*chapter 12* i love you
Uh hm. Ok now that I have your attention! I will not be posting next Friday, Saturday and possibly Sunday! If I do it will be really short or something like that.
Ok enjoy!
I wake up really tired and head to my house. I walk in and see natsu. "Natsu? " I ask. "Yeah? " he reply. "What are you doing here? " I ask confused. "Well since you weren't here sans and I decided we'd help clean up, we also didn't want to wake you up because you were so darn cute! " he says pinching my cheek. I look at the clock, it's 5: 30! "Crap! " I yell. "What? " natsu pets go of my cheeks. "Ugh I was supposed to pay my rent by 12: 00 today! " I pour sitting on the couch. "Don't worry we already paid for it. " he smiles. "Really? " I look at him with cute eyes not noticing it. "Yeah, you were hurt and we couldn't have you go homeless! " he says with a big grin. "OK I'll make you food for a reward. " I say standing up. "Yay food! " sans and natsu yell.
"Don-" I was cut off by natsu kissing my lips. He pulls away. "Food! " he yells. I move out of the way and put plates in the table. Natsu sans and I sit down at the table. "By the way where's happy? " I ask. "He's with Carla and Lilly. " natsu says. Sans fly's out the window. Probably goingt of Lilly to hang out. "Hehe." I giggle. "Ok I'm going to bed need any help? " natsu asks. "Nope just need to do the dishes and go to bed. " I respond. "OK night! " natsu says hugging me. "Night! " I respond. I go do the dishes then head to bed.
Morning time is here!
My eyes flutter open then I head to the family room. I see natsu reading a magazine. He looks at me and smiles. I wave at him.
"Morning! " natsu yells. "Morning" I say while yawning. "I'll go make breakfast. That's when I noticed what he's reading.... Sorcerer weekly. He was looking at me in a maid outfit and bikinis. " natsu! " I yell blushing a deep deep red. "What?! " he yells confused. "Why are you reading that?! " I yell back. "What am I not aloud to look at my girlfriend in a magizine? " he asks. "Finnnnnee.. " I say going to the kitchen.
All the sudden panther Lilly fly's in. "Y/n! Sans been captured!! " he yells at me. "What?! " I yell back. I run to my room and change.
Time skip brought to you by bunzz 😘
We've been searching for hours. It's now 1: 00 a.m. I'm so tired but have to keep searching. "Y/n, please we need to head home. " natsu says worried. "I can't. " I say and keep searching. "Y/n your tired and need sleep! You'll pass out if you fight because of lack of sleep! " he yells at me. "Fine." I say and then it go's black.
It's now morning and I wake up. It's 10: 00 a. m. I see natsu it a chair with his head in my bed. He must've carried me home. In sorry natsu I should have listened. All the sudden I start to cry but nitt I loud to wake natsu. But I think he has super hearing for just when I cry because he woke up imeadetly. "Y/n? " he asks. "I'm sorry, go back to sleep I'll stop. " I say wiping my tears. "No please tell me what's wrong? " he asks with concern in his eyes. "No I'm fine. " I reply. "No your not. " he says firmly. I start to cry again. "It's ok y/n, I love you. " he says hugging me. "No! You can't love me! " I yell. He pulls me away with shock in his eyes. "What! Why can't I love you?! " he asks angry but worried. "Everyone I love, or if they love me gets hurt! " I yell sobbing. "It's ok, but I'll never leave you ever. " he says holding me tighter. "B-but you don't know that. You should just leave and forget about me. " I say barely getting my words out. "Stop! Don't ever say that to me again! I will always love you and I'll never leave you! I love you y/n and that will never change! " he yells looking me in the eyes. "I-im sorry! " I yell hugging him tightly. "It's ok. " he says stroking me lightly on my head. "I need to tell you something. " I say wiping my tears. What am I doing!! I can't tell him. He will never love me after this!! Please y/n don't tell him. Please!! I can't! I can't!!!!!
"Yeah? " he looks at me in the eyes. "I-i did something I regret and it haunt me every night. " I say. He looks at me concerned."you know how most dragon slayers don't remember what happened to them before they met there dragons?" I say with tears running down my face.he looks worried, "most?" He asks."yeah well I remember it all to well, and it was a nightmare." I said.he looks at me shocked but I continue"It was my birthday...
Flash back
" ok y/n blow out your candles!" My mom says smiling at me. My dad and sister are there too. I blow out my candles. "Happy 4th birthday my baby girl! " my dad yells. "Yeah happy birthday sister! " my older sister yells. All the sudden I feel this, power surge run through my body. Then there was a lightning explosion. My house was gone. My family was gone. But why am I still here? Then it hit me... It was me... I killed them... I lost controle over my power.... Why no how could I do that... I killed them!!!!
End flash back
"After that I met charzeray. But I killed them my own flesh and blood!" I yell sobbing while hugging natsu. "It's not your fault, you lost controle you were only four. It's ok. " he hugs me tighter. "Natsu, I love you. " I say to him. Soon after that I fell asleep.
Heyo!! This was a long chapter, hope you enjoyed!!! Because I know I did! This is the longest chapter I have ever done! Bai!!!
Also tell me what you think!!
1061 words.
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