Chapter 9: Life continues on.
Kabray (four years later)
The galaxy had much less changed during the later years since Gayle Isis' Inauguration, and the starting journey for Xinthiss, Kellan, and Bonny. While their lives continued on as normal, the great galactic war continued around them and was just as bad as they all believed it would be going forward. The war itself was not going very well for the Republic specifically.
Three years after the second battle of bothawui had concluded the war had continued to enter stalemate, after stalemate. The tide began slowly shifting towards the Empire's favor after several Republic war efforts and fleets were dissuaded away from their positions only one year from today, but as if anything the Jedi, and the Republic retaliated by finding and destroying the source of this. In turn the Sith known as the 'Dread Masters' were captured in an elaborate plan, and skirmish made by the Republic, and the jedi taskforce lead by knight Jaric Kaedan.
While this short and well deserved victory was a strong and celebrated one by the men and women in the taskforce, and by those in the Republic it did not last long as more tragedies occurred soon after.
During these few years the Minos Cluster and many of it's systems were still being terrorized and assaulted left and right by the Sith Empire. Unfortunately by losing the Minos Cluster very early into the war, it left the Republic at a very weaken state leaving many of it's fleets scattered, and frantically moving to secure each front against their enemy.
If the Minos Cluster and it's systems weren't bad enough, the Republic would face yet another blow to it's might at the planet, Balmorra. The Empire had invaded the planet with a force large enough to conquer an entire star system, with the full intent to reap it's highly developed military manufacturing sector's. The newly formed Balmorran resistance were determined too ensure that their planet would never fall to these invaders and began a harsh guerilla warfare against the Imperial's. The Republic did whatever they could by sending troops, aid, and weapons to the resistance, but after other conflicts occurred it made the Republic military pull their troops off Balmorra leaving only a few behind who dared to help the resistance no matter the cost.
Then the biggest battle that would happen in those four years would happen in this current year.
Alderaan was a peaceful and verdant core world planet that had longed served in the Republic as one of the founding members, and widely viewed as an embodiment of the ideals and principles upon which the government was founded. It came as no shock if the Empire decided to attack this place of peace and prosperity. They knew very well that by conquering and torching the planet that stood as a beacon of hope for the Republic would drop the overall morale of the entire Republic military might.
The Republic unsurprisingly was taken aback when such an attack that was once considered impossible, happened. It was discovered that the Sith commander Darth Malgus, had planned the invasion to coincide with a diversionary feint that would pull the of the far from Alderaan. The planet that was foolishly left undefended by the Republic navy was quickly and suddenly beset by a massive Sith invasion force that the planet from orbit, obliterated its local defense forces, and took the royal family of Alderaan hostage.
With all hope for Alderaan was being lost to the minds of the senate on Coruscant, the tide would very much soon turn in the Republic's favor. While it was noted that the Republic Navy had been deluded and Alderaan was under siege, the republic soldier's and Jedi on planet fought to the last man defending the world from the Imperial forces. With which they did.
Satele shan, Jace Malcolm, and a collective of Republic troops and Jedi were all they stood between the sith forces and full victory on the planet of Alderaan. While it was true that the senate declared that Alderaan was lost, it was the conviction of Gayle and many other senators that turned their decision to send reinforcements regardless. The ruling voted and the ship's that had been deterred into the diversion would be sent in mass to Alderaan, but it would take some time until they arrived.
The siege of Alderaan finally came to a head when Havoc squad under the command of Jace Malcolm, ambushed Darth Malgus, and his forces who were marching on the capital. With the assistance of Satele Shan the Republic forces in the ambush were successful and managed to severely wound Darth Malgus, and destroy many of the Imperial forces.
As the battle was believed to finally turn the tide, the Imperial fleet above Alderaan were given another shock when the Republic fleet and almost the entire Republic Navy had arrived to defend the planet. With their commander wounded, and many of their forces either dead or falling back the Imperial's were left with no choice, but too retreat with all their forces that they could save. The siege and battle for Alderaan was seemingly over finally.
It did change many things however after the planet was finally liberated and saved from the Empire. The first was the fact that the Republic was now in a frantic and defensive state after one of their greatest worlds had been nearly destroyed. Secondly was the fact that things in the senate were deteriorating daily as many world's and societies within the republic were slowly entering what the Republic Military considered a, everyman for themselves situation. Finally it was Alderaan itself that had the most changes after the battle and siege. The once peaceful and sovereign planet that stood for peace and justice across the galaxy had rapidly changed their ways in a heartbeat.
Alderaan's leaders, who had previously been renowned for their pacifism, began to advocate aggressive military operations against the Empire in the Republic's Senate, as a response to the damage the Sith had inflicted on their homeworld. The Senate seemingly horrified and shocked by this rapid change in one of their core founders had many question the war for the Republic entirely. In a matter of a month after Alderaan, the Senate was divided between those who favored to continue a lengthy military action against the Sith Empire, and those who would prefer peace and the continuation of light military actions in the war too come.
The Republic military and navy seemed to be the best affected by the battle of Alderaan. With the victory and success on Alderaan, it motivated the Republic Military to rally for the next several years and carried a momentum that would win them several battles in the Mid-Rim. This success and Victory also carried to the Minos Cluster where for the nearly the first time in years, the Republic managed to gain several victories against their enemy.
Things in the Republic seemed to be getting better with this new found strength, and within the Senate there was much breathing room considering what all was happening around them. The senate alone was still in turmoil with the recent split in it's ranks, but this became a problem shortly later as many who wished to remain independent between the two factions were being pressured into joining them.
Thankfully Gayle was one of those who was not so easily pressured into such a sad squabble, but she of all people couldn't blame them for this course of action. The senators who did remain independent usually relied on Gayle as a source of strength to keep themselves from giving in, but even this was starting to have it's affect on the woman until she finally received assistance. For the past four years, she had been happy to have met and known Bonny, and Kellan both as the two became close friends too her. The two also were the main source of her assistance and help during these trying times as she weighed on them for support and help when she needed it.
She cherished both of them more than she could give them credit, but she wasn't very much of a fan of their third and final member of their original group. That little side note was none other than...Xinthiss Skylighter. While she accepted the man as Kellan's best friend, and was clearly a good friend to Bonny she did not seem to accept him very much and tried her best not to voice it often. Though she knew he understood her disliking of him, but she had to admit that some respect laid way into her thinking of the man.
Xinthiss Skylighter was nothing a jedi should be in her mind. While Kellan was everything that a Jedi should be with a heart pure and untarnished by the war, his best friend was utterly and completely the opposite. While she held some respect for the man considering his beliefs and his prowess in battle, she could not and would not like him due to his constant, and perfuse cynicism and doubt for everything that was going on around him.
The same could be said for Xinthiss. While he respected Gayle, she represented somethings that he hated within senators. The first was their high and mighty attitude that made him nauseous just thinking about it, and the second was the fact that she clearly had disdain for those outside of the Republic's influence, that small few usually tended on smugglers, bounty hunters, and small little criminals.
For the past year or so now however, Xinthiss was seemingly more infatuated with the amount of smugglers there were being hired by the Republic too fight in the war. They unlike how Gayle treated them, were as much as a part of the war effort as the Republic military and the Jedi.
Though Xinthiss tolerated Gayle well enough to the point that both Kellan, and Bonny did not think that bad blood was between them. It was a good thing too since Bonny had become such good friends with Gayle that the other woman had considered his wife too be a sister, and that little fact shocked him more than anyone. Their relationship had kicked off and was just similar to his and Kellan's, and if Xinthiss was being honest he was happy for them both.
As for changes entirely, things had not changed direly between the four during the last few years as the Great Galactic War continued. While life with Gayle and Bonny had remained the same as they continued to talk, converse, and do their duties at the senate building, life was easy for both of them. However for Kellan his duties were too constantly protect Gayle as he could, so it did come with some awkward moments in the first year or so when he would be in the background when Gayle, and Bonny both were having one of their lunch meets.
The biggest change came to Xinthiss as he was frequently thrusted out into the war and sent to halt the Empire's advance. The war seemed to drastically change Xinthiss as it continued onward, but there was nothing he could do as he did his duty as Jedi loyal to the Republic. Though everyone including himself noted a change in himself that was becoming more and more progressive as time went on. Xin was once naïve, proud, and optimistic about everything that would be leaning forward on everything moving forward. Now? He was changed profusely, but not so much.
Xinthiss' belief's in the republic shifted after the series of battles in the Mid-Rim, the second battle of bothawui, and the unfortunate death of his late master Azmo Fartunti. He became somewhat bitter when it came to speaking of the senate and those who held authority within the Republic itself, but he personally questioned everything that made sense as too why the Republic was obviously losing this war.
While the full might of the Republic was fighting on many different world's, the senate as a whole were left to squabble and consolidate in blissful peace on Coruscant. The mood of many people affected by the war was shifting everyday, as they considered that the Jedi, and the Republic military was doing all the hard work while the Senate were just children sitting back. Sadly, Xinthiss was slowly becoming one of them.
It wasn't just in personality and emotional wise that Xinthiss was changing, his appearance had taken a massive change as well as the war progressed. The man seemed much more alert and tired whenever he was on the field of battle, and it seemed that the weariness from it etched on his face. Xin also sported a bead that he had culminated over the past four years after feeling as the need to shave was becoming more and more needless, but he wasn't the only one in that department as he knew very well that Kellan was slowly growing his own. Unlike his friends however his beard seemed more rigid and rough than Kellan's carefully trimmed one was, but it was something they all knew couldn't be helped.
Even Bonny seemed to be flustered and affectionate too her secret husbands new looks and thought it look even more handsome, but she did openly admit she hated how the beard temporarily hid his face. Kellan on the other hand thought that Xinthiss would never achieve something of that level, mostly because he thought his friend was too uptight about gaining one. He admitted he was wrong personally much to the delight of his friend, but was noticing that his friend was becoming much more calmer and slow as their meetings continued.
One of the other things that Kellan, and Bonny both noticed about Xinthiss was his sudden and now current obsession with drinks. While Kellan did not consider it an obsession like Bonny did, he did become concerned after the first year when it was discovered that Xin carried a canteen full of the drink that he usually loved the most, Tatooine Sunset which also seemed to be mixed with other drinks. While this was in fact a cause for concern, Kellan did not think so much of it as the two frequently drinked as to distract themselves from everything going on around them. It was the perfect activity for them both, as they both knew just how stressful the other's job was.
Xinthiss had little concern really with how he drinked, but he would never do it around Bonny as he knew that would be unprofessional and rude of him. This factor also came into when he was in the midst of battle, but even then he knew that before and after a battle it came into play more than less.
Today was one of those days it seemed as well. While Kellan, Bonny, and Gayle would return to their normal day to day life on Coruscant, Xinthiss would be rather occupied with his duties on the frontline those next few weeks. The day was like any other as he found himself being shuffled too here and there helping whoever he could during the franticness around Kabray a planet in the Mid-Rim.
Xinthiss was aware of the desperateness that the Republic was getting itself into when the Empire attacked both the Mid-Rim, and the Outer-Rim with a furious violence. The Minos-Cluster was also under siege still as well, but anyone doubted that the Cluster would not have a resolve until the end of the war. Now however? Now was a time too defend the Republic's other key locations around the Galaxy.
As was said, the desperateness of the Republic was reaching it's limits as it seemed to try and find itself more, and more allies by the day. These allies were things that most in the Republic didn't favor of, more specifically the Senate on Coruscant. The allies the Republic had gained were countless Smugglers, contractor's, and hunters from across the galaxy. Most had joined too seek a hefty profit from the Republic, but for others they felt like it was there duty too avenge their ravaged Homeworld which had burned at the hands of the Empire.
The battle on Kabray was no different from anywhere else in the Galaxy, but the Republic troops on Kabray were more thankful than the people back home for their allies. While the core world's sat back watching the galaxy at war, the Republic military was thankful for the help they were receiving from their new found allies. While the Republic soldier's, and the jedi were fighting the war on the ground and space, Smugglers and brave civilians brought in relief supplies, and even aided the Republic in their combat against the Empire.
Xinthiss was proud to even know that these men and women were risking their lives too help these world's in their darkest hours, but if he was being honest he wished more could be done. The smugglers and civilians were just people like everyone else, but they risked more than anyone did in this trying time fraying supplies and weapons to their friends.
Now though, it seemed that for Kabray they may finally have the full support that they needed. While the Republic fleet in orbit was dealing with what remained with the Imperial fleet, aid finally arrived to the now nearly broken Republic lines outside the main camp's, and cities within Kabray.
That was until once again, more bad news had arrived.
One of the Republic commanders that had been in charge of receiving the supplies, and oversee the frontlines from the camp seemed much more timid than late. It was obvious by his irritated and desperate look that he had received some news from one of the front lines.
"Sector fifteen has nearly fallen, and if they don't get anymore supplies or aide they may fall completely." Xin listened to the conversation intently as he quite clearly could not see the men around the crowded holo-table.
"If the Imperial's are able too break through sector fifteen then nothing will stop them from gaining a stronger foothold on Kabray." Another officer stated in completely panic, and if Xinthiss was being honest that fear was carrying into the camp.
"Send regiment's thirteen through nineteen to reinforce the Sector and it's camp. Along with them we will send several of our friends to resupply the area as well." The camp commander said calmly and formidably as to ensure that his comrades did not give into fear.
"Yes sir! You heard em, anyone still able to move and want's too accompany them to Sector fifteen get going already!" One of the captains shouted to everyone that was crowding around them, but the massive group acknowledged them and got ready to leave.
Xinthiss sighed as he nodded to himself, it was time for him to go as well. He was doing his duty by helping everyone he could, and he would be damned if he didn't help these men and women right now. So with little hesitation he left the area, and joined the group in it's preparations too leave.
That was until his eye's wondered towards the many ships that scattered the nearby city, and camp itself. The smugglers and civilian ship's massed in the hundreds which in it's own right caused quite the backup and strain on space. However while it was pleasing to finally see some sort of relief and aide from their allies there was something that was pulling him towards the area. Then he finally gazed on one ship in particular.
The ship that caught his attention was a XS Light freighter, which Xinthiss knew was a standard for Smugglers across the galaxy. This ship however was unlike the rest which were a brownish color and was worn battles, the ship was clearly pure white and clearly well maintained so much that it made the ship stand out from the sea of ships.
While he couldn't make out any other distinctive things about the ship's outward appearance, it did little to detract that he could very well notice it from out of the other ships. Though he was unsure if it was his innate curiosity getting better of him or if it was something pulling him towards that ship. Was it a sign from the force? He highly doubted it, but then again...
Xin shook this feeling off and rejoined the now massive group that was forming. He had no doubt that this was the few regiment's and Jedi who were leaving for Sector fifteen. With little doubt in his mind he joined the group on their speeder's, and soon enough they had left the encampment outside the city of Morati.
Things at Sector fifteen were as bad as Xinthiss, and the others had originally thought it was. The Sector was more or less a battle zone, and had been cleared out by Republic and Imperial troops and walkers that littered the field in front of them.
While it was apparent that the Imperial fleet in orbit was completely lost and were on the verge of retreat, it did little too force the now aggressive and desperate Imperial and Sith ground forces to stop their attacks. The camp and the Republic outpost that was stationed in Sector fifteen was under heavy siege and attack from both Imperial ground, and air forces. While the Republic soldiers were desperately trying their best to defend the outpost from the onslaught of the Imperial forces, the Jedi who stood by them were busy dealing with any Sith that tried getting past them. This also included Xin who had already dispatched about two Sith who seemed more meager in his eyes then he gave them credit, but it didn't mean he wouldn't get his fair share of them as two more approached him.
Xinthiss sensed how strong these two were compared too their two former allies, but none the less the two Sith would prove little compared to him. When the first Sith launched to attack him, Xin was ready. With little movement and thought he deflected the Sith's lightsaber strike toward his head with ease, and pushed him towards the side. The Sith's companion did little too wait, and with fury in his eyes was easily just as swayed as Xin deflected his several strikes with a series of blocks. When the Sith tried too strike him again it would prove fatal as the Sith made one mistake that Xin noticed immediately, he had let his anger get the better of him and left his flank open.
With a single swift motion to the right, Xin's opponent was left defenseless on his side which soon was glazed by a lightsaber strike from Xinthiss' own lightsaber. The rest did little as he slashed the saber upward and the saber cut, carried towards the Sith's chest, and heart killing him instantly.
The other Sith was less fortunate as his fury became more unfocused and enraged making him less cautious than his dead companion. He dispatched the Sith with ease after several minutes of deflecting his saber and force ability assaults. As soon as the man was on one knee, Xin pointed the saber towards his opponents chest, and impaled him clean through. It took little too tell that the Sith was dead before he hit the ground.
Xinthiss sighed a breath of relief as he quickly realized that the others that were with him were also mopping up what was left of the Sith. There were only a few of them left as several of their own laid dead around them, but at the moment they could not grieve as there was a battle going on.
"Good work everyone, but the men are going to need our help dealing with the Sith in another area." One of the knights said calmly as he finished dispatching the final Sith, but it was evident that everyone was on edge.
"The Imperial's are getting desperate, why attack us like this?" Another knight questioned as he and several others noticed the vast forests on fire in the distance.
"No idea, but their fleet is nearly destroyed or routed it won't be long until they give up completely."
The jedi and Xinthiss seemed happy with that knowledge, but were cut short when they heard the rumbling of what sounded like star fighters closing in. They all felt it more than saw the danger when the Imperial fighters approached, but it was far too late when they were ordered to take cover.
The eleven were swiftly cut down into just three remaining Jedi, but it had left a mark on the remaining few who survived. Xinthiss was thankfully one of the few who survived, but along with him was a quarren, and Rodian who had survived. The three had recovered only slightly before they decided to leg it back towards the outpost, but it became apparent that with the arrival of the Imperial fighter's that this battle was becoming much more brutal. Xinthiss knew that the Imperial desperateness in this attack wasn't just a solidity attack, but was in fact a diversion tactic.
The Imperial and Sith forces were buying time for their remaining forces to escape, but if Xin was being honest he couldn't blame them. There forces were in disarray, and their fleet was in shambles it was only logical for them to retreat. However for now he was more concerned on pressing the Sith forces back to their forces and protecting his men.
He was surprised however too see that the outpost was finally being resupplied by their friends from Morati. Several smuggler, and civilian transports and ships were docked at the outpost, delivering all types of supplies to their fellows. Until they all heard screaming coming from the outer defenses of the outpost, but it didn't take a genius too figure out what was coming. The fighters had come back in force.
One thought went through the Republic troops minds, annihilation . That scary thought never came into fruition as one ship destroyed three of the lead Imperial fighter's in less than a minute, and in turn lead the fighters away from the outpost. The ship that responded to these Imperial's was the very ship that had caught Xinthiss' eyes earlier in the day, the XS freighter.
Xinthiss and the others in the outpost watched as the freighter danced around the Imperial fighters, knocking each one out, one by one. It was a sight that many of them were happy and proud to be seeing, but it left many of them blinded too when they saw the Imperial ground forces in full retreat. The Republic troops were victorious within Sector fifteen, and without little doubt they would become victorious on Kabray entirely this boosted their morale to an all time high. With a final cheer many of the troop's returned to their duties, and even began assisting their new found allies in unloading supplies, and finding places for them to land.
Xinthiss was one of them who went to greet and assist the men and women who had come to help them. Yet whenever anyone turned him down he moved on to the next, and then the next, and the next. Until finally he approached the starship that had saved their lives, and had been pulling Xinthiss' attention throughout the entire battle.
He had a better look at the ship this time, and was stunned by what he saw in the freighter. It was a silvery-white, with polish and tear here and there. The ship was also much more put together and armed than any other freighter he had ever seen, but this was his first time getting close to one of these ships. Then he noticed something that caught his eye as beautiful and graceful that was imprinted on the ship. A single logo was imprinted above the ship's cockpit, but was also inscribed with lettering with the ships name, The Phoenix.
It read plain as day.
The Phoenix
Traveling the Galaxy the Venn Way
Xinthiss was merely mesmerized by the sight of the inscription and the Phoenix symbol next too it, before he was pushed back into reality, but it was more than a push that he felt from the force...someone had tapped him. When he turned too see who it was he was surprised too see a man far older than he was, but was clearly still in his prime. With dark black hair, and a beard to comprise that the man seemed more fitting for his role as it was evident to Xin that he was a smuggler.
"Checking out my beauty, eh?" The man said calmly and jokingly, but with some snark in it that it surprisingly reminded Xinthiss of himself. Upon closer inspection the man was possibly in his Mid-thirties and seemed to be ravaged from war, that was evident from the multiple scar's he represented. He also had cool blue eye's that seemingly pierced into Xin's light brown ones, but none the less he wasn't intimidated by this stranger...something that welled respect in the older man.
"And what if I am?" Xin replied cautiously.
"Yeah she get's that a lot, she's my pride." The man stated clearly proud of his ship and job profession, but he suddenly realized that the young man before him did not know who he was, surprising really.
"Apologies my young friend, Arthuss Venn captain of The Phoenix and the best smuggler in the outer rim at you're service." Arthuss said with such spunk it made Xinthiss surprised by his arrogance.
"Xinthiss Skylighter, at yours." Xin replied with as much respect as he could muster, but it was obvious that this Arthuss was not having it.
"Uh uh, well Xinthiss it was a pleasure to meet you, but I need too-" Arthuss was suddenly cut off by a man who seemed even older than either of them. The man that had approached them was in his near fifties, and his hair was already beginning to gray.
"Arthuss, sorry to interrupt you're chat with the young fella here, but we really need to go. We got our pay, and we need to get back to recruiting." The man said with such a southern drawl it made Xinthiss realize immediately that this old man was from Ord Mantell.
"Yes, oh! Kendu-Xinthiss Skylighter, Xinthiss-Kendu Sarr." Arthuss stated clearly ignoring his friends complaints, and instead introduced the two men too each other. The two reluctantly shook hands with each other as they both were clearly weirded out by this situation.
"Seriously Arthuss, we need to leave now before the Imp's come back." Kendu exhaustedly spoke in an tired state clearly ready to get the hell off Kabray.
"Okay, Okay Kendu....just get back to the ship and get her ready." Arthuss replied calmly, it was evident this wasn't his first time dealing with his friends antics.
"Well my friend, I suppose that's it for me. Good luck with this battle, and if you survive and ever need some actual fun in you're life...just come find us." Arthuss said with a slight pat to Xin's shoulder before turning and walking away quickly.
Xinthiss pondered this for several minutes until he watched the ship launch from it's place on the planet's surface, and then quickly and suddenly rocketed off into space. It was a sight that made him question things here and there, but it also made him ponder something else.
After today's battle and the multiple he had been in he had begun questioning if the Republic's tactics and the Jedi's were even sound anymore, but it wasn't just those two was questioning everyday his primary target was, the senate. That and many more things were pushing him further away from it all as this unreasonable war continued, but he knew that as being a Jedi he had a duty to the Republic. Unless...
That's when an idea started forming into his mind, if he could do good from the frontlines during this war, then what was stopping him from helping from within? He pondered this and the old smuggler's offer, but he would need Kellan, and Bonny's counsel.
He wasn't very much sure until he returned to Coruscant if this was the best course of action, but little did he even know that it was something the Force was pulling him towards.
That fact terrified him a little.
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