Ignatius - The Tiefling Fighter Criminal
Birth Name
Ignatius Abernathy
Preferred Name
Twenty-five || 25
Ignatius is a tall tiefling standing at exactly 6 ft when he stands straight.
He has a slender body build, despite his height he can slip into small places due to his body type. He has red colored skin, his horns are a slightly darker red color curling back around his slightly pointed ears. His ears are adorned with silver earrings. Ignatius has golden eyes with no noticeable scelara or pupil.
He wears simple dark colored traveling clothes with dark leather armor, underneath a black hooded long cloak that hides his tail. He carries two longswords and a dagger at his waist. On his back is a bow and a quiver of arrows, he always has a traveling backpack with him full of basic supplies.
Face Claim
Drawing's created by me 4EvilRoses.
Full body designed by me using Hero's Forge.
Short curly black hair pushed back behind his horns, reaching around his jaw in length.
Bright Golden eyes with no noticeable pupil.
No visible tattoos. He has a simple arrow on his spine, with the tip pointing towards his head.
Multiple silver earrings over his ears, two studs in both his lobes and a silver hoop near the tip of both his ears.
A few minor scars over his body, and hands. He says most are from when he was learning to handle weapons.
The most obvious scars are around both his wrists, very obviously scars from shackles.
Ignatius is very slow to trust, but once you do have that trust you have one of the most loyalist friends ever. He will do anything to help you but it will take a long time to get him to trust you.
He has zero self preservation, and pays no attention to the risks in a situation. He is very fast on his feet, extremely flexible, acrobatic and stealthy. He frequently either attacks headfirst by attacking and dodging on repeat, or attacking from the shadows repeatedly. He is extremely athletic so he can go for a while before getting tired.
He has this thing where if there is a plan he will forget it, or just completely ignore it.
Companion: "There was a plan!"
Ignatius: "Oh I know, it just wasnt a very good plan so i ignored it"
He's a tricky barstard, will lie and cheat his way through life if he has the opportunity to. He frequently tells lies or over dramatizes tales with little mind for whether or not his audience believes them. It's a bit difficult to tell if he is telling the truth or lying as he is a expert at lying and hiding the truth.
The best way to get him to do something is to tell him that he can't do it, challenge or dare him to do something. It usually works and is one of the best ways to get him to stick to plans.
- Tricking others
- Baked goods
- Getting away with lying
- Getting payed
- Jail/Prison
- Getting caught
- People stealing from him
Ignatius: "You lot are going to end up in jail. I didn't come here to get put in jail...so I'm just gonna..go"
- Never getting back his family heirloom
- Getting locked in a small room
- Criminal
- Sword for hire
- Spy
Ignatius has the ability to use magic, limited to just simple usually harmless spells.
- Can amplify his voice
- Can cause flames to dim, brighten or change color
- Can cause soft sounds to originate from a place of his choosing
- Can cause doors and windows to fly open or closed
- Can cause harmless tremors/miniture earthquake
- Can cause darkness to spread in a area of his choosing
- Ignatius can cause flames to surround anything/anyone that has injured him and drawn blood
Ignatius is a expert at acrobatics, capable of performing stunts and tricks with ease.
Ignatius knows how to look after himself both in the wild of a forest or in a town full of people.
Ignatius knows how to be stealthy and quiet. He can sneak around, hide and listen in to conversations with ease.
Ignatius is a expert fighter, strong and fast. He is especially proficient with two weapon fighting, most noticeably being two long swords he keeps at his waist. However he can fight with most weapons and knows hand to hand.
Night Vision
Ignatius can see in the dark, not in color however just shades of grey
Fire Resistance
Ignatius has resistance to natural fire, it can't harm him
Unnamed Mother || Deceased
Unnamed Father || Deceased
Unnamed Ex-Soldier || Sort of Adoptive Father || Alive
Ignatius had lived a simple life with his mother and father in a small village as farmers. Until he was about seven years old when his family was killed and home was destroyed by human bandits that had a grudge against Tieflings. Ignatius lived only due to the fact he wasn't in the house, he had been out feeding the animals. He hid when he noticed the bandits and burning house. He watched as they destroyed his life, stealing everything they could carry including a old family heirloom he wants back. The bandits killed his parents, burned the farm down and raided everything of value all while Ignatius hid.
The young Tiefling lived on the streets for a few months as a orphan streetrat before a sympathetic ex-solider took him under his wing, as a kind of apprentice teaching Ignatius the skills to survive and fight.
Ignatius left the solider after a few years when he was about seventeen with his new skills as a fighter, determined to get back the family heirloom that was taken by the bandits. At first he tired to live honorably, trying to find a job but due to the distrust shown towards him due to being a Tiefling he eventually turned towards the more...dishonestly lifestyle.
He became a criminal, gaining connections all throughout the criminal underground. He often acts as a spy and frequently sells his abilities for coin, a sword for hire.
Ignatius did whatever he could to survive, if that involved blood he didn't care. He isn't opposed to stealing what he needs to survive
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