Words in brackets are (thoughts)
Words in flower bracket is {information}
Leap of a year:-
Mannat : Hope you all didn't forget me, {proudly} I know I'm unforgettable hehe. Okay, let me tell you what all took place in last year, Nayab didn't tell anyone about me for the reason that it will be difficult to make them understand.
First Ranimaa expired after a week she got to know that she herself killed her granddaughter. Muheeb chachu was very upset on losing her. The person{Company's backstabber} who called Nayab was given death sentence by the court recently.
Next the estate is now runned by Sharik bhai as well as Nomaan together. Abhyan Dad is very happy on seeing Nomaan taking his responsibilities sincerely.
Sharik bhai got married to Aima last month, I enjoyed a lot in their marriage functions. Suraiyya chachi is the new Ranimaa in the palace who keep ordering the staff, she stopped buying flowers hahah...
I always use to think why only Nayab could see/hear me however now I know the reason, it's because she is my twin sister. She frequently come to visit me or I can say everyday by torturing Zia who is the sweetest husband according to me.
Shah Mansion:-
Zia/Nayab's room:-
Nayab wake up from her sleep only to realise Zia watching her with love lying by her side taking support of his hand.
Zia : You know I must have done some goodness that I got this result.
Nayab{confused} : What result?
Zia : This result. {He smack her nose}
Nayab : Think carefully maybe it's punishment for your sins.
Zia : No it can't be, punishments don't be so gorgeous. Even if they are then they should be for lifetime.
Nayab : Won't you get tired?
Zia : I don't get tired whenever you are with me. {He kiss on her cheek}
Al-Ali Palace:-
In kitchen:-
Sharik was passing by the kitchen when his steps halt on hearing Aima wincing in pain. He walk in the kitchen likewise notice Aima near the tap running water on her finger.
Sharik : What happen to your hand?
Aima : Nothing. {She got a cut on her finger}
Sharik : How did you get hurt?
Aima{pouting} : I was cutting fruits.
Sharik : Thank Allah it's a small cut{He grab her hand including to that fetch the emergency medical kit from a cabinet then apply antiseptic on the wound} Is it hurting?
Aima : No, not much.
Sharik : Why do you work in kitchen when we have staff?
Aima : I love cooking. {Muheeb enter the kitchen}
Muheeb : Sharik, I was waiting for you in study.
Sharik : Yes Dad, I'll be there in a while.
Muheeb : What happen to you Aima?
Aima : Nothing Dad, just a small cut.
Sharik : She's fine, I'll handle it.
Muheeb{smiling} : Handle it carefully my boy.
Sharik : Did you have your breakfast?
Aima : Nope.
Sharik : Come let's do besides make sure you take care of this. {He kiss on her finger}
Aima{blushing} : I'll for sure.
At a restaurant:-
Nomaan/Zeba were regularly going out for lunch or dinners however none of them took the initiative to propose the other yet.
Zeba : I'm waiting to know the name of the girl you like.
Nomaan : I'm scared.
Zeba : Scared about what?
Nomaan : That I'll lose my friendship with her.
Zeba : So you'll never tell her.
Nomaan : I don't know.
Zeba : (Nothing will happen with this Mr Gone Case, I should only initiate)
Nomaan : (Come on Nomaan be a man and propose her or else you'll become her children's uncle if you keep waiting for long)
Zeba signal the chef to bring the dish she ordered personally. The waiter bring a plate covered furthermore placed it before Nomaan.
Nomaan : What's so special about this dish?
Zeba : You'll find out, open it.
Nomaan open the lid after which he gets spellbound as "Will you be mine forever?" was written with chocolate sauce along with two pastries at sides. Out of which one had red icing and other had green.
Zeba{expected-ly} : So...
Nomaan{nervously giggle} : I knew it you are the one, the girl who can make me Nomaan Shah unspeakable is definitely my soulmate.
Zeba{blush plus giggle} : Haha...
Nomaan : So, now that my fear is gone let me ask you, {He get down on his knee including to that he hold the plate facing Zeba} Will you marry this Mr Gone Case?
Zeba : Yes. {She take a spoonful of green icing pastry likewise feed Nomaan}
A month later:-
Shah Mansion:-
Zia/Nayab's room:-
Maid : Ma'am your flavoured milk.
Nayab : Thank you. {The maid leave}
Nayab was enjoying her drink unaware that the cream on milk created a white moustache above her lips. Zia who glance at her smile.
Zia : Nayab, come here.
Nayab{cutely} : Why?
Zia take steps in her direction on top of that he secure her in his arms then with his right hand pick a tissue from tissue box and wipe her lips.
Zia : For this. {Show her the tissue}
Nayab : Oh!
Zia{peck her nose} : You eat like a child.
Nayab{playing with the button of his shirt} : And you start behaving like father of a child.
Zia{surprised} : What did you just said?
Nayab{smirking} : I know you heard it correctly.
Zia : Say it again, please.
Nayab{move close to his ear} : I said we are gonna be parents soon.
Zia : Wohooooo.....{He pick Nayab as well as turn in circles}
Nayab : Ahh! Zia stop I'll fall down.
Zia : Oh! Sorry sorry.
Al-Ali Palace:-
Mannat{excited} : Really!!! I'm going to be an aunt?
Nayab : Yes.
Nomaan : Wow! I'll spoil him/her along with Zeba.
Nayab{raising eyebrow} : Zeba?
Nomaan : Yeah Zeba, your future sister-in-law.
Nayab{astonished} : What?!!!
Mannat : I knew it, many times I saw them in corridor smiling at each other.
Nomaan : What what?
Nayab : Nomaan you can't say such huge thing so casually.
Nomaan{scratch the back of his head} : Hehe...
Nayab : Did you talk to Mom/Dad about it?
Nomaan : That's what Zia plus you are gonna do.
Zia{enter the room} : Why are we suppose to do?
Nomaan : Talk with Mom/Dad regarding my marriage.
Mannat : He will get a punch on his face by Zia.
Nayab : No...
Zia : What's no Nayab? Let's speak with Mom/Dad.
Mannat{smirking} : Wait until you hear the girls name.
Nayab : Zia actually Nomaan like {close her eyes} Zeba.
Zia{laughs} : I know.
Mannat : Huh?
Nayab{amazed} : What!
Zia : Yeah she told me even before she proposed this idiot. {Smack Nomaan}
Nayab : Why didn't you tell me?
Zia : Only to see this reaction on your face. {Zeba walk in the room with Sharik/Aima}
Mannat{to readers} : Like every fairy tale story they all too lived happily ever after.
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