Chapter 4
Months passed as Obi-Wan begun to adjusted to his new war free surroundings. He knew that in a few more months he was to marry the duchess and become a leader of Mandalore. It was only a matter of time now. Duchess Satine Kryze had publicly asked the General to marry her and he has said yes. Many people on Mandalore did not accept the Jedi as their new leader, but Obi-Wan was sure to tell them that he was only their protector. He would in no way change laws or tamper with the duchess' rulings. He was simply guardian of Mandalore, nothing more. There was a time when Satine would have disagreed but she understood he needed time to adjust to his new life.
After riding Mandalore of Maul and his followers there was not much for Obi-Wan to do. He most trained new royal guards or taught in Mandalore's schools. He became very respected within a few months of living on Mandalore. He started a new program for young boys and girls to come to a school like program to learn to fight. Through it was against Satine's personal wishes Obi-Wan convinced her that being able to protect yourself was an important part of life. She finally gave in and gave the okay to the opening of this new kind of school. Anyone could join but had to be under the age of 10. On the school's opening day Obi-Wan had 12 students. He was very pleased with the amount of people who were willing to join. Soon this new school became something many people wanted to join. Obi-Wan said he would accept new students every 3 months, so the more advanced students could move on, and those who needed more help could get the help they needed. For a while Satine would come and teach when she could, but soon the baby did not allow her to teach any longer.
The day for the baby's delivery came, Obi-Wan canceled the training for the day so he could be with Satine when the baby arrived. She was thankful for his support. She knew it was going to be a long day for them both. The delivery went smooth, and Obi-Wan became the loving father of a beautiful baby boy, Mallicki Kenobi Kryze. The birth of their air to the crown brought the people of Mandalore together uniting even the people of the mood Concordia. There was a huge celebration and many senators came from the republic senate including Senator Amidala from Naboo, she did not come alone, Jedi Knight Anakin Skywalker came with her.
"It's good to see you, master Obi-Wan." Padme said smiling at Obi-Wan when she had the chance to speak with him alone. "How are things on Mandalore. I hear it is maintaining the peace here."
"Things are well." Obi-Wan said. Obi-Wan was dressed in traditional Mandalorian robes. They were blue signifying his relations to the duchess. His hair had grown out and he too wore a royal headdress.
"I see that you are to be a future leader." Padme said smiling. "I'm glad to hear that your political knowledge is being put to use."
"Thank you senator Amidala." Obi-Wan said bowing, "It has been my honor to serve Mandalore. And I am very happy that I can use all of my knowledge. I see that general Skywalker has come with you, do you know where I might find him?" Padme pointed to the drink table and made her way to give the duchess her best wishes.
"Anakin, it's good to see you." Obi-Wan said walking up behind Anakin. "It's bean a while. I was not sure if you got my invitation."
"Oh I got your invitation Obi-Wan." Anakin said coldly "But me coming was all Padme's idea. I didn't want to come."
"I see." Obi-Wan said sadly. "How are things in the war, and where is Ahsoka?"
"Oh that's right, you were not there for her trial." Anakin said again coldly. "Ahsoka left the Jedi order. She didn't believe that we trusted her enough."
"I'm sorry to hear that." Obi-Wan said, he knew that what he had done hurt Anakin, but he knew that one way or another Anakin would understand him. "I'm sorry I left you Anakin. You know that you are still my good friend. I am really glad that you are here today."
"Why?" Anakin said angrily, "So you could rub it in my face? Because you want me to think that what me and Padme have is not enough?"
"No Anakin, because you are my friend." Obi-Wan said shocked that Anakin would ever accuse him of something like that. "I want Mallicki to have a know who his godfather is." Anakin looked at Obi-Wan shocked. After all this time, even though their last words to each other had not kind words, Obi-Wan still wanted Anakin to be Mallicki's godfather. "Yes Anakin, I was you to be his godfather. Do you accept?"
"Obi-Wan, you forget, a Jedi can't form attachments." Anakin said, "I know you are trying to apologize for leaving me back at the temple, but it's to late master Kenobi. I hardly know who you are anymore." with that Anakin Skywalker walked away from his lifelong friend and former master. Obi-Wan stood still and speechless for a few minutes until his mind could fully register what had just happened.
"Master Obi-Wan?" Ahsoka's voice came into his thoughts. "Master Obi-Wan is that you? It's bean a while, it's me Ahsoka." Obi-Wan turned to see the former Jedi Padawan standing behind him.
"Anakin just walked away from me." Obi-Wan said, he lowered his head and took a seat on a nearby bar stool. "I can't believe that he could forget out long friendship in so few minutes. Just like that my best friend walked away from me." Ahsoka looked at the Jedi master, she knew this was something that had deeply hurt him.
"Master Obi-Wan, I'm sure he will come around, I know he will." Ahsoka said looking at the Jedi master. "I want you to know that I will always be here, even if I am no longer a Jedi, I will always look out for Satine and Mallicki. You have my word Master Obi-Wan." Ahsoka said bowing to her good friend.
Mandalore's twin moons rose over the horizon and Obi-Wan stood on the balcony of the palace. All of his tunics were off and on the bed behind him. He heard the sound of a servant bringing the evening meal into his room. "Your dinner Your Majesty." the servant said then, he left. Obi-Wan turned to look at the 3 course meal the servant had left. This life was pretty good, but he did miss the adventure of a Jedi who went on missions. But it was not all bad, he had his students and his 1 year old son Mallicki. Obi-Wan was thankful that Ahsoka had agreed to stay on Mandalore and become head of security. Obi-Wan was glad that Ahsoka had not left him. In some ways Obi-Wan did feel alone on Mandalore, so he was thankful for Ahsoka's company.
"Obi-Wan dear." Satine's voice broke into his thoughts "Obi-Wan, I wanted to thank you for all you have done for Mandalore, I know you work hard at work and with the people. So thank you my love."
"Satine, I can't help but wonder what if I had failed?' Obi-Wan asked turning to face his lover, "Would you hate me for that? And what would master Yoda think of me?"
"Obi, you are worrying way too much." Satine said putting her arm around
Obi-Wan. "I knew in my heart that you would not fail. Your love for me and the Jedi order was too great for you to even think about it."
Obi-Wan reached around Satine and held her close to him. He was grateful that she was here in this moment with him. He looked down at the woman he loved and he knew that she had bean right all along. Satine reached up and grabbed his scarf, she pulled him down to her height and kissed him. She looked into his eyes knowing exactly what he was thinking. Obi-Wan pulled Satine closer to him, he wrapped his arms around her and nearly picked her up. The two suns slowly begun to set behind them as they wrapped themselves in their love for each other.
Dawn came and light slowly begun to illuminate the room. Obi-Wan could start to make out the shape of the beams and and the tabletop with the food from the night before. Obi-Wan begun to scan the room for his pants. Suddenly someone barged through the door, Obi-Wan quickly pulled his pants, that were beside the bed, into the bed and begun to pull them on. Satine who had been sleeping beside him begun to stir, she rolled over and looked up at him. "Who is that?" She asked.
"Obi-Wan Kenobi and Satine Kryze, you are under arrest for conspiring with separatist." Anakin said as he drew his lightsaber. "You will come with me to coruscant where you will stand trial and pay for your war crimes."
"Anakin?" Obi-Wan said shocked, "What are you doing here? And what do you mean under arrest?"
"You and the Duchess have been trading goods with the separatist," Anakin said, "Also, the duchess here has been asking to end production of clones. That sounds fishy to me. So both of you will come with me and both of you will undergo questioning, individually."
"General Skywalker, I have already been questioned for these allegations." Satine said. "I was cleared almost two years ago. This war has twisted even the best of us, can't you see that?"
"Yes duchess, but your investigator , is now your husband." Anakin said coldly, "I hope you can see why we must reinvestigate this case." Satine reached for her over robe and slipped it on under the blankets.
"I have nothing to hide General Skywalker." she said "If you want to ask questions that have already been answered be my guest. But if you would be so kind as to give me a moment to dress." Satine said indicating that she was not close to being properly dressed.
"Ofcourse," Anakin answered, "Jedi are not monsters."
"And yet you barge into someone's private room unannounced and arrest us." Obi-Wan said dryly. "I don't know about you, but that seems like a monster to me." Obi-Wan rose out of the bed and walked over to the closet. He pulled out typical mandalorian men's clothing and begun to dress. Anakin stayed watching the couple dress, his eyes burned with anger. How could his master betray him like this? He became a sentry so he could have a normal life with Satine, but what about his duties as a Jedi Knight? Had he already forgotten them? Obi-Wan finished dressing and walked over to Satine, he handed her his old Jedi robe and she wrapped it around herself and walked to the closet. Satine dressed quickly into a traditional mandalorian dress and walked from the closet.
"If we must come with you, we will not put up a fight. We will come willingly." Satine said looking at Anakin. "But know this General, we have nothing to do with this war. I have never had anything to do with it." Satine's words rang with authority.
"I understand duchess." Anakin said "Well, then you have nothing to worry about." Anakin roughly pushed Satine out the door and pushed Obi-Wan out after her. Little did Anakin know, Obi-Wan had his lightsabers and so did Satine.
The ship taking them to coruscant was smaller than Obi-Wan would have thought. If they were under arrest, he would have thought the Republic would have sent senate guards and clones. But on this ship, there were neither. "I hope we don't have to go all the way to Coruscant only to find there have been no charges." Obi-Wan grumbled. "I would hate if we showed up and they had no idea we were coming." it was clear to Satine that Obi-Wan did not really believe that they were under arrest.
"Ahsoka is going to watch over Mallicki while we are gone." Satine said walking to her seat. "Things on Mandalore should stay the same, and our escort should be here soon."
"Escort?" Anakin asked looking at the duchess. "I never said he could come."
"She," Obi-Wan said. "And she is coming to make sure there is no foul play. After all we are the leaders of the planet. It only makes sense that we are escorted to Coruscant." Anakin gave both Obi-Wan and Satine a fake smile.
"Of course, we would never want you to feel threatened." He said with a creepy smile. "We would be happy to have your escort on board."
Bo-Katan Kryze jet-packed in and landed on the ramp of the ship. "I heard some idiot arrested my sister and brother in-law." she said taking off her helmet "What one of you idiot did something wrong this time?"
"It's good to see you too Bo." Satine said waving to her sister from her seat. "I am not quite sure why we are here yet, but I know we will soon find out."
"Well while we are waiting for the wonderful Force to tell your husband what's going on someone tell me the facts." Bo said looking at her sister. "I need something funny in my life."
"Well Obi-Wan and I-" Satine started, but was cut off by her sister.
"Sorry sis, but I'm pretty sure Kenobi here has a different story that makes you the reason both of you are in this mess." Bo said looking at Obi-Wan. "Well Kenobi, what did she do now?"
"Why me?" Obi-Wan asked looking at his wife then to Bo. "Why do I always have to be in the middle?" Obi-Wan felt obligated to protect his wife, but he also didn't want Bo to hate him for the rest of his life.
"Because Kenobi, you're the loop hole." Bo said smiling. "You're the 3rd party in the family. If it comes from you it's less bias. If you know what I mean. Like if you were to ask me who I thought is the one who got you both into this mess I would say it was my sister and her peaceful ways, again."
"No I don't think it is that." Obi-Wan said looking at both of the girls. "I think this is personal. Anakin was angry when I left the temple and came here. I think he wants revenge on me for leaving him."
"And what makes you think that?" Bo asked looking at her sister. "Why would General Skywalker have something against your husband?"
"Because Anakin was my padawan." Obi-Wan answered for Satine, "And because when his padawan left the order she came to me, and not to him. I think he is angry and full of envy."
"Why would he be full of envy Kenobi?" Bo asked turning angry. "What did you bring my sister into?"
"It's not like that Bo." Satine said defending her husband. "Anakin loves Senator Amidala and he can't be with her cause the Jedi code does not allow him to form attachments. He is angry and hurt because Yoda found a way for me and Obi-Wan to be together but he will not help Anakin." Satine looked at Obi-Wan and she knew what he was thinking.
"So this is Kenobi's fault?" Bo asked shocked. "How is that even possible? He has never caused trouble on Mandalore or anywhere else before."
"Actually that's not true, there was this one time a few years back-" Satine started but stopped when she saw Obi-Wan's face. She knew he was already embarrassed that she even brought it up. "Sorry Obi-Wan, but it did happen."
"Well, well, well, looks like a family reunion in here." Anakin said walking in. "Glad you could join us.....Bo was it?"
"Why are they being held here?" Bo asked walking over to Anakin.
"Oh, I was told you were just an escort, not a lawyer." Anakin said coldly. "So I ask questions and you just sit there real pretty like."
"Ugg, stay away from my sister you creep." Satine yelled from the other side of the ship. "You stay away or, or-"
"Or what duchess?" Anakin said teasingly "You'll send Obi-Wan on me? Did you already forget he was once my friend, my master?" Satine looked down some what in shame, "Yeah, I thought so." Anakin said walking back into the cockpit.
Dinner was served at dusk. It consisted of prison food, sometimes called slop. Obi-Wan looked down at the food on his plate. "I'm not eating this." he said in disgust. "Give me something that is edible." he said shoving the plate back to the service droid.
"Well, how times have changed Master Kenobi." Anakin said walking in. "Looks like your life with top-notch food has come to an end. My apologies about the food, not everyone in the galaxy lives in a palace." Anakin chuckled as he walked away. He has gotten picky, that's new, and strange even for Obi-Wan. He thought to himself as he opened the door to the cockpit.
"Obi-Wan, It's not so bad, come dear, you need to eat something." Satine signaled to obi-wan to come over to where Bo and her were sitting on the floor. She wrapped her arms around him and held him close, she knew he was going through a lot of pain with Anakin shutting him out. "I know you're hurting love, but sometimes you have to say goodbye to people you have had in your life for a long time. Like loosing master Qui-Gon. I know it's hard, but it's part of life, sometimes loosing some people is necessary to gain more. perhaps that is our purpose in life."
"Maybe you're right." Obi-Wan said leaning in on Satine. "Maybe it is time for me to say goodbye. After all I can't hold onto something I no longer have. But I'm not going to give up on Anakin, I know that he will see things differently after I talk to him, he has to."
"Obi-Wan, sometimes people leave our lives for a reason." Satine said kissing him on the forehead and lifting a spoon of soup to his mouth. "I mean if Qui-Gon had never passed, I am sure that Anakin would have become his padawan, and you would hardly know him. So he left us for a reason."
"OK, now you sound like master Yoda." Obi-Wan said laughing lightly. He laid his head on Satine's lap and looked up at the woman he loved. "You are so beautiful. You know that?" Satine did not answer she just looked down and him and her eyes and face did all the talking she had to do.
"Bedtime duchess." Anakin said walking into the main area of the ship. "Follow me to your rooms." the three followed Anakin to a section of the ship made up of sleeping rooms. Anakin pushed Obi-Wan into one room and begun to push Satine down further. "No. I will stay with my husband thank you." Satine said pushing Anakin's hand away. "Obi-Wan, give me a hand please." Obi-Wan flipped down the hall and landed in front of Satine and Anakin.
'This room will do fine." he said smiling at his wife. "After you my dear." Satine walked into the room and was followed by Obi-wan. "Oh and one more thing Anakin, you might not want that one wondering around the ship, she likes to cause trouble." he said pointing at Bo.
"Keep your hands off my sister." Satine yelled through the closed door. "Touch her and I will personally drop you in a nest of Gundarks." Anakin looked at Bo and thought it best to listen to his former master and pushed her to a holding cell at the end of the hallway.
"You'll spend the night in this lovely joint." he said smirking. "Have a good night." and with that he slammed the cell door shut and walked down the hall to his room.
"Well, we have had worse right Satine?" Obi-wan said gesturing to the room. "Remember that time back on Concordia when we were running from that one eyed bounty hunter? We stayed in that shack with Qui-Gon and we had to sleep on that half broke bed."
Both of them laughed at the memory. "Yeah I remember that. How could I forget? That night what the first time you kissed me." Satine said smiling at Obi-Wan. "Or the first time anyone kissed me for that matter."
"Right." Obi-Wan said smiling "Would you like to me replay that moment for you duchess?"
"Oh how formal. But I would not mind if you did my dear." Satine said smiling at
Obi-Wan "You can be such a charmer master Kenobi."
"Oh, come here." Obi-Wan said pulling Satine next to him. "I love you." he said looking into her eyes. Satine's heart stopped just like it had all those years ago. She knew it was only her husband but he always had a way of making her stop in her tracks. Their eyes locked and not even the scream of a mali could break their connection. Satine was the first one to break eye contact. She shyly looked down at her feet, almost unsure of what Obi-Wan was going to do next. Obi-Wan put one hand around her and pulled her closer to him, he gently lifted her chin so she once again looked into his eyes. He took a moment to drink in her beauty, then slowly pulled her face up to him, he leaned down slightly and lovingly kissed her. In his head he saw stars and he felt like he was spinning. Neither of them wanted to move from this place. If Obi-Wan had to choose one moment in his life to forever be trapped in, this would be this moment. Finally Obi-Wan broke away and looked down at the woman he loved.
"It seems as though it was just yesterday that I fell in love with you my dear." Satine said smiling. "You always make me excited in every way. Don't lose that. Promise me you won't." Satine was almost in tears as she looked up at Obi-Wan pleading.
"I promise." Obi-Wan said looking down at the woman he loved. "I promise to never lose my sense of humor and to never lose my ability to excite you." he winked at her as he turned and walked over to the small sleep couch.
"Thank you," Satine said hugging him from behind.
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