Part 12
As Jack quickly dressed himself, Mark swung his legs off the bed. He pushed back his long dark bangs, before asking a little groggy from sleep. "Hang on a second. Slow down. We already had plans to go there just before sunrise... Come back to bed". Jack hopped on one foot as he tugged on his boot, answering more awake and panicky than ever. "I can't wait. Akatosh told me to go NOW. I don't know why... but I have a feeling that if I don't go... Well, I don't think anyone has ever told him 'no' and lived". Mark rubbed his tired eyes, chuckling as he gently added. "Sounds about right. Alright... I guess I'm up". Mark stood up and Jack stepped in front of him to plead tenderly. "You don't have to go. You can stay here. I'll be back". Mark rolled his eyes sarcastically, bluntly stating out. "Right, because you know how to get there? You'll just blend right in with the nords... with your green hair and magic... What could possibly go wrong". Jack crossed his arms and shot Mark a sour look. Mark lifted Jack's chin up slightly, telling him sweetly. "Don't pout at me. I'm going and you're just going to have to deal with it, baby". Jack swatted his hand away, grumbling out bitterly. "Fine. Then hurry up already"! Mark flashed him a smug grin, running his hand over Jack's shoulder as he walked passed him to the wardrobe.
Jack finished stuffing his knapsack and hefted the straps over his shoulders. Hearing the stairs squeak behind him, Jack turned around to ask Mark a bit coldly. "Are you ready, yet"? The moment his eyes saw Mark his heart skipped. He had forgotten how good Mark looked in Branded Iron Armor. The only thing his armor was missing was a helmet, but Mark never wore one. He always complained the thing just blocked his view. Mark dropped his own knapsack at his feet, informing him casually. "I think I have everything now. What"? Blushing Jack turned away, mumbling out mostly to himself. "Nothing. Let's go". Jack exited the house and waited for Mark to lock up. The sun wasn't up yet. The small village of Riverwood looked so haunting at this hour. The only people up and about were the guards. Casting shadows with their torches as they quietly patrolled the streets. Mark dropped a hand on his shoulder to steer him off in the right direction. In just a few feet, they had left Riverwood and crossed over a stony bridge. It was at this point that Mark asked him about his dream. Now that no one could overhear them. Jack told him everything he could remember about it, before snapping out. "Akatosh is something, huh? Why is it so damn hard for him to say what is going to happen? Instead of leaving me confused and frustrated with these demands".
Mark kept pace beside him as he answered more respectfully. "You're thinking about this all wrong, Jack. Akatosh is a god of time. I'm sure to him, time has no meaning. A century could pass like a day to him. It's even possible that his mind is split between the past, present, and future. Hell, I bet he rarely talks to anyone at all. So, maybe he's just out of practice. I like to believe that he just wants us to think for ourselves. He guides us when we stray... but for the most part... I think he just watches how it all plays out. You can't stop a river from flowing, but you can't control where it goes. You know"? Jack nodded, before mumbling out bitterly. "It still pisses me off though. I just don't get what that dream was trying to tell me". They started to crest the hill of the trail, while Mark told him thoughtfully. "It sounds familiar to me for some reason... but I don't know why. When we get to Whiterun, I may know who to ask though. She's pretty knowledgeable in fortune telling. She's almost never wrong". Jack rolled his eyes and Mark nudged him playfully, shooting back innocently. "I saw that! Don't roll your eyes at me. Here you are. A mage. And you are doubting HER abilities to tell the future". Jack playfully shoved Mark back, replying with a smile. "It's complicated, alright". Now Mark rolled his eyes, as he replied stubbornly. "Ya, ok". They shared a warm smile, but it faded as they looked farther up the road.
Four heavily armed Imperial soldiers were escorting a man dressed in torn rags. From the look of their prisoner, Jack guessed the man was a nord. The prisoners hands were bound in tight rope and the Imperial soldiers around him looked ready for a fight. As they slowly started to catch up, one of the Imperial guards dropped a hand to his blade hilt. His voice threatening as he spat out to them. "Eyes on the road, travelers. Imperial business. Move along". Jack felt Mark's hand touch his arm protectively. He knew what that meant. If trouble started up, Mark was going to yank him aside and engage them. Jack nodded politely to the guards and tried to quicken his pace. As they passed by, the prisoner shouted after Mark. "Hey Nord! You should be with your brothers fighting for Skyrim! Not cowering beneath an Imperial boot like a dog"! Jack's heart sank as he saw Mark disappear from his side view. Turning around, Jack reached out to take Mark's hand. He had to get Mark moving again, before he got them into trouble. The prisoner laughed loudly, jabbing out to Mark as he passed by. "If you know any TRUE sons or daughters of Skyrim, tell them to join the Stormcloaks. We don't, however, need the gutless ones like YOU"! Jack stepped closer to Mark, staring into those emotionless eyes he always got before a fight, and whispered softly. "Mark, don't let him rile you up. It's what he wants".
For a moment, Jack wasn't entirely sure that Mark was listening to him. Then all of a sudden, he blinked and continued walking. Jack hated the fact that they would have to pass the asshole again... but the faster they did, the better. This time as they passed the stormcloak prisoner, Mark shot back at him without looking at him. "Looks to me like all the good fighters are on the other side". Jack's eyes widened in dread and he practically pulled Mark into a sprint to get away faster. The Imperial guards at least got a laugh out of it, but Jack shook his head disapprovingly at Mark. Mark shrugged back at him, saying simply. "Oh, relax. He was an asshole. I could have kicked his ass with my bare hands. He's a wanna be". Jack sighed loudly, glancing back over his shoulder at the soldiers as he softly snapped back. "Mark... Just keep that kind of shite to yourself, alright? I've already had a brush with these Imperials once and I'd very much like to avoid a second time". Mark nodded at him, raising his hands up in surrender as he admitted softly. "Alright. I'm sorry. Jack watch-"!
Jack faced forward just a second too late. Bumping straight into a Whiterun guard that was coming out of the Honningbrew Meadery. Jack quickly straightened himself up, nervously telling the man in a rush. "I'm so sorry, sir. I was just-". The Whiterun guard cut him off by dropping his hands down firmly on Jack's shoulders and slurring out in a matter-of-factly tone. "Ssss'alright... Did ja know... I usssssed to be an adventurer-er-er like you.... but then I took an arrow RIGHT to the knee". Jack stared blankly at the man as he seemed to lean away, before falling back across the ground. Beside him, Mark started talking deep breaths and acting like he might have the hiccups. Jack blinked, asking Mark casually. "What the hell"? With that, Mark lost it. He bent over laughing so loudly that he scared a few birds from their nests. Jack bent down over the guard, scowling at Mark as he said seriously. "Mark, it's not funny". Mark took a deep breath in order to tell him quickly. "The look on your face when he fell! Oh gods, I can't breathe"! Mark burst out laughing again and Jack seriously asked over his laughter. "What should we do"? Mark took a moment to calm down a little, before he told him. "That's Vaughn. The worst but funniest guard you'll ever meet. He shouldn't be a guard, but his brother is one of the top dogs here. Just leave him there. He'll be fine".
Jack climbed to his feet, asking Mark in utter disbelief. "That's normal for him"? Mark nodded, stating with a smirk. "Ya. For the most part. Nords love their drink. Come on". Mark stepped over Vaughn's arm and pointed up at the large wooden hold, as he told Jack. "Welcome to Whiterun. It looks better in the daytime... but I can't say the same for the people inside it". Jack stepped around Vaughn's body to follow Mark toward the Whiterun Stables, telling him in warning. "Mark"! Mark waved a dismissive hand at him, telling him with a chuckle. "I was just kidding. Come on". To Be Continued...
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