Part One: The boxs
((Okay so this is the lazy writer speaking. I just wanted to let you all know that this story is for fun and im trying to just go with the flow!))
Shelby's POV
I sit in a chair reading a book. It's pretty boring. It's about the 'Rouge Seven' and how they went crazy. I can't even remember why I'm reading it when I hear a knock at the door.
"Shelby please get that!" My mom calls from the kitchen.
"Okay mom!" I say as I close the book and open the door. I see Ross standing there dressed in his farm outfit of jeans and a grey tee shirt.
"Hey Ross!" I say smiling.
"Hey Shelby. You busy? I'm going into town and I wanted to know if you wanted to come." He says and I smile bigger.
"Yeah Ross I can go!" I say and I turn around.
"Mom! Ross and I are going into town!" I yell as I walk out the door.
"Have fun!" She says as I shut the door and start running to town.
*Later when they get to town*
I skipped along the streets looking at all the houses and shops. For being a poorer part of town it had some nice looking houses. As we were walking I saw a person leaning against a building. They wore a black hood that hid their face completely. From the way they were facing it looked like they were looking at us.
"Hey Ross. Are they looking at us?" I whisper to my cousin. He looks over to see the person turning around and walking up an alleyway.
"I don't think so Shubs." He says and we keep walking. Finally we get to the shop where Ross buys so chicken food.
"That's twenty bucks kid." The store keeper said and we both checked our pockets. We only had 18 dollars and started to get into a fight with the store keeper when two guards walked up. One had brown hair pulled back into a sloppy ponytail and had shades over his eyes. The other had black hair that covered his right eye.
"What's going on here?" The one with the shades asked.
"We are only two dollars off to pay for this chicken food!" I said and the guard grinned.
"Well here!" He said handing us two dollars. I took it and gave it to the man. Ross and I thanked the men as we headed back to Ross' house. When we went through the poorer part again the hooded person was back. The were running away with a person with a camera mask on. Slung over their shoulder was a bag that seemed full of goods.
"Ross it's the camera faced thief!" I said to him and he hugged the chicken food close to him. The hooded person ran in front of us and the thief gave chase yelling at the hooded person the whole time till they disappeared down an alley.
"I don't think they get along." Ross muttered and I laughed.
It was nearly dark when we got back to his house. Ross gave the chickens the feed then we climbed into the haystack of the barn. We climbed over hay till we found a spot where we could see the sky through the roof. I sat down when I heard Ross ask.
"Shubs what is that?" He pointed at something behind me and I turned around. Sitting there were two small wooden box's labeled 'Ross' and 'Shelby'. I picked up the one that had my name on it and gave Ross his. I opened up mine and inside of it was a note, a ring and a map. I pulled out the note and read it.
"Shelby, you have been chosen as the Seven of Emotion. If you appect this role, put the ring on your finger and travel into the woods. There you will find a hut. Knock twice wait a second then knock three times and you will be greeted by your sensei. If you get lost use your map. Good luck, Shelby"
"Ross what does yours say?" I asked him after finished reading it.
"Says I got the Earth power and I need to find some hut. What does yours say?" He responds.
"Says I have the Emotion power and to find the hut." I say back.
"Are we gonna do it?" Ross asks.
"I guess so." I say as I look at the ring. It's pink and silver with a heart on it. I slip it on my finger and it glows pink for a few seconds then fades away.
"Put yours on Ross." I tell him.
"Okay." He takes a pin out and sticks it in his shirt. It glows bright green then fades away.
"Guess we head to the hut now." Ross says.
"I guess so." I say and we sneak off to the woods.
((FIRST CHAPTER COMPLETE! YAY! Anyway I hope you like it. I'm gonna have a few more chapters come out before I go to bed so YAY!))
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