Part 62
Mark stepped closer to the table, looking from Jack to the sword. Jack put a hesitant hand on Mark's chest. He didn't want Mark to get too close to it. Mark placed a warm hand over his, holding it against his warm chest. Jack's breath caught in his throat as Mark took hold of Dragonbane's hilt and lifted it carefully off the wooden stand. Jack watched the light glint off the blade and tried to step back, but Mark kept his hand firmly against his chest. Mark extended the blade out for Jack to take and Jack shook his head. He didn't want it. Mark lowered the blade toward the floor, telling Jack soothingly. "Jack, It's just a sword. It is only as evil as the person who wields. It can't harm anyone on its own". Jack glanced down at the sword, mumbling out. "Mark... It's a dragon killer... I can't-". Mark curled the blade back along his arm as he held out the hilt for Jack to take, saying seriously. "So it is. Just like any weapon you carry, Jack. It's not just about the lives you take with it, but the ones you spare".
Jack started to reach for it. Only to hesitate moments before his fingers touched it. He could feel the powerful enchantment pulsing from the blade. It was entirely built to cut into a dragons hide like a hot knife through butter. Mark pulled Jack's hand up off his chest to kiss the back of it, whispering to him tenderly. "Akatosh wants you to have it, Jack. He wouldn't have lead you here, if you couldn't control the power of it. Take it. Even if you never use it. Keep it from those that would for the wrong reasons. Do you understand"? Jack glanced back at the doorway, listening to Delphine disagree with Esbern about something. Mark had a point. If he didn't take it... Delphine would and he doubted that she'd hesitate to use it on every dragon she came across.
Turning his eyes back on the hilt, Jack took a deep breath and wrapped his fingers around the handle. His fingers brushed over Mark's as he took ahold of it, filling him with reassurance. Even the fear of the dragon souls within him seemed to calm down. Looking into Mark's eyes, he told him seriously. "I see your point. I guess, it is safer with us". Mark released his grip on the blade, putting his hand on Jack's shoulder, replying warmly. "It's safer with you. I'll just help you carry it, when the burden gets too great". Mark squeezed his shoulder then, leaning into him a bit. "Come on. Let's find a place to get some sleep. We got a long day ahead of us tomorrow". Jack followed Mark up the stone steps of the temple to the second floor. Exploring around in the dark halls until they came across what appeared to be an old barracks room.
The room was circular with straw cots spread out along the rounded walls. Each cot had a chest at the foot of the bed. Mark even opened a few and found that some were even still filled with armor and supplies. Jack closed the lid to a chest that Mark was holding open. Mark looked up at him questionably, but Jack just shifted uncomfortably. This place made him feel... restless. He didn't know what kind of people these 'Akaviri' were. Were they whipped out? Or did they move on after they lost their Dragonborn? These questions haunted him. His cautious nature was getting the best of him. Mark dropped his travel bag on top of the chest, before cupping Jack's shoulders. Jack couldn't look him in the eyes. He felt silly for being so paranoid. Some 'mighty Dragonborn' he was.
Mark's arms slid down his arms to his wrists, while pressing his lips to the tips of his ear. Jack flinched with a smirk. The sensation tickled a little. Mark pulled him closer, nibbling on the slight point of his ear playfully. Jack tried to lightly resist it, but he loved the warm feeling that poured into him. After his brief nibble, Mark whispered lovingly into his ear with a deep purring voice. "Don't get lost in that head of yours, Jack. I can't follow you there. Stay out here with me". Jack stepped in to lean into Mark's warm chest, resting his head on Mark's shoulder. Mark's arms wrapped around him in a protective embrace that calmed Jack's racing thoughts. For a long moment, Mark just held him close. Then Jack felt Mark pulling at the straps of his iron armor, letting the pieces fall heavily to the stone floor.
Jack leaned back to let the chest plate fall. Mark stood very still, waiting for him to give him a sign. Jack exhaled his fears and began to unstrap his own leather gauntlets. Jack's fingers then fumbled with his sword belt anxiously. He knew from the look on Mark's face what he wanted. He wasn't sure he could do that... here. However, he wanted to try. He just hoped that it would be enough to help him sleep after. His mind was too active otherwise. So much so, that even now he struggled to focus on unbuckling a damn belt! Mark stopped his hands, moving them away from the belt buckle. With little effort, Mark loosened it and let it fall to their feet. Mark's eyes never left his as his hands moved up his chest to unhook his black cloak, telling him with a slight smile. "You can be so hopeless sometimes. What would you do without me"?
Jack closed his eyes, feeling Mark's warm hands push his cloak over his shoulders. When he opened his eyes again, he looked into Mark's eyes, answering in a whisper. "I can't live without you". Mark gave a deep throated chuckle, before putting his forehead to Jack's and whispering back sweetly. "I hope you would, cause I'll always be with you". Jack wrapped his arms around Mark's neck, burying his face into Mark's neck. He didn't want to think anymore. He just wanted to feel. Mark picked him up, walking over to the nearest bed. As Mark laid him back against it, the bed puffed out a swirl of dust into the air. Mark coughed loudly, saying a bit strained. "Well, it's still better than the cold stone floor". Mark then placed a hand to Jack's cheek, starting to lean in to kiss him.
Jack stopped him by touching his fingers to Mark's soft lips. Mark stopped giving him a look of confusion. So, Jack moved his hands to Mark's muscular arms, stating very calmly. "Hang on... I...". Jack's grip tightened on Mark's arms as he turned his head away and let out a soft but abrupt sneeze. Mark adjusted over him, pulling one of Jack's knees up against his hip, when he leaned into his neck to purr out lustfully. "Aww, you poor boy". Jack giggled, his legs tensing at Mark's sides. Mark's beard tickled his neck and his voice gave him goosebumps. Jack's hands drifted up under the sleeves of Mark's tunic, holding him in place. Not that he needed too. Mark wasn't going anywhere. Mark's warm hand slipped under his shirt, his fingers sliding up his spine as he whispered against Jack's ear. "Turn out the light, Jack".
Jack grinned and snapped his fingers, cutting the spell to his candlelight. The whole room fell into a pitch black darkness and Jack gasped at how sensitive his body became to Mark's every touch. The experience was breathtaking and his body tingled long afterward. By morning, Jack was awaken by Mark brushing his bangs back and kissing his bare shoulder. Jack groaned softly as his response. He wanted to sleep more. What time had they gone to bed last night? Mark kissed his shoulder again, telling him reluctantly. "Time to get up, Jack. We gotta get out on the road". The bed creaked as Mark climbed out of the bed, causing Jack to shiver a little at the cold air that licked up his backside. Mark patted his pale bare ass, saying much more awake than him. "Jackaboy! Don't make me get the bucket".
Jack turned over, waving him away. His ass hurt enough without Mark smacking it. He just wanted to sleep another hour or two. For a bit, Jack thought that Mark respected his wishes... Until he heard a soft sloshing over him. Jack squinted up at the annoying noise, groggily snipping out to Mark. "Don't you dare. I will murder you". Mark sloshed the bucket of water over him, playfully stating out. "I'm counting to three, Jack. And if you aren't sitting up by then... Prepare for a cold shower". Jack raised a sleepy hand to touch Mark's clothed stomach. Mark wasn't fazed as he started to count aloud. "One... Two...". Jack groaned, forcing himself to sit up. Mark chuckled, lowering a hand off the bucket to fuss with his static-stricken green hair. Jack batted Mark's hand out of his hair, grumbling out. "Alright... I'm up. Where's my coffee"?
Mark started to lower the bucket, when Delphine entered into the doorway. She started to say something about them possibly joining them for breakfast... When a loud 'Splash' cut her off. Jack spit water and shivered from the cold shock to his system. Mark lowered the empty bucket to block Jack's exposed lower half, biting his lower lip nervously. Jack held the bucket between his legs with one hand and brushed his wet bangs out of his eyes with the other. Mark took a cautious step backward, mumbling out to Jack uneasily. "Sorry... I was... She startled me". Delphine cleared her throat loudly, asking a bit too bluntly. "Boys? About breakfast? We could use your help". Mark ignored her, his attention completely on Jack. Jack stroked the water off his face, leaning on the bucket between his legs as he told her fully awake and a bit bitter. "Sorry. I'm afraid we need to get out on the road, if you want your answers in a timely manner".
Delphine nodded, replying confidently. "You're right. I'll prepare some rations for your journey back". Delphine turned on her heel and Jack waited until she was out of sight to look up at Mark. Mark shifted uncomfortably, mumbling out innocently. "It was an accident. I swear". Jack climbed to his feet, dropping the bucket to the floor. Stretching, Jack groaned out. "Sure... I was going to rinse off the dust anyway". Mark crept up to kiss him briefly. Jack's body was too cold now to really enjoy the sweet kiss, but he loved it just the same. Mark pulled a towel off the end of the bed, starting to dry his fine chest hair with a smile. Jack shoved him away playfully, but accepted the towel to dry himself down. Once he finished, he quickly got dressed and gathered up their stuff. The last thing he picked up was Dragonbane.
He didn't feel like wearing it out. So, he decided to carry it out and attach it to Agro's saddle later. Together they walked down the steps to find Esbern sitting at the table. He was carefully looking over a piece of Blade armor, when he looked up to greet them warmly. Mark greeted him back as Delphine brought a wrap with dried meat over to Jack. Jack sat his bag down to open it for her to put the jerky in, when her eyes fell upon the blade in his hand. She set the wrap of jerky into his bag without looking, asking curiously. "Jack? That blade... Where did you get it"? Jack gestured to the small armory by the stairs, answering a bit reluctantly. "Over there". Delphine started to reach out for it, but Jack pulled it back to keep it from her. He wasn't sure he should allow anyone to touch it.
Esbern climbed from his seat, walking over as Delphine told Jack in awe. "That's Dragonbane. I thought it was just a legend. I didn't think it was real". Esbern gestured with his hands for Jack to hold it out for him to see clearly. Jack shot a quick glance at Mark, who grabbed his sword hilt. Jack's grip on the blade tightened, but he lifted it out in front of himself to show them. Esbern didn't touch it. He simply moved closer, mumbling out to himself. "Black leather strapped hilt... A coiled brass serpent guard... and crafted from quicksilver ore. How extraordinary. A fine blade". Delphine started to reach out to take it, when Jack pulled it back, stating out quickly. "We need to be going now". Jack didn't wait for a response, he just started to walk around them with his bag.
He had just made it to the stairs leading back out toward the tunnels, when Delphine asked Esbern a bit shortly. "Should we just let him take that? That sword is-". Jack turned to look at them, watching Esbern cut her off with the raising of his hand. After a moment of silence, Esbern told them all seriously. "Dragonbane is a dangerous blade. Not just to dragons, but to man as well. It was forged for the first Dragonborn and it belongs in the hands of only a Dragonborn. I'd go so far as to say that... Dragonbane wasn't lost over the last few centuries... but simply has been waiting for the right time to appear again". Delphine looked like she wanted to say something, but let it go. Jack nodded to Esbern, before turning to walk out of the Temple.
Once they were outside and far from their eyes and ears, Mark mounted up onto Tim, curiously stating out. "I don't disagree with Esbern. That is an edge that no Dragonborn before you has had. Not even Miraak. I'd bet that blade was waiting for a worthy Dragonborn". Jack finished tying his bag to Agro's saddle, rolling his eyes as he mounted up, saying sourly. "I'm not worthy of it. I don't like taking lives. Especially, one as knowledgeable as a dragon". Jack turned Agro around, while Mark told him in a proud confident voice. "Maybe that is exactly what makes you worthy of it. Did you ever think of that"? Jack stopped Agro to think about that as Mark took the lead. Jack met Mark's eyes as he passed, listening to Mark add in with a smirk. "Only a madman seeks out war. A Wiseman seeks a solution. Having a good heart makes you worthy, Jack. It will allow you to do things that others before you could not". To Be Continued...
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