Chapter 1
At four years of age, Clarion had made the realization that the Tree, in fact, had no mouth. She had of course then asked the Tree how it was that they communicated if it had no mouth to speak with.
Through our consciences, the Tree had told her. We speak to each other through our thoughts.
Which was different, Clarion had realized, then reading each others' minds.
The communication she had with the Tree was controllable. If she did not want the Tree to hear something she was thinking then it did not, and vis-versa. Speaking with the Tree was much like talking, forming the words with purpose towards another being, just not opening your mouth, or making them audible.
Now, at nearly twenty-six years of age, Clarion knew not only that the Tree spoke through its conscience, but that it was also the heart of the magic of the Hollow. She knew how that magic worked and how to manipulate it to obey her will.
As she flew through the branches of a small, flowering dogwood in Spring she coaxed the wind to blow some of the tree's pink petals beside her in the night sky.
The satchel that was flung across her shoulders shifted slightly as she made a quick left dive. It was full of tomorrow's breakfast: a few berries from a blueberry bush she had found in Summer.
Soon, she was landing on the branch of the Tree that led into her hidden hovel within the Tree. She had had to move a few times when she was younger before she got better at sneaking home. The Tree had been grateful when she mastered that skill as it was growing frustrated at the constant reshaping.
Clarion dropped off the blueberries at the table for tomorrow and then headed to her bedroom. A yawn escaped her mouth as she changed from her dark, stiff clothes into a softer pair of green pants and a shirt for bed.
The Tree would expect her up before dawn tomorrow morning. They were supposed to be studying the light magic and the Tree insisted that they needed to work with the early-dawn light before the sun rose fully.
She braided her long, brown hair and then settled into bed. The sounds of the Hollow at night lulled her to sleep as she closed her eyes.
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