Part 10: Wait what
Ross' POV
We were all waiting outside the hut. Carmen said he was grabbing something and he had been gone for a few minutes. Suddenly there was a roaring sound and everyone looked at the woods.
Five motorcycles came roaring out of the woods. Two of the people driving were Delaney and Camren. Another was Cas? Except he had a green eye and a brown eye instead of two brown eyes. There was also a halo over his head. The other two were people I had no idea about. One was a girl that had wolf ears, the other was a boy with a lip piercing.
The motorcycles circled us and suddenly I was yanked into the air by my arm. I screamed and squirmed.
"Relax." I heard a familiar voice and looked up to see Cas. He was standing up on the motorcycle and driving with his foot. He smiled down at me and I felt a little safer. I looked around and saw everyone else had been picked up as well with their drivers driving with their feet.
"WHAT THE HECK!?" Max yelled. He was being held upside down by his foot by Delaney. Delaney also held onto Shelby.
"CHILL OUT!" Delaney yelled. We roared through the woods towards the village. It was pretty exciting, roaring in with everyone looking us like we were crazy. We pulled up to the bowling alley. I was thrown off and landed on the sidewalk. The others soon followed, falling onto the sidewalk.
"We heard we were going bowling!" The boy with the piercing yelled as he jumped off his bike and parked it. The others did the same and stood in front of us. The girl with the wolf ears smiled at us all.
"Alright. So this is Angel Castiel, Wolfie and Braden." Delaney said pointing to each one in turn.
"ITS BRADY!" The boy with the lip piercing yelled. The girl with the wolf ears laughed.
"I'm Wolfie!" She said, smiling. Cas winked at all of us, making it clear it was just him. Suddenly an evil laughter filled the air. We all looked around and suddenly the sky went dark.
"CANT WE JUST HAVE A NORMAL DAY!?!?" Jess yelled. I felt a chill go down my spine as I looked around. I glanced at Shelby and saw she was watching the sky.
"As Astra." Max and I looked at Cas. He was saying that over and over while watching the sky. Then everything flashed white and Cas was gone.
"Wait what!?!?" Sky yelled. Suddenly it began to rain hard and the wind picked up. My feet left the ground and I slammed into the sidewalk. I felt a hand wrap around my wrist as I was lifted into the air.
"HELP!" I yelled as I whirled in the air. I heard someone yell out for me but it was drowned out by the sudden thunder and lightning. I screamed out in fear and panic. The hand on my wrist disappeared and I was all alone.
*Hours later*
I was curled into a little ball, tears going down my face, when I slammed into something hard. I grunted in the intense storm and felt around since I couldn't see in the intense rain. It felt like concrete. I was back on ground! Slowly I stood up and tried to see something, anything.
Someone slammed into my shoulder and yanked me off the ground, their hands curling into my shoulder. I screamed and looked up. All I could see was a black, twisted arm with claws dug into my shoulder before it disappeared into the rain.
"PUT ME DOWN!" I shrieked. Suddenly the claws were gone and I was falling. I fell back onto the ground and screamed in pain as I felt something crack. I reached for my pin but felt nothing but fabric. I heard something running towards me and I looked through tears at the rain. Cas appeared face to face with me.
"CAS!" I yelled. Cas' face twisted into an evil grin and he laughed. His eyes and nose srunched up and his face started turning black. His nose melted into his face and sharp teeth appeared in his mouth. His eyes narrowed into slits and turned red. I screamed in horror. He put his hand on my neck and I felt claws dig into my skin.
"BACK OFF!" The Cas monster thing was thrown off me as something slammed it down. My hand was grabbed by someone and suddenly I was running. The person holding my hand busted down something and suddenly we were out of the rain. I saw Max, dripping wet, was holding my wrist.
"Oh my god buddy. You're okay." He whispered. Blood dripped down from his hair line.
"Max. Is it really you?" I asked.
"Yeah bud. It's me. Did you see those monster things?" He asked and I nodded. Max lit a small fire from his fingertips, allowing us to see we were in an empty house.
"Max. What's going on?" I asked and Max shrugged. Then one of the monsters attacked Max and the fire snuffed out. All I could see was the tangle of bodies as I rushed to help Max. I picked up a lamp and slammed it onto the monster's head. It whirled around and bit into my arm. I watched as blackness spread up into my arm before passing out.
*When Ross wakes up*
It was a scream that woke me up. I wore a red jumpsuit. I jerked awake in my bunk bed and looked around my cell. It was a normal cell with bars and a toilet. I rushed over to the bars and gripped them. There were three wardens in uniform attacking three people in red jumpsuits. I didn't know who it was till I saw a flash of long red hair.
"STOP THAT!" I yelled, shaking the bars. The wardens stopped and looked at me before going back to beating Shubs and whoever else was there.
I kept yelling and shaking the bars for about fifteen minutes before a warden pulled me out by the others. I was able to see Jess and Shelby before I got struck for the first time. I fell to the ground as I was hit in the face.
Blows kept raining down on me, so I squeezed my eyes shut and curled into a little ball. A few minutes passed before they finally stopped. I opened my eyes to see a pair of dirty feet poking out of a baggy jumpsuit, standing in front of me.
A warden reached forward and dragged the person away from me. I could see dirty feet's face now and saw it was covered in blood, bruises and cuts, making it impossible to tell who it was. Their hair was buzz cut close to their head and it was a dark purple.
"LET ME GO!" Dirty feet yelled, glaring at the warden who held their jumpsuit. Their eyes were sunken back into their head, surrounded by dark circles. Their eyes were puffy and red from crying, drowning out the stunning dark blue with the golden flecks.
The wardens pulled Dirty feet away, down a hallway, beating them the entire time. I laid still shaking with fear and the pain that had begun to set in.
This is the worst day of my life.
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