Introducing...The cult???
Hello all, Hello. I will be your Narrator, Max. This will all be 3rd person. Now, it is with great pleasure that I start to reveal to you all the chaos. See ya'll in the story ✌️
A loud sigh erupted from some part of the chaotic castle that the cult resided in. Wether its real or not, that doesn't matter, it looks cool. It was like any other day. Chaotic. As. Fuck.
"FOR THE LAST TIME!!! NO!! DEATH!!" the appointed leader, Darecy, yells, trying to stop all of his friends from trying to kill themselves.
"But. Death" His chaotic partner, Max, cackles, a Cheshire like grin on their face. They were laying on the couch, bored and exhausted as always.
"Care for a Monster anyone?" Mai, the chaotic mother, asks, walking in and holding a crate of Monsters.
"OOOO!" Max rushed over, grabbing one, before starting to avoid Darcey, who was trying to stop them from having the energy drink. "Oi! this is mine ya twat!!!"
"Don't call me a twat-thats not nice!" Darcey exclaimed dramatically. He tries to pick Max up to stop them, failing, making the shorter one cackle.
Bon walks in and starts to drag Max away. "This is mine now, Im taking your Manz Darcey. you cant stop me." she keeps dragging Max away.
Khalia looked over, having been playing video games. "Whats going on-oh its just the chaos again."
Darcey lets out a frustrated screech. "Why-why do I live here-why did I agree to all this, agree to all this CHAOS."
"You love us" Mai cackles, putting the crate of energy drinks down. "Anyways, im guessing we're all settling into this place well?"
Bee burst in. "BOKUTO IS A HOT PIECE OF ASS, AND NO ONE CAN DISAGREE WITH ME ON THAT!" he yells, the chaotic 12 year old scaring the crap out of Zara, who'd only been merely vibing near Khalia and being a soft bean.
"Well then-not wrong Bee but shhhhh" Mai laughs. "Hey Darcey" she opens a Monster can, cackling.
"NO-DRINK WATER PLEASE!" Darcey whines. He gives up and flops on the ground, face first. "I'm gonna die from worry cause of you all."
"Naw-he cares" Max teases, flopping onto of him and ruffling his hair to make it more messy.
Everyone laughs, just enjoying each others company.
Kai walked in. "heeyyy, lets watch Haikyuu bitches. and torture Darcey for fun."
Darcey sighs loudly and flops. "fine then!!!! Torture me fuckers!!!"
"As you wish~" Max grins before laughing.
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