Part 6: The angel
Cory's POV
The blond boy was telling a story about how he was once fighting a wild bear and nearly died.
"So I took my sword and slashed the thing across it's face! It took those giant paws and slashed my chest! I fell down and it bit into my shoulder!" He pointed to his right shoulder. I rolled my eyes. It sounded like baloney. Shelby and the boy came back into the room.
"Prove it kid!" Max yelled and the blond boy laughed.
"Fine!" The boy yelled back. He took off his shirt. He had three large wide scars across his upper chest that were pink, unlike his normal tan. Also to note, he had a lot of muscle. Like this guy had the body of a body builder. Without the tight confines of his button down plaid shirt, you could see that he had a six pack, huge biceps and everything in between.
"See?" He said pointing to the scars.
"Y-yeah." Jess said at barley a whisper. He spun around and pointed to his shoulder. There was teeth imprints that were also pink. Also tons more muscle. Like this dude was a sports star with all this muscle.
"Doubt me now?" He asked. I looked over at Shelby and Jess. They were both blushing like nuts.
"Put your shirt back on!" The blond boy looked at Hood. Her face wasn't red and she was frowning slightly.
"You're not my mom." He said. The two launched into an argument about him being topless. They were almost like siblings.
"Camren put your shirt back on. Delaney. Shut up." The black haired boy said calmly. Camren and Hood, or Delaney, lost it even more. They kept yelling about how the black haired boy wasn't in charge of them and they could do as they pleased.
"Shut it Cas!" Hood or Delaney yelled. Camren opened his mouth to say something. Cas cut him off by pressing his hands on their forheads, one on Camren's, the other on Hood's.
"Be calm my friends." Cas whispered out. A look of calm spread across Hood and Camren's faces. They relaxed, taking deep breathes. Finally Cas pulled his hands away.
"Now Camren, shirt." Cas said.
"Right." Camren put his shirt back on, buttoning it up slowly. Camren then sat down, his eyes closing. Hood put her elbows on her knees and rested her chin in her hands.
"How'd you do that?" Jin asked. Cas looked at him and laughed.
"He looks like he's about 18. Camren is clearly only 15 or 14. Hood strikes me as being around that age too. That's weird. Everyone else here is about 16 or 17. So Cas is older than us, while Camren and Hood are younger than us." I thought.
"Well." Cas said, snapping me out of my thoughts.
"I have this ring you see. It's like what you guys wear, expect it's brand new. No one knows how it works. It give me angelic powers." Cas said. He lifted up his hand, where a silver ring glistened at us.
"S-so you're like a-an angel?" Ross stuttered out.
"Do you have wings?" Jess asked. Cas smiled, clearly happy that they were intrested.
"Why yes. In fact I have wings and a halo." Cas said.
"Can we see?" Sky asked and Cas nodded.
"Of course!" As he said that light glimmered on the top of his head. The light twisted and turned in a halo. Cas took a deep breath. Suddenly two large, white, feathered wings appeared on his back.
"That's so cool!" Shelby yelled. I clenched my fist. This guy was pretty amazing and I hate to admit that.
"Thanks!" Cas said grinning. Red came in the room, a questioning look on his face.
"Who are you? And who's he?" Red asked, pointing to a sleeping Camren.
"My name is Cas. That's my brother Camren." Cas looked over at Hood, who was fast asleep, then looked back. "I have come to warn of a great danger." Cas said, bluntly.
"What kind of danger?" Red asked, clearly on high alert.
"Cas you never said anything about danger!" Jess yelled.
"Yeah man!" Max yelled as well.
"May we talk else where?" Cas asked.
"Why?" Red asked.
"I don't want to have ether of the younger ones wake up while we're talking. It's not healthy for them to be stressed." Cas said. Red looked around, trying to figure out who were the young ones.
"It's not any of us. We all are for a fact 16 or 17." Jin said.
"I know it's not you guys. I was referring to Delaney and Carmen. I mean they're only 15." Cas said. Everyone but I gasped.
"But... but her name is Hood. And she acts like she's 17!" Jess yelled out. Cas looked at her, clearly confused.
"No her name is Delaney. We got separated on the streets a bit back. I know for a fact she's 14." Cas said, his wings flapping slightly.
"I don't get it." Sky said. Cas chuckled lightly.
"That's fine. Let's go downstairs to talk. I'm sure Cas would be happy to explain everything." Red said. Cas nodded and his wings folded up. We started to leave the room. Just as we were leaving I saw Cas gazing at Hood and Camren. He smiled a sad smile then closed the door behind all of us.
Ross' POV
It was really cool that Cas was like an angel. His wings and halo were awesome. I liked it that he could calm people down with a touch. We all sat down in the living room.
"Now Cas please explain." Red asked and Cas nodded.
"After I got this ring I started having dreams. Dreams that came ture. I dreamt of meeting you all, adventures and excitement. But lately there's been something wrong. I see a great evil taking someone away. I'm pretty sure it might take more people but I only know of one right now. It's going to be very, very, very, bloody." Cas spoke in a low tone. I shuddered and hugged Max tight. Cas was really creepy for an angel.
"Do you know any way of stopping it?" Red asked. Cas shook his head sadly.
"No. Not as of now at least. I would like to stay here with my brother. Till we know what it means." Red laughed as Cas replied.
"You can't stay here my friend. We don't have enough room." Red said. Now it was Cas' turn to laugh.
"You may not but I don't mind sleeping on the floor, nether does Camren for that matter. You can not change my mind on this." Red sighed. Max chuckled and I looked up at him.
"What's so funny?" I whispered. Max shook his head.
"That guy. He's hilarious." Max whispered back. I looked back at Cas.
He sat up straight as he talked to Red. It made him look older and more mature. Maybe he could train is with Red.
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