An hour later, I have recalled all the events of the past few months to the stranger, making sure not to miss out any of the gory details while having demolished two bowls of soup and desert but Harley is anything but impressed.
"So to recap, you are some magical, powerful "Ten" who helped this random group of kids, including your now mentally unstable aunt, escape a high security prison and overcame multiple near death experiences on the way," Harley says sarcastically before taking another spoonful of soup, "and you guys think my story is fake."
"Because your story is fake," mumbles Tate earning a glare from both Harley and me.
"I don't know what else you want me to say, that's what really happened," I start but Harley isn't prepared to listen.
"I just find it very hard to believe that all of you," Harley gestures around to the group, "manged to escape that place. I mean that's practically unheard off."
"It's true!" Exclaims Eddie as he jumps up from the table and makes his way toward the lounge room, "I bet if I turn on this TV we will be all over the news."
"Eddie, I highly doubt that-" I start but am interrupted by the sounds of a news program beginning as Eddie switches the old box television on and beckons us over.
We all stand up from the table and huddle around the TV to see if Eddie really was correct. The screen shows an animated reporter standing in front of what looks like a bomb site as she hurriedly speaks into a microphone. It only takes me a few seconds to figure out where she is.
"The facility!" I gasp, noticing the huge tennis court sized hole in the middle of the building, the handy work of Emmie and the hundreds of injured soldiers and guards being treated by ambulances on the sides of the road. I feel a pang of regret as I recognise certain guards whom I cross paths with my escape and think of the thousands lost just so a few teenagers could actually manage an escape. Suddenly the display changes and multiple photos of familiar inmates flash across the screen including a photo of Eddie, Sydney and Trish then it changes back to the women and I decide to finally listen in to what she is saying.
"See what I mean-" Eddie starts but I throw my hand up to silence him, suddenly realising what the women is saying.
"To only name a few of the hundreds of low classified yet still just as dangerous Eccentric that escaped DAC Rosewood Facility earlier today but these are the least of our worries. Over twenty high level, extremely powerful Eccentric managed to join in on the escape including the famous Ten, Layla Frey. The extent of her abilities is still unknown but it has been estimated that she possesses a power still unknown by the public," The screen changes from the news reporter to a blown up photo of me that was taken as I first entered the facility. Eyes swollen and red from crying and unruly brown hair, crusty with dried blood, the photo sure will get some attention but not the kind I want.
"If you know any information about any of the escaped prisoners including Layla Frey, please contact The Department of Apoptosis Classification on +1 5729 5829 or through-" but before the women can finish the screen goes blank and the lights go out, leaving us in darkness. The powers out.
"Sorry guys, this happens all the time," sighs Harley, "I'll go check the circuit breaker."
"Allow me," I say and with the flick of a hand all the lights in the room power back to life and the TV screen flashes once again with photos of high ranked prisoners including Tate and Emmie. I hide the small grin from my face, glancing over at Tate who seems too exhausted to care about my tiny accomplishment and let out a small disappointed sigh. At least Harley seems impressed.
"The only part of your story that I believe is you," he says as he sends a wink in my direction, "you are incredible." Harley's comment does seem to get Tate's attention as I feel the room heat only the slightest bit and he lets out an awkward cough, made uncomfortable by Harley's harmless flirting. This is going to be a long night.
"So, where are you guys headed next?" Asks Harley as he runs his eyes over our makeshift group sitting at the table once again. Minus Emmie and Aunt Trish whom I envy having gone to bed to sleep away the stresses of the today. Tate and I share a concerned look realising yet another fault in our plan. "Please tell me you guys have somewhere to go and come all this way for nothing."
"Well I guess we are going back to New York to see our families," I say assuming the rest of the groups family are in the surrounding area.
"Are you stupid?" Scoffs Harley, "Your family homes will be the first places they look. There will be DAC swarming the area."
"Look Man, we appreciate the heads up but I think we will figure it out. Thanks," mumbles Tate, agitated once again.
"Well I know where I'll be going," Sydney says proudly as she examines her nails casually.
"Oh really, and where might that be?" I ask sarcastically with a fake grin plastered to my face, earning a chuckle from Harley but no sound from Tate.
"Why should I tell you? So you can follow me all the way to the island to not be let in."
"The island?" I ask and she nods ever so slightly.
"Come on Syd," starts Tate turning on his famous smile. Even I can't control the butterflies in my stomach and I'm used to it, I don't know how Sydney isn't bursting out of her seat from all the attention.
"Well, I guess I could bring you guys along," starts Sydney as she bats her eyelids and grins at Tate. "I don't know if it's real or if it's even still there..."
"Get to the point Sydney," mumbles Eddie, done with her games.
"There is an island just past the Canadian border, Peele Island." She starts, clearly lapping up the attention, "I heard it was a safe haven for people like us where the DAC can't get us in the Canadian waters."
"Then we will have to worry about the Canadian equivalent of the DAC," I mumble, not impressed with her plan.
"I don't see you coming up with any idea bright ideas," says Sydney and I have to physical resist my hands from shooting up and sending bolts of electricity toward her.
"Alright, that settles it," says Tate as he stands up from the table, "we're going to Canada!"
Ok guys, I have a question.
What genre does this book fall under, I just can't figure it out??
It's more suited to a young adult audience so I have put it in teen fiction but the plot is more futuristic so I have had it in sci fi previously. Although their powers makes me lean more toward fantasy yet I just don't think it would really suit that either.
Help a girl out !
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