Chapter Five
*I'm super excited to do my own twist on the Trancy Butler and Noah's Circus arcs*
"Who are you?" The auburn haired young boy asked curiously, his wide chocolate eyes filled with surprise.
"I am Vladimir Phantomhive, this is my younger brother, Ciel, you must be my godfather, Adrian's son, Luka Crevan, it's a pleasure to meet you," Vladimir answered as he and Ciel bowed and he was a bit shocked that his godfather's son reciprocated the proper greeting gesture.
The Phantomhive brothers were visiting Undertaker's shop before they were to arrive at the Trancy Manor.
"Mind if I come with you? Papa says it's best if I get some fresh air, instead of staying in here and down in the Underworld too," Luka wondered.
And if their answer wasn't clear enough, Vladimir easily lifted Luka onto his right hip while he settled his younger brother onto his left hip.
"I'll let Adrian know where to find us, if he doesn't already know or suspect," The eldest son of the late Vincent and Rachel Phantomhive, reassured Luka Crevan.
And together the three demi-humans disappeared from Undertaker's shop and appeared in front of Trancy Manor within silver shadows.
Sebastian and Undertaker were already there, their wards' luggage by their sides and both arched an eyebrow at the three demi-humans.
"Honestly, quit staring and Adrian, I swear that Luka will come to no harm under my care, as my little brother has never been harmed either in my presence," Vladimir vowed and his godfather ruffled his pale cornsilk coloured hair.
"Thank you, vaftistikós, I shall take my leave now, good day, Luka, Ciel and Sebastian," Undertaker embraced his son, godson and his adopted nephew then melted into the shadows.
Luka and Ciel easily climbed off of Vladimir's hips and then they stood in front of Vladimir and Sebastian, shoulders touching as the small family made their way to the double French doors of the Trancy Manor and then Ciel knocked heavily before moving closer to Luka as he stepped back.
The double French doors swung open as an almost as tall as Sebastian, demon butler did a double-take at seeing Luka.
Three demon triplet servants and a demon maid gasped at the sight of Luka who merely seemed confused on why they were shocked into silence by the mere sight of him.
He figured it was because of his death scythe that he held securely in his right hand and then it melted into the shadows and he raised an eyebrow at the five shocked demonic servants.
"May we come in? It is a chilly day and if you will not allow us in after you extended an invitation to us, then we will merely return home," Ciel scowled as his hand tightened around Luka's, reassuring the auburn haired boy that they would never leave him.
"But of course, welcome to Trancy Manor, I am Claude Faustus, this is Hannah Annafellows and the triplets, Thompson, Timber and Canterbury," Claude bowed but his golden eyes narrowed as they met Sebastian's crimson gaze.
Hannah felt tears welling up within her eye as she continued staring at Luka Crevan, wanting nothing more than to embrace him and whisper sweet nothings to him.
The triplets carried the guests luggage to their bedrooms and then stood behind Claude and Hannah as the Trancy butler began giving them a tour.
"Young masters, if I may, would you agree that should they attempt to devour your souls, I will obliterate them?" Sebastian asked all three demi-humans.
"Yes and I have no doubt that they will attempt to do so but we know better," Vladimir answered as he laid his hands on Ciel's and Luka's shoulders.
Hannah bowed her head as the eldest Phantomhive arched a finely laid eyebrow at her desperateness to wrap Luka in her arms.
"Quit staring at my godbrother, succubus and state the reason for why you five glance continuously at him, making him uncomfortable," Vladimir growled and he felt Ciel and Luka curl into his sides while Sebastian's crimson eyes narrowed at the five demon servants.
"Our apologies, Lord Phantomhive, he just resembles our late young master and we were so shocked to see his doppleganger amongst us," Hannah explained.
"Your Highness, your guests have arrived, Lord Vladimir Phantomhive, Earl Ciel Phantomhive, Viscount of Hades, Luka Crevan and their butler, Sebastian Michaelis," Claude introduced the three demi-humans and their demonic butler.
"Please meet Earl Alois Trancy, son of the late Countess Cordelia Trancy," Hannah finished the introductions and right away, Alois Trancy dropped all proper decorum and wrapped his arms around a startled Luka.
"How are you alive? I held your dead fragile little body in my arms and I grieved for you all these years! I went through Hell and back, only wanting to be reunited with my innocent little brother once more! Oh how I've missed you, Luka!" Alois Trancy sobbed as the bewildered Luka felt around for the safety of Vladimir and then clutched onto Sebastian's Neko mate.
"Jimmy, I screamed for you to help me, to come back but you ignored my cries for help, why didn't you save me from my own mind?" Luka began to tear up as Alois held onto his younger brother's smaller hands.
"Luka, you have to believe me, if I had known that you were fighting to be alive from your own mind, then I would have saved you, I have lived through Hell in order to be reunited with you either in the afterlife or right now, I love you so much, sweet Luka, please don't leave me alone," Alois broke down into endless tears.
"Please don't leave me alone again, I could not bear it a second time," He pleaded and it reminded Ciel of when he had begged his older brother not to leave him either, in their haunted past when Vladimir had been dying rapidly.
"I won't leave you, Jimmy, not again," Luka promised and he wrapped his older brother in a tight embrace while Alois or Jimmy as Luka called him, held him impossibly closer.
Vladimir now had Ciel in his warm arms, curled into his chest.
Hannah was wiping her tears away and smiling tearfully, trying to quiet her sniffles.
Claude was furious while the triplets did their best to comfort Hannah.
"Well, that's certainly one hell of a first time meeting," Sebastian chuckled, smirking at the Trancy butler's visible frustration.
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