Part 11
It had felt like decades since Jack had felt Mark's warm body against his. His body was so familiar, but all his new muscular curves made him so foreign. The cool warmth Mark's body produced is what he had come to love the most. In this chilly Skyrim air, Mark's body was a warm blanket that he desperately wanted to snuggle into to avoid the cold. Mark's hands slid down his bare chest, warming his cold skin as he moved it farther down to his hip. The clash of the night air overpowering Mark's warmth along his skin, caused him to shiver. He stared up at Mark expecting him to smile... but he was distracted. Mark leaned in over his chest to press his warm lips against his hardening nipple. Jack tilted his head back against the bed furs, biting his lower lip. Mark was taking his time with him. Learning everything about his body all over again. Not wanting to miss a single detail and he loved it. The moment Mark lifted his head away, Jack leaned in to graze his teeth gently against Mark's broad shoulder. Tasting the saltiness of his skin and feeling Mark's arms pull him closer. Mark's hand slid down along his leg, hooking under the joint to pull his leg over his hip. Jack gasped against Mark's neck as he felt Mark's hips shift up against his. Mark's manhood was already aching for him, but he had much more control over it than he did over his own. He had been without Mark for so long that simply being touched there would set him off. Mark's warm breath washed over his cold neck and Jack jerked in surprise. He couldn't control himself. Having Mark this close after so long had him in ecstasy.
Now he felt Mark smile against his skin as his warm hand slipped between them. Jack tried to stop him. He grabbed Mark's elbow... He wanted to tell him to stop before he touched him...but it was too late. Mark's fingers barely slid over the soft skin off his manhood, before he felt the tremor run through him! Digging his fingers uncontrollably into Mark's skin, Jack felt himself release. His body finally finding its voice as a sharp moan rang out through the house. Dropping back against the bed, Jack blushed and felt shameful. He didn't want it end like that. Mark just kept staring down at him with a soft smile, until Jack turned his head away, whispering out sadly. "I'm sorry... I tried to warn you". Mark's warm palm slid under his cheek, turning his head back to look up at him. Staring down at him with those soft golden brown eyes of his, Mark told him in a deep buttery voice. "Jack... I knew. I wanted nothing more than to hear your voice again". That made Jack blush harder and he twisted onto his stomach to meekly hide away. His voice barely audible amongst all the thick bed furs. "Oh Gods...". Jack listened to Mark chuckle. The sound was so relaxing to his ears. Beside him, Mark laid down across his back. His fingers tracing light circles along Jack's back. Another shiver ran through Jack and he moved closer to Mark. Snuggling against his warm side and draping an arm across his waist.
Mark wrapped his own arm around Jack, sliding his other hand up and down his cold arm. As his body warmed up, Jack smiled against Mark's side. He couldn't help it. He was happy. This is all he ever wanted in his life. All he ever needed. As he felt himself start to drift off, he told himself that he would make this up to Mark. The next time would be better. The next time... he'd take his time with him...
Jack looked around and didn't recognize anything. The buildings looked like dark charred shambles damped by the falling rain. Above him, the rain fell from a dark sky. There was no stars... It was nothing but a sky of heavy grey smoke... but there wasn't a fire in sight. Raising his hand he conjured up the spell for candlelight. It was almost blinding in this darkness. Beneath him was a narrow street of cobblestone. As he walked slowly down the road, he could hear nothing. Not the rain. Not the crackling of fires. No whistling of wind. No birds. Not even his own foot steps. Everything was just deafening silence. Overhead, a searing white light burned through the grey clouds above for a split second. Before everything fell back into darkness around him. Then as he stepped into the town square, he saw a huddled mass of dirty starving people. They stared at him with hollow emotionless eyes and as he approached them, they backed away in fear. They appeared to be whispering to each other... but he heard nothing. He extended a hand toward a woman who was sitting close by and she scrambled away from him. What was this place? Why was everyone afraid of him? Something big flew high in the clouded sky and all the people around him quickly started to bow down. It looked like they were bowing to him... but when he told them to get up... he couldn't hear his own voice! Startled, he touched his throat. What was going on?
Suddenly two forms burst from the clouds. Two large dragons. They were locked in a savage battle... yet still there was no sound. Jack watched confused as the dragons tore at each other. He felt like he should do something! Anything! When he felt a chill run up his back. Fear. The people weren't bowing to him... slowly turning around. He looked up at the massive form of a large black dragon! He recognized this one from Helgen! The black dragon stared up at the two battling dragons overheard with a sharp toothed grin, enjoying the show. Jack took a hesitant step back away from the massive beast. He didn't understand any of this. The black dragon slowly lowered it's head to stare down at him with piercing flaming red eyes! The black dragon manically opened it's massive jaws to reveal the bright flame forming in it's throat... and Jack quickly glanced around at the people behind him. They weren't bowing anymore. They were hugging each other in silent screams. When he turned back to the dragon, he saw the burst of white hot flames burst forth and raised his hand to conjure a Ward. He didn't believe it was any good, but he was going to die anyway. Only it did work! The black dragon arched his neck back in frustration like a snake. Then shot it's head forward like it was going to eat him whole! When everything around him changed. He was in some kind of stone room facing a large grey wall.
On the wall was a weird depiction of a dragon attacking a man... A man who had his hand raised out to a dragon. As Jack tried to decipher what it could mean, a voice he had heard before spoke faintly all around him saying. "When misrule takes its place at the eight corners of the world, When the brass tower walks and time is reshaped, When the thrice-blessed fail and the red tower trembles, When the dragonborn ruler loses his throne, and the white tower falls, When the snow tower lies sundered, kingless, bleeding, The earth-eater wakes, and the wheel turns upon the last Dragonborn". The second the voice faded away, everything fell into that same white abyss and Jack yelled out desperately. "I don't understand! What do you want from me"?! Turning around to look in all directions, he saw the massive golden dragon with stunning white eyes. Catching his breath, Jack rushed out. "Akatosh, please. I don't understand. Just tell me what you want, please"! The golden dragon looked away to a large hour glass, watching the sand start to fall as he told Jack distractedly. "Go to Whiterun, Dovahkiin. For you, time is short". Jack shrugged, asking Akatosh hopefully. "Can't you just tell me? What am I suppose to look for"? Akatosh turned to look back at him, and billowed out in a loud powerful commanding voice. "GO"! Before Jack could refuse him, the golden dragons tail swept across the ground at hit him square in the chest!
Jack bolted upright in bed, gasping for breath and rubbing his chest. Beside him, Mark jerked awake, pulling a dagger out from under his pillow and sitting up to scan the room! Jack grabbed the wrist holding the dagger, telling Mark a bit winded. "It's alright... I just had a... weird dream". Mark lowered his hand down across his lap, asking him with worry in his voice and eyes. "What kind of weird dream"? Climbing off the bed, Jack began to gather up his clothes as he answered bluntly. "You were right. We need to go to Whiterun now. Something is there that I have to see". To Be Continued...
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