Part 141
Jack watched Nate approach the dragon carved door, but he stopped to look back at him. Jack removed his black staff. Sam's emerald green eyes glinting in the dim light. Across his shoulders, Tiidgein leaned out to sniff the nose of Sam's nose. Petting Tiidgein's head, he told him slightly worried. "Stay close." Tiidgein's response was to huddle back along his shoulders, his little tail curling around his neck loosely. Walking up the steps, Jack couldn't help chuckling. Tiidgein had adjusted to a new spot. Snuggling into the hood of his robe, Tiidgein rested his tiny head by his neck to peek over his shoulder. Nate smiled at him, asking them both curiously. "Are you ready for this?" Jack nodded, confidently answering. "Ya. Let's do this." Nate put his powerful hands on the door, his vampiric muscles flexing under his grey skin to push the heavy doors. Dust shook from the seem of the door as the door struggled to open. The doors hadn't been opened in years and they were practically sealed shut.
Nate's boots split down the sides as his clawed feet dug into the stone floor to get more leverage. His thick talons tore through the stone as he put all his strength into the door. Nate's leather wings rose behind him as his body tensed, then finally shoved the heavy doors open. The heavy doors swung out, slamming against the walls of the castle and breaking off their rusted hinges. Nate rolled his shoulders and wings, taking the lead. Jack followed him at a distance, pointing his staff to spots on either side of him. The spots twisted with magical energy that summoned two Flame Thralls to his aid. His magic was feeling better, but he hoped it would last. He'd have to rely on Sam to help him. Nate raised a clawed hand into the air to gesture for him to stop as they made their way across the roof of the castle. Jack huddled himself to the nearest wall to peek around. Standing on a high rise of stairs, was a Dragon Priest that was polishing a golden dragon staff. The dragon staff's ruby eye glinted as it saw them, causing the Dragon priest to lazily look over his shoulder.
Sam vibrated in Jack's hands, either this guy was really powerful, or his staff was. Either way, Sam was anxious. Nate flexed his hand, a blue energy leaking from his palm. From the wall above them, a stony Gargoyle crawled over the wall to growl at the Dragon Priest with bright red eyes. Jack stepped back from the wall, asking Nate nervously. "That's yours, right?" Nate cracked his neck, flashing his fangs in a smug grin as he said aloud. "Yep. We're going to need him." The Dragon Priest slowly turned to face them, speaking aloud in a scratchy tone of voice. "Zu'u uth naal thuri dein daar miiraak. Fent ni fiilok." Nate's long pointed bat ears twitched as he discreetly questioned Jack over his shoulder. "What did he say...?" Jack hefted Sam, stating out bluntly. "Oh, the usually. He's been ordered to guard the portal... and we won't escape." Nate huffed, snapping back at the dragon priest. "Hey Nahkriin! Lighten up! We're here for you!" Nahkriin moved down the steps casually and then pointed his staff at Nate.
From the end of his staff, the mouth opened to shoot out a massive fireball. Nate let out a loud curse and dashed away as fast as he could to avoid it. Jack pressed his back to the wall, feeling Tiidgein snuggle into his neck as the fireball hit the ground and exploded. Jack gasped from the heatwave that washed over him, but he was otherwise alright. That fireball would have incinerated anything it had touched! Taking a deep breath though, he gestured to his Flame Thralls and they moved out into the open to form fireballs of their own. From their hands, they began throwing fireballs at Nahkriin in rapid fire. Nahkriin spun his staff to form a shield that blocked their fireballs easily. Nate let out an aggressive hiss, causing the gargoyle to spread its stone wings and glide down straight for Nahkriin's back. Nahkriin must have expected it because as the Gargoyle got in range, Nahkriin turned to begin beating the Gargoyle in the face with his spinning staff. The Gargoyle inched backward, and Jack was impressed that Nahkriin was able to move so fast!
Nahkriin could block the fireballs and attack the Gargoyle with such fluid motion. Jack stepped out to stand with his Flame Thralls and took a deep breath to shout out toward him. "FUS RO DAH!" The Gargoyle slid across the stone floor a bit, but Nahkriin took the full blast. However, Nahkriin used the blast to his advantage. Flipping through the air, Nahkriin landed on his feet and shot another fireball at Jack. Jack jammed Sam down into the ground, taking a knee. As the fireball came at him, Sam opened his mouth and absorbed it. Closing his mouth, Sam's nose leaked smoke. Over his shoulder, Tiidgein snorted a tiny flame from his nostrils with a tiny growl. Jack smirked, rising to his feet as he swung his staff over head and set the fireball right back at him. Tiidgein bounced excitedly, his eyes wide as the fire burst from Sam. Nahkriin didn't flinch, he simply crossed his wrists in an 'X' and a cyclone of flames formed around him. When the fireballs hit the fire wall around him, they become absorbed in his firey cloak.
Nate groaned from a back corner, snapping out. "Can you two NOT have a fire fight! I can't get close!" Jack winced. Vampires were weak against fire... but as a Draugr, so was Nahkriin. He just had to find a way to lower his guard. The Flame Thralls and Gargoyle rushed Nahkriin, but he resorted to his old trick to counter them. Jack cursed, yelling to Nate. "He's not tiring! How is that possible!" Nate fed more energy to the Gargoyle to heal it and keep it going, while yelling back sternly. "It's his staff! You've got to take it from him!" Jack swallowed, conjuring his Dragon Mage Armor. It wasn't as strong as his Dragon Aspect, but he didn't have the power for the other. The only difference was that he had not tail or wings. It gave him the protection from fire that he needed though. Hefting Sam, he told Tiidgein. "Stay down. This is going to get hot!" Running up to Nahkriin, he heard Nate shout out to him. "Are you crazy?!" Leaping into the wall of flames, Jack struck an unsuspecting Nahkriin across the face with Sam.
Nahkriin staggered back from the Gargoyle, but before he could recover, Jack struck him again across the neck. The hit removed Nahkriin's fire cloak. Jack tried to sneak in one more good hit, but Nahkriin blocked it with his staff. Sam aggressively vibrated against the powerful vibrations of Nahkriin's staff. Nahkriin's bright red eyes could barely be seen through the horizontal slits of his mask. He had made him VERY angry. Nahkriin's staff pulsed, blasting Jack away from him. Jack screamed falling through the air toward the edge of the roof. Nate flew out to snatch him from the air, landing back on the roof to set him down. Jack shakily stood on his two feet, thanking Nate in a quivering voice. Nate grinned, answering. "No problem." Nahkriin twirled his staff, striking the Gargoyle in the chest and causing it to sprout red veins before exploding. Nahkriin then spun his staff to absorb the Thralls fireballs, before sending out a pulse that hit them both and absorbed their fire. Without their fire, the Flame Thralls turned to solid rock and fell to the ground.
Jack let out a heavy sigh, grumbling out. "Fuck... I don't have the magic to take this guy on. His staff is too strong." Nate flexed his wings, telling him seriously. "Got anything to protect me from fire? I might not have my magic in this form... but I've got my strength. If I can get close. I can rival his speed." Jack looked to Sam, asking curiously. "Do you have enough to cover him? While I heal?" Sam vibrated softly. Jack ended his spell for his armor, telling Nate confidently. "Go get him. We'll cover you." Jack tapped Nate's arm with Sam, causing a strong cyclone of frost to surround Nate. Nate's wings rose high behind him as he moved forward to engage Nahkriin. Holding Sam to allow him to keep and eye on Nate, Jack relaxed himself. He needed to save his energy for when Nate needed healing. Nahkriin shot a fireball at Nate. Nate dodged the fireball, dashing up to Nahkriin and slashing at him with his long talon nails. Nahkriin blocked Nate's attacks with his staff as fast as Nate slashed at him.
Jack flexed his fingers, trying to keep up with their attacks. Nahkriin and Nate where evenly matched when it came to speed. Nate's strength was forcing Nahkriin to back away from him with every hit. Desperate to help more, Jack conjured a Storm Thrall. The Storm Thrall sparked lightning across the ground and Jack commanded it seriously. "Help Nate attack the Dragon Priest!" The Storm Thrall nodded, levitating over the ground to shoot lightning from its rocky fingers. Nahkriin was so distracted with Nate that it didn't see the attack coming and the lightning struck his side. Nahkriin fell to his knees with a cry of pain, but Nate didn't relent. Nate slashed upward toward Nahkriin's face and Nahkriin tried to block with the staff. In the process, Nate's hand struck the staff and sent it flying through the air. Both Nate and Nahkriin's heads turned to watch where it was going. It was going to land closest to Jack. Jack tensed, getting ready to run for it. When Tiidgein leapt off his shoulder and glided out to get it.
Nahkriin conjured a ward to protect itself from the Storm Thrall with one hand, while it's other sent a firebolt straight toward Tiidgein! Jack rushed out to throw up a ward to block the firebolt. Normal fireballs would be harmless for a dragon of any size, but firebolt would incinerate a dragon of Tiidgein's size! It combined the force of lightning with molten flames. The firebolt hit Jack's ward... and went straight through it! The Legendary dragon had really done a number on his magic and conjuring the Storm Thrall had weakened him. The firebolt pieced his ward and impaled his shoulder, knocking him off his feet. Jack let out a sharp scream as his shoulder seared with pain. Nate took advantage of Nahkriin's distraction and knocked his skull off his shoulders. Nahkriin's body was then sent flying off the roof as the Storm Thrall zapped it with enough power to set it ablaze. Nate then dashed to his side, asking frantically. "Jack? You alright?" Jack laid across his back, holding Sam against his chest. Sam used his power to heal him, while Jack answered Nate wearily. "Tell me he's dead now..."
Nate nodded, then laughed. Jack raised an eyebrow and Nate pointed. Rolling over to his good side, he followed Nate's gaze. Tiidgein was dragging Nahkriin's staff slowly across the ground toward them. Bringing the staff to Jack's hand, Tiidgein dropped the end from his little mouth, his long tail wagging with excitement. Jack chuckled, petting Tiidgein's tiny head as he cooed out. "Thank you." Slowly Jack sat up, holding out his good hand for Tiidgein to climb back up onto his shoulders. When Tiidgein saw his burned tunic, he sniffed it and then licked his healed skin. Jack giggled from the how his tongue tickled, then climbed to his feet. Picking up the other staff, Jack couldn't believe how warm it felt to the touch. Nate stroked Tiidgein's head, telling Jack with a smile. "He's a brave little guy, I'll give him that. Almost as crazy as you." Jack waited for Tiidgein to crawl back into his hood, before asking Nate. "Ya. Well, I'm a bad role model. So, what do we do now?"
Nate turned slightly to point at the stairs, telling him in a soft voice. "Now you can open the way into Sovengarde." Jack took his deepest breath and made his way toward the steps. Walking up the steps slowly, he saw a circle drawn on the flat surface with a small hole in the center. Just beyond the raised stairs on the lower ground was a much larger circle that had a design he didn't recognize. Nate moved up beside him, spreading his wings wide. Jack raised the staff, uttering out to himself. "I'm coming Mark..." Without waiting a second longer, he stuck the staff into the hole. The eyes of the staff lit up and Jack turned the head to face the large portal. The dragon mouth opened to spew a strange fire that was a mass of beautiful colors. The jet of white flames had an outlining of stunning blues, pinks, golds, and purples. The flame lit up the portal, then seemed to make the stone floor crumble away to an endless white light. Jack eased to the edge, mumbling out in growing fear. "Great... Nothing like jumping into the unknown. How far do you think it goes?"
Nate moved behind him, wrapping his arms around his waist as he told him calmly. "Close your eyes. I'll get us through." Jack twisted in Nate's arms to hug him, grumbling out seriously. "Don't tell Mark about this part or... He'll kill you." Nate chuckled, replying. "I'm sure he'll have to get in line like everyone else. Is Tiidgein secure?" Jack beckoned Tiidgein out of his hood, hugging him to his chest instead. When he was secure, Nate tightened his arms and rose into the air with them. Dropping into the portal, Jack yelped and huddled into Tiidgein who let out excited purrs over his shoulder. Clearly, he had no fear from falling. The air rushed past them as they fell through what felt like miles of freefall. Then suddenly, Nate's wings spread to stop the freefall and slowly brought them to the ground. Jack stepped back from Nate, glancing up at the beautiful swirling colored sky. Overhead, the bright white portal closed, and Nate looked down at him to say eerily. "Welcome to the valley of mists. Otherwise known as... purgatory."
Jack felt Tiidgein shiver as he peeked around over his shoulder. Comforting him with loving pets, he asked Nate. "Where do you think Mark will be?" Nate folded his wings, moving to the fireless braziers at the top of the stairs. Staring out at the heavy fog ahead, he honestly told Jack. "I don't know. The Valley of mists is designed to either eternally get you lost on an endless road... Or keep you from going into the wrong afterlife. Everyone that dies comes here... Unless you're sucked into a soul gem. So, he could be anywhere." Jack moved forward toward the fog, but Nate grabbed his arm hard, a deep seriousness resounding in his voice as he warned him. "Whatever you do. Don't leave my side or you'll get lost in the mist too. Since you aren't dead this place will try to trick you. It wants you to get lost. And don't forget... Alduin in here." Jack nodded, telling him softly. "Ok. Let's be smart about this." Jack stood before the mist and shouted out. "LOK VAH KOOR!" The fog before them melted away a few feet to allow them a little path.
Walking down the steps to the rocky dirt road, Jack began to call out loud. "MARK?!" Nate listened, then told him softly. "Nothing. The mist might be blocking him out. These mists are like their own personal hell. Soundproof and a bitch to navigate through." From what Jack could see of Sovngarde, it was gorgeous. Every flower was in colorful bloom. The grass and trees where rich with green life. It was only the creeping mist at their feet and the thick fog that made this place so dismal and horrifying. As the fog started to creep back toward them, Jack shouted it away again and then called out loudly. "MARK?! Can you hear me?!" Nate listened for him, giving him and another shrug. Following the cleared rocky path, Jack shouted more fog away, when a soldier jumped at the sight of them. The man drew his sword and Jack raised his hands in surrender to say quickly. "Hey! It's alright! We're looking for someone. Have you seen him?" The soldier slowly sheathed his blade, replying in a dreamy sounding voice that echoed in the mist. "Beware! The world eater waits within the mist!"
Jack slowly moved toward the man, saying cautiously. "I know. That is why I am here." The soldier's expression turned desperate as he pleaded out. "Hurry! Before Alduin devours your life too! Bring word to Shor's Hall! Tell the heros of our hard fate!" Jack blinked a little confused, asking Nate curiously. "Shor's Hall? What's that?" Nate looked like he was going to answer, when the soldier reached out to grab Jack's robes. Holding him close, the soldier told him in a confounded panic. "Don't you know? The Hall of Valor where the heros wait to follow Shor for the final battle at the end of the world? When I first started on the path, I could see the Hall so clearly in the distance. It beckoned me! Then a shimmering veil fell upon it and... I can no longer see it! I've lost my way! Now I wonder blindly... Alduin's hunger is insatiable! He hunts the lost souls in this shrouded veil! Where I once heard screams... I now only hear silence..." Nate carefully pried the soldier off Jack, comforting him softly. "Easy. We know where the Hall is. We'll go get help. Just stay hidden."
The soldier nodded, releasing Jack and mumbling out. "Yes... Yes... I will wait for them. I..." The soldier started to walk away into the mist and within seconds he was gone. Jack hugged Tiidgein more, shakily saying aloud. "This mist is driving them crazy... Oh gods, what if Mark-" Nate covered his mouth, snapping out to him sternly. "Don't say that! You don't know how long that solider has been walking the mist. Don't forget. Mark is a werewolf, isn't he? You think this will shake him? Keep it together." Jack nodded, stepped back from Nate to shout away more mist. They wondered for a few minutes more, running into more scared souls along the way. Jack was getting very anxious the longer it took. His heart was racing and because of it, Nate was having trouble standing by him. Nate had to resort to anxious pacing behind him as he muttered out. "Will you calm down. Your heart rate is driving me crazy!" Jack turned to face Nate, snapping back. "This is taking forever! How am I supposed to find him in this?! What if Alduin already got to him?! What if we are lost?!"
Nate puffed up his chest and smacked Jack across the cheek lightly. Jack clutched his cheek, mumbling out innocently. "Why did you hit me?" Nate exhaled and then said coolly. "You need to calm down. This place is not meant for the living and if you aren't careful the fumes of this place are going to make you forget why you are even here. Stay focused!" Jack rubbed his cheek, muttering out defensively. "You didn't have to hit me... Why aren't the fumes affecting you?" Nate locked eyes with him to say in a dry tone. "Because I'm UNDEAD. I'm immune to this shit. And I hit you because you're making me hungry! Now CALM DOWN!" Tiidgein scrambled into Jack's hood with a whimper at Nate's tone. Jack on the other hand, slowly sat down on the ground. Taking a moment to calm down, he mumbled out to Nate softly. "You don't have to be so mean about it. You could have just said it nicely." Nate rolled his eyes, grumbling back. "My patience for that ran out after the thirteenth time I asked you nicely."
Jack crossed his arms to hug himself, asking hopefully. "Nate... Tell me we will find him... Please...?" Nate stepped closer to put a hand on his shoulder, warmly regaling. "We will find him. Your shout has been clearing the way. We'll come across him." Jack sniffled, taking Nate's hand to help himself back up onto his feet. Standing up, he shouted again to clear more of the path and heard a soft humming to a familiar song. Jack stiffened, calling out to the surrounding fog. "Mark?!" From the fog the song stopped, and a form stepped cautiously into the clearing. All the breath left Jack's lungs as Mark answered confused. "Jack?" Dropping his staff, Jack began to cry as he inched forward. Mark grinned and Jack's heart overflowed with joy. Mark rushed toward him, causing Jack to run into his arms. Jumping into Mark's arms, Jack buried his face into his neck. Mark hugged him tightly to his chest, breathlessly straining out to him. "I'm so happy to see you, Jack! I love you so much!"
Jack cried against Mark's neck, straining out. "Oh, Mark... I thought I lost you... I'm so sorry. I tried to heal you... I didn't know... I couldn't stop it... Mark, forgive me...I love you so much!" Mark dropped to his knees, keeping Jack close as he shushed him lovingly. "There is nothing to forgive. Jack... It's ok. I just wanted you to be safe and-" Mark grabbed his shoulders tightly, pushing out from him to ask sternly. "Jack? How did you get here? You didn't-" Jack sniffled, shaking his head innocently. Mark's eyes then widened as Tiidgein's head peeked over Jack's shoulder. Jack cleared his throat, chuckling out lightly. "I have so much to tell you." Mark's eyes drifted to Nate, before he told Jack a little nervously. "Ya... I can see that. You can start by telling me who or what that is." Nate crossed his arms, rolling his eyes sarcastically. To Be Continued...
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