Kelan's Judgement
Now fast to Kelan men do fly
With hand on maid but wrath defied
By warrior brought to spare her life
And shelter maid from peasant's strife.
Through streets of dirt the masses poor
To bring her forth for judging chore
And up to door the folk now go
To place where Kelan present bodes.
Then out from hole the man does come
To coming masses feet like drums
That herald well their swift approach
Along with subject men would broach.
In hands the girl the crowd now held
Along with anger dark and fell
That pushed like waves against his mind
So man their reason fails to find
By dint of force or Jedi art
That lets him play a couns'lors part.
And forth with crowd does Cable come
With worried eyes and heart that thrums.
Unto his door they finally cease
And grip on girl then barely ease.
"What brings you folk yet forth in morn?
For girl you hold some obvious scorn.
Now tell me thing this maid has done
That man can know the troubles come."
Then village men now spoke and tell
In hopes that man when hearing tale
Would grant her death at hands of folk
Who's trust in night she surely broke.
"This girl in night when all did sleep
Did rise and wander 'bout the keep.
She loosed the pris'ner kept in shack
That warriors brought from wood attack.
So men to people hunter kept
Inside the night by woods he crept
Returns and warns the rest of plan
That folk against the bandit's stand.
To death we bid this girl be put
For trust of folk this fiend forsook."
And Telan's face was very pale
Now looking down on girl so pale
And knowing work he worked in night
Did lead to peasant's current strife.
But still he knows he act must feign
No truth of plan to folk yet deigned
For such the plan of Varik bids
The man to keep the secret hid.
If rest did know his current course
Then surely thing they did's for worse.
So down he stooped to girl and looked
For path so fate at hands forsook.
Then man did finally speak and tell
His words so wrath of men would quell.
"By Jedi art and act of force
I bid this girl no wicked course
Did walk or take inside the night
Nor worked to help our foes in strife.
This thing I bid the force decreed
And all yet stood my words must heed.
No threat of death on girl I bid
Nor heed yet any harm to give
To folk she keeps at present time
My will I deem you all to bind."
With aid of force his words did grow
And fear inside their hearts did sow.
So men though grieving course they take
Did know that plans they made abates.
And back with grimace all did turn
Yet grieving justice thought yet spurned.
And Kelan towards Cable shook
Whose face did bare the strangest look.
Not knowing words that man had spoke
Or Jedi spell the man had smote.
To know the course the girl had deign
If crime or not the dame had claimed.
But Kelan spoke and bid him work
To guard the girl from further hurt.
"I bid you well to labor hard
The house she holds I deem you guard
Protecting all she holds yet dear
And keeping home from any fear.
And Cable nods when hearing words
And does the work his leader spurs.
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