A/N: I still can't remember the fanfiction idea x( Kinda pissed about that... I bet it was genius.
Update: I remembered. It is genius. ;) But of course, you'll have to wait until I finish this to find out.
Natsu's POV
In hindsight, I probably should've guessed I'd wake up by myself the next morning.
I also should've realized I'd acquire a nasty crick in my neck.
"Crap," I hissed, rubbing the back of my sore neck, groggy from just waking up. My mind immediately realized Gray wasn't here in my secret room, and my first thought was to panic. I felt like one of those wasted girls used at a party- sore, confused, and angry.
Except, you know, nothing happened.
I fumbled around for my phone, which was conveniently located in my pocket. The time read 8 am, meaning I had slept about seven hours in that horribly uncomfortable position.
I was going to be sore for the rest of my life, I thought irritably as I scaled down the ladder and entered my room. I glanced at my bed, duvet pulled back from where I was reading before Gray decided to pop in for an unexpected visit, and wondered if I should go back to sleep or not.
Deciding against the idea, I left my room, still in my fuzzy plaid pajamas, and wandered down the marble stairs into the kitchen, where my mom was working on her computer. She was dressed in a simple t-shirt and rolled-up khaki shorts, an outfit I was not used to seeing her wear, even if it was growing warmer outside.
"Natsu! You left your bathroom light on last night," Grandine said to me, eying me though her thick-lensed glasses frames.
"Good morning to you too, Mother," i grumbled back, opening the fridge and pulling out a half gallon of orange juice. "I slept wonderfully, thanks for asking."
"Someone's mister cranky this morning," Grandine commented bemusedly. "What are you doing up at this time anyway? Usually you're asleep until two in the afternoon."
I shrugged, gulping down the juice straight from the tub. "Didn't feel like going back to sleep, I guess," I answered. It technically was the truth, I just didn't explain it all.
"Who knocked on the door last night?" Grandine asked monotonously, making me pause in my tracks, staring at her like a deer in headlights.
"Oh, my friend, Gray," I brushed it off as smoothly as I could manage.
"Why was he coming over at eleven-thirty at night?" Grandine pressed on suspiciously.
"I don't know, Mom. He's kinda crazy in the head," I shrugged. Okay. That part was definitely true.
She seemed to accept that answer and returned to look at the files on her computer. "Do you remember what today is?" She asked.
"No..." I trailed off. Crap, was it her birthday? No, that was three months ago. Dad's? No, that's next month.
"The company's all-day nature way festival is today!" Grandine looked back at me, surprised. "How could you forget?"
"Oh, sorry," I bit my lip furiously. "Honestly, I've had so much going on lately, I forgot."
"Well, I'd like it if you were there. Oh- you should bring Sting. He's such a darling."
"I'll pass on the message," I rolled my eyes when she wasn't looking. "When does it start?"
"It's from 9 in the morning to 9 at night. The picnic lunch is at 12, and dinner is at 7. We're leaving at 8:45 to pick up Chelia at her house, then we're off to the gardens."
"Alright, I'll ask Sting, then," I nodded. "Can I invite other people too?"
"The more the merrier!" Grandine gushed. "Certainly. Now go take a shower. You look like you slept on a floor or something."
Nearly laughing out loud at the irony of that accusation, I padded back up the stairs. I passed by Wendy's room, peeking inside. She was fast asleep on her bed, clutching on her phone for dear life. I imagined her staring at the blue light until the wee hours of the morning, texting and looking at social media.
Curious, I stepped forward to the side of her bed, wriggling the phone out of her hands the best I could. I slid open the phone, typing in her password. 1-9-9-9, the year she was born. Easy.
I saw that she had two unread messages, and being the conniving, snooping older brother I was, I tapped on the messages icon.
Chelia 😙💕; 1:34 AM
Night, cutie!
Chelia 😙💕; 1:34 AM
I love you so much :)
My jaw fell slack as I scrolled upwards, scanning the several fluffy texts they sent back and forth. I knew Wendy had briefly mentioned Chelia as her friend once or twice at dinner, but this didn't seem like friendly conversation to me.
Wendy then slowly rose out of unconsciousness, her frizzy blueberry-colored hair sticking out in all directions. Her face morphed into a state of panic when she saw her bedazzled phone in my hand. I gave her a knowing look, and she pounced on me angrily.
"Hey! Give me my phone back!" She cried hysterically, practically clawing to get her phone back. I held it up where she couldn't grab, puzzle pieces fitting together in my mind.
"Hey Wendy, do you like the V?" I questioned amusedly, already knowing the answer based on her beet-red face.
"No-!" She spluttered, finally snatching away the phone. "What the heck did you do?"
"So, tell me, you and Chelia, huh?" I continued on, putting my hands on my hips and smirking at her.
"Leave me alone," Wendy whispered.
"I said leave me alone!" Wendy yelled, forcefully shoving me out the door. "And mind your own business!"
My nose was nearly smushed by the impact of the door slamming. A mixture of amused, surprised, and worried, I stared blankly at the butterfly chalkboard hanging from
her door with the pale rose ribbon.
"Wendy...?" I lowered my voice, knocking softly on the door. I pressed my ear against it, listening in. Soft music was playing from her tinny phone speaker, but muffled sobs could be heard, most likely masked with pillows. "Hey, open up, please."
"Go away," She growled from behind the other side of the door, sniffling between every syllable.
"I will bust this door down," I threatened.
"Mom doesn't allow locks anyways," Wendy grumbled.
Huffing out an exasperated breath, I pushed the door handle softly and poked back inside. "Can we talk?" I asked softly.
"Not in the mood," Her voice was concealed by the down bedding currently cradling her face. I ignored her and took a seat on the edge of her cotton candy, butterfly-print bed set.
"So, how's it going?" I quipped lamely.
Wendy lifted her head, glaring at me between strands of unbrushed hair. "Oh, just wonderful, thank you. Are you just popping in or do you have more to say? God, this is not how I wanted it to go," She muttered the last part to herself angrily.
"Wanted what to go?" I inquired.
"What are you, stupid? You know exactly what I mean," She accused me. "Go on, laugh. I know you want to."
My jaw fell slack and I stared at her incredulously. "I'm not going to laugh at you, Wendy, what kind of person do you think I am? I may be your teasing older brother but I'm not an asshole."
"You better go put a quarter in the swear jar," Wendy managed to joke, pointing towards the door. I chuckled and shrugged.
"So tell me everything," I bounced into a cross-legged position overtop her duvet. I motioned towards myself furiously, impatient for her to give me details. "Lay it on me."
Wendy pulled an obnoxious face. "Well, better start off with the obvious," She began, eyes traveling away and landing on the door. In a flash, she jumped off her bed and quietly closed the door and locked it. She leaned against the frame, staring at the ceiling and letting her eyes flutter shut. She took a deep breath, bracing herself and drawing out the time inch by inch, looking like she wanted the world to cave in and swallow her up. "I'm a lesbian."
"Okay, and?" I raised an eyebrow suspiciously.
Her eyes opened with surprise and they widened considerably. "What do you mean, 'and'?" She cried out. "Didn't you hear me?"
"Yes, but I don't see the big deal here," I said honestly. "So you're a little different. You're still Wendy. Loving who you want and being who you are is okay."
Wendy stared at her clenched fists. "Still, it's wrong."
"No it's not," I defended. "You know how people say it's on the inside that counts? You're loving someone for who they are, and if they're a boy of a girl is irrelevant," I explained passionately to her, never looking away.
"What do I do?" Wendy beseeched helplessly with pleading, chocolate-brown eyes.
"Easy. You go to this stupid nature way with Chelia, have the fucking time of your life, and enjoy the fact you can have sleepovers without Mom or Dad getting suspicious. And anyone who discouraged you or tells you different than what you feel is right, let me know, and I'll kick the bastards into their own graves, because I'm the best older brother there is and I know everything will get better for you. It may be shitty now, but I promise, it'll all turn it okay."
Wendy giggled, pressing her sweater paw to her mouth. I looked at her curiously, wondering why she was so amused. I practically just said more heart-wrenching, mushy crap than I had said in my entire lifetime. "Thanks a lot, Natsu, you're the best."
"I know," I ran a hand through my disheveled bedhead proudly. I figured her getting her deep secret off her chest would do her good. It was probably a huge load off her shoulders and maybe she'll sleep peacefully tonight without worrying. "But what's so funny?"
"Nothing- it's just... you owe another seventy-five cents into the swear jar."
"I'm out, loser," I sprung off her bed. "We're leaving in forty-five minutes, you better hurry and get ready in time," I told Wendy. She rubbed her tired eyes and went over to her pink dresser, giving me the 'get out' face.
I tsked in annoyance and left her room, shutting the door and entering mine. I flopped face first into my bed, thinking about my sister. The thought of her and Chelia wouldn't leave my mind.
First Sting, now Wendy? Was everyone around me swinging for the other team? Who's next, Gray?
Laughing to myself at that perposterous idea, I peeled off my pajamas, discarded them to the side, flannels landing pathetically in a heap in a deserted corner. I pulled on a light blue Save The World, Go Solar! t-shirt I got from one of my parents' conventions and khaki shorts. Basic tennis shoes and sunglasses topped off my enjoying-a-sunny-day look.
I then remembered to ask everyone if they wanted to attend the nature way. I created a group MMS chat, pulling out old and new contacts from my phone.
Natsu: 8:13 AM: Attention nature lovers. Come join me at my parents' nature way at the lake today from 9-9 so I don't die of loneliness.
Lucy: 8:14 AM: Will there be food.
Natsu: 8:14 AM: Yes, sandwiches and chips and soda and a lot more things but I'm lazy to explain them but it's all free.
Lucy: 8:14 AM: I'm in.
Juvia: 8:15 AM: Sorry, I'm actually quite busy today!! Have fun without me.
Gajeel: 8:15 AM: Pipsqueak, you going?
Levy: 8:15 AM: If you're referring to me, then yes, I'm considering attending.
Gajeel: 8:16 AM: Looks like I'll be there then.
Natsu: 8:16 AM: Mom says you're a darling and wants you to come so get up now, you big booty hoe.
Bumblebee 🐝: 8:16 AM: Bitch. Fine,
I'll go.
Rogue: 8:17 AM: Same here, I'll come along. Sounds fun.
Bumblebee 🐝: 8:17 AM: Yay! ^__^
Flare: 8:17 AM: I'll join as well, hello everybody!
Lucy: 8:17 AM: Hey, Flare x
Flare: 8:17 AM: Hi, Blondie x
Natsu: 8:17 AM: Ew, no, get out of my chat, you four! *sprays you all with squirt bottle*
Gray: 8:17 AM: Good to know I've "walked" in at a good time. I'm coming along, can't wait to spend an ENTIRE DAY OUTDOORS.
Natsu: 8:18 AM: Wink wonk.
Gajeel: 8:18 AM: Wink wonk stop spamming the group chat my phone won't shut up thanks to you all.
Natsu: 8:18 AM: Whatever, Gajeel. Everyone! Lake at 9! Bring a sitting blanket and possibly swim gear too!
- - - - - - - - - - -
After receiving various confirmations from the text recipients and the grumbling of Sting (aka Bumblebee) complaining about being up so early, I was satisfied and out my charged phone in my pocket. I grabbed a picnic blanket out of the linen closet, swim shorts, and a bottle of sunscreen, throwing everything into a nautical-striped beach bag.
I slipped my sunglasses off my face and pressed against my fringe, quickly did all the bathroom necessities, and headed downstairs,
ten minutes until it was time to go.
"Morning, Natsu, good to see you up at a reasonable hour," Igneel pried amusedly, sipping on black coffee in a generic I Heart Dad mug. "We're leaving in ten."
"Good morning, and okay," I greeted back, heading for the living room couch. I dawdled around on my phone until it was time to leave. Wendy was just now heading downstairs, flip flops pattering against the marble-stone floors that I lived in constant fear of cracking my head open on.
Wendy had a neon-green fringe top on with a bright yellow tie bikini poking out around her neck. Dark sunglasses were hooked around her faded denim short cut-offs, and she had a tote bag in hand and a striped towel in the other. Perched on her head was a white visor, shading her blue sidebraid.
I looked at my t-shirt and momentarily wondered if I was under-dressed. Shrugging to myself, I realized I didn't give two shits about my appearance, especially to others.
Nevertheless, I pressed my hand against my stomach worriedly, thankful my shirt was baggy enough to hide my belly fat. I made eye-contact with Wendy, who gave me the killer-pleasing 'don't say a word' eyes. I nodded and offered her a derpy smile.
She rolled her eyes and flip-flopped her way to the kitchen. I heard her talk to my parents and I followed suit, grabbing a ripened banana to eat.
We all piled into the burgundy mom-van, with me taking the back so Wendy and Chelia would be able to sit together. My sister took note of this action and mouthed a terse 'thank you' while our parents weren't looking. I didn't respond, just huffed and plugged one earbud in. My phone buzzed with the custom text tone I set for Sting, and I viewed the message.
Bumblebee 🐝: 8:25 AM: I'm getting w ride from Rogue, so no worries.
When we arrived to Chelia's house, a pretty lavender two-story with squeaky-clean, whitened shutters, Wendy took the initiative to get out of the car and speed-walk to ring her doorbell. A pretty girl around the age of fifteen answered, whom I briefly recognized her from playdates and the salon. Her pinkish hair was fashioned into low pigtails with golden ribbons and she had on an outfit similar to Wendy's. They conversed, voices silenced by the car glass, for a moment before Chelia followed Wendy into the car.
"Good to see you again, Chelia honey," Grandine greeted the teenagers as they buckled into the middle seats.
"Nice to see you too, Mrs. Dragneel!" Chelia said back cheerfully, dazzling her with a pearly smile. "I'm excited for your company's nature way. Bringing awareness to caring for the environment is really important.
Wendy smiled fondly at her. Chelia caught her looking, and they shared a smile, staring at each other, at Chelia's freckle, at Wendy's dimple, taking in every aspect and imperfect perfection like it was their last chance before they died.
I snorted under my breath and rolled my eyes. Wendy cast me a death glare and whispered something in Chelia's ear, making them both giggle.
Meanwhile, I came to a realization- driving on the open road was fun and extremely entertaining. Watching various trees go by, highlighted with the crystal blue sky behind their branches. I rested my chin against my palm, staring out the window absentmindedly and admiring the wondrous life flashing by me as Fall Out Boy blasted through a single earbud.
Soon enough, a sparkling blue lake came into view. Clumps of people, lawn chairs, balloons tied to trees, and picnic blankets surrounded the pristine waters. Wendy pointed out the window excitedly. "Oh, it's gorgeous! I hope we can go swimming," She marveled hopefully.
"It certainly is a warm day," Igneel commented, sporting the same shirt as me, only in pale yellow. The cartoony earth printed on the back poked out from between the seat and the headrest.
We managed to find a relatively nice parking space amidst the hordes of people enjoying the nature way. One by one, we got out of the car, kicking up pebbles and sand as we left the parking area and cruised up the hill to join my parents co-workers and their friends and family.
"Kids, we have to go greet the guests," Grandine explained, pushing her sunglasses back. "You all have fun and stay close. We'll be starting the games soon."
"Painting pinecones and nature scavenger hunts? Oh, I can't wait to get in touch with my inner six-year-old," I said sarcastically.
Mom decided to ignore my witty retort. "I trust you three will stay nearby and be safe. Have fun!" Grandine waved, taking Igneel's hand and leading him to a cluster of conversing, casually-dressed business officials.
I turned around to say something to the girls, when I discovered they were already rushing off to find a perfect spot to set up their blanket. Shaking my head at the giggling teenage girls, I went to go search for a spot of my own.
I laid my blanket out with a good view of the water. It was directly on the side of the hill and near the edge of the venue, but I wasn't complaining, because the solitude was nice. I threw my bag loosely on the blanket and laid down, tucking my hands under my head and staring at the cloudless sky.
The warm sun was fanning my face, and it felt cozy and nice. It really was the perfect day for being outside. My eyes began to droop shut when I felt a force jump to sit next to me.
"Hello," Gray said with a giggly voice.
"Why'd you leave last night?" I asked, eyes still glued shut. I didn't have the courage to look him in the eye, so I stayed hidden behind closed lids.
"My mom called me, yelling at me. She wanted me home right away," Gray explained. I nodded slightly, trying to brush the disappointed side of me away. "I didn't want to wake you up, you seemed really tired."
"You should've..." I mumbled shyly.
"Yeah, I know. I'm sorry. Right, anyways," I felt Gray lie down next to me, leaving little space between us. "What do you do at these nature nerd conventions?"
"Usually mingle with people and be forced to do kiddie games because you're, and I quote," I raised my hands to make quotation marks with my fingers, "Still a minor."
"Not me, I'm eighteen," Gray boasted. "But games are fun, so I'm gonna go it anyway."
"Kay, man, it's your funeral," I opened my eyes. "I'm not doing this because of the bucket list, I'm doing this for my parents," I told him firmly.
"See, I told you, your intoxicated self knows what you want. Everything on that list is something you strive or wish to do," Gray pointed out, repeating what he said on the day of our first meeting. "Even some of the weird ones. Skinny dipping? Really?"
I shrugged. "Movies make it seem adventurous, I guess."
"That's all this is," Gray stared up at the sky. "One big adventure before we take off on another," He whispered. "Life is either a daring adventure or nothing."
"Poetry doesn't suit you," I whacked his stomach with the back of my hand. Gray scowled and discreetly flipped me off.
"Hmm, you should try to knock more things out on your list today," Gray commented thoughtfully. "Like, stargazing and pulling pranks."
"Ohoho, let's just look at the stars," I said with an mockingly idiotic voice. "Smart idea, Gray, stargazing at nine in the morning." I berated.
"Shut up, I meant later tonight," Gray defended himself. "But the prank," He lowered his voice slyly, "Is something we can prepare for right now."
"What do you-"
"Do you have any Oreos?" Gray cut me off, taking a giant tube of toothpaste and a butter knife out of his backpack.
"I'm sure they're over-" I wheeled my head around to see what he had in his hands. "Oh God, that's sick!" I cringed. "Toothpaste Oreos? Do you want to be brutally murdered?"
"Come on, this'll be hilarious. Everyone's too busy talking about economic preservation to notice," Gray egged me on, shaking my shoulder while whining childishly.
I sighed in defeat. "Fine, you got me. I'll go get the Oreos," I told him, standing up and inconspicuously walking towards the vast array of home-cooked goods and generic sweets. A bright blue box of unopened Oreos rested lamely in the corner of the table, the orange clearance sticker still clear as day on the package.
I swiftly picked up the package, heading back to my blanket. The key to this stealing thing, I figured, was to look like you know what you were doing. Be mighty and proud, and no one suspects a thing.
"Good job, Agent 007," Gray said seriously as I plopped back down, criss-cross style.
"This is so wrong," I muttered, ripping the package of Oreos.
Gray smirked, uncapping the toothpaste tube. "Exactly."
- - - - - - - - - -
Toothpaste Oreos. I'm so creative.
Yay update, I have block period today so we aren't really doing much. Hopefully I can update again this weekend- this story will probably be shorter than MG.
As for my other idea, it's another high school alternate universe, praise me. I have different variations of how it can go, so I need help brainstorming. What do you want to see? If you're on mobile, tell me here on the comment sidebar thingy.
The idea is... *drumroll*
...Gray is a famous YouTuber and Natsu is a fanboy. Basically the ups and downs of falling in love with someone you can't have (that is, until you get noticed).
It's kind of hard to think about a proper summary right now, but you get the idea. Totally phan-like. Please vote and comment, love you guys! x
Bye :)
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