Part 9: Getting over it
Delaney's POV
As we ran to the hut, I felt everyone's power thingys jingle together in my pockets. I had taken them from a chest right outside our cell after the wall had blown up. I was at the back so no one noticed I carried Cas' lifeless body on my back. All wanted was to bury him respectfully, that's what he deserved after all.
*Later when the get to the hut*
The sun was just starting to rise as we ran into the hut. I put Cas' body outside of the hut and rushed in. Automaticly Red started yelling at us, furious. I didn't listen much, I was too busy worrying about Camren and Cas and everything ever.
"Where's Cas?" Jess said. I bit my lip till I tasted blood.
"He's outside. Cas died." I said. Everyone seemed to go quiet, I can't tell with grief or respect.
Cory's POV
*A few weeks later*
I sat down at the kitchen table and ate my pizza. Everyone except for Camren and Delaney was eating pizza. After we had come back Camren and Delaney buried Cas somewhere in the woods. They hadn't been the same after, moving soundlessly and talking as little as possible. It was probably hard for them, having lost someone close to them.
"So you guys training tonight?" Red asked. Everyone nodded and Red smiled. He was proud of us for learning how to control our weapons and things. It felt good to have someone be proud of me.
"What are you planning on working on Cory?" Shelby asked.
My flirting skills. Can I practice on you? That was a really random flirt. Honestly it was great but I was too nervous to say it.
"Um... probably fist to fist fighting." I said, shrugging.
"What about you Jin?" Jess asked.
"My flirting skills. Can I practice on you?" Jin said. Jess blushed and Jin grinned.
"I'm kidding!" Jin yelled and Sky started laughing super hard. He fell out of his chair laughing then hit his head, which made him laugh harder. Everyone stared at where Sky had disappeared.
Eventual he calmed down and sat back up. Then Camren came in and took a slice of pizza. He took a bite and waved at us all. We waved back and I noticed something about his eyes. They were sparkling with happiness, something that had been vacant is his eyes for a long time.
"Hey guys! What are we doing today?" Camren asked. Everyone seemed confused at first but then Sky answered.
"Training! Wanna join?" Sky asked. I felt as if he would say no but I was suprised when he nodded.
"Yeah! Sounds fun!" Camren said. He was back to being happy. It was almost as if something had shifted within him. It was nice.
"Actually. Maybe we should do something else. Like go bowling!" Camren said. Everyone paused and talked for a minute then agreed to it. We were going to go bowling. That was kind of exciting!
((Sorry for short chapter! But woah! 100 READS! THATS SO COOL! Thanks guys! Until text time and remember, I believe in you!))
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