The Duel Part 4
And both the men did circle long
To hoots and cries of teeming throng.
Of Jedi stood with peasant crowd
Who's voice now echoes great and loud.
And Towans hands are tightly grasp
At head and butt of hilt he grasp,
His lev'rage great along with arms
With single blow could bring yet harm.
And Saubio stood a single hand
Atop his hilt does gently land
A studious grip that long was honed
Till highest skill the warrior owned.
Then sudden flash of light did blast
And blinding light on all was cast.
As Towan's mighty arms now struck
With purple flame to test his luck.
And Saubio's sword with precise gait
Did alter course the sabers takes.
His feet like dancer's floated fast
Across the ground on martial task.
And craftful skill his hands displayed
To whirl and strike his regal blade.
Prestigious craft that long was earned
By other leisure man had spurned.
Though strong were Towan's mighty arms
He brought not foe yet any harm.
And other Jedi watching fight
Now stood amazed Saubio mights.
And Cable spoke always intrigued
By feudal skills and romantic deeds
To Tarlas asking man this thing
What purpose Towan's saber brings.
"Why wields the man a saber long
Though still I know his skill's yet strong
He's picked apart by finer way
That other man at time was gave."
And Tarlson the long forlorn does speak
As words he gives in manner meek.
"His Saber's broke another blade
Extends from hilt yet stands unmade.
Perhaps yet give in such a way
For broken man a broken blade."
And both intent again now turn
From duel both had briefly spurned.
And Saubio danced and saber flicked
With cunning feints and skillful tricks
So Towan nought but tried survive
In hopes defeat be long denied.
But sudden sting yet ran through hand
And pulled away the blade from man
So down on ground he's forced to kneel
Lest killing blow his foe does deal.
Then Saubio spoke and bid him leave
Though thing the mighty warrior grieved.
"Be gone from rest of group yet fast
Away from battle chore be cast
And go about the road to home
Where 'fore at length the man did roam."
So Towan rose folorn in face
But left the field in quickest haste.
Note here one of the few lessons in this poem I agree with. The overcoming of an unskillful brute by more refined opponent is always inevitable note it well padawans.- Ashram Dreyus
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