Happy Thanksgiving, my lovelies! I'm thankful for each and every one of you :) Oh God, that was so cheesy.
So this chapter may contain a few things you may not... like. Please don't kill me. Seriously.
Tbh I'm so done with writing crying scenes. Lord knows I did enough of that in Melting Gray, but here I am, writing another. If only I could improve in them. Let me know if it at least tugs at your emotions somewhat...? Poor Sting-bby. ;-;
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Natsu's POV
"I'm sorry. I'm so sorry," Sting cried into my arms. I threaded my fingers through his hair and whispered soothing words into his ear, not really good with this sort of thing. The white-noise silence of the TV blared around us, but Sting's sobs masked the sound.
"Shh... shh... it's okay, it's okay," I repeated softly.
Sting sniffled and raised his head to look at me. His eyes were bloodshot, his nose was running, his cheeks were red, and his lips were chapped. He majorly had the sobbing-mess look going on, that's for sure.
"There is no Rose, is there?" I guessed flatly, already knowing the answer to the question. Sting shook his head, rubbing his nose on his long-sleeve shirt and bursting into tears again. "It's Rogue. It's always been Rogue."
"H-how did you know?" Sting managed to choke out, squeezing his eyes shut.
"No one in our school is named Rose. Rogue is in drama, you're in drama. He was always 'nearby' when you went to go talk to 'Rose'," I explained quietly, curling my fingers to imitate quotation marks.
Sting buried his face in his hands. "You're right," He muttered, voice barely audible. I put my hand on his shoulder tenderly and squeezed it.
"Then why are you crying?" I asked, genuinely curious. There was nothing wrong about a guy liking another guy, so why?
"B-because," Tears streamed down his cheeks and dropped onto his lap. "I didn't want to lose my friends, I didn't want to lose you," He admitted. "Gay people get so much hate, and- and," He choked up. "I was afraid you'd leave me."
"You know I wouldn't do that, Sting," I pouted. "Come on, now."
"I'm sorry!" He repeated, bawling some more, falling to his knees. "I just didn't want anyone to hate me! I'm so selfish I swear- I lied to you. I hate myself. Please don't hate me..."
I didn't know what to do. "Sting! Please don't say that! I don't hate you!" I tilted his chin upwards, forcing him to look up at me. "Hey... You know you're the golden boy, right? Everyone loves you. You're the hottest, sweetest, funniest, most talented, kindest person anyone has ever met. And guess what? You having a boyfriend won't change a thing. In fact," I leaned in, whispering in his ear. "They'll probably like you even more."
Sting's cheeks turned red and he sniffled, trying to stop himself from crying anymore. "Really?"
"Really," I nodded, being 100% honest. I knew the ways of the fangirl. They would worship the ground he walked on even more if he came out.
"Maybe really will be our always," Sting joked, quoting TFIOS. I groaned and dropped my head back on the beanbag, shaking my head solemnly.
"You moron," I pushed his head, laughing. Sting giggled- finally. Even if he was an eighteen-year-old male who giggled, hearing him laugh again was relieving. "Now come on, let's watch Spongebob."
"Oh, yes!" Sting clapped his hands, quickly rushing to get a blanket from my closet. He jumped on the beanbag, making me flop to the side, much to my dismay. I readjusted myself as Sting cuddled up on my arm and threw the blanket over us.
We watched almost an hour of the almighty sponge and his starfish best friend until a thought registered in my mind.
"So you're really gay, huh."
"Wha-?" Sting looked at me, peeling his eyes away from Squidward. "Uh, I don't think so."
"But you like Rogue."
"So you're gay. Or bi."
"No. Well, maybe."
"Do you still like girls?"
"But you don't like guys?"
"Only Rogue."
"So you're just... Rogue-sexual?" I guessed, raising my eyebrows.
"Yes!" Sting announced cheerily, clapping his hands under the blanket over us. I turned my head and gave him an incredulous look.
"Sting, you're gay," I told him, forced it upon him. Sting looked puzzled, and I slapped my face in irritation.
"No I'm not," He countered, giving me a weird look.
"Kiss me, then," I commanded seriously, scratching the sore spot on my cheek where I just previously slapped.
"What?" His eyes widened to the size of golf balls.
"Kiss. Me." I repeated, licking my lower lip. "So you can know for sure."
"I don't know if-" I cut him off by pressing my lips against his. Sting melted into in the kiss after a moment, hands finding their way around my neck. Overall, I didn't find it that disgusting. I guess since I was so comfortable with Sting, I didn't feel any repulsion. I nibbled on Sting's lip the tiniest bit before pulling our mouths apart.
Sting's eyes were still fluttered shut and he leaned back slowly against the beanbag. "Well?" I asked impatiently, swiping my thumb over my lip.
"Crap," He whispered breathlessly. "I am so gay."
I smirked, feeling accomplished, and turned back to the television set.
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The next day came quicker than I had liked. Sting pushed - quite literally - me out of bed, and I tumbled onto my floor in a pissed-off heap. "Fuck you," I spat, mumbling into my blanket.
"It's a new day! Wake up and smell the roses!" Sting sang, already dressed and ready for the next school day.
"Fuck the roses too," I muttered. Sting laughed and pulled the blanket off me, quite clearly enjoying this. "Hey! I was using that!" I shot up in bed groggily, simultaneously rubbing my eyes and groping around for the duvet.
"Wakey wakey," Sting cooed, tossing the blanket across the room. Realizing I had no choice but to face reality for another day, I slid out of bed and locked myself in my closet. I begrudgingly tugged on one of the outfits I bought with Gray and my Sperry shoes.
"Go make me breakfast," I commanded to Sting, crossing my room to get to my bathroom. I squirted toothpaste on my toothbrush and brushed them vivaciously, spitting it out after two dragging minutes. I grabbed my phone and headed downstairs.
Sting was in the kitchen, conversing happily with my parents.
"Good morning," They all chorused with cheerful smiles. God, how were humans this chipper at seven in the morning? It was impossible, really.
"Mmmph, hi," I mumbled back half-heartedly, going to stand next to Sting. "What are you making me?"
"Cereal," He responded happily. "Bon appetite," He shoved the bowl in my hands. I stared down at the mixture of milk and my parents' high-fiber, organic bran flakes.
"Sting," I whined. "This is the crappy organic cereal!"
"It's good, so shut up and enjoy your cereal," Sting grinned, grabbing a bowl of his own bran flakes and joining my parents. "Thanks for letting me stay over last night, Grandine and Igneel."
"Of course, Sting. I love trying out my new recipes on you, someone who actually understands that organic food will save the world someday," Grandine gushed, taking a bite of her tomato and cheese omlette. With araucana eggs, fat-free dairy, and organic tomatoes, of course. (Fancy chicken, in case you didn't know. I didn't.)
"Your cooking is amazing, and I'd be happy to taste some new dishes whenever you'd like!" Sting butt-kissed. I shook my head, feeling ticked off. Just your typical morning grumpiness striking again.
I didn't say a word throughout the duration of breakfast. Sting, however, was more than happy to chat it up about farmers markets and their unjust use of pesticides with my parents.
"It's time to go," I announced to my so-called best friend, who was finishing off the last of his 'delicious' cereal. "Bye, Mom and Dad."
"Have a good day!" My parents waved to me. I went through the hallway to retrieve my backpack, Sting in tow.
By the time we were on the road, Sting's cheerful expression had vanished. "Oh God, what am I going to do?" He wondered out loud, ruffling though his hair nervously.
"What you do every day," I told him monotonously, giving him a quick look before refocusing on the road ahead. "Be yourself."
"You sound like a therapist," Sting frowned.
"I'd be a goddamn good therapist, then," I boasted. Sting gave me a weird look before shaking his head amusedly, disagreeing completely. "Oh, you keep shaking your head. Someday you'll appreciate my skills."
"You're hilarious," Sting deadpanned.
"I am," I agreed sassily. "Anyway, I've been thinking..."
"It's a miracle! Alert the presses! Natsu's been thinking!" Sting gasped over-dramatically, laughing at his own tease. I blindly smacked his shoulder and scowled at him.
"Shut up. So I thought- I need someone to match-make and you need to get together with Rogue, like, now, so it's perfect. Truly fate," I gushed.
"Oh, no," Sting shook his head immediately. "I refuse to let you get involved in my love life."
"Love?" I repeated curiously.
"You know what I meant," Sting grumbled. "Anyway, that's a big fat no on that idea. N-O," Sting spelled it out firmly, punching his fist into his palm.
"But the carnival's coming in town this weekend! It'd be perfect for your first date!" I babbled. "Clutching onto each other in haunted houses, winning prizes for each other, eating good food-who in their right mind would pass that much fun up?" I asked him incredulously.
Sting raised his hand, pulling a repulsive face. I shrugged, deciding not to take no for an answer. "Whatever, don't go then. But I'm going, and you're going to miss out."
Reverse psychology obviously didn't work on Sting, the oblivious idiot. After waiting for him to respond, and realizing he wasn't going to, I huffed and stared ahead.
When we parked, neither of us made a move to get out yet. "Do you really think I'll be okay?" Sting asked, voice barely above a whisper.
I turned to look him straight in his dark blue eyes. "Yes," I answered honestly.
"I don't know if I said this, but thanks for being my friend, Natsu. I wish there were more people in the world like you," Sting looked to the side, face dusted with heat. "And I swear to God, don't you dare tease me about this, but you're a really good kisser, too."
Masking my shock and embarrassment with humor, my lips twitched into a sly smirk. "Yes, yes I am," I ran my hand through my hair. "Now listen closely. Here's what you need to do to."
Puzzled, Sting looked back at me. "Wha-"
"When he least expects it, pull him into the storage closet, flick the lights off, shove him against the wall, and kiss him so hard he can't thing straight," I grinned, watching him grow uncomfortable.
Sting squirmed around in his seat. "I- I couldn't-"
"-and don't forget to tease him. Lick his lips, nibble at them, suck at them, make him cry out, but silence it with your mouth," I continued proudly. "Kiss him kindly. Kiss him roughly. Kiss him speechless."
Sting rushed to unbuckle and get out of the car. "I swear to God, Natsu, someday I will beat the living crap out of you," Sting mumbled. I folded my arms across my chest and leaned back coolly.
"Are you gonna do it? I quipped, already knowing the answer. Sting was such an easy person to read.
"Yes," He blushed, slamming the door.
"Good boy," I mouthed to him, giving him a thumbs-up. He flipped me the bird and walked briskly to the building.
A/N: Hi. If you enjoyed that imagine, comment here. If you write it as a detailed one-shot or whatever in a book, I'll dedicate a chapter to you. :)
Staying behind, I pulled out my phone, scrolling though my contacts. I pulled up Gray's number and pressed call.
"Well, this is a wonderful surprise," Gray sassed after two rings. "Usually I'm the one to call you."
"Right, whatever," I shooed him off. "Listen, I need you to get Rogue to the carnival on Saturday. I'll manage to get Sting," I announced.
"Matchmaking, huh? Glad to see you're taking initiative," Gray said, impressed. "I can do that. You know, you can kill two birds with one stone with this one."
"How?" I asked, confused.
"One of the things is win a carnival game and give the prize to someone special," Gray reminded me. I snapped my fingers, suddenly remembering.
"Oh yeah! Sweet. Plus the test is tomorrow, I studied some yesterday and I'll do some more tonight," I told
"You're gonna ace it," He promised me. "But who are you gonna give the present to?"
"Um..." I didn't know to be honest. I wasn't dating anyone, so who was I supposed give it to? "I suppose I could call Taylor, invite her, and give it to her," I thought out loud. We had shared a brief phone call the other day but haven't taken it any further than that.
"Taylor...?" Gray repeated, perplexed.
"The cute girl from TCBY, remember? I got her number," I reminded him, not aware he already remembered her very clearly. "Yeah, I'll invite her."
"But-" Gray stopped himself.
"But what?" I questioned.
"Nothing, nothing. See you in English?"
Gray asked quickly.
"Yeah..." I trailed off, irked. "See you."
I texted Taylor after that, asking if she wanted to go to the fair with me this weekend. She responded immediately, saying she'd love to go and even added a kiss at the end.
Blushing slightly, I put my phone in my pocket and hopped out of my car, hurrying towards the school. This would be my chance to get to know Taylor better and officially get Sting and Rogue together. Saying I was excited was an understatement.
I was downright pumped for Saturday to roll around.
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I have no words.
Actually, I do. I want to briefly talk about some things I've been keeping in recently.
First, let's talk about the major StingSu in this chapter before you all start screaming at me for no reason. Let me explain something. This is a GRATSU story. That means Natsu and Gray will be endgame, and that's final. Sting and Natsu are friends, and will never harbor feelings for one another.
So please don't hate on me for this. I really don't feel like dealing with bullshit right now. Thank you for understanding.
Also, no hate on Taylor or Juvia or Lucy or anyone, alright? Not one of them is evil or trying to mess with anyone. I don't ship NaLu and Gruvia, and I'm not a Juvia fan, but it kinda saddens me when you all get angry at me for including it in my story. Again, it's a GRATSU story. So just remember that, okay?
This story would be boring if it was straight up love at first sight. The girl drama and such spices it up, and it's a lot more fun to write. (That rhymed, lol.)
Anyways, I've finished mapping out this story. That means I have a pretty good idea how everything is going to play out, so don't try to persuade me to make them fall in love right this moment. They've known each other for two days, for God's sake.
Also. Please stop shouting at me to update. I'm happy you're excited and want to read on, and I'm excited to write this, but honestly it unmotivates me. I've been updating
this story practically every day, which is way faster than many other people.
One more thing! I'm sorry I haven't updated Teenage Dream as much. I'm way more into this story, haha. Don't worry, new chapters for both coming soon!
Minirant over. Thank you for your time. I hope I didn't offend any of you. This wasn't directed at anyone in particular, btw :)
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