Prologue: A Legacy Retold
The older man sighed as he sat in a chair, which was situated in a Coruscant apartment building. The room itself was considered as the main lounge, or rather the living room as he would call it. Though he couldn't actually 'see' it, much more or less he could feel the energy around him seeping everywhere he looked.
Xinthiss Skylighter was a man known to only a few outside of his family. However that few was mostly those who had known who had been before the sacking of Coruscant and the many other changing event's up until now. His appearance would be staggering for most, the features of an old man was clearly present by the stock white short hair he sported, and the goatee and rimmed beard with matching color as well.
The only thing that would throw anyone off was the large scars he barred on his face, however the one scar that was clear was a large gash between his eye's. Those eye's were no longer a pure brown color, but now a pale eerie white clearly indicating his blindness. He rubbed the side of one of his eye's which he obviously could not see out of, though after a moment or two it wasn't his finger he felt, but a short and tiny finger poking him.
Most people in the past feared him, hell even some of his own family still feared him, old and new. Though there was only one group that never did, and that was his old smuggling crew of reprobate's, thieves, and low lives who were looking for a new way of living. Now he had a new group who didn't fear him at all, that group ironically was his grandchildren. The one poking him continued to smile at him as she poked him even more, he chuckled at her bashfulness and her courage, not even her father or her mother would have done this to him without thinking of some consequences.
The little girl known as Tilla however stopped poking him and moved over to join her brother and sister, the twin's as they were considered. He watched as they played together infront of him, though he couldn't see them rather he could feel their energy as they walked around laughing and playing.
"Papa?" He was knocked out of his thought's when he heard the innocent little voice of a girl speaking. When he looked up he saw the other girl, who was shorter and much more tinier than her sister. Though he admired how much she resembled her mother even at this young of age at least what he was told anyway, she looked so much like her grandmother as well, who found it was ironic that her name was Gayle.
"Yes, Gayle?" He stated as he took her into his hands and lifted her up onto his leg, after she held her arms up basically asking him to do so.
"I want to hear another one of you're stories." She stated as she looked at him with curiosity and amazement. No matter where they were or what time it was, these three loved it when he told them stories about his adventures and his life before now. Though when he turned his head he realized the other two weren't laughing or playing anymore, rather they were now sitting down and looking at him as well...waiting for him to speak.
"Well, what do you kids want to know this time? And no I'll tell you about the scar's when you're older" He stated as he looked at all of them sternly at first, though when he saw they weren't intimidated and were rather calm as they were thinking, it made him smile and chuckle a little.
"Can we learn about what you did before you were a smuggler and now, the real story?" The other twin known as Ethan spoke, he looked up at his grandfather with admiration as he asked this question.
"I'll tell you parts I think will be approvable, the rest will be until you're older." Xin stated with finality, but he laughed as the three of them groaned and nodded at him. They truly had their father's tenacity, but their mother's stubbornness.
"Well I guess to begin we'd have to go back quite a while."
Xinthiss was many thing's, but the one thing he wasn't was being perfect. He had seen thing's come and go all throughout his life wherever he went. Though when he was very young man he believed that being a Jedi was all that was meant for him, looking back at it now he seemed like a child.
He recalled how his day's of a Jedi started, where he seemed to be feared and considered non-approachable by the other student's and masters by his behavior and attitude. To other's he was considered hot-headed and much of a loner, though he was very optimistic and seemed to be very impatient when it came to things. Some considered if he was even supposed to be a Jedi with how he approached thing's and how he acted, but he never cared what they said or what they spewed out he just wanted to get through the Tython trials and get on with his new life as a Jedi.
However one thing changed that for good, and that was when he met a young woman roughly around his age on Tython. At the time he just thought of her as a normal young woman, but he didn't know at the time that she would become his soulmate.
The woman's name was Bonny Vaile and from the moment he bumped into her, literally bumped into her, he couldn't help but to be captivated the moment he laid his eye's on her. She was shorter than he was and had a figure that to him was appealing. The woman's long black hair was what stood out to him, besides her somewhat glowing emerald green eyes. To him however her face was very beautiful, and clearly from what he heard to several other's as well after their meeting. Though she was graceful, she had a fiery passion he knew matched his own later on after meeting her.
She wanted to same as he did, to get on with the Tython training and get on with their Jedi life. Though after several meeting's and talking over week's after their first discussion, the two found themselves concerning themselves for more than just the trials. At the time Xin didn't believe anything was blossoming, until very much later then he knew that she had fallen for him at the same time he did for her, only then did he realize that love had been blooming between them.
He knew that attention was getting between them, but the Jedi Masters at the time were so clueless that they didn't pay attention at times. Though one student wasn't so clueless as they were when he approached Xin on that fateful day. This student was slightly taller than him, with long brownish hair and deep brown eye's that would have fazed some of the student's here, but not Xinthiss. The student known as Kellan Barr was first a pinhead to Xin, but what started out as a one sided attempt to gain friendship came a good friendship from them both. Looking back at it now, Xin was glad Kell pushed as he did other wise they wouldn't be where they would be today.
Though their friendship got themselves attention as well, and after being told to separate after their trials were done. The two being as defiant as they were disagreed and continued speaking to each other even after they finished Tython, they had already become best friend's and brothers before then of course.
It was after their trials however that Xinthiss married Bonny, where they were wedded on Coreilla before moving to Coruscant where they worked together. Though after sometime of living on the Capital planet of the Republic, Xin started to see a change in the man he called brother. Kellan seemed to be darker and more quiet than he ever was before he went and joined the forces on Bothawui, only for him to return with a few other's. This was evident when he walked out on Xin after their nightly drinking escapades. Life went on for Xin and Bonny however, helping Kellan wherever they could.
However when Bonny started to show her sign's of pregnancy that was when, Xinthiss and now Bonny Skylighter had both been outed out of the order. Despite the fact that they had lost the titles that had sustained them for so long now, the two of them decided to make it work. Bonny would stay at home and take care of their son, while Xin would do odd job's for the Republic and then later would join the crew of the legendary smuggler of Coreilla at the time, Arthuss Venn. The crew itself was small at first, consisting of both Xin and Arthuss along with an old colleague of Arthuss, but it expanded into a crew of unusual character's all who wished for a better life while severing within the confines of the brand new, XS Corelliain Freighter known commonly as 'The Phoenix' which was admired by many.
That was until one day he came back to Xin as cheerful as ever. This had only been about a few weeks before their new child who they would name Megrybo after Xin's grandfather was suppose to be arriving. Kellan came to him and continued to talk about someone he met with his new job, how this Gayle Isis, Senator of Coruscant was such an amazing woman and how she went on about changing the status of Coruscant to make it more stable and not as corrupt. Considering the fact that the bombshell of knowing her for quite some time was an issue to Xin.
Though their first meeting could have been better, considering when she took one look at Xinthiss who looked all decked up to destroy her precious little bits of stopping corruption, she merely stared at him with disgust. At first he was sure it was because of how he was dressed, the blood covered bandage around his right hand, or because of how their first interaction happened. Though all of this didn't matter, she knew who he was before hand. Xinthiss Skylighter the smuggler who was taken in apprenticeship by Arthuss Venn the man who took job's for the Republic, Hutt's, and other contract's. The most common after she learned about it was when they took job's from a settlement on Orixon Prime a world that was far from Republic, Imperial, and Hutt eye's and ear's. To Gayle it was the purest example of what she was trying to destroy, a settlement run by Thieves, outlaws, and criminals.
Xin cared less after that and continued with life, but everything started to fall apart after the news broke that Kellan and Gayle had actually had an affair. When Xin learned more about what happened, it turned out that Gayle had given birth to twins who were confirmed to be Kellan's. He knew what this meant for them after and continued to be there for the man he considered brother to the very end, but when word caught up that Kellan had been outed from the order and that they had lost one of the twins at birth, it hit hard at first. Then after three year's, Kellan up and vanished much to Xin's dismay.
He felt betrayed at first when Kell up and left everyone behind, but after he found out that he was told to leave did he realize that it wasn't his fault in a sense. It certainly wasn't Gayle's since he would always have a vivid reminder of the day he saw the 'Great' senator Gayle Isis crying on his wife's shoulder after they had visited together for the first time. Love did something powerful to a person he guessed at the time, and it was a terrible thought.
Thing's never do go easy for his family however, after several year's of peace and continuing to do what he could with the crew after the death of Arthuss Venn to Meguom the hutt's bounty hunter's, Xin did what he could with the Phoenix and the loyal crew who stayed with their new captain who was given the ship shortly before his mentor's death.
Then it happened, while on a job on Coreilla the crew of the phoenix had finally made the job of the lifetime by selling the fuel they were tipped off about, though their version of a score was the Imperial Treasury which would still be planned, they had not taken the Phoenix however due to it's fame at the time and it needing serious repairs. Thing's never go well however, and while celebrating this small wealth they received, the news that would be later known as the Sacking of Coruscant hit them all hard.
When they returned they found building's in ruins, the Jedi Temple had also been destroyed, and when Xinthiss returned home to his horror it had also been destroyed. He was later told the Phoenix had been taken as well, but was entered by his own personal code. Xin believed his sons had made it out after the last few transport's had been shot down, but his wife was presumed dead.
With the loss of his family and his home, Xinthiss was turned into a man mirred with grief and anger. The crew that had followed him for so long took to an agreement, they would part way's for good. Though some did go into retirement, several other's just never could get enough and went on continuing trouble. For Xinthiss however he left for Tatooine, he needed to lie low and be by himself for a long time to think and to try and keep going on where he could continue in peace.
Though after only a few years of living there, Xinthiss continued to live there as best as he could. Adapting and realizing what he had was truly gone, that was until the fateful day he notice a young woman in Anchorhead was being pressured by a somewhat older man. This woman was fairly young, possibly no more than nineteen at the time. She had dark brown hair and had a figure that appealed to young men, though he wasn't focused on her...he was focusing on the older individual. When he saw how he grabbed her and tried to take her away and then killed a young Jedi, he got a glance at him and his eye's widened in horror. The older man was no other than the man he was considered his brother, Kellan Barr.
However he never would have expected the same man to track him down later, and then for them to fight after. Whether it was because Xin attacked first or Kellan let his darkness take over, he did not recall. Though if there was one thing Xin remembered it was the day he was blinded, and the day Kellan lost his hand.
However despite everything, Xin found out later in life that thing's were starting to grow better for their family. That was evident when he met the same young woman who had become a Jedi now, her name to his surprise was Jaelynne Isis. To his even greater surprise it was soon to be Skylighter as well, to know that meant that one of his son's was alive, and alive they were which was revealed by Jaelynne to be Megrybo his eldest.
That wasn't the only piece of evidence he learned, he soon learned later that his youngest Tage who was born two years after Meg was still alive as well. Though he was a Sith to boot and had divorced his wife, who shocked even Xin when her name was revealed as Ashlie Barr.
Though after sometime, he did attend the wedding of Megrybo and Jaelynne, but if they had looked in the far back leaning towards a pole they would have seen him. That day changed for him when he noticed the two people standing on the mountain opposite of him, his youngest was confirmed and Kellan was the second. He didn't want to ruin their day with his petty vengeance and decided it was best to leave at that time, retreating to his den on Tatooine for a good time.
Even after it all, Xin continued to see thing's repair itself around him and their new healing family. A few years after the wedding, the eternal empire attacked and split the family again. Only a year later was it that he received word and a meeting that he found out his long lost wife was still alive, despite it he continued thinking about it before rekindling with her. She was adamant that he talk to Kellan and get them back together as friend's but that would take time, and first they had to deal with Tage and Ashlie first. Xinthiss first meeting with Ashlie was interesting at best, he could still see the love she had for his son as he spoke about him, and call him a prophet but due to his 'sight' he saw them reuniting in the future. He laughed that thought off after their meeting, but after a few month's it actually came back as true. However despite it he never told Ashlie nor Tage what he had seen or had been shown.
With their family slowly rebuilding and his son, Meg was already creating a family of his own. Xin set out to find one last thing he needed to fix everything in his past, the Phoenix. He took lead after lead from both trust worthy sources and from his son's who gave him information about it's whereabouts, when he finally went and found it he was stunned to find it. Then he was even more stunned to find the information he kept so long ago about Zimtav Nor, and the person who came to get the other information on board. That day he found Gayle Isis, who had been brainwashed and needed a knock to the head as he called it.
After this however he returned with both the Phoenix and Gayle to Coruscant where she reunited with her daughter and met her Step son and her granddaughter. Even after this Kellan hounded her, but with a stern talking and such from Xin he backed down and waited. Their family could now begin to finally heal...finally.
"And that is most of it, I left out the part with the scar's and a good bit of the other detail's for you kid's, did you enjoy it?" Xin asked his grandchildren as they stared at him with wonder after the story.
"Yeah!" They all shouted happily, but they were soon quieted down by their mother who entered the room.
"Alright you three, it's bed time and has been for over a few minutes." Jaelynne smiled at them as they groaned and slowly one by one, got up and walked over to her. Though before they walked out the door they said goodnight to Xinthiss and then were stopped by their father who kissed each of them on the head before letting them pass through the door. Megrybo then kissed Jaelynne and pulled away before it got heated and said goodnight to her, that was until he turned to his Father.
"They love you to death, dad." He stated as he walked over and stood infront of Xin, his arm's crossed with a smile on his face.
"Yeah, well I try." Xin stated as he slowly got up and brushed himself off, before grabbing his hat that was on the desk next to him.
"Thanks again dad for looking after for them tonight, I owe you one." Meg stated as he patted Xin's shoulder and then walked over to the door.
"You owe me more than one Meg remember that, now go and be with you're woman I doubt you're going to get it often." Xin stated as laughed, before watching his son walk out the door and followed where his family had went. Though as for Xin he checked himself out by going to the elevator that lead out of the apartment, pressing the button and entering the elevator after the door's opened. He thought to himself as the door's closed and smiled slightly.
He didn't really tell them everything about his past.
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