James should not have asked for the last glass of wine, or the current one in his hand. He knew what would be to follow. However, on a day like this, it was needed. This was the day that would cement his failure. All the slurs James's father had uttered in spite would be fulfilled on this day.
"Due to a stupid girl," he hissed into his wine.
James would have been far more receptive if was a gentleman who bested him upon the field. But, it was a lady in a skirt that had stopped his ascent to the throne. One blasted skirt that he was unable to penetrate. His father's voice dictating his impotence readily resonated within his mind.
"I hope that growl was not directed at me," a lady's voice stated, causing James to look up and scowl further.
"What do you want Korak Fallyn?" he hissed, sheltering himself slightly with his shoulders.
"Truly? Is this how you welcome ladies? I would have expected far better from a high general, but then again," Korak Fallyn paused. "You did ignore my letter."
"I did not require foreign assistance," James scoffed, thinking of his father's reaction to him accepting her help with a smirk.
"It seems you do," Fallyn sighed, watching him turn away. "The palace is preparing for a wedding of a princess why you hide away sulking over a glass of wine. You seemed far more empowered the last time we met. What happened for her to turn away from you?"
James turned to her with narrowed eyes, sipping his wine.
"Now, now. Do not be so cross. I was only jesting. Let us play chess," she smiled.
"I truly am not-"
"Yes you are," Fallyn interrupted with a wave of her hand. She turned towards a servant. "Please bring the chess board over, and me a glass of wine."
"Are you sure a glass of wine is wise?" James smirked.
"It improves my chess play," Fallyn shrugged.
"Ah," James laughed. "However, you forget that I have not consented."
"I have not," Fallyn countered. "It is just you, High General Lessure, do not realize how persistent and driven I am in my quest."
"What is that?" James smiled, leaning back in his chair with both hands cradling his glass in mock intrigue.
"Is it not obvious?" Fallyn mockingly countered, making James shake his head in negation. "It is to educate you upon chess."
"Well," James histrionically sighed. "Then we must play. Bring the board and wine, and please take a seat Korak Fallyn. What color do you choose?"
"I shall be black," Fallyn smiled while taking a seat across from him.
She accepted the glass of wine from the servant. Then sat in silence while a servant situated the chess board for them.
"Well?" James asked, moving a piece.
"Yes?" Fallyn responded, making her own move.
"What of this promised education?" he ventured.
Fallyn took a longer pause than necessary before making her move, casting her eyes sideways at a servant.
"Do not feel any unease. These people are loyal to me," James smiled.
Fallyn relaxed her shoulders slightly and nodded.
"Well High General Lessure, as I see it, there is little difference between a Princess and a pawn, even less between a general and king. In the case of the Princess, she is easily sacrificed, bendable to the wills of others. Yes, more wine. A simple tool for the true game. In the case of a general, he is everything a good king should be. A leader and warrior, with an innate ability to strike fear within enemies. Unfortunately, neither are of true worth until they gain a kingship. This wine is quite a nice year," Fallyn smiled, raising her glass slightly to examine it as James took his turn.
"It is," James nodded, while moving a piece.
"Continuing on, you see High General Lessure, the true power is within the crest. The princess can become a queen to move freely. Her warrior king will do everything in his will to protect her. They will then have the protection of commoners as their pawns, and the army for their rooks and knights. At such a time, the true wars of words and swords can begin," she sighed, flicking his pawn off the table viciously. "It is such a black and white, cliched, truth."
"In your passionate speech, you forgot about the bishops," James noted, examining the board.
"That is simply an elevated pawn," Fallyn shrugged. "A means to control the pawns."
"You have interesting views upon the game," James smiled, while moving his piece.
"It has always been my goal to obtain the Queen," Fallyn whispered.
"Pardon the interruption Korak Fallyn, but it is time for you to prepare for the wedding ceremony," a Preenian guard stated.
James stared at the guard in wonder.
"Were you not part of my guard?" James asked.
Korak Fallyn smirked at the High General as the guard simply stared ahead.
"He does have a very familiar looking face does he not? It is as if he could blend in anywhere," Fallyn smiled, rising from her chair. "Thank you for the wine and game sir."
"Thank you for the education," James replied, kissing her offered hand.
Fallyn nodded, glancing down at the table for a moment before coveting James's Queen from the board.
"Checkmate," she smirked.
"That is illegal," James laughed with an intensity that only increased upon her shrugging dismissal.
Fallyn let the accomplishment tense her muscles until a soft pain was felt from the pressure of her hand upon the Queen. This game was not finished. Every player had not left board, and until her piece was put it in a box, she would continue. There had been far too many preparations already made to be deterred because Princess Amnicity decided to be married. In truth, such actions only expedited her own plans.
"Korak Fallyn," Irina smiled, falling into a quick curtsy. "How fortunate of us to cross paths. I was not aware you were one to love books."
"Suzera Irina, reading is one of my favorite past times. You will quickly learn that when visiting us," Fallyn responded with a small curtsy.
"This will be quite an educational trip," Irina laughed.
"It truly will," Fallyn nodded.
"High General Lessure," Irina curtsied, warily watching James stumble away from them.
"Have you seen my brother yet?" Fallyn quickly inquired, guiding Irina away from the library James exited.
"Not yet," Irina sighed. "It seems that weddings require far more attention to details than one ever anticipates."
"It must be tiring to be so obsessive," Fallyn nodded.
"Perhaps you could suggest a book for me to read to help ease my mind," Irina stated, motioning back towards the library.
Fallyn simply smiled, willing her teeth not to chip.
"There you are sister," Loren sighed. "We sent- ah, no wonder. Suzera Irina, how wonderful to see you in living light."
"It is a delight to see you as well," Irina smiled, curtsying.
Irina could feel her cheeks begin to ache from the forced smiles.
"Are you well?" Loren inquired. "Your aura seems slightly stressed."
"The wedding tires her brother," Fallyn provided, before Irina could respond.
"Ah," Loren nodded. "Well, it shall all pass soon, and then we will be making the lovely journey north. We can heal your spirit with purity and meditation during your stay."
"It sounds delightful," Irina nodded, hoping her voice sounded sincere. "However, I must prepare myself for the wedding."
"Of course," Loren nodded.
The required farewells were passed as quickly as Irina's feet could carry her from the interaction. She should have truly felt more inclined to accept his attentions, Shaed certainly had not improved on his attentions to her. Irina could not deny that there was an element within her, continuing to refuse Konrik Loren's affections in hopes that Shaed would return her affection. She knew it would be far better to be a sensible lady than a romantic one. Romanticism could ruin Zakarus's plans. She would be sensible.
"Pardon me," a maid apologized, bumping into Irina with a vase of flowers.
Now Irina would initiate the characteristic.
Unfortunately, the maid was not of the same mind. In truth, she could not care for gossip at the moment, there was too much to be done for talking. The hall was hardly prepared. Staff had become too distracted with making sure that the flowers were to the standard the late Queen Christaline would have wished. Thus, this maid was left with the lovely task of venturing to replace the, apparently, wilting flowers with fresh ones. It would have been less frustrating if she could have discerned the difference between fresh and wilting with flowers.
Any frustrations were quickly forgotten upon returning with suitably fresh flowers. She was then redirected to preparing the silverware. The monotony of the task left the maid beyond bored. Her only entertainment came when watching the handsome footman berate a younger footman for not setting the chairs in the hall at an adequate distance.
Well, then the dresses began to pass the doorway. Each dress was an ornate art piece for the Princess's wedding. The maid was certain she would become a butterfly if ever placed within one of those dresses. She glanced slightly over her shoulder at a friend before motioning to the door.
"Do you want-tah peek?" she whispered, while glancing to make sure no one was nearby to berate them.
Her friend's quick nod, caused the young maids to quickly cover their giggles while venturing to the doorway.
The dresses were even more beautiful upon closer inspection. A fact that was not completely unexpected.
"He looks handsome," the maid's friend hissed, motioning towards Suzerain Zakarus walking towards them.
"What about the koman?" the maid whispered back, starting when Koman Shaed made eye contact with her. "Oh no!"
The maids quickly threw themselves back into the hall, laughing.
"Get back to work!" a stern voice called.
The maids nodded, hurrying back towards their stations, but not before glancing once more at their future, handsome, king's figure making the journey towards his wedding.
Zakarus did not have time for giggling girls. He had not slept the night before. His mind too preoccupied with the possibility of Princess Amnicity not appearing in the doorway for the wedding due to his harsh actions the previous day. Zakarus had not meant to be so severe, but she could be too entitled at times. And, then, when Shaed provided some detail into what happened right before, he truly felt uneasy.
Irina tried to comfort him, but it was of little use. Instead, Zakarus had to plan for the possibility of Princess Amnicity not marrying him due to him being a complete ass. He did not want Shaed to be put in a place of conflict again. Or perhaps, he was more distressed about the damage Princess Amnicity's refusal could do to him?
"Hasten your steps," Zakarus hisse, refusing to let the question be answered by his mind.
Zakarus chose to ignore whatever curses his cousin whispered below her breath. She had been upset since he, rightfully, interrupted the maids doing her hair. No lady truly needs intricate braids and twirls upon her head. It was only her hair. Irina was not the lady that truly needed to be dazzling tonight.
A stiff nod was passed to the carriage attendant before climbing in and closing the door swiftly behind himself. Irina had to wait another moment for the attendant to reopen the carriage door.
"You could not even wait for me to enter first?" Irina spat, sitting across from him.
Zakarus turned to the window.
"I am here," Irina continued. "You will not be able to ignore me for the entire day."
"That is debatable," Shaed countered, taking his seat.
"Do not even start," Irina hissed, turning to the gentleman sitting beside her.
"What? Do you think he will care about conversing with you once he is wed to Princess Amnicity? It is quite likely his mind will be occupied by upcoming evening he will share with the princess. Perhaps tomorrow morning you can discuss the weather with him like a true member of the court before you off with the Konrik to read auras," Shaed innocently smiled.
"I need silence," Zakarus interrupted. "This lively discussion can continue once I am away from the two of you. You both can end this flirtation until Iri returns from what needs to be done to maintain this fickle power. Right now, I need to prepare for this in silence. We really should have walked. These damned people are so afraid of soiling their clothing. It is ridiculous."
Irina did well to hide her smirk behind a gloved hand. After a moment, she leaned forward towards her cousin to grasp his hand.
"We are proud of you," she smiled, giving his hand a small squeeze. "She will not run away from this wedding."
"And, do not forget these damned, spoiled, people will soon be under your care," Shaed winked.
"I said silence," Zakarus smiled.
The rest of the carriage ride went as Zakarus dictated. Zakarus would have felt more powerful regarding his ability to keep them quiet with an order if the carriage ride wasn't so brief. King Valander had advised him to enjoy the simple victories when ruling this country. Maybe this could be his first one.
Zakarus was shocked the first time King Valander called him to his office. The king offered him a glass of wine, before providing knowledge about being a foreign king. He was not astonished by the King's advice upon displaying strength. Zakarus was intrigued by King Valander's suggestions to provide support for his daughter in her political pursuits. He said by displaying strength as a couple their political conquests would be easier following the marriage. There were too many persons already securing the failure of this union for them to display any weakness.
Zakarus already had thoughts on the first political battle Amnicity and him would face. After the knowledge Irina provided today, her visit north to Preena became even more important. They needed to display strength so that High General Lessure and Korak Fallyn could not harm them.
Unfortunately, none of it mattered if Princess Amnicity did not come to the wedding.
"Zakarus," Irina hissed, starting her cousin.
Irina looked at him pointedly from outside the carriage. Zakarus instantly exited the carriage. Luckily, the doors to the chapel were closed, allowing only the servants a view of their future king's moment of weakness. Well, possible future king, Princess Amnicity needed to arrive and consent to the marriage.
What if she did arrive, but made a show of her denial? The princess was not above such theatrical moments. Her all black attire on his arrival was evidence enough of that.
The walk to the front of the chapel proved to be torturous. His eyes remained ahead to avoid the stares. Zakarus knew there would be some who accepted him without hesitation in order to maintain favor in court. Others would be playing both side to see who would win. Then the others would be waiting for the perfect time to poison him. Those malicious gazes always cut deeper than he expected. Fortunately, maintaining composure within moments of pain was part of his combat education when younger. He would be able to handle this.
Zakarus was wrong. The standing, looking over the crowd of mixed acceptance, afraid of Princess Amnicity not appearing, was not part of his training. He could feel sweat pooling in his armpits as he waited. Zakarus hoped he looked the opposite of his emotions: assured, powerful, commanding. Yet, one lady was beginning to make these feelings unravel before him.
Minutes passed until the sound of gravel being punished by horse hooves and wheels met his ears. Like times before, the appearance of Princess Amnicity caught him unprepared. In the garden, Zakarus had been planning a siege when she happened upon him twice. The first, by his own fault for being so blatant in daylight. The second, by serendipity. Thus, it only seemed natural to see her cheeks redden in better light by requesting an improper dance. Everything about their union would seem improper to others, and surreal to him. How did he manage this? He needed to regain control.
Zakarus was sure there were many things that occurred between the moment those doors opened and she stood by his side. In the plans, there was to be her announcement to the chapel, music, and measured steps. He could not recall, because the suzerain was still in shock that she came. Zakarus was to become king, but most importantly, she materialized before him once again. Princess Amnicity was to be his queen.
Zakarus's eyes moved towards her wrists. He could not tell if there was bruising from yesterday since she had decided to wear gloves. It was a safe choice. He would make sure to be gentle when leading her in dances later.
Zakarus continued to steady himself. He needed to remember King Valander's dictations of presenting an image of power to his subjects and enemies. This would be the time to begin such an impression. Thus, Zakarus refocused upon the needed actions and words to marry Amnicity, the silly woman from the garden.
Then, he kissed her.
And that is the end of the first book. I hope y'all enjoyed it, and thank you for reading :)
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