Percy floated around his friends as they discussed about the potential plan of invading the skeleton summoner's place.
"Then when do attack this source." Blitz asked raising his eyebrows.
"We can do it right now, if my memory serves me right, it's not that far from here." Aspen stated, Vale nodded in response.
"So it's settled, let's go now." Vale stated pointing at Aspen.
"Lead the way." The embodiment of earth stated, she nodded walking to a thick forest, the battlefield was littered with nothing but dust from the skeletons. Percy laid down on his shield, floating randomly, hugging the life out of it, watching his friends walk in silence.
"I still can't fully understand your trait Aspen." Blitz stated with a sheepish smile, the element of Nature sighed.
"Why are you always the one asking questions?" Aspen sighed in exasperation.
"Fine, but this is the last time I'm saying this, it's been a lot of years since we've known each other and still you can't understand it." Aspen said rubbing her temples.
"Nature's Instinct gives me heightened senses and more, got that?" Aspen said, Blitz gave a small nod.
"Since I can manipulate nature, Nature's Instinct gives me access to their information, I can manipulate the nature of every living being, or in which case, the skeletons, I got the information on where their source of power was, I can basically read their minds." Aspen stated, Blitz nodded with a small smile.
"I still don't get it." Blitz said in a sheepish grin, the Elementals face palmed.
"Oh gods." Aspen said face palming.
"Just shut your mouth, we're almost there." Aspen said going through some trees, she suddenly stopped. The rest of the group stopped dead in their tracks looking around in confusion. She slowly peaked over a tree, there was a small wooden house at the very middle of the forest, Aspen's face scrunched up in confusion.
"That's strange, the power source is very high here, but I can't see anything out of the ordinary." She said coming out of her hiding spot and onto the clearing where the wooden house was at. The rest followed looking around in confusion.
"Maybe it's in the house?" Percy asked raising his eyebrows, Aspen had a thoughtful look on her face. She approached the house opening the door cautiously, there was nothing there, only an empty space, there was no furniture. The Elementals opened the door and let themselves in, looking around the dark hut, there were no lights, it was very dark.
"Well, there's nothing here, let's go, we tried." Blitz said going out of the door. Just like a horror movie, the door shut itself like magic, locking the group of Elementals in the hut. As if on cue, the floor suddenly split apart, a huge hole below the hut. Blitz screamed like a girl, as the rest of the Elementals fell to what seemed like an underground lair. Percy yelped in surprise, floating down the massive hole, Azure widened her eyes controlling the winds to float mid air. The rest used their respective elements to break their fall.
The Elementals sighed in relief landing on the ground with a thud, there was huge cave with dozens upon dozens of bookshelves, there were multiple torches hung lazily around the cave walls, there was a wooden table, along with random books scattered around. There were multiple books scattered on the floor and pretty much everywhere, it was basically a room for people who really liked to read.
As if by a magic the cave suddenly became bigger, aproximately the size of a football stadium. The Elementals yelped, trying to gain their balance. A sudden hooded figure appeared at the very middle of it all, his black hood covering his face, a veil of shadow covering his eyes. Aspen suddenly yelped in surprise looking at the figure.
"So you're the one summoning these skeletons." Aspen stated, the figure merely laughed.
"And you're the people who destroyed my minions." The figure said in a low voice.
"No matter, I will destroy you in your spot." The figure said, a floating book suddenly appeared beside him, as if by magic, the book started opening and flipping the pages by itself. Percy shouldn't have been surprised, heck he had a floating trident, but he was, and was creeped out as hell. A sudden green beam of light was shot from the book at the direction of the Elementals, the group yelped in surprise, dodging th death beam. The energy beam managed to hit the cave wall behind them doing nothing.
"Stop avoiding my attacks." The figure said flipping through more pages as multiple more beams were shot out by the book. The Elementals decided to split up and not be clustered into one group. Aspen summoned her Elemental Weapon, clutching her green bow in hand, if only the nature elemental could get close to him, she would easily get the upper hand.
"I've seen better attack." Aidan said in a taunting voice, the figure suddenly screamed in fury, launching a flurry of magical spells, deadlier than the last. Aidan yelped grabbing Dragonbreath and slicing a beam of energy before it could've hit him.
"Damn dude, don't irritate the man." Blitz said activating Thunderclap, his elemental weapon.
"The same way how you irritate Aspen?" Aidan asked with a small smile.
"Exactly." Blitz said with a small smile, he yelped ducking, dodging a green beam of energy
"We're at a disadvanatage here, we can't beat him in this cave, this is where he is most powerful." Frostine stated, summoning Cryo.
"Then where do you suppose we can beat him." Vale asked, summoning his dual gauntlets and blocking a beam of energy.
"Leave that to me." Azure said with a small smirk, activating Nexus, her Elemental Weapon. All of the Elementals suddenly started to float out of the cave though the big hole in the ceiling, the hooded figure gritted his teeth looking at the flying group in anger.
"You can't escape from me." The figure said and followed the group out of the cave. The wooden house suddenly exploded from the air that Azure was using, the Elementals landed on the ground with a thud, the sunlight hitting their skin.
"Now we have a more even battlefield." Azure stated with a small smile. Out of the hut came the hooded figure who was also flying, his book floating beside him.
"You think that if I'm outside my lair, that you can defeat me, Ha, never." The figure said flipping through dozen pages. A sudden wall of earth stood in front of the Elementals, courtesy of Vale, the group looked at each other with a look of contemplation.
"We can't seem to get close to him, I'm guessing those beams he's shooting can kill you?" Blitz asked, Aspen gave a small nod.
"Then what is our plan, I doubt my earth wall could hold off much longer." Vale stated.
"Your trait." Percy stated, the Elementals looked at him like he grew three heads.
"Blitz, your trait, use your trait." Percy stated.
"And what about it?" Blitz asked raising his eyebrow.
"Tell me, what is your trait?" Percy asked trying to explain his idea.
"Chain Reaction, but what does this have to do with anything?" Blitz asked.
"And what does it do?" Percy asked feigning ignorance.
"When I use my lightning it can move from one object to another, but I doubt it gonna be usefu- Oh I get it now." Blitz said with a small smirk.
"Exactly." Percy said with a small smile.
"Well it's worth a shot." Frostine said shrugging, the earth wall suddenly cracked, dropping to the ground with a thud.
"Now, die!" He said sending an array of spells and summoning dozens upon dozens of skeletons. Blitz smirked as lightning coursed through his veins, he sent one bolt, just on single bolt to one tiny skeleton. The bolt suddenly sparked, surging from one skeleton to the other, it was like a chain of lightning, it would move from one skeleton to the other, and it would even nullify the magical attacks that were sent at the Elementals way.
"What the?" The figure said, encasing himself in a magical transparent sphere, successfully blocking the lightning attacks.
"A force field." Aspen stated.
"I got this." Aidan stated raising his battle axe in the air, his axe suddenly started to burn ablaze the embodiment of fire bringing down his fiery axe, sending ripples of heat through the air. The figure yelped in fear, the magical force field, instantly disintegrating from the attack. The figure clenched his fist, flipping through more pages, eventually he settled on one and chanted a magical spell. As if on cue, an array of floating spikes suddenly appeared beside the figure.
"Let's see how you fare against this." He said, the spikes suddenly zoomed towards the Elementals, they yelped in surprise. Percy clicked his fingers, Hydrosiphon turning to an army of throwing knives, he swiped his fingers, the floating throwing knives intercepting each and every one of the spikes, not even one managed to land a scratch.
"What in the actual hell." He said in gritted teeth.
"You call that an attack?" Percy asked with a small smirk.
"I'm gonna kill all of you!" He said in anger, flipping through each and every one of the pages. A sudden ball of fire hurled from the sky gravitating towards the Elementals. Frostine smirked, grabbing her staff and planting it on the ground, a blue light suddenly echoed throughout the battlefield, a large iceberg the size of a mountain erupted from the ground, intercepting the large meteor. It erupted in a large fiery explosion, sending ripples of cold and heat throughout the battlefield,
The figure clenched his fist gritting his teeth, every one of his tactics failing against the group of Elementals. He flipped through more pages eventually landing on a particular page, he smirked at himself, it was one of the most powerful moves he had.
"Try beating this." He states launching a very powerful attack, a beam of light suddenly erupting from his book, the beam of light was very powerful. A sudden gust of wind sent the beam spiraling off course and hitting the tree beside them. Azure smirked at the look of the figure's face.
"How?" He said astonished, Azure chuckled.
"This is my trait, Tornado, it's able to repel any attacks, physical or magical, I can even send your attack back at you if I want." She said with a small smirk. The figure clenched his fist sending another beam of energy towards the embodiment of the wind, she sighed flicked her wrist, the attack was instantly send the other direction back at the figure. He yelped, a sudden force field blocking the attack.
The figure began to channel all of his magic power into one final attack, one that could rival any of the attacks he did. He channeled his magic onto the book, a golden light filling the forest, he smirked, the book turning a bright yellow, a sudden yellow beam zoomed towards the Elementals In frightening speeds. The group was impressed, it was a pretty powerful attack.
Percy sighed snapping his fingers, the army of knives suddenly clustering together, turning into one magical blue circle. Percy flicked his fingers, a large blue beam suddenly emitting from the magic circle, it intercepted the gold beam, colliding with the magic power. Percy twisted his fingers a bit, his magic laser beam suddenly overpowering the yellow one. The light died down as the beams suddenly dissapeared. Percy snapped his fingers, the magical circle returning back to a trident.
The figure suddenly bolted the other way trying to run from the Elementals, Frostine smirked clapping her fingers, his foot suddenly turned to ice, incapacitating him in place.
"Frostbite, it's my trait, even the slightest scratch from my ice could instantly render you immobile." She said with a small smirk. The figure could only state in shock, amazement, and fear at the power these group possessed, the figure only managed to splutter out a sentence.
"Who are you?" The figure asked.
"We, are the Elementals." They said in unison. The figure suddenly dropped to the ground with a thud, a green energy arrow at the back of his head. Aspen smiled innocently.
"Was I not supposed to do that?" She said with a small smile. The group groaned.
"It was starting to get awesome and stuff." Blitz said in dissapointment.
"Anyhow, I've managed to get something, turns out this is a criminal, he managed to steal a magic book and use it to plague the Tree Kingdom, he blackmailed the king and gave him a deal, if the king didn't give ten thousand gold bars, then he would keep attacking the kingdom with skeletons." Aspen explained.
"Luckily we got here just in time, Natural Instict for the win!" She said with a smile.
"Damn, your trait is amazing." Blitz said in wonder.
"I know." She said with a small smile.
"Now let's get this sucker back to the kingdom." Blitz said with a small smirk. Percy nodded clicking his fingers, Hydrosiphon turning from a trident, to a shield, the shield hoisted the criminal up and floated him back to the kingdom. Vale suddenly stopped dead in his tracks, staring at the book on the ground, it was the book that the criminal used. The book had intricate designs at the cover, it glowed a faint blue on the pages, signifying its magical nature.
"I-I recognize that book." Vale stated staring at the book. The Elementals suddenly stared at the earth elemental with looks of confusion. He shook his head a glazed look on his face.
"We better keep moving, carry the book along with us, we might need it." Vale said keeping to himself. The group stared at their friend and semi leader of the team with looks of confusion. Percy swooped the book and carried it with him.
"What's up with him?" Aidan asked raising his eyebrow.
"I dunno, he's usually not like that." Frostine said with a look of confusion.
"We better not butt in, it's his privacy." Blitz said with a small sigh escaping his lips.
"Don't worry, he's not planning something evil or anything, I can sense it, it's just something that he forgot a long long time ago." Aspen stated, the rest of the group looked at the nature elemental in shock.
"Wait, you know what is happening with Vale?" Azure asked.
"Yes, we were the first two Elementals, I know why he is acting like that, I just don't wanna tell, it's his privacy." Aspen stated with a small shrug, leaving the Elementals the remaining Elementals to their musings.
"I guess we better not pry." Percy said floating towards the kingdom, the rest followed not wanting to intrude on their friends privacy.
The Elementals arrived at the kingdom, with the criminal or Mage whatever you liked to call it behind them. The king was there awaiting for their return with some royal guard behind him to protect their highness.
"Yo, we caught the dude who's been bothering you!" Blitz said with a small smile. Aspen sighed slapping him in the back of the head.
"That's the king, don't be disrespectful, be a little bit more formal." Aspen whisper yelled
"Okay then." Blitz said.
"Hello mate, we found the bloke who's been bothering you." Blitz mocked, impersonating an english person.
Aspen slapped him at the back of the head "How is that any more formal."
"Fine alright jeez." Blitz said rubbing the back of his neck.
"Anyway we found the person who's been behind these attacks, your safe from any attacks from now on, unless he manages to escape." Vale stated, the king nodded in thanks.
"Thank you very much, and here is a token of my appreciation." The king said handing a sack full of gold. Blitz watched, mouth watery as the king handed Vale the pile of gold.
"Oh, don't worry, we don't need this." Vale said with a kind smile.
"Are you sure?" The king asked.
"Yes we are su-" Vale was suddenly caught off by Blitz.
"We actually need it, very bad, so thank you for the reward." Blitz said grabbing the sack of gold, the king smiled a little and left. The Elementals sighed in relief, going back to their house.
"So, where to next?" Frostine asked raising her eyebrow.
"Actually, I'm thinking we could go to this other kingdom, I heard they have good quality dining establishments, but no more alcoholic beverages, those thing could kill you." Vale stated, the rest of the group contemplated.
"What's the harm in going to this kingdom, besides, we're in need of a vacation." Percy said with a small shrug, the rest nodded in agreement.
"Also we have this sack of gold that we can use for the food." Blitz said raising the sack, a few Elementals chuckled.
"Then let's go if we want to get a head start." Aidan states, the rest nodded running through the woods and spotted a familiar looking three story house. The Elementals entered the house, Percy and Azure stayed behind to manage the flight. Azure activated her Nexus, the house suddenly levitating, along with a patch of land. It was back to being a flying island. Percy smirked floating up to the house along with Azure.
The two entered the house with a small smirk.
"Now that we're all settled, I'm going to take a nap." Blitz said, heading up the stairs to get some good old fashioned sleep.
"Now that I think about it, I'm up for a nice nap too." Aspen said yawning, going to her room. The rest merely sat on the living room in silence, contemplating about the events that transpired.
"Anyone up for truth or dare?" Aidan asked with a slight smile, the rest groaned in annoyance but still accepted to play the game to pass the time.
Word Count
Another chapter out.
So I revealed two new traits, one for Azure, and one for Frostine, this has a more detailed explanation than that, I'm just going to clear up a few things while we are at the topic of traits, also I revealed a few of their powers, oh and I forgot, I also revealed Blitz's trait which will be explained on the next paragraph.
Now let's start with Blitz, his trait is called, Chain Reaction, his lightning bolts, whenever it makes contact with something, anything that's in range will immedietly get shocked, and the one that got shocked will continue the line, so basically it creates a spark of lightning that passé do through everything near it, this trait is very useful, since it can be very useful i enemies with large numbers or in armies.
Azure's trait, Tornado. Any magical or physical attack, but mostly magical can be nullified, like when you shoot and arrow, it will immedietly miss. Physical attacks such as bows, or anything ranged or with projectiles is affected by Tornado, whilst others like a sword, or axe, is not affected by it. Tornado can also repel magic attacks, such as when a beam of energy was shot at Azure, it was sent back to its owner with the same amount of magic.
Now Frostine's trait, Frostbite. This is a very usuful trait for immobilizing, a single scratch from he ice, if left untreated, or not patched up immedietly, she can instantly freeze that part of your body a few minutes late, this is specially useful in scenarios of when you're facing up against an opponent twice your size, you can easily freeze them on the spot, or when containing beasts such as dragons, it is also useful for nullifying magical attacks to an extent, the ice can actually weaken magic attacks.
So that's a full blown explanation of their traits and everything about their powers, the hardest to explain is Blitz's because it just basically starts a chain reaction, or more like a chain lightning so to speak, also what do you think of this chapter, like it, love it, hate it.
What did you think of the book at the end?
Why did Vale act very weirdly when he saw that?
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