The Students of Darkness
Through winding halls now cable sped
His heart did beat with quickened dread.
Yet forth he went to allies tell
Of thing inside this place that dwelled.
At front of cave the rest he sees
And motions quick that men must heed
The words he says do bid them go
Yet far from present held abode.
"Arise my feudal brother heed
T he words I bring from spying deed
Inside this place do men yet dwell
Who someone powers dark and fell.
Beyond what most do use for war
Beyond the need for battle chore.
I bid thee haste that fast we leave
Before these men arise and grieve
The band of men dear to deign
These halls at night with presence feigned
A death by blade they all do hold
And meet use well in battle bold."
And justs as words escape they heard
The sound of feat that made them stir
And quick from out of cave the leave
As words of cable all do heed.
Inside the trees they hide at last
And hope the shadows leaves have cast
Will hide their form from coming foe
Who brief before in caves abode.
From mouth of cave a shadow came
With face a dreadful palor deign.
Corrupt by many years of use
Of feyish powers who's hard abuse
Had worn away his mortal form.
Till such was pale and very torn.
He turns and sees the sleep guard
That men had cast to slumber hard.
Through use of force the former deign
Upon this man on ground yet lain.
This sudden crimson flame did sprout
And sudden gurgling cry was shout.
As guard on ground did lay yet dead
By hand of ally deathly bled.
Then back to woods he turned his eyes
To see if foes in trees abide.
But out of cave yet more arrived
Who looked at man with which they vied
To lead their forces far and wide
Wherever men did current bide.
And one from midst to step ahead
To meet this man though man was dread.
He too a sickly face did own
For powers fell he also honed.
"How dare you rise in night and slay
The rest of men while sleeping lay
We down and rest in depths of night
Not even given chance to fight."
And man he tracked scent from cave
Unfazed by words though sounding brave.
"Intruders came yet forth in halls
Where all we bandit folk are sprawled.
These men we need to purpose know
And tell what threat intruders pose."
But former man would hear not grief
And deem himself to challenge chief.
His blade ignites a crimson red
From saber hilt his flame now bled.
No faith I own in man whose ways
You've taught me long are foul depraved.
I'll face your sword and win my will
And goals of clan I'll high fufill..."
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