To be honest, I'm somewhat amused my story is already automatically rated PG-13. It's not surprising to me, but I'm finding it funny. Wattpad knows what's up.
Natsu's POV
"Thank you very much, Captain Obvious. I'll have you know, I can read," my narrowed eyes shot up to look Gray square in the face.
"Wow, I never would have guessed," He fired back snarkily.
"Natsu, where'd you put the- oh, what's that?" Lyon cut in chirpily, striding over to where we stood. "You made a bucket list?"
"It seems so," I nodded, crumbling the paper in a tight ball, about to put it in the trash bag I was holding when Gray snatched it out of my hand.
"Hey! What do you think you're doing?" I asked, giving him an incredulous look. Gray shrugged meagerly and unfolded the paper.
"You should try to complete it. Kinda seems cool, you know?" He suggested, reading it more closely this time. I attempted to take it away again when he held it high in the air, where I couldn't reach it, even if I jumped. "I bet your inner self really wants all these things. They say your true personality comes out while drunk."
"That is total bullshit!" I cried, scrambling for the paper.
"Come on," Gray begged, voice dropping to a softer tone. Stunned, I stopped struggling on my tiptoes and paused. "Here, I'll help you with it."
"I don't even know you," I pointed out level-headedly. "How do I know you're not some creep?"
"You've been in my house the past two hours," Gray argued. "If anything, you're the creep here. And you know we go to the same school, right? It's not like we're living on opposite sides of the planet."
"Well, we should be," I finalized, taking the paper out of his hand and stomping away towards the exit. I was done with this kid. I didn't even know why I stayed here for so long. The alcohol must've affected me more than I'd thought.
I reached the front door and was about to pull it open when I felt a hand on my shoulder. I spun around and glared murderously at the owner of the hand. "Leave me alone," I spat.
"Don't you want to live a little?" Gray asked desperately. "Do something adventurous?"
I stopped. For some reason, that really hit me hard. My life was pretty boring and standard. Nothing really seemed... Interesting anymore. Maybe... Maybe Gray was right. Who knows? Maybe it'd be fun.
"Okay," I sighed. "I'll try. But, I swear to God, it better not be lame."
Gray whooped in delight. "Great! So, first thing on the list, get a makeover," Gray's eyes left the paper and raked up and down my body. Self-consciously, I wrapped my arms around my torso. "Yeah, I can see that. Let's see- you've kinda got that indie-pop-blogging-boy style going on- that'll have to go."
"I like my style, thanks," I pushed my glasses up confidently.
"Lyon! Is Sherry's Salon still open?" Gray called to the kitchen. "Or is she on maternity leave or something?"
"She had her baby two years ago, Gray. Way to keep up," Lyon replied sassily. Gray kissed his teeth and rolled his eyes, grinning at me.
"My brother's ex has a salon at the mall. We'll get you new clothes there too, okay?" Gray offered. "Here, give me your phone."
Hesitating slightly, I put the device in his hand. He tapped the screen a couple times. "I put my number in. Text me whenever. Oh, and meet me at the mall tonight at 5 by the food court."
"You're really into this, aren't you?" I asked suspiciously, hand resting on the front doorknob. Gray half-shrugged, flashing me a smile. My heart pounded at the sight of him- since when was he so attractive?
"I have nothing better to do," He claimed, turning away. "See you later. Nice meeting you."
"You too," I sent a tiny, genuine smile his way. Gray seemed a bit pushy and sometimes obnoxious, but overall cool. I may or may not was looking forward to seeing him later.
"Bye," I said, waving.
"Bye," He replied softly, shutting the door behind me. I let out an exhausted breath of air and leaned against the doorframe, clutching onto my chest ad trying to slow my heart beat down and straighten it my thoughts.
What had I gotten myself into?
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
"He's not showing up... I should have known."
I heaved an irritated sigh, slouching over on the food court table I was sitting at. The cafeteria actually wasn't that crowded, so Gray not being able to find me was out of the question.
God, where would he be 20 minutes late? He set this up after all- I don't even have to be here.
I slid the unlock feature on my phone, checking my messages. I had sent him three impatient texts to 'hurry his ass up', and they haven't been read yet.
I debated leaving, and pushed my chair back, ready to exit the food court, when Gray bursted in from around the corner. He looked around frantically until his eyes landed on me. Gray waved me over, and I met up with him, slouching my shoulders miserably.
"Hey... Sorry for being late," Gray breathed out, wrapping his hands around his stomach. "Obsessive girlfriend got mad at me for not hanging out when her last night."
"Girlfriend?" I repeated, slightly surprised.
"Yeah, her name's Juvia. She showed up at my door in tears, saying I didn't love her anymore. You know how it is," He laughed it off.
I shrugged. "Not really."
"Anyway, I'm sorry. Now come on! Sherry's waiting for you!" Gray took my wrist and pulled me through the mall. I ran behind him, struggling to make sentences form.
"H-hey! Slow down, would'ja?" I gasped, tripping over my own feet.
Gray giggled under his breath and slowed down to a walking pace, letting go of my hand. I rubbed the sore area and followed him side-by-side down the mall's southern wing to a tiny salon.
Magazine haircut photos and modern decals professionally littered the wall. Funny-looking drying chairs, salon chairs and vanities were in every corner of the building. At the reception desk, a short red-haired girl with pigtails was typing into a computer.
"Hey, Chelia," Gray greeted the girl. "We have an appointment for my friend here. The name's Natsu."
"Natsu..." The girl bit her lip, typing something else. "Oh! Here we go! You're a couple minutes late, but we're not to busy right now, so that's okay," She smiled at me cheerily before her eyes lit up with recognition. "Wait! Aren't you Wendy's big brother?"
I stared at the girl earnestly for a second longer before something snapped in my memory. I snapped my fingers. "You're Chelia, her best friend! Oh, hi!"
"Hi," She let out a giggle, face turning a light shade of pink. I waved and rolled my bottom lip.
"Right... Does he need to sit down or...?" Gray trailed off, looking around.
"Oh! Yeah. Sis!" Chelia screamed. An older woman with pink hair in a black headband showed up from treating a customer. "Natsu's here."
"Jeez, no need to scream. Hello there," She smiled at us. "I'm Sherry. I'll be ready to help you in a couple minutes, alright? Take a seat over there," She pointed at an empty haircut chair.
I nodded and went to go sit down. Gray took a seat in a waiting chair across from me, looking smug. He pulled out a video game and began to play it while I went on my phone.
When Sherry came over, I slipped it into my back pocket. "Hi," I said. She said hello back and brushed a piece of hair out of her face.
"What are you looking for today?" She chirped, opening a drawer and grabbing a spray bottle and comb.
"Something totally different. Maybe spike up his hair a little bit, more quiff-like," Gray piped up, not allowing me to speak. I internally fumed and bit my lip to refrain from screaming in frustration, reluctantly nodding.
"Okay, I can do that," Sherry nodded, staring at the top of my head. "Here we go, then."
I wasn't able to watch her work, because one, my eyes were shut the entire time, and two, there wasn't a wall mirror in front of me to see anything.
I didn't know how much time had passed, but it felt like ages until she had blown-dry my hair and whirled me around, handing me a mirror. I took in my new haircut, somewhat- okay, majorly impressed.
My unruly flat and fringy hair was gone and now spiked up. It was hard to explain- it just looked way better. Cooler, even. It made me feel more confident already. Maybe this is what I wanted.
"Amazing," Gray commented bemusedly, slow-clapping his hands. "You've done it again, Sher."
"I try," She bowed jokingly. "Alright, Chelia will check you out now. Have a good day!"
"Thank you!" I cried as she grabbed a broom, starting to sweep up bits of my hair.
Chelia checked us out, and Gray forked over a ten. I offered to pay, but he wouldn't allow it. "Honestly, it isn't that big of a deal," he had said.
Feeling my cheeks go warm from some strange emotion, I followed him out of the salon. "Where to now?" I quipped. Gray pointed towards Hollister and we made our way over to the dark-lit store.
The place reeked of smelly perfume and I couldn't see anything. I don't really like this store, I decided.
Gray eyed me over, picked some clothes off the clearance rack, and shoved the balled-up pile in my arms. "Go try those on."
I gave him a flat look. "Okay, mom."
I found a vacant changing booth, locked myself inside, and proceeded to take off my clothes. I stood there, my eyes not able to leave my stomach. I turned to my side, placing my hand on it. It jutted out a bit, and I hated it so much.
My appearance was my one issue. I thought I was horribly fat. I had so much flab on my arms and stomach and thighs, and I looked terrible. No one would ever love me.
Last year, I had a mild-moderate case of bulimia. I was over it now, but I occasionally relapsed and still thought I was ugly and pudgy.
That's enough, Natsu, I thought sadly as I tugged on a navy v-neck and ripped jeans. Gray banged on the door incessantly, wanting me to open it. I grumbled and unlocked it, letting him take in the clothes.
"Shirt, no. Pants, yes. Next," He commanded shortly, shoving me back inside. I scoffed, not knowing whether to laugh or curse him out. Deciding to do neither, I tugged on another outfit.
I showed it to Gray, who approved the top and the bottom. After I went through a few more articles of clothing, we went to pay, satisfied.
I had my hand on my wallet, ready to whip it out when it was our turn in line. Gray visibly protested, but I gave him a mean glare and he shut himself up. "I don't think so," I said. "These are my clothes, and I hardly know you. I hate it when people pay for me."
Gray silently raised his hands in defeat, taking a small step back. "Do you have contacts?" He asked.
"Yep," I nodded. "Let me guess... Toss the glasses?"
"No offense, but you look super nerdy," He chuckled. "Ah, ladies will be all over you Monday, how does it feel?"
"I don't care. I don't even know why my drunk self wanted me to get a makeover," I answered honestly. "Same goes for those other things on the list."
"Yeah, it's only going to get harder from here," Gray agreed, tapping his chin. "Though, some will definitely be interesting. Kiss in the rain? Who with?" He raised his eyebrow at me.
I set the clothes on the counter and let the girl manning the register ring up my purchases. "I'm not into anyone right now," I told him honestly. "So I guess I'll be as surprised as you when I cross that bridge."
Gray paused for a split second, stiffening. "Yeah," He nodded, shortly laughing. "Definitely."
Before I knew it, we had made it to a few other stores, where I got cool bracelets and awesome shirts. Overall, I was pretty impressed over this haul. Gray and I were walking out to the parking lot, when Gray spoke up.
"I had fun today," Gray admitted. "I'm glad I met you, to be honest."
I sent a toothy grin up at him. "Same," I agreed honestly. "You're in my English class, right?"
"I think so. Ms. Winters, 3rd period?" He guessed hopefully. I nodded in confirmation and he grinned. "Cool."
I spotted my car and leaned on the hood. Gray stood there on the adjacent sidewalk awkwardly, like he wanted to say something. "So, what's the next thing on the list?" I offered, breaking the ice.
"Um, let's see here," He fished around in his pocket. "Do something nice for a stranger," He read.
"Huh. I wonder what to do for that one," I thought out loud, feeling excitement bubble inside my chest. "Any ideas?"
Gray looked at his shoes for a moment before giving me a tiny smile. "You've already done it," He explained with a mixture of mischievousness and shyness laced in his voice.
"What?" I echoed, confused. "What did I do?"
Gray was silent for a minute before he finally explained himself. "You befriended me," He answered softly, lips twitching into a genuine smile.
I couldn't help myself- I blushed. I internally cursed myself for getting worked up over that, but I couldn't help myself. Damn it, what's wrong with me? I wondered angrily, looking to the side.
"Ha- shut up," I played it off as cool. "Guess we're on to the next one, then?" I suggested, proceeding to toss the shopping bags in the front seat and avoiding his unusually-intimidating gaze.
"Make an A on a super hard test," Gray recalled. "And since our English quarterly assessment is coming up next week, we'll be studying pretty hard together."
"Okay then," I nodded. "See you Monday."
"Monday it is," Gray confirmed, turning on his heel and walking the other way.
Gulping down emotion I couldn't explain, I looked behind me and backed out of the mall's parking lot, not knowing what to feel. Tomorrow seemed too soon for me.
God, I need to text Sting.
- - - - - - - - - -
Damn Gray you so smooth man
Thoughts on this chapter? I've moved to updating on Fridays. Sorry today was late, I actually have a life, and I was busy. XD
Friendzoned will hopefully be updated by Monday! My sister's birthday is tomorrow, but I've already started the chapter, so no promises. ;)
Toodles for now! Remember to vote/comment! Thank you!
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