Ch 3: an old member returns
No one's POV
The ninja sit at the dinner table, eating their food. Everyone is involved in their own conversations, laughing, getting angry, well, Kai anyway, and just having fun. But, two people are currently not present at the table. Wu and Garmadon are standing in the meditation room with a person who has not been seen at the monastery in many years.
Garmadon POV
"Misako. I've missed you so much." I say as we hug each other.
"I came back to catch up with you. And my research has been completed." the gray haired lady says. I embrace my wife and hold her close to me, our foreheads touching.
"I've missed you," I say again to her.
"We very much appreciate your return, Misako. And it is good to hear your research has finally been completed after all this time." Wu says with gratitude.
"So do I." She says pulling away from me. "Hard to believe you already have five students. Has it really been that long?" She asks.
Wu chuckles and places his blue eyes onto her brown ones. "Yes, it has been quite a while since you left."
Misako's face lights up and she goes to grab a scroll container. "That reminds me, I didn't just come back to see you. I found out who the assassins were that attacked us all those years ago, and who they belong to."
Wu and I become surprised at this new bit of information. Wu directs her to a table and turns on a few more lights. She places her scrolls on the table and organizes them. "There are so many..." Wu points out.
"Yes, that's why I've been gone for so long. There are many parts to the story. Many pieces that need putting together, but I have the gist of it down."
She points to a scroll with a large shadowy figure on it. The purple shadow has an evil and devouring look on it. In front of the shadow stands a man with a sword that seems to be made out of light. The two figures are fighting each other.
"This scroll tells the tale of the battle between your father and an evil creature called, the Overlord." She says.
"Yes, I remember my father telling us about this story. He was loosing the battle, so he had to divide Ninjago in two." I say.
Misako nods. "But you see, there is more to the story. More than we initially thought." She slides the scroll over and unrolls a new one. "The Overlord had the power to control two armies, not just one. There is the ancient stone army, the one he used against the FSM, and the army we didn't know about until now, the shadow army. The stone army is indestructible while the shadow army is full of highly trained assassins made entirely out of shadows, like the Overlord. In fact, the shadow army is actually a recent development made by the Overlord, so I'm positive we're the only people who know about it as of now."
Her voice suddenly becomes more strained as she talks. "His shadow army is made up of the same assassins as the ones who attacked us all those years ago." Misako turns to me, pain in her eyes. "Garmadon, it was the Overlord who sent the assassins to kill us and our children."
After dinner was finished, we all headed to bed. We were tired from training and we wanted to go to bed early so we would have enough energy to get out of bed tomorrow. It's weird that Master Wu and Sensei Garmadon didn't join us at dinner though. Perhaps it has something to do with how Garmadon was acting earlier.
We woke early the next day at 5 AM sharp, like master Wu had promised, lucky us, and we trained for the next three hours. The whole time, sensei Garmadon wasn't present. It was 8 AM when we finished morning training and we were all heading inside for second breakfast when we were greeted by Garmadon at the table with a woman we've never seen before. In front of them are many rolled up scrolls. He motions for us to sit down and we do so. Master Wu walks into the room after us and stands behind Garmadon and the woman.
Garmadon speaks first. "Ninja, I would like to introduce you to my wife, Misako." The woman smiles warmly and waves to us. She gives off a very calming vibe like master Wu. "It's nice to meet you all."
We all greet her with waves and smiles as well.
"This is Cole, Jay, Nya, Zane, and Kai." Wu says, pointing to us individually.
Misako nods her head. "I apologize for never being here to meet you all. I've heard such wonderful things about each of you. The reason why you have't seen me here before is because I've been doing years of research on a very big threat to Ninjago."
Now she has our full attention. "What kind of threat?" Zane asks.
"Well you see, long ago when this realm was first created, the First Spinjitzu Master had created Ninjago with balance, the elements of light and dark. Because where there is light, there is darkness, and where there is darkness, there is shadow. A horrible shadow that almost had the success in destroying all of the light in the realm. The First Spinjitzu Master had created evil in the hopes to balance out the world, but that wasn't the case for this creature. He had created a creature far more dark than than the shadows itself. This creature he created was called the Overlord. The Overlord wanted nothing more than to engulf the land in pure evil and destruction."
She picks up a scroll and opens it up. She slides it in front of us. The scroll has a picture of a shadowy creature, who I'm guessing is the Overlord, and another man with a sword of light. "He wanted to overrule light for good and strike fear into his enemy's eyes." She continues. "The First Spinjitzu Master then had no choice but to battle the Overlord back into where he had come from, but the Overlord had created an indestructible stone army, and the First Spinjitzu Master was very outnumbered. When the First Spinjitzu Master was finally cornered, and there was nowhere else to go, he made the choice to split ninjago in two, trapping the Overlord on one side, and he on the other. By doing this, he hoped to save the battle for another day. The Overlord was never heard from again until almost two decades ago, when he sent a newly made army to attack a family on the Western side of Ninjago. No one knows of this story except all of you, and no one else knows about the other island."
"Wait, so there's another Ninjago?" Cole breaks in.
"Where is it?" Jay follows up.
"Well, it isn't exactly another Ninjago. This island is far different from ours. From what I understand, I believe they don't use technology like we do. They don't have cities, or cars, or roads. They have untouched forests, beaches, and villages. They don't even speak the same language as us."
"Seriously? Not even the same language?" Nya asks.
"No technology? So they don't have video games?!" Jay says worriedly. Cole slaps him on the back of the head.
"So I guess they've never seen a nindroid before." I say to no one in particular. Zane just looks at me.
"From what we know, yes. I could be wrong, but there is so much about this island we don't know, it's hard to make any assumptions. But, what we do know for sure, is that this island is not called Ninjago, it is called the Dark Island."
"Well that's a heartwarming name." Jay says sarcastically.
"So, what about this Overlord character? Surly he'd be long gone by now, right?" I ask.
She looks down at her hands, sadness fills her voice. "Unfortunately, you're wrong. He is very much alive, and he seems to be stronger than ever before." Why is Misako getting so... emotional by mentioning the Overlord? And that family that was attacked nearly 20 years ago?
Garmadon slings his arm around is wife's waist and pulls her close to him. "As we've already mentioned, he has created a new army. An army of assassins. And they made their move many years ago." His green eyes look at us with much intensity. "This is why we have come to talk to you about this today. You five have to defeat the Overlord once and for all."
We all shoot up. "What?" We say in almost perfect unison. "But we don't know anything about the Overlord! Where he is, what his strengths are-" Zane says, but is then cut off by Misako.
"You won't be doing it alone." She moves her scrolls over and grabs one scroll with five people on it who are making a circle around a person in the middle. There are also three people circling the five people who surrounding the one.
Basically this is the setup:
We all look closer at it. Each person has an element painted behind them, and the person in the middle seems to be surrounded by a green light. The person also has some kind of golden flame in their hands. "There is a prophecy," she says, pointing at the person in the middle and slowly moving her finger around the page, pointing from person to person.
"One person, shall rise above it's protectors," she says pointing to the five people. "And become the green ninja. The ninja destined to defeat the dark lord. That very dark lord is the Overlord himself. You all are to become the protectors of this person, so they shall have the strength to fulfill their duty."
"So I'm guessing the five people are us?" Jay asks.
"Yes, captain obvious!" Cole says to him. Jay just scoffs.
"Okay, so if that's us, who are the three people surrounding us?" I ask.
"The prophecy also states that there are three allies to the green ninja and it's protectors. These three people will help us to defeat the Overlord as well."
"But, who are the three people? Why does destiny like to make things so complicated?" Jay asks.
"That's destiny for ya." I tell him.
"Hold on a minute," Cole says. "Why is the green ninja surrounded by so many elements? Is that just for show?"
She laughs and points to the elements. "No, it isn't just for show. Like all of you, the green ninja is also an elemental master. They possess all of your elements including their own."
"Woah, what?" I ask.
"You mean his guy can control my lightning?" Says Jay.
"And Nya's water? Lightning and water don't exactly mix, neither do fire and ice. How can this guy hold elements that oppose each other?" Cole asks.
"Water and lightning don't mix? Yeah right." Jay says as he takes Nya's hand in his and kisses her on the cheek.
"Geez get a room." I tell them.
"Elemental powers work in mysterious ways." Wu answers.
"Does he possess the allies' powers as well?" Nya asks.
"That information is unknown as of now. I guess we'll just have to find out when we meet them." Misako says.
"Misako, how do we find out who the green ninja is? And the allies? There are many people in Ninjago." Zane asks.
"Well, we will know who it is when we see an individual who possesses all of your powers."
"That could take forever though!" Nya says. "Isn't there a way for us to find out sooner? After all, you said the Overlord is already on the move doing First Spinjitzu Master knows what."
Wu looks at Nya and wisely says, "I'm sure destiny will bring them to us, like it did with you five."
"Uh, you found us." Jay says. Wu answers him with a staff to the head.
"Is there anything else we need to know?" Zane asks. Misako looks at her husband and Wu, as if she is unsure of what to say next. Garmadon takes over the conversation from her and says to us, "We must set sail for the Dark Island."
"What?" Cole says.
"Go to the Dark Island? Where the Overlord is?" Says Jay.
"Don't we need to find the green ninja?" Zane pops in.
"I don't like the idea of going to an island we know nothing about." I agree.
Wu lifts his hand up to silence us. We quiet down and look at the trio. "If we are to fight the Overlord," Wu starts. "We must know what we are up against. This is a stealth mission. We will try to avoid fighting them. We will simply be observing him and his army, and we will get to know the landscape. Only when we are ready and have found the green ninja and the allies, will be return back to the island to fight the Overlord."
We all look at each other, still unsure of the whole idea. "When do we leave, master?" Zane says first. We all look at him as if he were crazy.
"We will leave a few weeks from now." Garmadon says for his brother. "We must do this, it is for the good of the 16 realms." He says, reading our unsure faces.
"Wait, who will protect Ninjago while we're gone?" I ask.
"We will leave Pixal to protect the city, and the police are aware of our trip. If anything, they are glad we're leaving so they can finally 'do their job'." He gives a light chuckle, then turning serious again. "The Dark Island is our top priority at the moment." Wu says.
We all look at each other again, and realize arguing will do us no good. Everyone says they're in and turns to me, awaiting my approval. I sigh. "Alright then," I say, giving in. "When do we start packing?"
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