Part 26
Jack rubbed his throat perplexed. Had that really come out of him? Mark cautiously moved closer to place a hand on his shoulder. The look on Mark's face was a bit troubling. He looked worried. Jack shot quick glances at the guards standing around. Keenly aware of their rattled comments on this sudden turn of events. One of the guards turned to another, gasping out. "Did you see that"? Another guard briskly approached Irileth, telling her a bit horrified. "Could the legend be true? Has the dragonborn returned to us"? Irileth frowned at the guard, just as another pointed a finger at Jack yelling out. "Of course the legend is true! Didn't you see? He sucked out that dragon's soul! He shouts in their tongue"! Mark's grip tightened on Jack's shoulder. Jack could tell Mark was getting worried as he eyed the crowd with sharp eyes. Another guard stepped closer toward Jack, stating loudly. "Everybody hold on a moment! This isn't a good thing! Don't you people remember what happened with the last dragonborn?! What if this guy does the same thing? We can't afford that disaster again"!
Mark's hand dropped from Jack's shoulder to quickly pick up his sword. He was getting ready to fight! Jack felt completely lost. What was even happening? Irileth stepped closer to Mark to draw the attention of the crowd as she snapped out. "ENOUGH! Look, I don't know about any of this dragonborn business. Let us all just be thankful that he is on our side". The guard from before pointed a stern finger at Irileth, snapping out loudly for all the guards to hear. "Sure, he is for now! Miraak was on our side too at the start! That didn't stop him from switching sides during the great dragon war! Why would this one be any different"?! The guard turned to face the guards, adding out bitterly. "Just look at him! He's not a nord! He's a MAGE! All mages crave is power! Dragons are nothing, but sources of power! It's just a matter of time before he turns on us for them"! The guards all suddenly began to nod and murmur with worried voices.
Mark pointed his blade toward the crowd, telling them all sternly. "Miraak was a mad man! He was on nobodies side but his own! How can you punish someone for a crime he hasn't done? Did you ever once think that maybe your own hatred and paranoia would be the thing to turn him against you"?! The preachy guard turned around to face Mark, smugly stating. "All the more reason that I think he should be locked away. We need to know more about this... dragonborn, before he reaches his full potential". Vaughn began to laugh loudly, causing everyone to turn to him suspiciously. Vaughn took a long swig from his bottle of mead, before stating aloud nonchalantly. "The guy kills a dragon... sucks out its soul... sneezes so hard the trees rustle... and ya'll want to put him in a cell? By the nine, who are you going to get to guard him? Talos"? Vaughn broke out in drunken snickers as he added flushed. "So, he can yell a fancy word... So can Ulfric. Does that make him a dragonborn too? Or wait... What if I'm the dragonborn and I just don't know it"?!
The guards all began to walk away with either soft chuckles or simply shaking their heads. Vaughn raised his hands trying to draw them back as he drunkenly called after them. "Now hang on! I might be onto somethin' here! I once let one go that rattled the privy once! It's no sneeze but it was lethal! Ask anyone in the lower district"! Mark lowered his sword trying to hide his smirk as Irileth told him defensively. "I'm going to stay here and settle things down. I need you two to head back and inform the Jarl on everything that has happened". Mark nodded, reaching back for Jack's hand only to discover he wasn't there. Whirling around, Mark sighed with relief. Jack was in the middle of trying to retrieve his sword from Mirmulnir's skull. Leaning back out of the large eye hole, Jack holstered his sword. Irileth gripped her sword tightly as she passed by him, telling him simply. "For your sake, I hope you're not the dragonborn. This land has enough problems".
Jack watched her head back toward the tower. That comment had cut him deeper than he ever thought it would. A moment ago she was impressed by his actions, but now she seemed... put off by them. What had changed? Was being a dragonborn that frightening? Mark took his wrist and quickly lead him back toward the horses. Mark pulled him like he was in a rush. He wanted to ask him what had him so spooked, but he just didn't look like he was in a talkative mood. Mounting up, Mark turned Tim toward Whiterun and nudged him into a gallop. Jack tightened his grip on Argo's reins and nudged him on to do the same. They had just reached the Whiterun stables, when the sky crackled like lightening and thunder roared so loud that it caused the horses to rear in fright! Jack tried to keep Argo calm as he spun in a circle searching for the sudden threat. The sky looked clear, but the unmistakable sound of a thunder storm was raging overhead! When from amongst the rumbling thunder, a group of elderly voices rang out over the land loud and clear in complete unison. Uttering just a single word for practically the whole world to hear. "DO-VAH-KIIN"!
The second the word finished, all the freak storm sounds vanished as quickly as it appeared. Jack pulled Argo to a stop, patting his neck comfortingly as he stared off toward the mountains in the distance. The power surge appeared to come from somewhere over there. Whatever it was sounded human. Mark calmed Tim down, just as the carriage driver stood up to yell out to the frightened Khajiit, the patrolling guards, and the stable men. "A summon from the Greybeards?! That only happens when a dragonborn has come! By the nine! Has a dragonborn returned"?! Jack swallowed nervously and dismounted as a patrolling guard replied a little shaken. "Pray that it's not Ulfric or another Miraak"! Mark stabled the horses and quickly lead Jack through the city. Everyone was standing around whispering about the dragonborn and the greybeards. Jack's heart was racing. What did this mean? Why was Mark in such a hurry to get him to Dragonsreach? Mark pushed the large wooden doors open, quickly strolling up the steps toward the Jarl. Proventius perked up when he saw them, approaching them first to tell Mark nervously. "Good! You're both finally here! The Jarl has been waiting".
Jack followed close behind Mark as they moved closer to the Jarl. The Jarl however was a bit distracted as he told his housecarl a bit unsettled. "You heard the summons. what else could it mean. The greybeards...". The burly housecarl turned their way and told Mark boldly. "We were just talking about the two of you. My brother needs a word". The Jarl climbed to his feet at the sudden realization that they were there, asking immediately. "So? What happened at the watchtower? Was the dragon there? Where is Irileth"? Jack couldn't speak. He was still trying to take everything in. So, Mark told the Jarl respectfully. "The watchtower has been destroyed, but the dragon is dead. Irileth has taken command there and is trying to calm the guards over another matter". The Jarl took a breath of relief, before carefully sitting back down on his throne, asking gently. "I knew I could count on Irileth. But this other matter. What is it"? Mark glanced at Jack, giving him soft eyes. He didn't have the heart to say it. He was trying to protect him from something.
Jack took a deep breath and stepped forward to answer curiously. "Turns out that I might be something called a 'dragonborn"? The Jarl's hands gripped the arms of his chair tightly and his face paled, when he asked a bit defensively. "Dragonborn? Why would they call YOU a dragonborn"? Jack shrugged, honestly replying. "When I killed the dragon it seems I might have... absorbed its soul. All the guards saw it happen and that is what they have started to call me". The Jarl slumped on his throne, replying a bit distracted. "They are not the only ones it seems. The greybeards seem to think you are too". Jack glanced from the Jarl to Mark and back, asking curiously. "Who are these graybeards that I keep hearing about"? The Jarl began to tap his ring against the wooden arm of his throne, answering a bit distastefully. "Masters of the voice. They live in seclusion way up on the slopes of the throat of the world". Jack shrugged back, asking simply. "What would they want with me"?
The Jarl stopping tapping his ring and began to stroke his beard as he replied sarcastically. "If you really are the dragonborn, than it is said that you'll be uniquely gifted with the ability to use the voice. We assume that the greybeards will teach you how to focus that gift into a thu'um or shout. We don't really know for sure, since they don't see anyone except the dragonborn". The Jarl's brother/housecarl piped up then in excitement. "Didn't you hear that thundering sound? That was the voice of the greybeards! They were summoning you to High Hrothgar! This hasn't happened in... CENTURIES, at least! Not since Tiber Septim was summoned when he was Talos of Atmora"! The Jarl cracked his knuckles then, muttering out sourly. "You're forgetting about Miraak, Gregor". Gregor's happy expression faded a bit in remembrance, when Proventius butted in swiftly. "Gregor, Calm yourself. What does any of this nord nonsense have to do with our friend here? Capable as he may be, I don't see any sign of him being this...What did you call it... 'Dragonborn"?
Gregor rose to his full height, sternly snapping back at Proventius. "Nord nonsense?! Why you ignorant puffed up-". Gregor stopped himself with great effort, before continuing on just as sternly. "These are our sacred traditions that go back to the founding of the first empire"! The Jarl lowered his head to rub his temples just under his crown as he wearily stated aloud. "Gregor. Don't be hard on Avinecci". Proventius bowed his head in respect to Gregor, stating casually. "I meant no disrespect, of course. It's just that... What do the greybeards want with him"? The Jarl dropped his arm wearily across the arm of his throne, answering carelessly. "Does it matter? That has always been the greybeard's business, not ours". The Jarl sat up straight then to tell Jack honestly. "Look, whatever happened when you killed that dragon. It must have revealed something inside you and the greybeards heard it. If they think you're dragonborn, who are we to argue? If you even think that you might be the dragonborn, then I suggest you better get up to High Hrothgar immediately. There is no refusing the summons of the greybeards. It's a tremendous honor. I envy you, you know".
The Jarl's eyes drifted to the floor and he folded his hands together, when he added. "To climb the seven thousand steps again... I made the pilgrimage once, did you know that? High Hrothgar is a very peaceful place...very...disconnected from the troubles of the world. I wonder if the greybeards even notice what's going on down here. They haven't seemed to before". The Jarl jerked his head up like he had been lost in thought, before saying more presently. "No matter. Go to High Hrothgar. Learn whatever they want to tell you. You'll be safe there". Jack swallowed the dry lump in his throat. He'd be safe there? Why wasn't he safe here? He didn't get a chance to ask, before Mark began to pull him back out the doors. Yanking his hand free, Jack grabbed Mark's arm to stop him outside, asking seriously. "Mark, what is going on? Why does me want me out of Whiterun so bad"? Mark eyed one the passing guards that looked them both over, before Mark told him softly. "Jack, I told you. Nords are stubborn and they don't forget. They hold grudges. The last dragonborn didn't save us. He betrayed us. Until people know what side you're on... you're not safe here".
Jack began to rub his arm nervously, following Mark back to the horses. They didn't say a word to anyone. They just mounted up and left as fast as they could. Along the road, Jack began to study a map of Skyrim that Mark gave him. They needed to head toward a town called Ivanstead. Yet, when they passed by a sign post Jack blinked in confusion, asking Mark curiously. "Mark? Ivanstead is the other way. Why are we headed to Riften"? Mark glanced over his shoulder to tell Jack with a smirk. "We're making a quick side stop". Jack shrugged, looking over the map as he told him. "Mark, Riften is not a quick stop. It's at least a two days ride to get there. We can be in Ivanstead in just a few hours. Why are we going to Riften"? Mark chuckled softly, saying proudly. "Because that is where the only temple of Mara is". Jack rolled his eyes, rolling up the map as he answered back smugly. "Oh, that is real helpful. Thank you. I don't need to see some temple". Mark turned slightly in his saddle to ask Jack sweetly. "What about getting married in it"? Jack blushed a deep red that went up to the tips of his ears. To Be Continued...
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