Part 69
Mark moved closer to Jack's side as they inched closer to them. The young woman was dressed in blue mage robes with the circular braided metal clasp on her right shoulder, indicating her Master rank. The young woman shifted from foot to foot, her tone becoming defensive as she told the tall Thalmor man before her. "I believe I made myself rather clear". The tall Thalmor man placed his fisted hands on his waist, retorting back with civil distaste. "Yes, Of course. I'm simply trying to understand the reasoning behind the decision". The young woman straightened up to cross her arms over her chest, stating out firmly. "You may be used to the Empire bowing to your every whim, but I'm afraid you'll find the Thalmor receive no special treatment from us. You are a guest of the college, here at the pleasure of the Arch-mage. I hope you appreciate the opportunity".
The Thalmor man's bright yellow eyes flicked over to Jack for a moment, then went back to staring at the young woman as he dryly replied. "Yes, Of course. The Arch-mage has my thanks". The young woman gave the Thalmor man a brief nod, gesturing for him to move on as she told him a bit coldly. "Very good. Than we're done here". The Thalmor man brushed his long straight white hair off his shoulder, before storming off through the courtyard with a sour expression. Jack cautiously approached the young woman, asking curiously. "Are you Mirabelle Ervine"? Mirabelle looked him over quickly, then stated lightly. "I am. Can I help you"? Jack straightened up, proudly stating. "I'm Jack Mcloughlin. I was told to see you". Mirabelle pulled a book from the folds of her robes, flipping through a few pages and skimming the names.
Her finger stopped on his name and she looked up with a smile, telling him cheerfully. "The transfer student? Welcome to the college. I trust your journey was a safe one. I'm surprised how many new students there are lately. I will give you a brief tour when you are ready". Jack glanced to Mark who nodded and Mirabelle, closed her book to say excitedly. "Wonderful. Please follow me and don't wonder off". Mirabelle pointed to the large wooden doors behind them, stating aloud. "Behind you is the Hall of Elements. Inside, you will find the hall where your lessons will be taught as well as the Arcannaeum and Arch-mage quarters". Mark raised an eyebrow, asking confused. "The Arcannaeum"? Mirabelle blinked at him unsure what he was asking her. So, Jack answered with a small smirk. "The library". Mark nodded with understanding, mumbling out bluntly. "Why didn't you just say that"? Mirabelle shook her head to rid her mind of the interruption.
She turned on her heel then, saying swiftly. "Now if you will follow me, I will show you to your living quarters". She lead them back to the entrance pointing to a stone door on the left side of the gate, telling them simply. "Over there in that tower is the Hall of Countenance. That is where your professors stay". Mirabelle continued to walk over toward the door off to the entrances right, adding in warmly. "While here in this tower is the Hall of Attainment. Here, is where you will be staying. All of our newest members are housed here". Mirabelle stopped to open the door, telling them in a softer voice. "I'll ask that you please keep your voices down while inside. As students might be working on research... or delicate experiments". They followed her inside the tower and Jack took it all in. The tower was large and circular with rooms built around that same magical well that served as a vast light to every floor.
Jack could see a Khajiit student through his open bedroom door, working on a scroll over his bed. The scroll seemed to glow and crackle like lightening as he drew a symbol on it from another open book. As Jack watched, the Khajiit man's tail flicked suddenly unsettled and his eyes went wide before a spark shot up his quill. The Khajiit let out a yelp, dropping the quill and launching off the bed as the scroll caught fire. A young thin nord mage, dashed from his open room door to shot a mass of frost at the scroll, shouting out a bit terrified. "J'zargo! Where is your water bucket"! J'zargo waved dismissive hands at the mage, telling him in a thick Elsweyr accent. "J'zargo is fine! Look what you did to J'zargo's scrolls"! The mage lowered his hands, snapping back. "What 'I' did?! By the nine, are you trying to burn us to death you crazy Khajiit"! The mage let out a nervous chuckle and J'zargo joined him in it.
Mark nudged Jack's arm, mumbling out bluntly. "You were never that bad, were you"? Jack winced, mumbling back reluctantly. "No... The Arch-mage's cat was always hairless". Mark didn't bother suppressing his throaty chuckle. Mirabelle stepped inside a room to their right, clearing her throat to draw Jack's attention enough to tell him. "This is where you will be staying. This bed, desk and wardrobe are yours. Please try to be considerate of the others". Jack nodded, even though he was pretty sure that the others were the dangerous ones. Mirabelle opened up his large wardrobe doors, gesturing to the robes inside as she told him sweetly. "Every new student starts with these. While you are not required to wear them, you may find them more comfortable. Each of these robes represent a different school of magic. They are enchanted and designed to help you in which ever school you may be struggling with. You have a robe for Restoration, Conjuration, Alteration, Illusion, Destruction, Alchemy, and Necromancy".
Mark let out a low whistle, mumbling out to Jack curiously. "No wonder it took you so long. I image there is a lot to learn from each one". Jack gave Mark an acknowledging smirk, when Mirabelle asked Mark curiously. "I'm sorry. I didn't catch your name? Why are you here"? Mark pointed to Jack, stating out in a smug tone. "I'm here to help him settle in". Mirabelle's eyes turned cold, answering just as icily. "I see. Well, I hope you don't plan to stay. I'm afraid you'd only be a distraction for those here to learn". Jack heard Mark crack his knuckles and quickly intervened to say. "He knows that. But as my husband, he worries about me. These are dark times. With the war, and the Nords distrust of mages, and even the sudden return of dragons. I just felt safer having him with me". Mirabelle's mood lightened back up as she expressed to him sympathetically. "I understand. These are troubled times. You have nothing to fear here though. The college is perfectly safe".
Mark leaned back against the doorframe, rolling his eyes as he crossed his arms, saying boldly. "In my experience, when someone says that there is cause to worry". Mirabelle squeezed passed them, replying just as boldly. "This is an Arcane College. We can handle pretty much everything and we have the greatest security in place. I can assure you. Nothing bad ever happens here". Mark shot her a sarcastic look, pointing across the hall to J'zargo's room, stating dryly. "Really? Cause I see a few hazards already". Mirabelle rolled her eyes, turning her attention back on Jack as she calmly informed him. "I'm afraid with the recent war, our professors are a bit short handed. So, your lessons haven't started yet. Feel free to stay here and perhaps use this time to get a head start on some of your other projects or studies. The Arcannaeum is always open. When your professor returns, we will notify you".
Mirabelle flashed Jack a warm smile, then as her eyes fell on Mark, her smile vanished and she walked away without another word. Mark watched her go, then told Jack with a smirk. "I think I got under her skin. What do you think"? Jack gestured him to get in the room and closed the door, before answering softly. "I think you enjoy being a pain in my arse". Mark took Jack's wrist pulling him closer to whisper into his ear. "Just a bit. I am simply trying to look out for you, as you said". Jack shook his head, feeling his cheeks flush as he mumbled out. "We should head over to the Arcannaeum to find information on the Elder Scrolls". Mark's hand slid around his waist, unclasping his sword belt and purring out in a deep voice as it clattered to the floor. "You know what I think"? Jack shook his head, unable to focus on anything except for Mark's cool breath on his neck.
Mark took hold of his waist, turning him and inching him back toward the bed as he huskily uttered over his throat. "I think we should get some rest. We had a rough night last night... and we could use the time to relax and start fresh". Jack's legs hit the edge of the bed, causing him to stumble back across it. Sitting up, he raised a hand to Mark's chest to stop him, shakily stammering out. "Wait... Mark, I'm not tired. Honestly... Let's just go". Mark unbuckled the clasp of his breastplate, lowering it to the floor slowly. Jack turned his eyes away from Mark's bare chest with a darker blush forming across his face and up his ears. Mark's fingers unclasped Jack's black cloak, his fingers lingering after to pull down the collar of Jack's green tunic. Jack's eyes fell to watch Mark's fingers lightly touch the healing cut he had suffered last night and licked his dry lips nervously.
Mark pressed his forehead to Jack's, their long bangs mixing dark brown with bright green. Jack wasn't afraid of Mark, but Mark was clearly picking up on what he was afraid of. Mark's voice turned buttery and warm as he told him tenderly. "Jack... Don't pretend that last night didn't rattle you. You're exhausted. I can see it in your eyes. You need to sleep... and we've got a nice bed right here". Jack shock his head. He didn't want to sleep. Even as tired as he was, he could barely stand to close his eyes in a room. Mark rested his hands on the bed, leaning in to kiss his neck sweetly. Jack put his hand back to Mark's chest, almost whining out. "Let's just get this information and then we can sleep outside under the stars"? Mark shook his head, muttering out across his neck. "I'm not going to let you fear a bedroom. We both need this". Jack tried to shake his head again, but this time Mark pressed his lips to his in a gently kiss.
The kiss cut off the thoughts swirling in his mind. Allowing him to become lost in it. Jack barely noticed Mark removing bits of their clothing as he coaxed him back across the bed and crawled over him. When their clothes were finally gone and scattered about the room, Mark kissed Jack's healing scar. Jack moaned softly, loving the feeling of Mark's warm lips on his skin. Afterward, Mark shifted to spoon against him on the small bed, wrapping his arms around Jack's waist and whispering over his shoulder. "You're going to make me stay up again, aren't you"? Jack chuckled quietly to himself. He had started thinking about faking it and sneaking out. Mark playfully bit his shoulder, his hand moving to slowly drifting down along Jack's bare thigh. Jack bit his lower lip, enjoying the tingling feelings that gave him.
Mark continued to stroke his thigh from hip to knee, while snuggling closer to nibble on the point of his ear. He couldn't deny how good it felt... Or how it was making Mark feel. Jack's body responded to Mark's hardening cock that was pressed firmly against his ass. It was instinctual. Although, it killed him that as hard as Mark was... he wasn't advancing! Instead, it forced his own desire to take action. Taking Mark's stroking wrist, Jack moved Mark's hand up his leg and then down across his waist to his growing hard on. Mark smiled against his neck, kissing his neck as his fingers curled around his shaft. Jack moaned, arching back into Mark and setting himself up to have his mouth covered by Mark's other hand. Jack held onto Mark's arm, keeping his hand over his mouth. He couldn't resist moaning to Mark's sinful strokes. His body loved the way Mark handled him.
Mark suckled on a spot on his shoulder, grazing his teeth lightly over his flesh to make a shiver race down his spine. Jack's tense muscles, tensed up even more now that Mark was slipping a leg between his to fondle him better. Jack kissed Mark's hand uncontrollably, completely overtaken by the desire to get off. Jack shifted to spread his leg over Mark's. He wanted to give Mark all the room he needed to finish him off. Mark responded with faster strokes that had Jack gripping the edge of his orgasm. He could feel it building within him as his muscles locked up and he arched back against Mark's chest. He could barely breathe or feel anything as his hot sperm sprayed out across his stomach. The satisfaction of finally releasing all the built up pressure, leaving him in a pulsing wave and a loud muffled moan. As the pulsing wave hit Mark, his grip tightening on him for a moment and a warm wet sensation shot up his back.
When Mark released him, Jack weakly looked around the room. The pulse he had sent out seemed more controlled. No glass broke and everything appeared to be safe. Weakly collapsing back down, he sleepily told Mark breathlessly. "Thank you, Mark. I needed that". Mark kissed his shoulder lovingly, whispering out just as breathlessly. "You're welcome. I think you're getting more control over your intense orgasms". Jack mumbled out a simple 'Mmhmm', before drifting off to sleep. He couldn't help it. All his energy was spent and the bed did feel so much better than the back of Agro. He was having such a pleasant dream about sitting on a boat with Mark on a lake by their cabin home. They were fishing and laughing about nothing, when the sky suddenly turned dark and Mark vanished. All around the boat the water began to stir up like something was swimming just beneath the glassy surface.
Jack stood up on the boat to see a dark shadow swirl into something on the water. The Akaviri symbol for dragonborn. The shadowy symbol suddenly turned to gold and above him a dark sun descended toward him. The dark sun looked watery like black oil or ink. The dark sun's long tendrils stretching out to surround the boat as a mass of large eyeballs opened in its center. Jack swallowed back his nervous uncertainty, staring blankly at the mass of eyes. Was he suppose to be afraid? Was this warning him about something on the horizon? He wasn't sure he wanted to know. To Be Continued...
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