it's red monster like eyes locked on to the symbol. As if in a trance.
"Master, we have finally found you." The giant octopus said, Percy widened his eyes, shocked at the whole situation all together.
"Wait M-master?" Percy said with wide eyes, shock clearly evident on his voice, the giant tentacled best released its grip on the demigod, his red eyes suddenly turning to an ocean blue, the beast's eyes suddenly glowing a faint blue.
"We were cursed master, only the true king of the seas can free us from our spell." The monster said.
"Wait wait wait, what's with this curse and all that, I'm no king of the seas." Percy said shaking his hands in disbelief.
"A thousand years ago, The king of all sea monsters cursed us because we didn't aid him in his endeavors, he wanted to siege the throne of the seas and kill all the people of the sea, we disobeyed, he cursed us to be violent, he made us kill everyone that we come in contact with, the only way to free us of this curse was to meet the true son of the sea." The monster explained trying to bow.
"Us?" Percy asked.
"Yes, us." Another voice joined in, Percy yelped turning around suddenly. The Megalodon stood behind his demigod, its eyes weren't red anymore, they were now a faint ocean blue.
"So you two disobeyed this, king of all sea monsters because you didn't want to kill anyone?" Percy asked raising his eyebrows.
"Yes master." The two said in unison
"Can you please stop calling me master." Percy said with a sigh.
"We will try master." The Megalodon said, the demigod sighed, exasperated.
"And now we can finally rest." The Megalodon said.
"Wait, what do you mean rest?" Percy asked raising his eyebrows.
"The only thing that kept us from fading was having the chance to meet the true ruler of the seas, and now we have, there is no reason for us to be alive anymore." The octopus like monster said.
"So then what happens, will you just fade away out of existence?" Percy asked. He received his answer, the Megalodon slowly started to fade away, dissapearing into nothing, a faint blue soul of light remaining in its place.
"I guess he didn't feel so good." Percy said, the demigod turned back to the octopus, he too was starting dissapear. Percy sighed waving a small goodbye, even though they tried to kill him, the demigod just felt sorry, they were forced to do it, and he couldn't blame them for that. A small soul was left in its place, the souls suddenly zoomed towards Hydrosiphon and dissapearing into nothing.
Percy sighed looking at the surface, he floated up to the surface until literally, not even a second after another ear splitting scream was heard.
"Not again." Percy said readying himself. Indeed a giant sea monster suddenly bursted out of the deep looking hella mad.
"What did you do!" The monster said in clear anger. Percy widened his eyes, despite his many encounters with large sea monsters, out of all of them this seemed to be the most frightening one.
Percy instantly veered right to dodge a large bite, if he didn't had quick reflexes, he would've been eaten straight of the bat.
"Who the heck are you?" Percy said still dodging the monsters attacks, it seemed to be a mix of a serpent like sea creature and something more terrifying than that.
"I'm the king of all sea monsters!" The monster said in anger and began to do a flurry of bites towards Percy's general direction, the demigod helped, dodging the bites, it was inches close to eating Percy's face off. The demigod clicked his fingers, Hydrosiphon suddenly turning large and large by the second. The demigod flicked his wrist, Hydrosiphon surging forward towards the sea monster.
The attack made a large gash on the serpentine's side, it only made it angrier and more bloodthirsty. Percy yelped dodging another bit to the face, the monster suddenly opened his mouth, like a vacuum cleaner, Percy was being sucked into it, the demigod yelped trying his best to not get sucked into the whirlpool like mouth. The demigod snapped his fingers, Hydrosiphon reverting back to a small trident and changing into a circle.
The demigod turned towards the monster and fired a straight beam of light into the monsters mouth. The monster screamed in pain, reeling back to evaluate on its life choices, yet it seemed to act like a ravenous beast than a king.
"I will kill you for this!" The monster screamed lunging towards Percy, opening its mouth and getting ready for a large bite, the demigod widened his eyes, flicking his wrist Hydrosiphon suddenly turning to a trident and grew to the size of an airplane, the monster clenched its mouth shut to finish the job, to its avail, Hydrosiphon held the mouth in place, unable to shut his mouth from the trident.
Percy quickly swam out of the mouth and swiped his fingers, Hydrosiphon returning back to him, with Hydrosiphon's enlarged form, Percy was like an ant compared to the size of his trident. Percy learned that trick a few years back, the demigod just hasn't found the right moment to use it, now was the perfect time.
"Alright, you asked for this!" The monster suddenly dissapeared into nothing, the demigod looked around trying to locate where the monster was, to his dismay, the monster seemed to dissapeared into nothingness. The demigod was starting to think that dissapearing was his ultimate attack. The demigod suddenly widened his eyes as a presence suddenly appeared behind him.
The monster already had its jaw open ready for the kill, the demigod jumped out of the way, narrowly avoiding the bite, right as its jaw shut, the sea monster was gone again. The demigod stayed on high alert this time trying to figure out where the monster was going to attack next. Percy examined the area trying to find any difference with the power, the monster was very god at concealing its presence.
Percy was sent flying a few feet, the monster literally backhanded the demigod with its tail. The demigod shook his head trying to get rid of the daze, stars were figuratively circling his head. The sea monster seemed to be smirking, the demigod had blurry vision, he could faintly see the outline of a huge monster gaining up on him, the demigod instantly dodged, avoiding the snake like creature.
The creature dissapeared again into the ocean, Percy looked at the ripples in the water, thanks to his element, a sudden ripple was sensed, the demigod instantly dodged avoiding a tail strike to the back. Percy turned around and the snake creature wasn't even there, another smack was heard, the demigod was flung a few feet away. Percy was dazed again, the impact was that of a boulder.
Percy rubbed his eyes, his vision clearing, his daze dissapearing, the ocean suddenly started to darken. Percy widened his eyes, looking upwards, the monsters jaw suddenly clamped shut, trapping the demigod inside the monsters mouth. The sea like monster's eyes shone a bright red, finding satisfaction in killing a powerful foe. Percy widened his eyes, he was eaten alive, all the demigod could see was black. Percy was starting to panicked, he tried to think of any possible ways out of the monsters mouth, nothing, no solution surfaced.
The monster swam back to the depths with a sample smirk, its mouth suddenly glowed a faint blue light. The monsters mouth was instantly sprung open from the power, Percy exited the mouth, Hydrosiphon glowing a faint blue. Percy only saw Hydrosiphon like that a few times, five times in total. Percy instantly knew what had to be done.
"What the?" The monster said obviously confused, it's eyes landing on Percy, it's red eyes glowing a dangerous shade.
"You're getting on my nerves now." The monster said angry, it surged towards Percy opening his mouth for a huge bite. Percy extended his palm, curling his thumb pinky and index finger.
"Sea Monster." Percy stated simply swiping his fingers through the water. Tentacles made out of pure water suddenly sprouted from the depths dragging the sea monster King down to the depths by an octopus like monster made out of pure water with a pair of glowing blue eyes.
"Now the fun really begins."
Word Count
The Tenth chapter is out, I'm feeling like I should celebrate lol.
So guys tenth chapter is out leaving you guys in for another cliffhanger, last time I left you guys in a cliffhanger last chapter, there were multiple comments about it haha.
Anyways, Percy unlocked another mode, I think it's very obvious but he managed to unlock another mode, I dunno if you guys caught into that but well, you do now, so I'm going to be explaining 'Sea Monster' next chapter, because I could more easily explain it, right now is only a vague clue on what it is.
Also Percy is getting a power boost around next chapter, he got like 15% of a power boost this chapter, and will get more powerful by next chapter, it will only be to hype up the battle between that mysterious figure that they battled last chapter. Also yeah, the Octopus like monster, and the shark like monsters it seemed at first they were bad, then turned out to be good and all of a sudden bam this stuff happens, Undersea arc which is right now a very aquatic arc as you can probably tell.
So, do you guys want me to post next chapter on the whereabouts of the other Elementals are? Or just skip to the plot, I'm sure next chapter would be dedicated to Percy for the most part, but the chapter after that, do you guys want me to dedicate a chapter on them, to see what going on, for more character build up and development for them, or just solely rely on Percy?
I personally want to have more character development, but you guys decide, I'm not going to do something you guys don't enjoy reading, so guys see you next chapter, or we'll see you next week.
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