Part 65
Mark finished drawing his sword, starting to run for the dragon. Paarthurnax simply turned his head to look and Jack found himself calling out to both of them. "WAIT"! Mark stopped a foot or two from Paarthurnax, but still kept his sword raised. Jack lowered his hands as Paarthurnax's eyes found his. In a semi-worried voice, Jack asked him curiously. "You're the Master of the Greybeards"? Paarthurnax bowed his head respectfully and then told them. "What brings you to my strunmah... My mountain"? Jack raised an eyebrow, suspiciously asking. "Didn't you call me up here? Send me those visions of the archway"? Paarthurnax smirked, revealing sharp white teeth as he answered softly. "Yes. Vahzah. You speak true, Dovahkiin. Forgive me. It has been long since I held tinvaak with a stranger. I gave in to the temptation to prolong our speech".
Jack felt a bit bad for him. So, to encourage him to talk a bit more, Jack asked him respectfully. "Why live alone on a mountain if you love conversation"? Paarthurnax lowered his massive head toward Jack, answering in a knowledgeable voice. "Evenaar bahlok. There are many hungers it is better to deny than to feed. Dreh ni nahkip. Discipline against the lesser aids in gahnaar... denial of the greater. Tell me: Why do you come here, Volaan? Why do you intrude on my meditation"? Jack held his breath. He felt really nervous about having a dragon's massive jaws so close to him. He didn't want to get eaten for giving the wrong answer. He also didn't want to step back and appear rude if this was normal behavior. Straightening up his shoulders confidently, he nervously told Paarthurnax. "I need to learn the Dragonrend Shout. Can you teach me"?
Paarthurnax lifted his head up to his full height, purring out warmly. "Drem. Patience. There are familiarities which must be observed at the first meeting of two of the Dov". Paarthurnax glanced in Mark's direction, then at the word wall. Giving a brilliant white smile of glee, he told Jack excitedly. "By long tradition, the Elder speaks first. Here my Thu'um! Feel it in your bones. Match it, if you are Dovahkiin"! Paarthurnax jerked his head to the side and Jack moved closer to Mark's side away from the word wall. Once he was clear, Paarthurnax took a deep breath and arched his body like a hissing cat, before shouting out. "Yol...Toor... Shul"! From his open jaws a mass of blazing white hot flames erupted out against the stone word wall. He didn't do it for very long, before he cut the flames and closed his massive jaws.
Jack watched the word wall ripple with heated steam. He could barely believe he was talking to a dragon... Let alone watching it preform something so powerful without being on the receiving end. Paarthurnax gestured to the wall with his large wing, telling him warm and inviting. "Dovahkiin, you try it now". Jack moved closer to the wall, seeing a set of dragon runes burning on the word wall. Staring at it, he committed it to memory. A Shout for fire breath. Jack looked over his shoulder at Paarthurnax with a grin. He was going to be able to spew fire too?! That made him eager to try it. Behind him, Paarthurnax told him happily. "A gift, Dovahkiin. Yol. Understand fire as the Dov do". Jack turned to face him as the knowledge for the new Shout streamed from Paarthurnax into himself. It was a much stronger understanding than any of the dragon souls in him knew. He wondered exactly how long Paarthurnax had been alive and how strong he actually was.
Paarthurnax lowered his massive head down to his level again. This time telling him with a toothy grin. "Now, Show me what you can do. Greet me not as Man, but as Dovah". Jack hesitated for a moment. How was he suppose to greet him? Jack looked to Mark, who shrugged at him. Paarthurnax sensed his hesitation and told him soothingly. "Come, Dovahkiin. Nin Yol. Strike me with the fire of your Thu'um. It is alright. You will not hurt me". Jack took a deep weary breath to conjure up the strength for it. He was going to do what he said. Belting out the Shout loud and clear, he watched a burst of flames ripple up Paarthurnax's massive head. The flames rippled over his white scales like water over rocks. It didn't even scorch him. Paarthurnax closed his eyes, tilting his head up to the sky as he happily spouted out. "Aah... Yes! Sossedov los mul. The dragon blood runs strong in you. It is long since I had the pleasure of speech with one of my own kind".
Mark shuffled his feet uncomfortably, mumbling out a little too loud. "Oh, great. He's into some kinky stuff". Jack kicked a patch of snow at Mark, hoping Paarthurnax had been isolated too long by monks to know what Mark had meant. Paarthurnax tilted his head confused, but told Jack proudly. "So, you have made your way here to me. No easy task for a joor... mortal. Even for one of Dovah Sos. Dragon blood". Mark crossed his arms, grumbling out playfully. "Ya, well... This mortal made it just fine. Thank you. You're lucky too. If I hadn't come along, Jack would have never come up here. That bridge was his-". Jack kicked up more snow at Mark, shouting out embarrassed. "Mark! Hush"! Paarthurnax gave a deep throaty chuckle that made Jack blush a deep red. He was sure Paarthurnax might have seen... or heard it. Paarthurnax even confirmed it when he commented lightly. "I have forgotten the brazen nature of Bron Sahsunaar... Nord villagers. To have a mul kendov... strong warrior at your side is wise".
Mark sheathed his sword, adding proudly. "He's my lover". Jack dropped his head into his hand, groaning in even more embarrassment. The one dragon he could actually talk to... and Mark was being territorial with him. Was Mark really jealous of a dragon, right now? Paarthurnax nodded with a softer chuckle, before asking Jack formally. "What would you ask of me, Dovahkiin"? Jack lowered his hand from his face, asking politely. "Can you teach me the Dragonrend Shout"? Paarthurnax looked away into the distance, stating very grimly. "Ah. I have expected you. Prodah. You would not come all this way for tinvaak with an old Dov. No. You seek your weapon against Alduin". Jack thought he might have insulted him. Stepping closer, he tried to bring back Paarthurnax's attention by saying lightly. "I'm sorry. I'd love to talk with you more... It's just that... Time is not on my side right now. The Greybeard's didn't want me to come at all".
Paarthurnax's smirk was weaker this time, but his head turned back to look at him as he answered solemnly. "Hmm. Yes. They are very protective of me. Bahlaan Fahdonne. But I do not have the Thu'um you seek. Krosis. It cannot be known to me. Your kind - Joorre - Mortals - created it as a weapon against the dov... The dragons. Our hadrimme, our minds cannot even... Comprehend its concepts". Mark groaned loudly and turned away with defeat, grumbling out. "Of course. There is always something". Jack shrugged, asking Paarthurnax hopefully. "How can I learn it, then? There must be a way"? Paarthurnax's voice became haunting as he slightly turned his head to look him over with a questionable bright icy blue eye, stating curiously. "Drem. Patience. All in good time. First, a question for you. Why do you want to learn this Thu'um"?
Mark threw his hands up in the air, snapping back annoyed. "To kill Alduin! We are going around in circles"! Paarthurnax ignored Mark's outburst. His eye was locked on Jack intently. Analyzing every one of his gestures. Jack's heart pulsed sadly and he realized why Paarthurnax had asked this. He was afraid to give this knowledge to a person who would kill his kin... possibly even him as so many dragonborns had done before him. Jack raised a hand to touch Paarthurnax's large nose, feeling the cold hard scales and the warm puffs of his breath from his large nostril. Paarthurnax flinched a little from the contact, but let him keep his hand there. Staring into his eye, Jack told Paarthurnax sincerely and respectfully. "I like this world. I don't want it to end. Alduin will destroy everything if I don't find a way to stop him. He's intimidating other dov to attack. If I stop him... I stop all the evil that he's causing. The dovahkiin is suppose to mediate between the dov and joorre. I don't want to hurt your kind anymore than I have too. Please"?
Paarthurnax closed his eye, letting Jack's hand brush along his nose for a moment. Sniffing his hand, before he lifted his head high to proudly say. "Prozah. As good a reason as any. There are many who feel as you do. Although, not all. Some would say that all things must end, so that the next can come to pass. Perhaps this world is simply the egg of the next kalpa? Lein Volkiin? Would you stop the next world from being born"? Jack glanced around the snowy mountain, until his eyes stopped on Mark. Jack had thought for a brief moment that maybe he should step aside and let the world end... The new world might be better... but the second his eyes found Mark that feeling was replaced with a blazing passion. The future was always unknown... and Mark was here now. Looking up at Paarthurnax, he boldly answered. "The next world will have to take care of itself, Paarthurnax. We don't know what our future holds, but I won't let it be said that we didn't fight for a chance to make something better. Nobody knows what the future truly holds, because it is constantly changing with our everyday choices. There are people out there that need help. That can't fight this battle on their own. I'm fighting for them. I have the power to make a difference... and I choose to help THIS world... Or die trying".
Paarthurnax smiled warmly, saying in a deep proud resonating voice. "Paaz. A fair answer. Ro Fus... Maybe you only balance the forces that work to quicken the end of this world. Even we who ride the currents of time cannot see past time's end. Wuldsetiid los tahrodiis. Those who try to hasten the end, may only delay it. Those who work to delay the end, may bring it closer. But you have indulged my weakness for speech long enough. Krosis. Now I will answer your question. Do you know why I live here at the peak of the Monahven? What you name the Throat of the World"? Mark strolled over to Jack, while Jack thought about it for a moment. Jack didn't get the chance to answer, before Mark answered a bit sarcastically. "No. Dragons like mountains, right"? Paarthurnax actually let out a hearty laugh, before calming enough to say with an amused smile. "True. But few now remember that this was the very spot where Alduin was defeated by the ancient Tongues. Vahrukt unslaad... Perhaps none but me now remember how he was defeated".
Mark gave Paarthurnax a simple shrug, stating aloud. "He was defeated using the Dragonrend Shout, right"? Jack thought about the vampire witch in the woods. Recalling how she had said that the Shout he sought wasn't a Shout to kill dragons. He didn't get the chance to relay it, because Paarthurnax answered swiftly. "Yes and no. Viik nuz ni kron. Alduin was not truly defeated, either. If he was, you would not be here today, seeking to... defeat him. The Nords of those days used the Dragonrend Shout to cripple Alduin. But this was not enough. Ok mulaag unslaad. It was the Kel - the Elder Scroll. They used it to... cast him adrift on the currents of Time". Jack felt like all the air had left his lungs. An Elder Scroll? First Dragons and now... He might have to find the legendary Elder Scrolls? He thought he just might pass out. Mark glanced between the two of them, asking bluntly. "Clearly, I am out of the loop. An Elder Scroll? What's that"?
Paarthurnax scrunched up his face in confusion, mumbling out a bit uncertain. "Hmm. How to explain in your tongue? The dov have words for such things that joorre do not. It is an... artifact from outside time. It does not exist, but it has always existed. Rah wahlaan. They are... Hmm... Fragments of creation. The kelle... Elder Scrolls, as you name them, they have often been used for prophecy. Yes, the Dragonborn prophecy comes from an Elder Scroll. But this is only a small part of their power. Zofaas suleyk". Jack regained his breath and his voice, asking Paarthurnax breathlessly. "Are you saying the ancient Nords sent Alduin forward in time"?! Paarthurnax rolled his shoulders in a kind of uneasy shrug, before answering casually. "Not intentionally. Some hoped that he would be gone forever, forever lost. Meyye. I knew better. Tiid bo amativ. Time flows ever onward. One day he would surface. Which is why I have lived here. For thousands of mortal years I have waited. I knew where he would emerge, but not when".
Jack placed his hands on his waist, asking a bit bluntly. "How does any of this help me"? Paarthurnax gestured around them with his wings, stating out calmly. "Tiid krent. Time was... Shattered here because of what the ancient Nords did to Alduin. If you brought that kel, the Elder Scroll back here... To the Tiid-Ahraan - The Time-Wound... With the Elder Scroll that was used to break Time, you may be able to... Cast yourself back. To the other end of the break. You could learn Dragonrend from those who created it". Mark ran a hand through his snow sprinkled hair, mumbling out. "Oh, I don't like where this is going". Jack had heard about the Elder Scrolls in the Mage guild... but he couldn't recall any being easy to find. Raising his hands in surrender, he asked Paarthurnax a bit deflated. "Do you know where I can find the Elder Scroll that they used"?
Paarthurnax restlessly swept his long tail over the snow and hunched his shoulders, when he answered sadly. "Krosis. No. I know little of what has passed below in the long years I have lived here. You are likely better informed than I". Jack crossed his arms over his chest, stating mostly to himself in an undertone. "Hmm. Esbern or Arngeir might have an idea". Paarthurnax straightened up to his full height, expressing to him seriously. "Trust your instincts, Dovahkiin. Your blood will show you the way". Jack nodded, starting to walk away as he slipped deeper into thought. He jumped in surprise, when Mark grabbed his shoulder to stop him, telling him playfully. "Jackaboy... Weren't you going to ask him about Miraak"? Jack blinked and quickly turned back around. Mark chuckled, kissing Jack's cheek briefly and nudging him back toward Paarthurnax. Jack raised a finger to Paarthurnax, asking tenderly. "I almost forgot. We encountered this man named-". Paarthurnax's voice turned into a deep menacing growl as he cut Jack off to finish. "Miraak. I know of this traitor. Although, I fear that is a matter for another time. You must retrieve the kel - the Elder Scroll. As you say... Time is against us". To Be Continued...
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