Chapter 2: A jedi named Kellan Barr
Thing's on Tython were progressive to say at the least. A little over a year since he had first arrived, Xin had been finding himself under more and more difficult tasks and challenges that Azmo could throw at him. The old and elderly Jedi lived up to his name however as he knew not only a bountiful amount of information of the order's history, but was also a skilled duelist.
Azmo was skilled in what was known as Form II of lightsaber combat, Makashi. In one of their earliest practices, Xin would watch as Azmo skillfully and gracefully defeated each of his opponents. To Xin however it seemed like the jedi was dancing compared to any other fighter he had seen, but this was clearly how Makashi was utilized as it was more of a dueling form than anything. This issue was met however by both of them, Azmo realized just how in danger the form was for anything other than just dueling which was why he managed to create his own form of it.
"Makashi as we both know is in itself the most beautiful form of all seven lightsaber forms, not just because it is elegant by movement and it's defense ability, but because it is capable of defeating many of you're opponents if you are skilled in it."
"And what if you're fighting against blaster's? We are after all not just fighting people with Vibroswords and Sith." Xin pointed this out as he sat by the lone tree that he and Azmo had claimed as their training spot. This spot sat just north of the temple overlooking it from the nearby waterfall.
"That is why i have in a way converted the form to meet that need." Azmo stated boldly as he sat adjacent to the young man infront of him. The old jedi slowly rose from his position and walked to where the training droid's were sitting dormant, when the droid's reactivated he began by showing Xin what he meant by this form.
Moving elegantly once again, Azmo blocked the incoming fire from the droid's and stepped forward ever so slightly. Xinthiss watched with intent and wonder as he watched the old jedi deflect the blaster bolts with impressive speed, and with a careful eye he noticed that the Jedi was switching the lightsaber between his hands making the bolt's fly back towards the droid's in a surprising amount of accuracy and speed.
When it was done the older jedi breathed slightly as he deactivated his lightsaber and moved back to his original sitting spot.
"To me it just looked like you were just deflecting the bolts back to them in a standard form."
"Yes, that's the point the form is meant to protect you by defeating another duelist, but with perfect trajectory and speed between block's you would be able to defeat combatant's with blasters. It may not be much, but it is still good."
The young padawan nodded in agreement as he stared at the older man, Azmo was still nothing like he had expected. He thought he would be an old windbag who didn't know anything, but the old Jedi seemed to know just everything that would help and easily wouldn't offend his Padawan.
"I think we've done enough lecturing for now, shall we continue you're training? You will need it for the droid combat tomorrow." Azmo turned his head ever so slightly at the young man, he sighed seeing a much younger version of himself in Xinthiss. This was why this worked for him so much, and why he still had high hopes for Xin.
"Yes, I'd like that Master." Xin slowly stood up and followed Azmo to the their usual plot of grass that sat near the lone tree. Activating his training vibro-blade he awaited for Azmo, who in return activated his and stood holding the blade in front of him with one hand waiting for Xinthiss to make the first move. He did make the first move, and soon the two were engaged in combat together with Xinthiss trying to best the older jedi with his own method's, it would not be easy however. Azmo was skilled to the highest order
That was why Xinthiss was honored to have him as a master.
All too soon it seemed Xin was being forced to interact with the other student's he had arrived here with, and those who were training with him regardless. Azmo understood Xin's lonely and arrogant attitude and respected that by training Xinthiss away from the other's, clearly it had been working as for the past year he had been getting better at his studies, and his effectiveness in combat. It was also because of this solitude from the other's that he had started to become much more peaceful and humble, but the older Jedi started thinking that it was because of another reason.
The two had been in the middle of meditating at the old tree, when they were both approached by someone. Azmo was the first to open his eyes and was met by a young woman with raven like hair, green emerald eyes, and a fixture that he appeal to any man. He however was a Jedi and did not give into such temptation's, maybe once back on Alderaan with his dear Cetri but not now.
"Can we help you young lady?" The elder Jedi spoke calmly and politely as he sat between both the Girl and Xinthiss.
"Yes sir, my name is Bonny I've come to get Xin for the battledroid training today." Bonny spoke very politely in response to the old man infront of her, but both she and Azmo turned when they saw Xin quickly get up at the mentioning of Bonny's name.
"That was today?! I completely forgot!" Xin said in complete panic, moving to gather the things he had stored over at the old tree. Azmo merely smiled a little at the sight of the young man, but his head turned curiously at Bonny who was laughing silently at the scene. Azmo looked between both of them as they both talked afterword's, Xin trying to show that he was prepared and Bonny just laughing at him it was curious to say at the least.
"So you two have meet before i presume?" The old Jedi stated calmly as he watched the two of them silence almost immediately, and turn to stare in him the face. It was Bonny however who broke the silence.
"Yes Master Azmo, I meet Xinthiss around the time we both first arrived on Tython a year ago, we've been chatting since." The old Jedi tried to sense if she was lying or not, but he was surprised to learn that she was telling the truth. However unlike the rest of the Jedi he did not care if they formed a friendship together.
"I do not care if you two form a friendship, but you must be careful with what happens around the other's too much activity and they will get suspicious." Azmo stated calmly as he slowly repositioned himself for his meditation, the two young padawan's however looked pleased. Thanking him in unison the two quickly walked away together to reach the temple courtyard's, where their battle droid training would begin. Azmo sat there curious as to the whereabouts of those two but paid no mind to it as he returned to his mediation, he desperately needed it.
"That was rather close." Xin stated as he looked back up the hill where the lone tree and Azmo stood atop on.
"Yeah but we are going to have to be more careful from now on Xin." Bonny looked over to Xin and then looked toward's the hillside, she and Xin had been getting closer during the time they had known each other. Very close.
"I'm just afraid that they will discover us." Xin stated, clearly worried and Bonny knew that if Xin of all people was worried about something it was worth questioning it, but that's what made them different. She stopped abruptly and before Xin knew it she had begun to pull on his arm, with one swift motion he turned around towards her where she soon kissed him. This surprised Xin had first before he returned it by wrapping his heavy arm's around her, she merely had to stand on her toes just to get to his height.
She pulled back and smiled up at him, a smile that was as bright as Tython's sun itself.
"No-one will find out Xin, I love you and that will never change so stop worrying about this and lets continue with what we both were brought here to do, to become Jedi." Bonny continued to smile as she held Xin's face with her hands, she and Xinthiss had fallen in love when he and she had first met, when they finally confessed however it was after Xin and Azmo had saved Bonny and Satele from a flesh raider attack, one where Xin had to recover in a bacta tank for nearly two weeks. Nearly a few month's later they gave into the lust they had been building up for each other, and their first time together was both special and beautiful, it also only continued to solidify their love for each other.
"I hope you're right Bon." Xin smiled back at her before noting that they both needed to hurry, with almost a fiery and competitive spirit, Bonny challenged Xin to a race and ran off quickly. All he could do was smirk and recollect at why he came to love this woman, because she was kind and calm. She was also very much like him, and that was something that encouraged his love even more, that and she supported him, and loved him back just as much as he had for her.
He wouldn't change it for anything unless anyone else were to discover it, and unknown to them both they were about to meet someone special.
Xinthiss and Bonny were surprised to see many familiar faces as they showed up for battle droid training, this meant many of them had succeeded up until now. Xinthiss had already gone through his set of battle droid training and was noted for his combat effectiveness in Makashi, something the other's were even more scared of about him. Through out the entire training the other student's stayed clear of him all together, mostly becuase of his expression alone and that was pleasing to him and Bonny.
This peace was broken as Bonny soon was called to begin her routine in the training exercise, she stood up from the position she sat at near Xinthiss, who was sitting on a rock beside her. He watched her intently as she took her turn in training, too intently for it be seen as innocent. Xinthiss at this rate did not care what the master's had to say about his relationship with Bonny, he just didn't care.
Then he felt and saw someone sat next to him on the rock, he never once took his eye's off Bonny. Clearly he was worried on how well she would do in this status.
"Hey" The young man stated, and already Xin was annoyed he knew this voice it was the Young man he had pushed out of the shuttle a year back. "You know that relationships are banned. I'd think twice before you get kicked out of here. If I can see how you are looking at her, I am sure any number of masters around us can as well."
"Thanks for the advice now shove it." Xin responded coldly, he was annoyed by this young man. Though he had shocked Xinthiss with his boldness to even approach him and to even mention that he knew of his and Bonny's relationship, if he even knew that was.
"Look I understand you mean well, but you don't know me and you need to mind you're business. I know the Code and I know the rules. If I break them it's on me alone. I don't need a reminder." Xinthiss responded harshly to the young man next to him, he had learned his name was Kellan Barr. The padawan to Master Strayen and who has been called the 'prodigy' of Strayen. Kellan Barr was a tall man, he was only a bit taller than Xin, He had staggering dark brown hair compared to Xin's light brown, and his dark brown chocolate eye's were as piercing as Xinthiss's.
Kellan paused, thoughtful before he nodded to Xin. "You are right, but could use a friend?"
"What do you care? We aren't even supposed to have friend's either. So tell me the point of this conversation now..." Xin said in exasperation.
"True, but I don't like the rules either. I just meant you should hide your feelings a bit more-not that you should forget about her. It's still going to probably be a big mistake regardless you know." Kellan said with a charming smile. Xin looked at him and couldn't help but be understandable to Kellan, this man really was a charmer.
Xinthiss regardless grunted and looked at him. "Fine. We gonna have to hide being friends too." He said sarcastically.
"Nah...screw the Council and their high and mighty rules. They suck anyway the ass-hats." Kellan said flippantly.
Xin grinned and couldn't help but to laugh a little, this man wasn't annoying to him any longer he seemed to be more in agreement with Kellan barr than he originally thought.
"Then this will be the start of an awesome friendship i can see."
The friendship which Xinthiss originally thought would break apart at the seam's did not do that, infact it did the opposite. Xinthiss and Kellan were insperperable since that fateful day, so much to the point that it felt like Azmo was teaching two students at once as he watched both of the young men duel each other everyday. This friendship became so strong that they both refused to do their training and academy studies until the other was there with them. While this was a concern at first to them both, Azmo humored Strayen as this was the best way for them both to enhance their training as Jedi which was evident when it was discovered that both of them were unable to defeat the other, since they knew how the other fought.
Strayen never did once get over this little 'Alliance' as he called it, that Xinthiss and Kellan had formed.
Close attachments were forbidden by the Grand Council, but neither Xin nor Kellan cared. Bonny also completed their circle and was more of an afterthought to Kellan half the time. He liked Bonny well enough, but he was the most closest to Xinthiss who he now considered like a brother. Xin would not argue about it either as he was jealous where Bonny was concerned. Kellan not paying much attention to her was just fine to him.
Kellan who was soon told of the relationship between Xin and Bonny cared little about what their relationship was like, if they were in love he did not mind it they were his family for all he cared. It was so prominent to the point however that Kellan would cover for Xin and Bonny when they wanted alone time. However he kept his opinon's to himself mostly after they actually got into a verbal argument one day.
"You need to be careful. You are taking risks that will cause major problems for both you and Bonny." Kellan had told him one day when he'd seen Xin embracing Bonny.
"Not you're concern so stuff it, Kel. I don't care; no one is between Bonny and I. Not our Master's, the other padawans, you, the one." Xin said stubbornly.
"Clearly you don't care for you, but think about Bonny..."
Xin stopped in his tracks and looked at Kellan sharply. "Do I have to worry about you now?"
"I'm not even sure what exactly you are talking about, but you should know me better Xin. Have I done or said anything to anyone? No. I haven't." Kellan said as his chin rose.
"Just make sure you steer clear of Bonny." Xin said heatedly, lost in a haze of jealousy.
Kellan shook his head in disbelief at Xin's insecurity.
"Have you seen the way she looks at you, fool? I am no competition for you dummy, so don't ever go there again." He said angrily, stomping off.
Xin didn't follow him, but sighed as his anger left him. Kellan was right he realized; he was a fool sometimes. Bonny did adore him as much as he did her.
He'd make sure to fix things with Kellan later with a drink at the cafeteria.
Kellan was right on another matter as well. The two men were friends and that friendship along with Bonny was gaining them attention they could do without. Xin would be damned he changed a thing though; he didn't care for what the other master's said, Azmo as he knew did not care one bit.
The council took notice eventually, of course. At first they tried to get them to separate and when that didn't work ,they insisted the two pupils not keep in contact after their training. This however never happened because Kellan and Xin stayed in constant contact during and after Tython.
The day had finally came when Master Azmo would take Xinthiss to the Ancient Forge, where all sabers were created by the Jedi who wielded them. The Council had agreed that despite their issues the last four years of their training, Xin, Bonny, and Kellan would become Jedi Knight's. It was a tradition to become Knighted after a padawan was able to construct their very own lightsaber and the three were respectfully excited.
None of them had any doubt's that they could create their lightsaber's, and neither did their masters.
Azmo had given Xin a rare fire ruby which had a center that looked cool and calmly, it fit Xinthiss perfectly. So much to the point that he decided to focus his energy into it, by meditating his energy into the ruby each day. He was told that the ruby could be used with a Kyber crystal to give a light saber's beam a different color. When he had eventually finished with the ruby he noticed that the once fiery red color of the crystal had been replaced with a cold blue color.
He repeated the meditation procedure on his second soon to be crystal. Xinthiss had come across a lightish blue Kyber crystal in the crystal caves of Dantooine when he and Azmo traveled there for his final trial's. The crystal had a faint connection to him, but for some reason felt as if though it did not feel to him regardless it was the one he chose and selected it for his saber. Azmo and Xin were convinced that the color crystal would no matter what would become Blue, but Azmo did note how weak the connection was between Xin and the Crystal, a white would have worked better for him. That however would require the young man to purify a Sith Light saber crystal.
They had spent month's training for the day. After getting everything he needed for the saber, they both took them and the components to the Ancient Forge high above Tython's surface. The walk alone was a workout on it's own, there was said to be ferocious beasts sometimes one lingering the Forge's steps, since they were the first to go today. Azmo and Xin both had to take care of the humongous beast that stood between them and the forge.
With their path cleared the two continued to the Ancient Forge, taking inventory as they did. Xin had been enamoured with Azmo's lightsaber which was a very unusual lightsaber design, the lightsaber was made of alloy metal like most Lightsaber's, but the thing that made it unusual was the very intricate curved hilt for the saber. Azmo was flattered that the young man was using his lightsaber a design it was heartwarming really.
When they arrived, Xin wasted no time in constructing the lightsaber. Kneeling before the alter he concentrated on the force and with it he wove the parts within the altar. The parts all lifted and swirled about above the altar. One piece at a time, Xinthiss fused his Lightsaber together. The focus crystal into the curved hilt with the power cell, the switch and the plate, the conduit, and finally the emitter matrix with the lens assembly all combined to create his weapon he was use as a Jedi. The Saber floated above him and reached out with the force to activate it, and activate it did. The beam was a pure dark blue, that was as blue as Tython's lakes and oceans. Azmo stared at it and Xinthiss with pride, he walked over to the young man with a smile.
"Congratulations, my padawan. Kneel before me." He said, his pride stretching to it's limits.
Xinthiss deactivated the saber, putting it on his side buckle on his belt, he did as he was instructed and took a knee before his master and looked at him with pride.
"You remember that it is a tradition to knight a padawan after they construct their lightsaber. As with all thing's you have proven many times you are more than capable to become a Jedi of the Order."
"Remember the Code and what it stand's for. There will be dark times for you ahead, but I have faith and hope you will surpass even the most challenging of tasks." Azmo took his lightsaber and activated it, the cool blue of his lightsaber was soothing for both of them. Carefully and swiftly Azmo brought the saber to the top of Xinthiss' shoulders making sure to avoid contact with them, going from shoulder to shoulder.
"By the right of the Council, by the will of the Force, Rise Xinthiss Skylighter. Knight of the Jedi Order and of the Republic."
Soon after the trio's knighting ceremonies, Kellan was surprised to learn that Xin and Bonny were being wed secretly on Corellia. Xinthiss would be married to the woman he had been smitted with since the day they meet, and they both wanted him there. The two had gratuated several days before Kellan, but waited for him so he could be Xin's best man. Kellan had gotten a day of leave after his own ceremony, only allowed a day to worry about his 'affair's and their masters called it. If Strayen, Azmo, and Satele suspected anything none of them spoke about it.
After the two were wed, they decided to live on Bonny's old homeworld of Coruscant, she would become a Jedi Guard for the Senate and Xinthiss got assigned to mission's near the planet, it was something they both were so happy for. Their first move was getting a home together, and then after words they worried about each other's work, the times however were tough and without Kellan they wouldn't have survived for so long without his help.
The trio had finally finished their first trial's, but with Kellan going to Bothawui soon, it meant that the peace would soon end hard.
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