13 | The Game, Part I
Korsa, Isantad
Early sun
Reide's father had already made breakfast for everyone, eaten his share, and left for his work by the time Andreya sat at the table, her hair once again braided Isantadi-style with a tasseled shawl wrapped around her shoulders and the color of unrest lining her eyes. She ate no more than a few bites and spent the rest of her time waiting for Reide to finish, which took longer than it should have with his recount of his hunting adventures to Tariben, who listened unabashedly, eyes wide and smile unrestrained.
After the brothers finished their meals, they tied their boots and buttoned their jackets and Reide slung a sturdy satchel over his shoulder along with his usual bow and quiver. Tariben, at the same time, lifted a worn cane from beside the door before he slipped outside. Andreya quirked a brow at them both and Reide just happened to see her as she did—for he had not, of course, been casting her glances all morning out of concern that she did not like his brother.
"What's that look for?" he asked.
Andreya kept her voice low and tried not to stare. "Does your brother have a bad leg?"
Tariben heard anyway, though he was already several paces out of the house, and spun around with a grin. "You didn't tell her? Don't tell her. I want to see if she can figure it out on her own."
"He's partially blind," Reide said immediately, tone flat, and as Tariben scowled and called him a killjoy, Andreya looked between the two in utter befuddlement. She was positive the boy had looked directly at her several times since they'd met.
Reide nudged her out of the doorway and closed the door behind them. Tariben shook his head. "I can still see you, and Reide, and that girl over there"—he pointed across the street to a middle-aged man tending his shop—"you're just blurry shadows, that's all. I have a few blind spots, but I've memorized this place so thoroughly it's not surprising you didn't notice. I bet I walk better than most sighted people."
Andreya swallowed her appalment at his bluntness and followed him and Reide through the street. In truth, she wanted to already be halfway to the Mixed District and the answers it held by now, but Reide had looked so excited at the prospect of showing her around town that she had allowed some concoction of emotions to goad her into accepting.
Now the morning threatened bitter cold rain as if to solidify her regret, a nip to the air and the frizz of both brothers' wavy hair only serving as proof of the repugnant weather.
"Don't fall behind, Miss Dreya!" Reide called back to her, a laugh still apparent on his face from his conversation with Tariben. "The last time we got separated, finding you again cost me two drinks and a good chunk of bribe money."
Tariben seemed surprised at this, and as the two continued to chatter, Andreya kept a pace's distance behind and peered up at the wall of stacked houses on either side, completely different in the daylight than they had been the night before. Unwelcome breezes blew through the fabric of her shawl and chilled her like an ice box, but something about the early morning of the town with its slight fog and early risers waving to the Hafiless brothers as they passed, something about this loosened the tension in her muscles. Nothing threatened them, nothing chased them, nothing seemed to be the hurry. It was almost calm.
Calm... was not what she was expecting from this.
Andreya jogged to catch up with Reide and Tariben, troubled by her emotions. They thought they could do whatever they liked with her.
The absence of worry was worrisome in itself.
"Is something the matter, Dreya?"
Tariben shot Reide a look at his use of her name and Reide shrugged. At least he had not used her actual name.
"Where exactly are we going?" Andreya asked in response.
Both brothers grew mischievous grins and said, "The Mandy Reel," only slightly out of sync with one another.
──── xxx ────
Hiya! I had to break this chapter up because it got kind of long, so this is really only like a scene and a half, but I'd still love to hear all thoughts, suggestions, predictions, etc.! What do you think the Mandy Reel is? Don't forget to vote in you enjoyed and check out what else the ONC community has to offer!
ALSO, this chapter makes 20k!! Woop woop!
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