Part 4: Training
Sky's POV
I followed Hood inside, watching her drag Max in. When we go inside she laid him all the couch and looked at his scratch. It was pretty deep and it was bleeding dark red blood. Hood reached into her pocket and pulled out a roll of bandages.
"How long have you had those on you?" I asked and Hood shrugged.
"Long enough to know he needs stiches." Hood said sitting down on the floor. She looked at me. I saw she had blue eyes with flecks of gold in them. She gave me an unwavering stare.
"Do you think you can get me and needle and some thread?" She asked and I nodded. I ran upstairs to one of the bathrooms.
Shelby's POV
I looked over at Jess, who was staring at the blood on the grass. She had been the first one out here and was talking to Hood. Maybe she knew something about her. I walked over to her.
"What were you two talking about?" I asked. Jess looked at me.
"These things called night terrors." Jess said.
"Who had a night terror?" I asked.
"Hood did. She had come out here and I guess I inturpted her calming down." Jess said. I nodded then walked inside.
When I stepped in I saw Hood leaning over Max, holding a needle and thread. Sky was watching as he leaned against a wall. I walked over to Sky.
"What's going on?" I asked and Sky looked at me.
"Hood's stiching Max up." He said and I looked at Hood and Max. Hood had finished stiching him up and was putting bandages over his wound.
"Has she said anything about hitting him?" I asked and Sky shook his head no. I walked over to Hood who was now putting the bandages away.
"Is he gonna be okay?" I asked. Hood looked at me and nodded. Everyone was coming back inside and Hood was eyeing the door.
"You're not bolting." Jin said, noticing Hood eyeing the door. She gave Jin a glare then sat down in an armchair.
Jin's POV
Hood was clearly upset about everything that had happened. I saw Ross cross the room and lean next to her chair. He started talking to her quietly and tried to touch her jaw. Hood jerked back, not letting Ross touch her. He kept talking and Hood gave him a glare.
"I can't believe she hasn't beat his head in yet" I thought as I watched the two. I saw Shelby sit on the couch where Max was laying with Cory. Jess walked over and sat on the ground and I sat next to her.
"Can you believe this?" I whispered and she nodded. Suddenly we heard a stomping from the stairs. Red was coming down fully dressed and very angry.
"I SAW EVERYTHING!" He glared at all of us. We all looked away from him, trying to avoid his wrath.
"That was amazing!" He said and everyone stared at him. Red looked at Hood.
"Hood you were able to summon a weapon along with Max!" He yelled. Hood looked shocked but nodded.
"Now all of you up to bed!" Red yelled. Everyone went upstairs, expect Hood and Max.
*The next day*
Hood's POV
I opened my eyes and looked around. The red head was still asleep and light was starting to pour through the windows. I stood up and went up to a bathroom. I locked the door and looked in the mirror. I had a burn from the nunchucks, but otherwise I looked okay. I opened up the closet and picked out a new outfit.
It was a pair of ripped jeans and a tank top that was multi colored that read 'Surf The Earth'. Honestly it was a little girly, but I thought that it was okay for today. I walked downstairs and it shocked me to see everyone down there. The red head was also up and he glared at me. I stuck my tongue at him then leaned against the wall. I didn't want to get anywhere near all of them right now.
"So today we will learn to summon your weapons!" Red said all excited. Honestly he was the one person I could not stay angry at. He was just so happy. Like a small kid in a grown man's body.
"Max and Hood. I know you both already summoned your weapons, but you need to learn to control them at will." Red said and I nodded.
"Now come along children!" Red said. We all got up and followed him outside. We all lined up with me at the end. To my right was the boy with the black hair over his eye. He was okay as far as I could tell, other than his comment about me bolting.
Jin's POV
I was right next to Hood. She didn't even glance at me as we stood there. Just looking straight ahead of her like a soldier.
"Alright! So I want everyone to focus on their power! Then imagine it turning into some weapon!" Red said and we all nodded.
I closed my eyes and thought of the water in the pond. Suddenly I felt something in my hands. I opened my eyes to see a mace.
"Barbaric." I thought looking at it. It was extremely sharp and could pack a punch. Suddenly Red started talking again.
"Alright! I'm gonna name off everyone's weapons! Jess has a bow. Cory has a sythe. Ross has a staff. Sky has a boomerang. Shelby has a shield. Max has nunchucks. Jin has a mace. Finally Hood has a broad sword." Red said. I looked around and everyone was marveled by their weapons. Well expect Hood, but she's not impressed by anything.
"Now! I will group you into pairs to spar! First Cory and Sky! Ross and Max! Jin and Jess! Finally Hood and Shelby!" He said and everyone grouped off.
Jess and I stood off. Her bow was extremely shiny and amazing. She smiled.
"You ready to go, Jin?" She asked and I nodded.
She started shooting her arrows at me and I backed up. Every time one arrow hit something a flash of light appeared. I ran forward swinging the mace. She barley dodged as I swung like a mad man. Suddenly she shot an arrow right into my shoulder. A flash of light blinding my eyes, exploded from the arrow. Then my feet went out from under me and I was flat on my back.
Once I could see again, I saw Jess leaning over me, an arrow ready to fly at my head. I grinned in half pain from my shoulder.
"You win." I said and Jess burst into a full out grin.
"Dang she's kind of cute." I thought as she pulled me up. I looked over at the others. Max had pinned down Ross. Cory had been beaten to the ground by Sky, who now stood over him beaming. Hood and Shelby were still locked in intense combat. It looked like they were about even.
Evreyone's weapons faded away after a while and slowly everyone wandered over to Hood and Shelby.
Shelby threw her shield at Hood and Hood jumped over it. Rushing forward, Hood swung her sword in wide arcs as if she was really trying to kill Shelby. Shelby summoned another sheild and blocked each attack. Suddenly Hood dove for Shelby's feet. Shelby gasped as Hood grabbed her legs and yanked her down.
"Get her Shubs!" Ross yelled.
"Show her what for!" Cory cheered on.
"You can do it!" Sky screamed out.
Soon everyone was cheering for Shelby with great enthusiasm. Shelby smiled and Hood gritted her teeth. Hood stood up and kicked Shelby's sheild away. Poor Shelby was still on the ground and could only scramble to get away.
Hood brought down her sword on Shelby's sleeve, missing the skin and pinning her to the ground. Then Hood pulled out another sword and pointed it at Shelby's throat.
"Checkmate." Hood said. Shelby sighed.
"You win." She said. Everyone went silent. Hood sighed and the swords disappeared into thin air. She stepped away from Shelby. She pushed her way in between Jess and I. Hood walked over to the edge of the woods and climbed a tree. Nobody went after her. Shelby got up and Red clapped.
"That was amazing! You are all clearly skilled in combat. Some of you more than others. Tomorrow we will work on getting along!" Red said.
I heard a snort from the tree where Hood had climbed up.
"She clearly thinks this is all some kind of joke." I thought. Red cleared his throat.
"I know some of you don't get along well and that's okay. We just have to work on it." Red said. I hear Hood begin laughing. Everyone turned and looked at the tree she climbed up. No one could really see her, but clearly she thought this was funny.
"What? You think this is funny?" Sky asked. Hood poked her head out of the leaves. She was about half way up the tree and clearly amused.
"Well. I barely know half your names. All I know is Shelby, Jess and Max. Plus all of you clearly think I'm a joke. So why should I try to be friends with you all? So yeah, I'd say this is pretty amusing." With that she went back into the tree, still giggling.
"Stop laughing at all of us!" Max yelled. He walked over to the tree and summoned his nunchucks. Max swung them into the tree over and over, slowly cutting it down and lighting it on fire. He was extremely mad. Everyone was so shocked they stayed quiet.
"Knock that off!" Hood yelled at Max. She wasn't scared by anyone here.
"That's enough Max." Red said. Max stopped and stomped inside. Slowly everyone followed him inside.
Hood's POV
I hate everyone here. They all suck. Shelby was clearly their favorite. That's fine though. I was never anyone's favorite. I took a few deep breaths and thought everything over.
"Okay. So camera face and Shelby. Jess and hair boy. How do I get them together?" I thought as I sat in the still smoldering tree. I snapped my fingers as soon as it came to me. They wouldn't know what hit them, but I would.
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