21st October, 1981,
Nurmengard Castle, Austria,
Few Aurors including, Millicent Bagnold, the Minister of Magic and Amelia Bones the head of DMLE entered and made their way towards the chamber of Gellert Grindelwald. They looked at the figure in front of them and Amelia Bones said.
Amelia- Lord Grindelwald, in light of your changed attitude and the some new evidences, you are now a free man.
For the first time Grindelwald looked up and asked.
Gellert- What evidence did you came across Madam Bones?
Millicent- Well Lord Grindelwald, we came across a scroll, written by Leonard Spencer-Moon. He was the Minister of Magic during the time of your arrest. According to the scroll, you were meant to be imprisoned for 30 years and depending on your behavior, you were meant to be released or your arrest would be extended.
Grindelwald looked at them and muttered.
Gellert- So I could have seen my grandchildren being born.
The Ministry and the aurors looked guilty, then Amelia Bones said.
Amelia- Apologies Lord Grindelwald, someone had hidden the scroll. It was Lord Scamander who came across the scroll and gave it to us.
Gellert- No problem Madam Bones, but does my freedom mean that I get this Castle back?
Millicent- Yes Lord Grindelwald, along with that, you'll be awarded 10,000 Galleons for every extra year that you were imprisoned.
Gellert Grindelwald nodded and after getting ready, he walked out the door of Nurmengard Castle and the first thing he saw was his daughter, Casilta standing there.
To her left stood the Godparents of his wife Cassiopeia Emrys LeFay, Nicolas and Penelope Flamel.
To her left stood the cousin of his wife, Newt Scamander.
Cassidy Scamander neé LeFay was the younger twin of Cassiopeia. They were both born in 1879 and went to hogwarts.
Cassidy then married Albert and they had Newt, while Cassiopeia was already married, Her and Grindelwald waited to have kids.
On 16th November, 1926, the couple were blessed with Calista. A time when he had already become the Dark Lord.
When Calista turned 11 years of age, she was already well-versed in everything taught in hogwarts but still, her parents wanted her to socialise and sent her there.
In hogwarts, she was sorted in the Ravenclaw house like her mother and she made a friend group consisting of;
1. Walburga Black
2. Druella Black neé Rosier
3. Euphemia Potter neé Nott
4. Lucretia Prewett neé Black
5. Augusta Longbottom
6. Lucia Malfoy neé Avery
7. Cedrella Weasley neè Black
And for a Tom's circle,there were;
1. Orion Black
2. Cygnus Black
3. Fleamont Potter
4. Ignitus Prewett
5. Alphard Black
6. Abraxas Malfoy
7. Septimus Weasley
Well, that was before Headmaster Dippet made that stupid Dumbledore the Headmaster. After that, the wizarding world was divided into 2 sides, the light side and the Dark side.
The main goal of Dumbledore was to be the Supreme leader of the wizarding as well as muggle world. Main reason for his affection to the halfbloods and Muggleborns.
The only reason the sacred 28 hated muggles was due to the effect it had on their traditions. Samhain became Halloween and Yule became Christmas.
The new generations bore hatred towards each other which saddened the group of 16 people.
Out of the group, the alive members were; Calista, Tom, Walburga, Druella, Cygnus, Lucretia, Augusta and Cedrella.
Though the hatred between their childrens was too much, they didn't let it affect their friendship.
Back to the story,
Calista ran and hugged her father and then Gellert met his friends. Later they went to the the Gaunt Castle in Litte Hangleton.
Calista went in a room and then brought her children. Grindelwald smiled and moved forward and hugged his grandchildren.
Yes, Calista and his late wife Cassiopeia met him in Nurmengard Castle but it was not for his kids to visit, atleast not now.
Gellert- Well well well, hello munchkins.
Tom- The girl is Aria Merope Slytherin, she turned 3 in June. As for the boy, he's Asher Gellert Slytherin, he'll turn 2 in November.
Gellert- Well, we need to protect them from him for sure.
All the elders nodded their heads agreeing to his statement. Suddenly they heard the floo and saw Bellatrix coming out with Rodolphus and their 1 year old son, Leo Regulus Lestrange.
Followed by the inner circle and they enjoyed their time talking and chatting.
In Hogwarts,
A man was reading the daily prophet and he threw the paper in fire. One of the portraits in his office said.
Phineas- Look at it Dumbledore, you are doomed! Hahaha!
Dumbledore- Not so soon Phineas, not so soon.
Dumbledore summoned Professor Trelawney into his office and raised his wand.
Dumbledore- Sorry Sybill, for the greater good, Imperio, I want you to create a fake prophecy for the down fall of the Dark Lord.
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