*chapter 5* mission
This may suck sorry
Sandra and I head to the guild.
I'm wearing this.
We walk in the guild, "hey y/n want to go on a job? " natsu asks with his signature grin. "Yeah Lucy is coming too! " happy adds. "Why not. " I answer. "Great! " they all say.
Time skip brought to you by buns
(You know what I mean and you know who you are ;)
"Soo what's this job? " I ask. "Well we are supposed to take down down some raiders. " Lucy replies. "Yeah should be a piece of cake! " natsu says. "Well yeah unless they are magic users as well. " I tell him. "What makes you say that? " Lucy asks. "Well because they are right there above us all using wing magic. " I reply. " well now that's an issue. " San says.
We all start fighting. One hits me in the arm. "Y/n! " they all yell. But it doesn't put a scratch on me. They are all confused. I turn around with a angry face. "Uh oh." Happy says. "Haha you guys are in trouble now! " natsu says. "You all better run! " Lucy adds.
Natsu p. O. V
Come to think of it, I've never seen y/n use her magic. Its probably powerful since she is a wind lighting dragon slayer. "Lighting wind dragon roooaaaarrr!!! " I hear her yell. Sh-she wiped them all out. All of them. How though, how? I look over to her and she isn't even sweating, not one drop. I see lucy has the same reaction I do. That's probably why she didn't use it in the guild.
Y/n p. O. V.
Finaly those pests are gone. I see natsu, Lucy and happy are all in shock. Oops, I didn't mean to scare them. "I'm sorry. " I say. "Why a re you sorry? " Lucy asks. "I-" I get cut off. "That.was.awesome!!!" I hear natsu and happy yell. "What? " I say. "That was so cool you didn't even sweat a drop! " natsu states. "Huh? " I say. "How did you do that? " happy asks. "You didn't even use a drop of you magic?! " Lucy adds. "Well I guess because I know so many spells. " I respond.
Time skip back to the guild, you guys are gonna hate me...
We are back... Windy gives me a hug. "What is it windy? " I ask worried. "Someone bullied me, th-they jumped out of the shadows and knocked me out and stole all my money! " she says teary.
Natsus p. O. V
(I know I only do natsus and y/NS POV but it's because it goes to the story)
I see y/n's face go blank and she asks, "who?! What do they look like?! " she asks expressionless. It gives me shivers down my spine. Windy describes the person. I see y/n run out the guild. I run after her but when I get outside she's gone?
Y/n P. O. V
She describes them and I run. I smell them. I see them. I found them. I jump out in front of them with a small grin on my face. "Move it freak! " I hear them yell. I don't budge. They try and get around me but I grab the're shirt and pick them up. "How the heck are you so strong your a girl?! " he yells. "Hehe now now be a good boy and give me the stuff you stole from my blue headed friend today. " I smirk. "Look freak, I won't give it to you! " he punches me in the face. He has rock powers (that means he can turn his fist into a rock) I don't budge all it does is split my lip. "Hehe bad move. " I say licking my lip. "Wh-what are you?! " he yells with fear in his eyes. I get close and sister in his ears. "Your worst nightmare. " I throw him to the wall. He's instantly knocked out. (Not dead!) I grad the stuff and walk back to the guild.
I walk back in and everyone looks at me. "Here." I say sliding windy stuff on the table to her. She smiles and hugs me. "Thank you! " she yells. "How did you get hurt? " natsu asks.
"Not important, just that windy happy. " I say with a smile. "But he was a rock wizard? " windy says. "How did you take down a rock wizard in that time and only get a split lip?! " gray asks. "Oh I have a split lip? " I say. I heal my lip. "Wait how?! " they ask. "Oh I can't heal and do support magic only on myself unlike Wendy. " I respond. "Oh, but I knew you were strong, but a rock wizard in that amount of time? " Erza asks. "Yeah, like I've said I've trained a lot with a lot of different spells, soo." I respond, they all say, "ok." But I can tell they are all confused. "Trust me you don't want her mad at you... " san says. "Shut.up." I say to her. She looks at me, "oh I'm so sorry! " she yells. "Its fine but we agreed not to talk about it." I say. Everyone looks confused. "Y/-" lissana gets cut off by a look from San like a 'don't ask' in a scared kinda way.
*Time skip brought to you by... The near to death rock wizard
"Well Time to hit the hay! " I say jumping on my bed. I close my eyes and slowly go to sleep. I wake up to a. Shader!! Crash!!
Hey! You guys like the chapter? You guys like the book so far??? Comment down below! I would love to knoww hat y'all think of it so far!!! Bai lovelies!!
953 words!
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