The Scoundrel
And Jubie did come with foe in hand
On out from deepest forest land.
To drag along behind him foe
Who grant in forest deathly woe.
To rest of camp he angry walks
But stops at sight at which he balks.
For Towan sat with rest of band
And spoke to whole of warring plans.
And Kelan seeing troubled face
Did speak and turn aside in haste
The fear he felt to see their foe
Now sat inside the rest's abode.
"No fear I bid Jubie to hold
For man who's present joined our bode.
For man did help his foe our friend
And brought him forth for rest to mend."
And Jubie did see the fencer's hurt
He took when out on searching work
Yet still did hold his tongue in fear
Of former foe he dwelled yet near.
But Kelan spoke again and ask
The man he brought yet forth as task
When only wood he went to gain
From wilder land he deems as fain.
"What fellow bring you forth yet bound
That man inside the forest found
When going forth on meager chore
To only fire wood yet score."
And Jubei then spoke and told the rest
How foe he held his will had test.
"This man in woods an ambush made
And hand against his better raised.
No doubt the one who set the traps
That foot of ally harshly grasped.
Perhaps of friend of bandit men
Who's live we few are task to end."
And hearing words they nearer drew
And words of group then loudly grew.
The Kelan spoke to silence all
In voice that loud for truth did call.
"I bid thee rest to silence make
So men may hasty learn of fate.
Now speak you foe a reason give
That death to rest of men you bid.
Is man with bandit group at work
What cause did bid us men to hurt."
But silent man did downward cast
His head away from foe who asked
For reasons gave to wage these crimes
That led to man yet tied in binds.
Then Varik fourth from rest of group
Did step and weave the Jedi's sooth
And waves his hand before his eyes
To see what truth beneath them lies.
Then man did gasp and quickly spoke
As silence kept's unwilling broke.
"Not forth with bandits man did stand
Yet still I worked to aid their plans.
When smaller town those fiends harass
They leave the rest and harm does pass
Above the head of rest of folk
About these parts. The peace be broke
If men from smaller village make
A fight and plight they own abates.
Then forth on rest of peope's heads
Will come a harsher hurt yet sped.
For fiend in desp'rate stance are drove
To desp'rate act against their foes.
They risk to larger village harm
And bring on head a deeper harm
To those from which my lot drives
And place in which I long abide.
When seeing men I impromptu fought
So peace for rest of planets wrought."
And men did grieve to hear his words
As voice did make the whole yet stir.
No no don't trust him!!! Just because he didn't set the trap doesn't mean he is stable. Turn him away!!! Ashram Dreyus
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