Church and Lunch
Sophia and Allan headed to church a couple of hours later. Sophia was helping out at the connect desk when she saw Allan came in the church entrance. He saw her helping someone at the desk and helping them fill out something as he walked over.
"Hey Sophia. How ya doing this morning?"
"Allan! Hey, good morning!"
She gave him a side hug for a second before the church administrator came over to her to tell her she could go into the service before it started. She smiled and turned to Allan.
"Let me go and grab my bag and I'll meet you inside, I'll find ya."
He smiled and headed inside the auditorium. He looked around and sat in one of the back rows near the doors. He sat down and set his Bible and phone next to him as people were filtering in before service had started. Sophia came in shortly after Allan had found a seat and smiled as she took a seat next to him.
"I'm so glad you came!"
He smiled and nodded as the band started up as praise and worship was about to start. As the service started, Allan felt a warmth in his chest, he could feel the Holy Spirit really fill the room. When he looked beside him he saw how Sophia was raising her hands and worshiping with the others in the room. He felt almost at home there, like he was meant to be at that church. The pastor did a great job on the sermon and Allan took a great deal away from it to use in his daily life.
As Sophia left just before the pastor was done praying, she headed back to the connect desk for the last time to volunteer that day. There were a few others just gathered in the front entrance talking, and some ladies behind a table ready to greet people about focus groups that were starting soon. As the service finished and people filtered out, she helped some more people with getting their details and asking them how they liked the service and if they were interested in coming back.
Allan walked out of the auditorium as Sophia was coming out of the back room with her book bag again.
"Hey, do you have anything going on right now?"
"No, I was just planning on going home for lunch. What about you?"
"I was gonna go to that Irish pub that just downtown here. Would you like to join me? I'll pay for you."
He smiled softly and she nodded.
"I'd love to, thanks."
They smiled and headed to his car so they could drive over there. They parked in the parking ramp just across the street from the restaurant. They headed over to the pub. They got seated right away and ordered soda and water right away. As they looked over the menu, Allan couldn't help but look at Sophia as her eyes scanned the menu.
'How is she so pretty? Her eyes are like green pools of jade green with soft sunshine reflecting off of them.'
He smiled, not realizing he was actually staring. Sophia giggled.
"Allan? You okay there?"
He blinked a couple of times and blushed.
"Yes, sorry. So what are you thinking?"
"I was thinking of going with the shepherds pie. What about you?"
He sighed and looked at the menu.
"I was thinking of going with one of the burgers. Or maybe the fish and chips."
As he scanned over the menu, Sophia couldn't help but look at the shape of his face and his muscular chin.
'He's got more of a square face.. and his nose is so sharp, so are his cheek bones..'
She observed his face a little longer, and noticed how blue his eyes were.
'His eyes are like shiny sapphire diamonds..'
Allan watched, amusement painting over his face as he saw Sophia staring at his eyes like he had been just a minute ago. He cleared his throat.
"W-What? Oh, I'm sorry. Did you say something?"
"No, no, I just noticed you staring. Do I have something on my face?"
"No, no not at all! Your eyes, I just realized how blue they are."
He smiled, she blushed softly.
"Thank you, I didn't realize how green your eyes are. They are very beautiful and captivating."
It was Sophia's turn to blush and Allan's turn to smile. As they finished deciding on what the wanted, their waitress came over to get their order in and took it to the kitchen so they could start. Allan and Sophia made some small talk before their food came out about 20 minutes later with swirls of steam rising from the plates.
Sophia had decided on the shepherds pie meal. It was one of the safe options but it was her favorite. Allan had decided on a jalapeno burger with fries. As they finished their meal, Allan paid and left a hefty tip for the waitress as her section had kept her busy and she did an amazing job serving them.
They headed back to Allan's car and he drove her home, she had invited him in and he accepted the invite. They sat on her couch and talked for a while. She had made coffee for them and they laughed and cried as they shared what life had been like the last few years.
Sophia's parents had moved to the sunshine state of Florida for retirment, so she was the only one of her family left in South Dakota. Most of her family had either moved out of the state or had passed away from either an illness or from old age.
Allan watched Sophia as she talked a lot with her hands and her eyes wandered, not being able to look in one place for very long. They smiled at each other for a short time before Allan moved a little bit closer.
"Sophia, pardon me for saying this, but, I really like you. You've been so nice, and you have such a big heart."
Sophia smiled and her face flushed.
"I was gonna say the same about you.."
He smiled softly and moved a piece of hair from out of her face. She flushed and leaned in to the warmth of his touch from his rough yet smooth hands.
"Sophia.. may I kiss you?"
Were they going to kiss? Would she push him away and make him regret saying anything? Or would she tell him he could?
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