Part 133
Taking his leave out, Jack took in the commotion in the courtyard. The guards were all huddled around in a circle cheering on the two sparring men in the center. The sound of clanging steel ringing throughout the air. Jack thought about trying to wedge his way in to watch, but he was mentally drained. Slipping just outside the archway, he leaned against a stone wall that overlooked the quieter part of Solitude. It had to be late afternoon by now and it felt like a rather pleasant day. There was only a slight nip in the air but standing it the sun just made it feel perfect. Inhaling the sweet scent of pies, Jack let himself relax. From below him came the sounds of soft plucking on an instrument that helped to sooth his headache with its calming melody. After a minute of just listening to the tune, he leaned more over the wall to see an attractive bard. The bard was sitting on the ground at the foot of the stone steps with his back against the wall and humming softly to himself.
Jack grinned watching the bard play. It brought back memories of how he wanted to be a bard as a kid, but he just didn't have a talent for string instruments. Jack slid off the wall, glancing briefly back toward the crowded courtyard. He didn't want to venture too far without Mark knowing where he was. However, he wasn't really going all that far. Walking down the steps slowly, he moved closer to get a better look at the bard. The bard was wearing tight black leather pants with worn black knee-high boots. He wore a black vest with beautiful tan embroidery and a bright yellow sleeveless tunic underneath. Other than a single brass ring with two small gems on it, the bard wore strange black discs in his earlobes. The bard's long black bangs fell over his face as he continued to play without noticing him. Jack leaned leisurely against the wall, continuing to listen to him play his dark red mandolin. Jack was just starting to wonder why this bard wasn't playing in the tavern, when the bard twanged a string out of tune.
Jack followed his gaze to couple strolling down the street. The couple hadn't seen the bard. Although, their presence certainly didn't go unnoticed by him. The bard cursed under his breath and scrambled to hide beneath the low wall of the stairs, huddling up with his mandolin between his legs. Upon noticing that Jack was watching him, the bard flashed him a beautiful grin before pressing his index finger to his lips. Jack didn't move or say anything. He simply watched the couple cross the street to enter into a clothing shop. Once they were out of sight, he told the bard with a smirk. "They're gone." The bard exhaled deeply, telling him with relief. "Thanks, I appreciate it, but I think I'm just going to lay low for a bit." Jack shrugged casually, asking him curiously. "Why? You owe them money?" The bard chuckled, stating out with a guilty blush that showed off his dimples. "Ha. If only it was that simple. No. I a... I slept with his wife. Not one of my finer moments... Since he's the Housecarl to Jarl Elisif."
Jack snorted trying to suppress a smile as he crossed his arms with amusement. The bard tilted his head back against the wall, admitting with bright grin. "You wanna know the worst part?" Jack nodded and the bard told him softly. "I was so damn drunk... I honestly don't remember sleeping with her. I just woke up naked in her bed. She claimed that I promised to steal her away from her husband, and her husband tried to castrate me with his axe." Jack chuckled, sliding down the wall to sit on the steps as he told him. "Well, did he?" The bard laughed out with a gleaming grin. "He fucking tried. I had to jump out of a window on the second floor... crashed through the roof of a passing carriage... Spent about three minutes explaining to the poor woman why I was naked... and eventually slept with her. Now THAT I remember, because she had the most beautiful set of-" At that moment, the Commander came around the corner with Mark, their casual conversation ending as the Commander's face suddenly flared up with anger.
The bard's face paled, uttering out a soft. "Oh shit..." The Commander withdrew his sword, racing down the steps as he yelled out to the bard heatedly. "HEY! Get back here you son of a bitch!" Jack rose to his feet, noticing that the bard used a bit of trickery in his getaway. The Commander didn't appear to notice it though as he rushed down the steps and after what Jack assumed was an illusionary image. Beside him, Mark stared at him blankly, asking with a strong hint of jealousy in his tone. "Who was that? I thought you were with General Tullius?" Jack nodded, truthfully regaling to him. "I was. When I came out you two were still sparring. So, I just started chatting with this bard. What were YOU doing?" Mark gestured toward the tavern, answering openly. "He offered to buy me a drink. I was going to accept and meet back up with you. If I had known you were out, I would have declined the offer." Jack shrugged, then jumped as the bard materialized beside them. Mark's hands rose as he jumped, barely holding himself back from punching him.
The bard merely stuck out his hand, introducing himself. "Hello. Nice to meet ya. The name's Nate, but my stage name is Paultin Seppa. Were you talking about getting something to drink just now? Mind if I join you?" Mark pointed a stern finger at him about to say something, when the couple exited the clothing shop across the way. The second the woman's eyes spotted Nate, she called out his name lovingly and her husband charged toward him. In the whirl of chaos, Nate snatched Jack's wrist and bolted for the main gate. Behind him, Mark let out a growl and pursued them. Jack raced through the square, ducking and spinning around civilians as they ran for the main gate. Nate leapt over a wagon of vegetables before ducking the arm of a confused guard and slipping through the gate. Jack was right on his heels, when Nate grabbed him and yanked him into a thick bush. Huddling down as Mark and the husband burst through the gate, they waited quietly. The husband stomped his foot and cursed loudly.
As he stormed back past Mark, he snapped at him. "You see that mother fucker again! I'll pay good money for him dead or alive. Extra if you can bring him to me alive. I wanna kill him myself!" Mark nodded, watching the man make his way back through the gate. Once he was out of sight, Mark turned his eyes to the bush and grumbled out darkly. "Jack, give me one good reason why we're helping him?" Jack staggered from the bush with Nate, answering with a chuckle. "Just kind of happened honestly." Nate patted Sean's shoulder, cheerfully telling him. "Again, Thank you. Sadly, I must be on my way to Markarth. So, maybe I'll take you up on that drink some other time." Nate gave him a wink, strolling down toward the stable. Jack whirled around, asking him curiously before he got too far. "Hey? Aren't you going to ask our names?" Nate turned, walking backward as he waved and said aloud with a grin. "I know who you are. Dragonborn, right? Green hair gives you away." Jack chuckled to himself at the strange bard.
Nate lifted his hand and let out a loud sharp whistle. From the archway a beautiful lean bay stallion galloped up to Nate. Nate quickly took ahold of the black saddle, swinging his leg up over it. Giving them a salute with his fingers, he turned his horse toward the road, revealing small barrels of wine attached to the saddle. Nate kicked his horse into a run, shouting out excitedly. "GIDDY UP, WALTER!" Jack waved as he watched his horse take off in flurry of kicked up dirt. Beside him, Mark crossed his arms over his chest, clearing his throat as he uttered out. "So, what...? You like him? You know he reeks of wine, right?" Jack put a hand on Mark's arm, squeezing his bicep as he sweetly told him. "No. I just liked talking to him. I don't meet many human bards like him. And I'm not attracted to him." Mark's eyes narrowed on him like he didn't believe him but grumbled out. "Well... He's the skinniest Nord, I've ever seen." Jack thought about correcting him but stopped himself. Telling him that Nate was a decent looking Nord would only spark his jealousy more.
He had forgotten that most of Mark's jealous was rooted from the reputation of bards. Bards were known as nomads that traveled the world entertaining and seducing lonely or young people everywhere they visited. Jack had never seen one so skilled in magic though. Which was partly why Nate stood out to him. Nord's with magic were rare, but to be a bard too? He was quite the trickster. Shaking Nate from his mind, he told Mark more seriously. "He's not important. I got General Tullius to agree to the meeting. So, let's get this over with. We're so close. I can feel it." Mark took his hands, squeezing them as he pressed his forehead to his. Jack gave Mark a quick kiss to calm him down, then got to work with creating their last teleporting circle. When he finished, they stepped into the circle and teleported back to High Hrothgar. The harsh cold hit them hard, causing them both to shiver and race up the steps to get inside. The moment they came bursting through the doors, Klipper stood with his little arms crossed and foot tapping.
Mark and Jack shared a look, before Klipper stated out softly. "You left me." Klipper looked genuinely mad, until Mark gestured to their horses, telling him. "We didn't leave you. You got the most important job." Klipper's eyes darted to the horses and back, mumbling out sarcastically. "Taking care of mutant piggies is important?" Mark nodded, kneeling to tell him proudly. "Of course. We wouldn't leave them with just anyone." Jack smiled, until he saw the Archmage from the College of Winterhold. Savos Aren began approaching him and Jack quickly crossed the floor to meet him. The old Dunmer looked worried about something when he pulled Jack into a side nook. Savos Aren leaned his back against the wall, instantly starting in with a soft discreet tone. "Dragonborn, I'm sorry. I can't stay." Jack shook his head, pleading with him seriously. "No. You have too. This meeting needs to include the College. This affects us all. And the Nords need to see the mages stand with them."
Savos Aren put his hands on Jack's shoulders, calmly telling him. "And we will. I'm granting you the power to represent the mage college." Jack stared back at him blankly. Savos Aren quickly took a breath, before leaning in closer to whisper in his ear. "Please. I... I can't talk to these Nords. If this meeting is as important as you say. I can't be here. They'll listen to you and as Archmage, I'm supporting your decisions. You won't steer us wrong. You were right. We need to work with the Nords... but I'm not the one to get us there. You are." Jack slumped back against the wall, mumbling out in shock. "What are you saying...?" Savos Aren held his shoulders firmly, looking into his eyes as he told him. "I'm stepping down as Archmage. I... I'm making you my successor. I was given a sign. My time is over. The mages need someone that doesn't cower behind our walls... That's you." Jack shook his head, starting to say. "No. Savos, I can't-" Savos Aren shushed him, cutting in sweetly. "I made it official this morning. I'm only here to pass my authority in person. Good luck, Archmage. I'll keep things running on our end, until you return."
Jack couldn't breathe as he reached for Savos Aren to beg him not to do this. However, his hands went right through him as Savos Aren disappeared. Jack slid to the floor, feeling lightheaded. Being Archmage was a heavy burden that he wasn't sure he was ready to bare. He still had so much to do and now he was in charge over the mages of Skyrim? Bowing his head, he ran his hands through his hair as he took deep breaths. He just needed a minute to himself. A privilege he was not given as Arngeir moved up to the nook to inform him with dry reluctance. "So, you've done it... The men of violence are gathering here, in these halls whose very stones are dedicated to peace. I should not have agreed to host this council. The Greybeards have no business involving ourselves in such matters." Jack tilted his head back against the cold stone wall, mumbling out just as dryly. "This was the only way to get Balgruuf's help. Don't worry. I'll get them to agree to peace."
Arngeir held his hands at his waist, grunting out sourly. "Peace? I doubt it. They may put their weapons down for a moment, but only to gather strength for the next bloodletting. They are not yet tired of war. Far from it. Do you know the ancient Nord word for war? "Season Unending." And so, it has proved." Jack closed his eyes, uttering out softly under his breath in a bored drawl. "That's two words..." Arngeir didn't appear to hear his smartass remark, continuing on flatly. "But regrets are pointless. Here we are. You should go and take your seat at the council table and await them. It's rude for the summoner to be the last one in attendance. So, come. Let us see what wisdom we can find among these 'warriors' of Skyrim." Jack groaned to himself, climbing back up to his feet. Upon stepping out from the nook, he stared Arngeir in the eyes and told him in a dead voice. "I don't like doing this anymore than you do. But our job is to grin and bare it. So, suck it up and deal with it. You're not the only ones on this planet that are suffering."
Without waiting for him, Jack stormed past him and clapped his hands once and loud enough to echo off the stone walls. Every torch, candle, and brazier in the hall responded to it by roaring to life. The Greybeards flinched from the bright light, but Jack didn't care. They were having guests. The least they could do was make the place look inviting. At the very least, allowing them to see where they were going. Trudging up the stone steps, Jack quickly made his way to the council room without slowing down. He tried to hold his head up high, but he just felt so tired and distant from this whole thing. He HATED politics... and now he was forced to pay attention and take an active role. As the new Archmage, he now had a responsibility to ensure their future and safety in this damn war. Which no longer granted him the blessing of remaining neutral. He was in this whether he liked it or not. Opening the doors into the council room, he repeated the clapping gesture to lighten up the room. Then threw a ball of flame into the pit in the center of the large circular table.
The room filled with warmth and light, despite the obvious cobwebs and tattered banners hanging around the place. He had just reached one of the high back chairs at the end of the room, when teleportation circles began to appear around the room. The court mages were all sending forth their Jarls. Jack stood by his chair, counting and taking in the Jarls as they arrived. Each Jarl brought with them their Court Mage and Housecarl. Both to act as their advisor and bodyguard. Jack held his chin up, watching Mark slip his way into the room with Klipper at his heels. There weren't enough chairs for everyone, so Jack gestured for Mark and Klipper to stand behind his chair as an example to the others. He didn't like people feeling any less important... but this was a matter to be fixed among the Jarls first and foremost. Although, everyone stood around the room glaring at each other with mistrust and disgust. Jack rested his arm on the top of his chair with a sigh. This was going to be a long night. He could feel it.
The Greybeards were the last ones to arrive in the room. As they filed in, Arngeir was the only one to stand by the seat opposite him. The other Greybeards simply walked around with trays to set tankards before the seats, or offered them to the Mages and Housecarls. Mark waved his tankard away and Klipper mimicked him trying to look like a united force to be reckoned with. Arngeir raised his hands, announcing clearly for the Jarls and General Tullius to hear. "Take your seat and we can begin." The Jarls inched forward and slowly slipped into their seats. As General Tullius sat down, a few Jarls cracked their knuckles with blatant offence. Jack dropped down into his seat with a heavier sigh. He could see why they were pissed. General Tullius had no right to take a seat at the table. He was no Jarl or even a real leader in their eyes. He wasn't even representing Jarl Elisif, since she was clearly here. So, he was no one important. Just a glorified solider that sat among kings. However, Jack felt just as out of place... but he guessed that being Dragonborn granted him a little more respect.
Once everyone was seated, Arngeir told them with a calm and soothing tone. "Now that everyone is here, let us begin. I hope that we have all come here in the spirit of-" Ulfric cut Arngeir off by slamming his fists on the table and bellowing out. "No! You dare insult us by bringing HER to this negotiation! Your chief Talos-hunter!" From behind General Tullius, Legate Rikke leaned in toward Elisif's Housecarl, stating out lightly. "That didn't take long..." Galmar and a few other Housecarls, banged their fists on their chest, stating out angrily. "Hear, hear!" Jack shifted uncomfortable as the familiar Thalmor high elf, Elenwen, stepped closer to the table to snobbishly state aloud. "I am here as Court Mage to General Tullius and in regard to the Thalmor present in Skyrim. And as such, I have every right to be at this negotiation. I need to ensure that nothing is agreed to here that violates the terms of the White-Gold Concordant."
General Tullius gestured to her with the wave of his hand, stating just as snobbishly. "You can't dictate who I bring to this council. She's part of the Imperial delegation!" Ulfric rose from his chair, snapping back in a bellowing voice that made Elisif cringe with fear. "Get that filthy Elf from my sight or by Talos I'll-" Jack rose from his seat and broke them up by snapping out louder and more thundering than Ulfric. "ENOUGH!" The power of his spell caused the banners above to sway, but the room fell once again into silence. Arngeir quickly tried to calm the tension in the room by softly easing into the silence. "Please. If we have to negotiate the terms of the negotiation, we will never get anywhere. Please... Sit. We are here to talk. Not shout at each other." At the far end of the table, a Jarl that Jack had never seen before leaned forward to tell everyone dryly. "What's the point? We are still missing one leader... Clearly not ALL of us want peace or even care. Or are we to believe Savos Aren is here in spirit?"
A few Jarls began to murmur with each other, until Jack rested his hands on the table and announced clearly to them all. "Savos Aren is no longer the Archmage of Winterhold... I am." The room broke out into loud chatter, before Arngeir banged his hand on the table to settle them. Once they were silent again and everyone was back to being seated, Arngeir firmly stated out. "It's settled. We are all here. Now. Perhaps this would be a good time to get the Dragonborn's input on this matter. What say you, Dragonborn?" Ulfric rose from his chair once again, gruffly telling both Jack and the Jarl's. "By Ysmir's beard, the nerve of these Imperials. I won't sit a second longer at the same table nor negotiate with that... Thalmor bitch present. Either she walks, or I do!" On his left, Jarl Elisif leaned forward to say in a mousy voice. "Should this decision really be made by the Dragonborn? He's the new Archmage. He holds his allegiance with Ulfric. He's not a neutral party."
Jack tried not to glare at her as he retorted loud and respectfully. "Let me make this absolutely clear. Any allegiance that was made is out the window now that Savos Aren is no longer Archmage. From now on, anything concerning the mages goes through ME. I have sworn no loyalty to anyone! I am still neutral and that extends to the mages of my college. You wanted the mages to step up and help you get Skyrim together. Well... here we are. Convince me." Elisif's shoulders slumped a little, but the other Jarls all nodded in agreement. Jack tensed his shoulders, hating himself for this but neutrally stating out clearly. "I can take responsibility for every Court Mage in this room that graduated from the College. But the College holds no ties to the Thalmor. As the Dragonborn, I feel like this is a Skyrim matter... The Thalmor are not apart of Skyrim." Elenwen wedged herself between General Tullius and Elisif to slam her hands down on the table, sneering out. "You little brat! The Thalmor we are here with the Empire to-" Jack cut her off in the middle of her rant, stating out louder than her. "Then General Tullius acts on the Thalmor's behalf because he is here as a delegate to the Empire!"
Elenwen tapped her long white nails on the table, hissing through her teeth. "Watch what you say to me. You do not want me as your enemy, Dragonborn..." Jack locked eyes with her, replying in a calm icy tone. "No, Elenwen. The Thalmor doesn't want ME as their enemy. Not after what happened at the Embassy..." Elenwen's eyes narrowed on him for a split second before she tensed and growled out. "YOU?!" Jack quickly rose to his feet, stating out for everyone to hear. "You don't belong here, Elenwen. Now unless you want me to say more, get out." Elenwen straightened up slowly, her eyes full of anger but there was also a fear in them. She didn't know what he had learned. Brushing her long blonde hair off her shoulder, she fixed her black uniform and took a few steps back. Spinning on her heel, she started to make her way to the door. However, she stopped just before the doors to shoot over her shoulder with a prideful grin. "Honestly... Why so hostile against us, Ulfric? After all, it's not the Thalmor that's burning your farms and killing your sons."
Legate Rikke looked to Jarl Elisif with utter confusion, upon asking her. "She's supposed to be on our side?" Ulfric's fury flared as he started to yell out, only restrain himself. "You slithering bitch! You know exactly... no. Not this time. Just get your filth from my sight... and pray to your false gods that we don't meet again." Elenwen huffed loudly, then was escorted from the room by a Greybeard. With her gone, Ulfric once again sat down in the chair and the other Jarls finally started to relax. Jack slowly sat down, feeling like they were making progress. If Ulfric walked than he didn't doubt that some of the other Jarls would follow him. Arngeir took a deep cleansing breath, saying lightly. "Well, now that small matter has been settled. May we proceed to why we're here?" Jack leaned back in his seat feeling exhausted from just dealing with that 'small matter.' They hadn't even gotten to the big stuff yet. No sooner had he said that, Ulfric leaned forward to address the other Jarls calmly. "I have something to say first."
Jack closed his eyes trying not to show how much he wished Ulfric would just stop talking. Legate Rikke let out a small chuckle, telling Elisif's Housecarl. "Here we go." Ulfric crossed his arms on the table, sternly announcing. "The only reason I agreed to attend this council was to deal with the dragon menace. There's nothing else to talk about, unless the Empire is finally ready to renounce its unjust claim to rule over the free people of Skyrim." Legate Rikke extended her hand out to Elisif's Housecarl, chuckling out discreetly. "I knew he wouldn't be able to resist. Pay up." Jack watched the burly Housecarl roll his eyes before giving her a few coins. Jack couldn't help wondering how the Housecarl was doing after seeing the bard that had seduced his wife. It seemed far less painful to ask him about his marital status, than how brutal this council was going to be on all of them. Ulfric lifted his tankard with a shadowed grin, adding in simply. "We're here to arrange a temporary truce to allow the Dragonborn here to deal with the dragons. Nothing more. I consider even talking to the Empire to be a generous gesture."
Jack raised a hand to rub his throbbing temples, while General Tullius puffed himself up and blurted out a bit irate. "Are you done? Did you just come here to make speeches? Or can we get down to business?" Ulfric took a long swig of his drink, then slammed his tankard down to answer in a dismissive tone of voice. "Yes, let's get this over with." Arngeir shifted in his seat, informing them all right then. "Then we are ready to proceed. Jarl Ulfric. General Tullius. This council is unprecedented. We are gathered here at the Dragonborn's request. I ask that you all respect the spirit of High Hrothgar and do your best to begin the process of achieving a lasting peace in Skyrim. Who would like to open the negotiations?" Ulfric raised his tankard for more ale, while quickly jumping in with a prideful grin. "Yes. Let's get down to it. We want control of Markarth. That's our price for agreeing to a truce." The Jarl at the end by Arngeir scoffed loudly and leaned forward to glare at Ulfric with complete shock.
To Jack's surprise, Elisif leaned in to snap back in her mousy voice. "So that's why you're here, Ulfric? You dare to insult the Greybeards by using this council to advance your own position?" General Tullius raised a hand to silence Elisif, telling her seriously. "Jarl Elisif, I'll handle this." Elisif gave him a confused look of horror, before rushing out. "General, this is outrageous! You can't be taking this demand seriously! I thought we were here to discuss a truce!" Tullius pointed a stern finger at Elisif, snapping out more heatedly. "Elisif! Enough! I said I'd handle this!" Jack watched the other Jarls tense as if the General had insulted every single one of them. It certainly rubbed the other female Jarls the wrong way. Slamming a hand on the table, Jack pointed a stern finger at Tullius and snapped out just as heatedly. "Hey! Knock it off! She has a right to speak here." Tullius barely acknowledged him. Instead, he looked to Ulfric to tell him boldly. "Ulfric, you can't seriously expect us to give up Markarth at the negotiations table."
A smug grin spread over Tullius's face as he continued on with a mocking tone. "You hope to gain in council what you've been unable to take in battle, is that it?" Jack tensed feeling like that was an attempt to provoke Ulfric into a fight. Arngeir must have sensed it too, because he casually added in with care. "I'm sure Jarl Ulfric does not expect something for nothing." Legate Rikke crossed her arms over her chest, mumbling to the Housecarl. "Yes, that'd be entirely out of character." Arngeir extended a hand out toward Tullius, asking rather nicely. "So, what would the Empire want in return?" Tullius's grin turned devilish and Jack frowned. This wasn't right. Arngeir was feeding this war with talk like that. Elisif saw it too. Placing a hand on the General's shoulder, she desperately retorted in a subtle plea. "Wait. General, you don't intend to just hand over Markarth to that... Traitor!" Jarl Balgruuf shook his head in disbelief, uttering out. "This is how the Empire repays us for our loyalty?"
Tullius slapped Elisif's hand off his shoulder and slammed his hand on the table, ordering everyone sharply. "Enough! Both of you! First off, let's be clear. This council wasn't my idea. I think it's was a waste of time." Jack clenched his jaw, feeling slightly insulted. Tullius straightened up in his seat, pointing at Ulfric as he stated harshly. "You are a traitor to the Empire, and you deserve a traitor's death. But I at least will negotiate in good faith. So..." Tullius suddenly shifted in his seat to flash Jack a wicked grin, upon saying. "Since we're all here at your request, I'd like to hear what you think Markarth is worth?" All eyes turned to Jack, causing Jack to sit up straighter. This felt like the opposite of a negotiation. This was dick fight between two children trying to get the better toy. Lifting his chin, he told them sternly. "These aren't just holds you can stamp a value on... These are people's homes and lives." Tullius gave him a careless shrug, telling him with mock innocence. "Fine. I'll make it easy for you. Riften or Winterhold? As Dragonborn, no one will question what you think is of value to another."
Jack hesitated. He had let himself be backed into a corner. Everyone knew that Riften was full of thieves and nothing more. He couldn't even compare it to Markarth because he couldn't recall if he had ever been there. He had traveled so much all over Skyrim that everything just kind of blurred together. He didn't want to offer Winterhold simply because the College was there. He didn't want the war to spill out on the grounds of the College, or have the Legion hound them to join their cause. He was stuck and starting to crack under pressure. He was just about to blurt something out, when Mark put a hand on his shoulder and kneeled down to whisper in his ear. Mark's hand was a great comfort, while his words were soothing. Mark knew the places they were talking about and his reasoning was solid. After he finished talking, Mark squeezed his shoulder and moved back. Regaining his posture, Jack told them all seriously. "Riften. The Rift would help your people secure communications with Cyrodiil and would put you at Ulfric's Southern flank. Just as Markarth would put him at yours." Ulfric snorted, climbing out of his chair with disgust. Tullius flashed his smug grin in Ulfric's direction, prominently purring out. "You heard the man, Ulfric. We've made you a fair offer. Are you serious about these talks, or are you just here to posture?" Ulfric ignored Tullius, turning his icy glare instead on Jack to growl out with disappointment. "I expected better from you, Dragonborn. I came here in good faith, and now it seems you help the Empire at every turn." A pang of shame gripped Jack's heart. He didn't like disappointing anyone.
Ulfric turned his gaze then to Tullius, growling out even more bitterly. "As for you General Tullius, I see now that Galmar was right. Talking to the Empire is just as useless as ever. If you think you can hold Markarth, you're as deluded as your dead Emperor when he signed away our freedom to the damn Thalmor! Skyrim will never again bow to your false Empire!" Ulfric gestured Galmar to follow him out, grumbling out shortly. "Let's go, Galmar. I should have listened to you in the first place." Tullius leaned back in his seat, chuckling out aloud. "You always were a fool, Ulfric. You're no better at diplomacy than you are on the battlefield." Jack saw other Jarls starting to rise and bolted to his feet to yell out with a stern voice. "STOP! Are you so blind to our danger that you can't see past your petty disagreements?!" Jack swatted his tankard off the table, letting it clatter loudly to the ground as he bitterly scolded them. "Here you sit arguing about... NOTHING! While the fate of Skyrim's future hangs in the balance!"
Ulfric skidded to a halt, turning to point a stern finger back at him as he shouted back angrily. "Watch your tongue! I will not be treated like this! After everything the Empire has done to oppress us, you'd sit there and play fair with them?!" Jack lost his temper, yelling back with twice the aggression. "I advise you to sit your FUCKING ARSE DOWN and listen to what I have to say! I'VE HAD ENOUGH OF THIS PETTY SHITE!" Ulfric spit on the floor and turned to walk on. Jack took a sudden deep breath and shouted aloud. "TIID KLO UL!" Time rippled to a stop, allowing Jack to rush across the room without anyone seeing him move, or even having the ability to try and stop him. Kicking the door shut as hard as he could, he turned to stand in front of it as time resumed. Jack was so pissed off that as time resumed, the door didn't just slam behind him... it slammed so hard that it splintered and jammed itself in the door frame barely on its hinges. All around the room, Jarls jumped from their seats at the reverberating noise of it, or at the fact that Jack just seemed to vanish and reappear clear across the room.
Pointing toward Ulfric's seat, Jack stared down a surprised Ulfric and murderously hissed out through his teeth. "Get your fucking arse back in your seat! I'm not done. And I'm through going around in fucking circles with all of you!" To Be Continued...
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