We follow Tate further into the woods for hours, stopping only twice when Emmie looked as though she was on the brink of total melt down and when Sydney's complaining about her blistered feet got too much for us to bear.
"We all have blisters Sydney, get over it." I said which resulted in an exhausted sigh from Tate and a glare from Sydney but with the two leading the way and me bringing up the rear of the group, I was left in peace most of the time.
As the sun begins to set below the tree lines, the mistake in our scheme becomes more obvious. We didn't plan anything after the escape. We have no food, no water and most importantly nowhere to go. Hell, we don't even have a map to tell us where we are yet alone take us someone safe for the nigh. To be fair, we didn't expect to make it this far, I mean getting out of our cells was an accomplishment in its self.
"Tate..." I start but he interrupts me before I get the chance to finish.
"I know, I know, we need to find somewhere to stay before it gets dark," he shouts back at he. Whether my thoughts had been transferred to him or not, we are all thinking the same thing.
"Wait a second," mumbles Eddie next to me as he stops walking and rises a hand to silence us. "Can you guys smell that?" I stop next to him and pretend inhale the scent of the woods sarcastically, not in the mood for his nonsense but gasp when I realise what he is pointing out.
"It's smoke, like, smoke from a fire smoke!" He says matter-of-factly then points out the thick line of chimney smoke that rises into the clouds just ahead.
"Someone is here, in these woods!" Sydney says and claps her hands together in excitement.
"Thanks for that captain obvious," I mumble under my breath as I push past her to get to Tate.
Do you think it's safe to check it out? I ask Tate but he shakes his head in return.
"I guess we will have to find out," he says and continues to walk into the woods before anyone else gets the chance to lead.
After a few minutes of trying to keep up with Tate's quickening pace we make it to a clearing in the woods with a simple log cabin. In front of the house lays a small, dampened camp fire but other than that there are no obvious signs of the owner anywhere.
"It looks like no one is home," states Sydney as she takes a step into the clearing but Tate pulls her back before she can get any further.
"Careful, we don't know what could be out there." He scolds and looks out into the clearing for any indication of danger.
"If there is a fire lit inside the house, surely someone would be home," I add and push Emmie behind me subconsciously.
We sit staring at the log cabin for a few more minutes until I decide I can't take it anymore.
"That's it, I'm going in." I say and stand up from my squatting position, shaking out my tired legs. I wait for someone to interject but instead am met with silence. I guess everyone was waiting for someone to volunteer, not surprised it ended up being me. A moment passes and Tate stands at my side ready to follow me out while the other stay hidden in the trees, under his strict orders.
"How do we know when it's safe to come out?" Asks Eddie who looks up at us eagerly.
"Just wait for the signal," I reply vaguely and begin to walk out into the clearing.
"What's the signal?" Sydney calls out, too loudly for my liking and I can't help but wince at her high-pitched, annoying voice.
"I don't know Sydney, you'll have to figure it out," I call back without turning to see if she has followed.
Tate and I make our way up the creaky stairs to the cabin and pull on the door expecting it to be locked but are met with a pleasant surprise.
"It's unlocked!" I announce to no one in particular and yank the door open happily. Finally, something has gone our way, or so we thought.
The insides are well kept for an "abandoned" log cabin in the middle of the woods. A little too well kept. With a lit fire place, stocked piled with fresh wood, simple table set for one and neatly made beds in each room, it looks anything but abandoned.
"This doesn't seem right," I turn to Tate in confusion. For starters, the door was left unlocked.
"I know," Tate mumbles as he examines the freshly culled rabbit on the kitchen counter. "This wasn't killed that long ago; I don't think this cabin is as abandoned as we thought."
"Well you were right about one thing," shouts an unfamiliar voice from outside, "and it wasn't the rabbit." Then we hear the click of a gun.
Classified Email - DAC
From: Dr. Mann
Subject: Full Security Breach - All members report to safe zone
To: (DAC Employees) (DAC Board Members) (DAC Representatives)
Cc: Dr. Pacas, Abe Revant
The following information is top secret and should not be shared with, sent to or saved by any persons not involved with the Department of Apoptosis Classification alignment program.
On the 16th of September 2037 a major security breach took place in The DAC's Head Quarters and key research centre in the outer regions of Pennsylvania, USA. Many of the companies most useful and dangerous Eccentric were lost during this essential for both research and development of the treatment.
The following imprisoned high risk Eccentric have successfully escaped and are currently on the run;
Layla Frey
Tate Morrison
Emelia (Emmie) Irons
Ryan West
Ace Maaravi
Finn Haysbert
Sarah Hamilton
Along with the hundreds of lower ranking Eccentric.
Thousands were lost in the destruction of the facility and many more will be killed if these eccentric are not recaptured and taken to The DAC's second Head Quarters, New York City Centre.
Dr. Linda Mann
Head Lab Technician
Department of Apoptosis Classification
t: +67 7 9824 2109
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