Chapter I
Light slowly came to the Jedi temple as the sun slowly rose over Coruscant, the large metallic city. A city that made up the entire planet. As the lights in the Jedi temple begun to turn on mimicking a sun rise, jedi knight Obi-Wan Kenobi rose and pushed himself out of bed. His feet hit the floor on the other side of his bed and the floor was cold, Obi-Wan let out a small groan. It was going to be a long day. Obi-Wan walked over to his drawers and looked in them for something nice to wear. Today was the day The Duchess was coming to the Jedi temple to ask for the help of the Jedi representative. Kenobi dressed and waved his hand over the force activated lock on his door. These locks were on all Jedi doors, so to keep intruders out. All Jedi are able to open them so inside the temple there are no locks to the members of the Jedi order, but there appear to be locks to outsiders.
Obi-Wan walked into the council room and took his seat at the far end of the room. "Master Obi-Wan, Taking you time are you." Master Windu asked.
"Sorry master Windu, as you might remember I just got back from a log mission on Galu. So excuse me for being a few minutes after dawn." Obi-Wan said slightly bowing his head to the Jedi master.
"Sorry you are?" Yoda asked
"I did not want to keep the duchess waiting," Obi-Wan said. Obi-Wan rose to open the council doors to the public. The duchess walked through the doors and made a short bow to Obi-Wan and the rest of the council.
"Greetings jedi masters." The duchess said. "As you all know I am Duchess Satine from the planet of Mandalore. I am here to ask for Jedi assistance in the election of our new governor. As many of you might have knows governor Raja died in the war last year and we are in need of a replacement. Because he had no other living relatives we are opening up elections to the public." The duchess' voice was clear and authoritative. She commanded the stage well and had the attention of the Jedi masters within moments of her speech.
"Agreed we have that Jedi assistance you need." Master Yoda said. "Send master Skywalker we will."
"If I may object, Master Yoda, I have more experience with Mandalore and Duchess Satine. If may, I believe that it would be a better choice if I went with the Duchess." Obi-Wan said. "As you all know I went on an extended mission on Mandalore with Qui-Gon," Obi-Wan rose from his seat and walked to the center of the council room. "I know the place better than anyone else here, so it seems fit that I am the one who returns to complete the mission."
"I agree with master Kenobi," The duchess said "He does know Mandalore better than any other Jedi. I would be more than happy for master Kenobi to return with me." The duchess smiled and bowed her head. "It is seattle then, Kenobi will accompany the duchess back to Mandalore and help her maintain the peace." Master Windu said. "Obi-Wan you are to meet the duchess after you have prepared to depart." And with that, council was out of session. Obi-Wan rose and headed for the council room doors.
"Obi!" Satine's voice called out to Obi-Wan "Obi, wait up." the duchess hurried to catch the Jedi before he vanished into the vast hallways of the Jedi temple.
"Duchess, it's good to see you again." Obi-Wan said bowing his head. "It's bean too long my old friend." the duchess reached out and touched his face.
"That it has my old friend." Satine said. "How I have missed your company my dear friend." Satine walked down the hallways of the temple with Obi-Wan until he came to the personal living quarters of the Jedi knights. Obi-Wan accessed the door and walked in, Satine followed him. "Obi-Wan I hope you intended to come and see me before this, and did not just jump at the opportunity because you felt bad." She said smiling at Obi-Wan.
"Oh well I'm sorry if I intended to take my time getting there." Obi-Wan said already knowing the game Satine was playing. "Well maybe if you made time for me in your busy schedule, then perhaps we could see each other more." Obi-Wan acted as though he was professional and had no feelings towards satine what-so-ever.
"Oh so you are going to ignore me?" Satine said "Well I guess I'll be on my way then. Nothing to see or do here." Satine moved in the direction of the door, but when she was about to reach the door the electric doors hissed closed in front of her. Satine turned to see Obi-Wan Kenobi, Jedi Robes and all, his hood pulled up so it covered his bearded face, his hand raised in the direction of the door. Obi-Wan raised both of his hands and placed his palms upward and all the items in the room including Satine lifted off the ground. Obi-Wan focused on Satine and begun to place all the items back in their spots while keeping her a good two feet off the ground. He than dropped one hand while keeping the other one facing Satine, He moved his hand and all the shutters in the room went down. For a short moment the room was pitch black, then the small light came on, first burning a light blue light then it begun to get brighter. Soon the room was as light as day, and Satine saw that Obi-Wan was standing in the middle of the room, his arm extended.
"Oh won't you come to me Satine." Obi-Wan said looking up somewhat exposing his face.
"Well you have not exactly invited me." Satine said smiling. Obi-Wan slowly waved his hand she she begun to move closer to him, she begun to pick up speed until she leff into his arms. "Well, here I thought you had forgotten our love." Satine said smiling up at Obi-Wan.
"Oh, do you really think that low of me duchess?" Obi-Wan asked looking into her dark eyes. "Well here I was thinking that you had forgotten all about my love for you." Satine raised her hand and moved her finger asking him to move closer to her. Obi-Wan leaned in and kissed her. Satine slowly moved herself around in his arms so that she could wrap her legs around his waist, as she did so, she pulled his hood back revealing his dark blond hair. Satine pulled him close to her chest and held him tightly.
"Oh how I have missed you my dear Obi-Wan." she said kissing his forehead.
"And I you." Obi-Wan said. He gently placed Satine on the groung beside him. Standing beside her love Satine was small and didn't look like she would put up much of a fight, and because of that, many separatist generals have tried to take over Mandalore only to find that it is both protected by the Duchess Satine Kryze, but it is also protected by Jedi Master Obi-Wan Kenobi, and together they make a formidable team.
"Master?" Anakin's voice came through the door, "Is everything ok master Obi-Wan?" Obi-Wan knew soon enough Anakin would open the door and find Satine in his room.
"Quickly into the closet." Obi-Wan said in a hushed voice as grabbed Satine's hand. "Hurry and hide and keep quiet. Please you know I love you and Anakin just doesn't need to know that right now." Obi-Wan attempted to smile. "Obi-Wan I know very well that love is forbidden for a Jedi." she smiled at him, "Don't worry, I understand the need for secrecy." With one last kiss Obi-Wan closed the closet door and just in time too, for as he did that Jedi master Anakin skywalker walked in the door.
"Master, were you talking to someone?" He asked. "Yes......I.... I was." Obi-Wan answered wondering where Anakin intended to go with this conversation. "Oh I just hear you talking to someone and I wonder who it was."
"Well if you must know I was talking to the duchess about the upcoming mission."
"Oh you mean the mission you kicked me out of?"
"Yes Anakin that mission. But it made sense that I went, after all I was one of the starting Jedi who started that mission. I thought it made sense for me to finish it."
"Well when you put it that way master, it does make more sense."
"Yes it does." Obi-Wan moved away from the closet door in an attempt to pull Anakin's gaze off the closet door and onto other matters. "So why did you really come here Anakin?"
"Well Master Windu thought you might need the help so he is sending me and Ahsoka with you. I hope you don't mind it was not entirely my idea. Honestly master."
"Oh I believe that. Master Windu still does not trust me to finish this mission without-" Obi-Wan stopped short. "Without what master?" Anakin said looking at Obi-Wan. "It's nothing, just something in the past." Obi-Wan said heading towards the door. "Well if you and Ahsoka coming, then we best go and find her." Obi-Wan said a little too insistent that he leave.
"Whats going on master?" Anakin asked. "Are you hiding something?"
", I mean yes. Maybe?"
"What kind of maybe Obi-Wan?"
"Well you see....... There is something I need to tell you."
"And what's that Master Obi-Wan?"
"I have bean.... Well assigned to study Sith Holocrons, and I didn't want anyone, you know stumbling in on them."
"Oh, that makes sense, who really knows that kind of dark knowledge those hold."
"I agree, one moment let me grab it so I won't worry." Obi-Wan walked to his closet and reached in. He grabbed his Lightsaber and handed it to Satine, then he slightly jerked his head towards the window and pointed to the lightsaber. She looked confused for a second then she noded showing him that she understood. Obi-Wan quickly grabbed Qui-Gon's old spare lightsaber from the closet hooked it on his belt and closed the closet door. He had to trust that she would find her way out, without his help. When he reached into his pocket he realized she had slipped and earpiece into his pocket. He quickly put it in his ear without Anakin seeing him. "Well let's go shall we?" and with that the two Jedi walked out the door and it hissed shut behind them leaving the duchess alone in the closet with a Jedi lightsaber.
Satine ignited the lightsaber and pressed it into the door cutting a hole big enough for her to fit through, she then ran to the window and like Obi-Wan instructed she pressed the lightsaber up to it and the window shattered. Satine looked down and saw a Jedi air craft parked at the bottom of the tower, but how was she going to get down to it. She looked around for something to grab onto, she finally found a cable launcher, she stuck it into the window seal of Obi-Wan's room and begun her descent. When she reached the Jedi craft she found it was easy to pilot and she hurried back to her landing platform in sector 6 of Coruscant's upper levels.
"Good to see you again duchess." Obi-Wan's voice broke into Satine's thoughts as she sat in her room. "I see you made out of my room alright." He chuckled.
"I'll have you know that, as fun as it was, it shall never happen again! You left me trapped!" Satine was obviously upset.
"I'm sorry Satine, it seemed like a good idea at the time." Obi-Wan said walking closer to her. "I'm sorry my love, it won't happen again." Obi-Wan leaned in to kiss her just as he was about to, the force warned him someone was coming and he pulled away. "Sorry my dear, someone comes." He said.
"Don't worry my dear Obi-Wan, I know that we will find time for our love some other time." She risked a quick kiss on the cheek.
"So, did I miss something?" Anakin said as the doors hissed open. "Ahsoka and I have been looking for something to do. Perhaps you all have found something more amusing to do. You know other than sit around." Anakin chuckled.
"Oh not yet, sorry master Skywalker, Obi-Wan and I are just talking about politics. Did you know that Obi-Wan was once a representative?" Satine said smiling gesturing to Obi-Wan.
"No I had no idea." Anakin said shocked.
Obi-Wan always seemed to hate politics, maybe that's because he had a first hand experience with it. After all he had been around lost longer than Anakin.
"Well Obi-Wan I guess we now have something to talk about." Anakin was so shocked that Obi-Wan out of all people had once been a politician. "May I ask you master Obi-Wan," Ahsoka asked "What were you representing?" Satine looked at the young Jedi, it did makes sense she was so young.
"Oh you don't know? The Jedi order was once a Province, I mean it still is, but Representative Kenobi hates attending senate meetings, and he told the senate if they need us, talk to their messenger." Satine said. She smiled at Obi-Wan
"I don't fully blame him." Anakin said, "Some of those meetings can be boring." Obi-Wan looked around knowing that Anakin was now onto him.
"Well, who is hungry?" He said getting up. "I know I am, Satine would you like join me?" Obi-Wan extended his arm to Satine and she took it. Obi-Wan and Satine walked towards the door, Obi-Wan stopped short, "Anakin would you join us?" Obi-Wan turned and moved his robes slightly to the side, Anakin's quick eyes saw that Obi-Wan did not have his lightsaber instead, he had a lightsaber that resembled his old master Qui-Gon's lightsaber. Anakin begun to wonder what had happened to Obi-Wan's lightsaber.
"I'll be just a moment master." Anakin said "Ahsoka I'll meet you there, don't wait for me." As soon as the others left Anakin looked around calling to the Force looking for Obi-Wan's lightsaber. Suddenly he saw something in the duchess' bag, he walked over to it and looked in her bag, there it was, master Obi-Wan's lightsaber. I wonder how it ended up here, maybe he lost it while he was on Mandalore. But why didn't the duchess return it to him? Maybe he left before she could. But why would she bring it now? I'll ask him when I see him. Anakin walked out of the room and followed his master and Padawan.
Dinner was amazing and the duchess did a toast to the Jedi thanking them for their help and protection. She made a toast to the representative of the Jedi temple for understanding her need for help. Both Anakin and Ahsoka knew it was going to take a while for them to get used to Obi-Wan being called a representative, but over time and the dinner both of them begun to get used to it. Soon it was time for bed and Anakin walked over to Obi-Wan, "Are you coming to bed?" he asked.
"No I think I'm going to stay with the duchess a while longer. We have a lot to catch up on." Obi-Wan said bowing slightly to Anakin, "If you'll excuse me master Skywalker." Obi-Wan walked over to the duchess' side and they headed for the doors. The doors hissed open and shut behind them.
"Ahsoka I want you to follow them ok?" Anakin said placing his hand on his Padawan's shoulder. "I know it's weird for you to spy on Obi-Wan, but I need you to find out what's going on between them. Do you understand Ahsoka?"
"Master if I may-"
"No Ahsoka , no objections today. I need you to follow them."
"But master, Obi-Wan is a Jedi master, don't you think he will feel my presence, I mean he is very in tune with the living force."
"Yes I a aware of that, but Obi-Wan will be distracted by the duchess, so I believe you can go undetected."
"I still don't know about this master, I mean what do you think Obi-Wan is hiding?"
"Something to do with the duchess..... I'm not sure yet. I'll let you know when I know more." Anakin walked out of the room, Ahsoka was left confused and shocked that Anakin, out of all people, to want to look into his former master's personal life. Ahsoka knew what she had been asked was wrong but she now wondered what Obi-Wan had done to make Anakin question him. It must have been something very disturbing, even for master Skywalker.
Ahsoka was careful not to make a sound and she followed Obi-Wan and the duchess into the personal quarters, soon she wondered why they were on the opposite side of the ship to be at their rooms, yet both of them walked into the room and the door shut behind them. Is master Kenobi actually hiding something? I don't know, maybe he is having issues with the council, I know him and master Jinn didn't always agree with the council. Maybe the mission is changing. Ahsoka tried to convince herself that there was a different explanation to what she had just seen. Ahsoka hurried back to her personal quarters and contacted her master and told him what she had found.
"Good work Snips, I'm sorry you had to see that. We will figure out what's going on, count on it." Then Anakin broke the communication.
Ahsoka walked out of her room and ran right into Obi-Wan, "Oh sorry master Kenobi." Ahsoka said looking down. How long has he been outside my room? And did he hear anything? Questions raced through her head. "Ah Ahsoka just the person I was looking for." Obi-Wan said.
"You were looking for me master?" Ahsoka asked confused.
"Yes I was, I want to know what Anakin wishes to achieve by spying on me and the duchess."
"What? I don't know what your talking about."
"Oh don't think I didn't hear you following me. And for the future if you are going to "stalk" a Jedi, try doing it with video cameras, they are silent." and with that Obi-Wan turned to walk away.
"Master Obi-Wan," Ahsoka stopped him in his tracks, "Master, Anakin didn't tell me why he wanted me to follow you, he just said he had a bad feeling. He told me that there was something going on between you and the duchess. I don't know anything more than that." she said lowering her head.
"And you told me this because....." Obi-Wan said looking at Ahsoka.
"Because I think what Anakin is doing is not right. He has no proof that anything is going on."
"Well Ahsoka, if anything else happens let me know. After all it is my duty to keep Sat-I mean the duchess safe."
"Master Obi-Wan, how close were you and the duchess?" Ahsoka asked cautiously.
"I don't see how that is relevant to anything we just talked about Padawan Tano,"
"Well most people call her duchess, but you call her Satine." Ahsoka pointed out. "You had to be close to her if you were able to call her that."
"I'm not sure if anyone told you, I was on an extended mission on Mandalore with master Qui-Gon, we were there for a year, living hand-to-mouth. They sent Bounty hunters after us, and we were hunted. Satine and I became very close friends. So in her time of need, I am here again." It was at this time that Ahsoka started to understand the depth of what Obi-Wan's meant to Satine, She was just scratching the surface of their relationship. It seemed as though they had been in whatever they were in for a long time. "Master Obi-Wan, do you love Satine?" Ahsoka asked.
"Well in some ways, yes, but not in the way your thinking." Obi-Wan answered. "Now if you'll excuse me, I must return to Satine's aid." Obi-Wan gave Ahsoka a small bow and walked towards the lift.
"Have a good night master Obi-Wan." Ahsoka wondered if she had overlooked something and allowed Obi-Wan to fool her, why is he going back to Satine? Many questions went through Ahsoka's head leaving her wondering if Obi-Wan really was hiding something. All she could do for tonight was to return to her room and wonder.
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