Part 41
Jack rode up the steep mountain trail toward the Solitude keep. The journey had taken two full days. Causing them to arrive so early in the morning that not even the sun was up yet. Jack pulled his tight black cloak around himself to fight off the cold. Solitude looked almost brand new and so grand. Made from solid soft grey stone and nestled high on a mountain top that overlooked the ocean. It was beautiful. When they dismounted before the iron gates, a gate guard told them satisfactorily. "You're both just in time to say goodbye to Roggvir". Jack shot a nervous look at Mark, before they entered into a large stone courtyard. A small crowd of people were gathered by a wall, chatting among themselves with sour expressions. They tried to slip off without getting involved, but Jack found himself slowing down as his eyes found a man dressed in burlap rags.
The prisoners arms were tied behind his back and he was being escorted to a stone stage before the crowd. The prisoner had a look that chilled Jack's blood. He recognized that look. Pure terror. Jack recalled being marched to his own chopping block. He could still smell the copper blood that stained the block. Could see the executioner's axe rising into the air over him. Jack pushed his way into the crowd, before Mark could stop him. The guards turned the prisoner to face the block and held on tightly to his bond arms. From somewhere behind them a young girl pleaded with her father desperately. "They can't hurt uncle Roggvir. Tell them he didn't do it"! Jack turned his head slightly to see the girls father grab her shoulders in his own desperate gesture, when he told her firmly. "Svari, you need to go home. Go home and stay there until your mother comes".
Jack took a long shaky breath. He was reminded of the young boy who wanted to watch the soldiers behead them. Even the crowd reminded him of the ones who had attended his own false judgement, when they started yelling out angrily at the guards. "Get on with it"! "Traitor"! "You betrayed us"! Mark placed comforting hands on Jack's shoulders, trying to quickly steer him out of the crowd. When a woman snapped back at the father to the young girl. "You should tell her that her uncle is scum who betrayed his High King! Best she know now, Addver". Addver simply gave the woman resentful eyes, before stating out casually. "You're all heart, Vivienne". Mark managed to get Jack to the back of the crowd, blocking out everyone by telling him tenderly. "Come on. You don't want to see this". Mark was right. He didn't want to see it... but a part of him felt so much sympathy for the man.
Was he innocent like he had been? Just a victim of circumstance? Should he try to stop it? When he was about to be beheaded... He wanted someone to stand up and save him. One of the guards addressed the prisoner and the crowd as he clearly stated aloud. "Roggvir. You helped Ulfric Stormcloak escape this city after he murdered High King Torygg. By opening that gate for Ulfric you betrayed the people of Solitude. Do you have anything to say for yourself"? Jack stopped again to turn and listen. The prisoner stepped closer to the chopping block, looking so brokenheartedly at the crowd. A high elf man, bitterly snapped out at the guards. "He doesn't deserve to speak"! The prisoner took a calm breath, before telling everyone sincerely. "There was no murder. Ulfric challenged the High King Torygg to face him in honorable combat. Such is our way since the ancient laws of Skyrim! The ways of a true nord"!
The crowd began to boo loudly. The guard who had spoken, kicked the back of the prisoner's knees. Which caused him to knee before the block. The guard then pressed his foot down on the prisoner's back, until he rested his head over the block. Jack forced himself to look at Mark as the executioner lifted his large axe into the air. Mark stared at the scene with a stony expression. The loud sickening 'CHOP' made Mark close his eyes solemnly and Jack leaned into Mark's chest to bury his face. He was shaking and needed Mark's embrace. That could have easily been him... and it terrified him. Mark rubbed his back soothingly, whispering against his ear. "It's ok, Jack. I'm right here". Jack nodded, letting Mark lead him away. Across the street, Mark lead Jack into The Winking Skeever Inn. Jack tried his best to shake off his rattled fears. He needed to stay focused on the task at hand".
At the far back and nestled in the shadows of a small warm fireplace, sat a scrawny looking Wood Elf. The Wood Elf sipped his ale nervously. He sat alone, listening to a female bard play a flute beautifully. Mark dropped into a seat across from the Wood Elf and he looked up with a guilty look. The Wood Elf's voice even quivered as he asked them suspiciously. "Can I help you two, gentlemen"? Jack pulled up a third chair to the table to answer nicely. "Our mutual friend sent me". The Wood Elf looked them over utterly disappointed as he said. "Really? You're who's she picked"? Mark removed his dagger from his boot to slam into the wood table. The Wood Elf raised his hands suddenly very timid as he rushed out. "Look, here's the deal. I'll smuggle some of your equipment in for you. Just the things that you can't live without. Trust me. You don't want the Thalmor finding something on you".
Mark started to unbuckle his sword, when the Wood Elf told him a bit reluctantly. "Wait a minute. I was told to smuggle in only the Dragonborn's equipment and I can barely risk that". Mark's expression turned into a fowl scowl as he leaned in to threaten softly. "WHAT?! Did Delphine tell you that"?! Jack set his bag with his gear on the table, while trying to find a way to calm Mark down rationally. Placing a gently hand on Mark's arm, he told him in a hopeful tone of voice. "Maybe Delphine has plans for you to sneak in with her a different way. It would look too suspicious if we all showed up and left together. Mark shook his head. Mark hadn't believed a word of that, but he calmed down enough for Jack to add in quickly. "We don't have a lot of time. Let's just get this over with and talk to Delphine about this". Mark buckled his sword belt back in place. Jack was hopeful that he was wrong... but a nagging fear was telling him that it wasn't a mistake.
The Wood Elf took his gear, telling him in a shaky rush. "Don't worry. I'll smuggle these in and you'll get them back at the party". Even though Jack had on some normal clothes, he still felt so naked without his light armor. He felt too exposed and vulnerable. Jack started to climb out of the seat, when Mark grabbed his wrist to stop him. Jack sank back down into his seat slowly, just as Mark told him in a dark voice. "She did this on purpose. She's crazy if she thinks that you are going in there alone. I'm going with you". Jack bit his lip. He had been thinking about this and had to get it out. Touching Mark's cool hand, Jack whispered to him. "I'm not a fan of this plan either, but we have to do this. Delphine can't go there and you can't either". Mark opened his mouth to retort back, only Jack quickly rushed out. "Hear me out. You can't charm these nobles. They are High Elves. Not nords. I studied with High Elves in the Mage guild. I can sweet talk them. I can do this".
Mark shook his head desperately trying to get Jack to reconsider. Jack stroked Mark's hand with a comforting smile. He needed Mark to believe in him. To help him fight off his fears, Jack leaned in to whisper. "I'm small enough that I will be in and out before they even know I was there. If I run into trouble, than I have my magic to get me out of it. We just don't have the time to argue over this". Mark continued to shake his head like he refused to except it. Together they made their way back out of the hold to the stables. Delphine was pacing restlessly, until she saw them. She approached Jack quickly with a small brown box and pointed to a horse stall, saying in a bit of a rush. "Here. I hope I got your size right. You need to dress in something formal. These should help you blend in with them. Now change quickly".
When Jack finished changing, shrugging to himself. The clothes were a bit baggy on him, but nothing too noticeable. He had never worn anything this expensive in his life. He hoped he could pull off pretending to be a noble in this stuff. Only one thing still bothered him enough to make him think that Mark might be right to abandon this foolish mission. Jack stepped out from the stall, asking Delphine really worried. "So? What's my story"? Delphine blinked in confusion, giving her own shrug as she stated innocently. "I don't understand". Jack began to rub his neck nervously as he rushed out. "Maybe we shouldn't do this. They are going to ask me questions about who I am and were I come from... Even what I own. I can't tell them who I really am"! Delphine stared back at him wide eyed, but had nothing to say.
Jack turned on his heel to go back into the stall. This was it. The plan was ruined. He couldn't do this. That is when Mark quickly jogged over to stop him, pulling him close as he told him confidently. "Jack. It's ok. I know you can do this. Don't think about it. Just feel it". Jack shook his head a little, mumbling out. "No, Mark... You were right. What if they put me on the block again"? Mark cupped his face, telling him in a calm clear voice. "Jack. Let me worry. Remember what you said? This is all a game of strategy. You need to stay focused". Jack nodded. He couldn't let himself fall apart now. He could do this. Delphine moved closer to them to hand Jack a folded paper, saying nervously. "I have your invitation to the party, but the only way you're going to get past the guards is if they really believe you're an invited guest. Just make sure you get back out of there alive with the information we need. Good Luck".
Jack's hand shook a bit when he took the fancy folded up piece of paper. He hoped that his nervousness would pass. He didn't want to leave without Mark. He thought he was confident enough to do this, but that was simply because Mark always made him feel brave and daring. Now it just felt like he was losing Mark. Mark brushed his green bangs away to kiss his forehead lovingly, before whispering. "Come home to me after this alright"? Jack nodded, giving Mark a brief kiss on the lips. Then he reluctantly pulled away to climb into the awaiting carriage that Delphine had arranged for him. Jack kept his eyes on Mark as the carriage rolled away. He needed all the courage that he saw in Mark's big brown eyes. As the carriage caused Mark to vanish from view, Jack took a deep breath and began to collect his thoughts. He just needed a clear head.
Jack took the trip to memorize the name on his invitation. Sean. He needed to remember that the most. He'd play himself off as new money. High Elves loved power and money. He could fill in the rest as needed. Otherwise, he was going to try and not reveal anything about himself if he could help it. To much information would make him the center of attention and he needed to be invisible. To Be Continued...
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